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.. _ _ � <br /> k � <br /> �' <br />�' � � _ Deec�. I�eco �-c� . <br />� � ��� <br />� <br /> _____ _ ___ ______.__ _ <br /> ' ma a, epu ican r n ing o. <br /> __ <br /> � —_- — _. <br /> �` FROM ' <br /> �j , , , > FiLFn Fox, RECORn and entered on Numerical Index this;........ � �� !i <br />, ;i Unlon Paelfie Railway Company � <br /> � � <br /> '� TO of..._ ____.._...�. _ .....A.D.1890,at-- _. D. �. j <br /> ......o'clock and____M---- _._„minutes„__„ _,_M. ; <br /> �i �— % �!� I <br /> t � . , <br />� ': �,!`L.✓�'2/r/L CF/�,.. l�L-,... �.G�G�Gt�Yir.. ,..... . �.................................................................._�................................................................ y <br />, , _....._. .... . ... __ _ ...... ... . . . .. _........................ � <br />, . Gounty Clerk, �� <br />, {! i <br /> liBY......................................................................_.....��... ...... ......._.................. <br /> .... 4 <br /> � _ _._... - -- ............. . -.--........ _..._.. ............ Deputy. p <br /> - <br /> �� -' � � �� <br />��— -- _�.:_-_-_-_-_-:_:__,_—:--�_=_=�=—. —_— . <br /> i� T �IE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. �' <br /> :, <br /> �� � I7.1�770hT DIVISIOl�.--1zEBRASKA. Deed No.....i.,Sa.Z..�.�... �i <br /> I <br /> Know al1 M en by these P resents, That the UNION PACIFIC RAIL`VAY GObiPANY, wbich is a Corporation formed and eaiating by the consolidation of the �� <br />� KAN8A9 YACIFIQ RAILWAY CObSYANY�thC DF,NVER PaCIFIC KAILWAY AND TELICQRAPH COMPANY� 3Ld the UNION PACIFIO I�AILROAD COMPANY� under th0 corporate n&tri8 &nd style of the �j <br />' i UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�iYANY, by authority of an act of Coogress,entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad aUd telegriph line from the M�ssouri River to the Pacific jj <br /> i ' Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the same for postal, military an�i other purposes,"approved July 1, 1862,avd acts amend�tory thereof, which said Compnny has sncceeded to and (! <br /> i !i become seized and possessed of all the real estate aud property of the raid constituent companies, whetner real, personal or miged, and, among other things,of all the land granted to said UNioN � <br /> PACiFiO RAIL�oan CoMraxY by the atoresaid acts of Con�ress,in aid of the construction of its road,not conveyed a�way by said Company at the date of such consolidation(to wit, Jannary 24, 1880), "I <br />� ;I in conaideration of the sum of_._�/�..Z��LG�...i,2uLt�'�_�� _......_ �.!�D.00�.. ._,. ...._.. .................. _..._._..... _....... . . ._..... .................................................................................Dollars, I� <br /> . r ! <br />� to it paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby G�ANT� BABGAIN�tiSELL AND CONVEX� nnto_..,.�/�qy��.__...��,...�1�L2�!l.�Il�li...............................:..........:...................................... � <br /> ' ..,......... ..............of the County of,.........................��CLP�...........................iu the 5tate of.........C/C..£�Y.G.��r�...................................................... <br /> �I <br /> , ..................... _.... . .:........ .......... . <br />�� � the following described Real Estate, sitiaate,lying andbeiug in the County of Hall and in the State of Nebraska,and described as follows,to�vit:,._..................:.................................................................. �� <br /> ; .............. � <br /> � _.._......_..__ __....... ,,_ __._..._... ._.._..... _. _._ _. _... ___ _.._... -- -. . ................... ...............................................................................:................................................................. <br /> p 'p � � - --� <br /> __ _. _ _ c��e._ _�G�.�c_ ��% _ _.��.�._ ����_��z' .1�,`'�:���— .._ . ���.��..��� ..................................................... ...................................................................................... <br /> � <br /> �' � � � � <br /> i; �i <br /> ..........._.................._........._._......................... ._ . .................................._.............................................................._................................................................................................................................................................................... �; <br /> i <br /> � <br /> _. ..... .._ . .. _... � <br /> , ..... _... ............................................................................................................... . . ................................ � <br /> , <br /> -•............................................ . . ............... ............ ...... ....... ...... ..................... . <br /> . ... .. <br /> . ............................... <br /> ..................... ... . .. ..... <br /> ... , <br /> i �i <br /> ....._.. ......... .._....... .........._ ......_. .__..... .......... _............ . . .._....... ...... ....._.. ... ...... _....... ......... ........................................................................................................................................................... <br />'', . � -"---"-------`-`---------"--------------�---------------------------------------'------� ----_.'---------"--'-----'-'---....._°.....-'-"-' <br /> � <br /> .........'-"-_....""'_'.......-""--'----�----------'-'-_'----'..._......"'.......""-'--""-"-".....-°-"""".........................._"""""""""_'..:..._....... � <br /> ( <br />' �� •"-""-"'_-.•_"""°--'-'_-------'_....._"'--. ..._---------"---------------"__"-'--"""""'•'-_.............._---------------------------------------------`—'-................ � � <br /> ,�� '-'---""-'-"---"-"._...._....."'-'-"""-••""-'-"""-"-'---'-'.-'-""-'---"'_"-'_""_""""-"""'_-"'--"'-'-"_""' <br /> �i <br /> ; ......................... ....... ...... .... . . ... ............................................................................................................................................._..................................... ....................................... i� <br /> _�/ g ' th 8th Pn ' <br /> of Section No..........G�/..Jill.�/%.'�...�fit/f.../�.......,.�^4..� Townehip No.......,L2�Lf,�!/..'T./.k�....�1�.......................:.....North of R�nge No......�a.A�Z�1/.."f.11�L:.��...�°�'.�............of e 'ncipal �� , <br /> ! Meridian, containing according to the United St�tes gurvev thereof................ '� <br /> , ................ ..... ................................ .�.�..�.G?��0�.....���..............................:.....................................................Acrea, more or �i <br /> ;; less, being the same premises contra�ted to be soid to.........�CJ..,�'"�.....:�.!�?.:����.........................................................................................byContrac��No!�.......Sj�..c1.P..� � �I <br /> „ ... ......................................... �� <br /> �� dated �.1......l.��c�:. .............................................. °I <br /> � ..............� . .........................................................................................................................................................................................:................................................................................................. ; <br /> ;; � � <br /> � <br /> , , <br /> _..............................................................................................._............................................................................._....._ <br /> ................................................................................................. <br /> ............................................................................................................ <br /> i <br /> _ . ........ . .... .._ _. .... ..__ _ ....... _.... . . ................................................ <br /> .............. . .. . ........... � <br /> .......... R <br /> To Nave end to Holtl the snid premises with all the rights�nd appurtenancee therennto belongiug nnto the said $rantee,,,,..,,.�,,,,.,,,.,,heirs and assigne forever,and the said grantor � <br /> , <br /> aey the ame,ORnd ihat it wileW_R$nrTeand DE ENhn hekit e to saidlpremf�ses unto the sa dl�rantee,he sai�m�eirs and asaigns fore ertaga nst the lawful cla s otfta•1 per ons�whomsoever con �I i <br /> � Excepting, How�ver,all taxes and assessmevts leviecl upon said premises since..._.......� �/,._./���..... __ . __._. .,_......:. ..........and eacept aaainst �ny claims or incum- ,I ' <br /> ! brances created or permitted by,through, or under said.........��(,ey �.....�!%rYL_f-Gwr/�- - �__. _ , _ __ oi ._.�i�/Z........snecessors,heirs or assigns or any of them <br /> ,rrn Wxr:RE�e, said Uxiox PnciFiC RaiLROnn CoMrAxY di�on the sixteenth day of Arril,A.D,ls6i,execute and deliver to Cyivs H.Mef;ormick,oY the Cit�of New York,and John Duff,oi the Citv of Bos � <br /> ton,a certain Mortgage lleed of that date,wherein said Comgany conveve�to the said Cyrus Ii.McCormick and John Duff,as i'rustees,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,amon� others the lands here3nbefore <br /> described; Axn WiiERFes,Lhe s�id Cyrus H.McCormick did on tlie twenty-eighth day of Juue,A.D.1873,by a proper instrnment oi writing to that effect,resigv his place as Tiustee under said mortga e deed,whi�h i� <br /> resi nation was on the fifteenth day of Uctober,A.D.1873,accepted by the Uxiox PnarFrr,$atLROnn ConzraxY by its Board oY Directors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and �tate o1 drIassa- ( <br /> chusetts; Arrn 'Wfir:x.Fas,on the fifteenth day of October,A.ll.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the State o�1�Iassacliusetts,was duly nominated by the rem�ining Trustee,John Duff,as successor to said Cyrus H. !� <br /> McCormick,which nomination was,on the same day,approved Uy tl�e Board of Directors of the said Uxrox PaciF�zo Rair.xonn ComraxY; Axv WxER�as by such nomination and approval said Frederick L.�1mes did, <br /> upon his acceptance LliereoP,t}iereafter Uecome vested with the ,ame estates,powers,rights and interests,and charKed with the sa�me duties and responsibili�ies,as iP he had been one of the original Trustees named in and � <br /> executing,said Mortgage,Deed; Axv WFaF:x�ns,said rernaining Trnstee did,by a conveyance, roper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston,vest the same �I <br /> in sucn new Trustee �ointly with him� the said Jolin Duff; Avn WxFii�as, the said �hn lluff did, on the fourteenth day oY February A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument oP writing to that effect, re- � <br /> sign his place as Tru.tee imder said Mortga�ge Deed, which resignation was, on the fourteenth day oi February, A. D. 1577, accepted by the UNSON PaccFio IZAILROAD ConzraxY, by the �xecutive �I <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereoY held on that day in t1�e,City of Boston and 8tate of Massachusetts• Axn WxFRE.�s,on the second day of July,lss9 the Union'Prust Uompany oP New York,was I <br /> dL�ly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick i..Ames,as successor to said John Dufr,w�ich nomination was,on the t�irteenth day of July,1889t approved by the�xecutive Committee oY the Board of Directors of the �� <br /> said Uxiox PaciFic RnrLwaY C.,oazraxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the tlurteenth day of July,]ss9,vesting m the said Umon'lrnst Company of New York,the estates, powers, rights and in- �! <br /> terests created by said Mortga�e Deed joint�y with the said Frederick L.Ames; Axn WaExEes,the said Union Tiust Company of New York signified its acceptance of said trust, Uy signing said deed; Axn WaES�na, <br /> �' the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fifteenth day of July,1889,by a�proper uistrument in writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee lwder said Moi�tgage Deed,which resignation was,on the sixteenth d�ty ot �i <br /> July,1589, the Uxiox PacrFio HazLw.�Y CoMrAxY,by the Executive Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston, and State oY Massachusette; Axv ; <br /> •� WxEaEas,no nomination of a sur,cessor,to rill the vacancy,caused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,the said�Tnion Trust Company oi New York became and now is the sole Trustee under i : <br /> ! the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.IS6Z <br /> �� Axn WaERxns,The said Uxiox PaczFic ttaiLxoan ConzrnxY did,on the eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,execute and deliver to the Uxzox TRUaT Goa2PnxY oF NEw YoRx a certain Mort�,a�ge Deed <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the 3aid Union Trust Coinpany of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore described; Axn WH�$Eas, the said UxioN <br /> PaciFic RazLwaY ConzraxY,with the consent of the Union Trust Company of:v ew Yor'k,sole Trustee under the Mortgage lleed of the sixteenth day of April,A.D. 1867, and Trustee under the Mortgage lleed of the <br /> eighteenth day of December,A,D.1873,has sold aud conveyed,as aUove set forth,the real estate hereinbePore described,unto the said grantee,for and in consideration of the sum aforesaid, to the Union Pacift� Railway <br /> Company in hand paid by the said grantee,which s�id sum of money has been paicl to the said Union Trust Company oP New York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and pnrposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of i <br /> the sixteenth day of April,1867,and of the eighteenth da�y oP December,1873. <br /> Now Theraiore, KN�w Ar.r.Mrv sY Tri�s�PxES�xrs, That the s&id UNION T&QST COMPANY OF NEW YOEg,Trnstee in the �foresaid Mortgage Deeds,in considera,tion of the aforesaid <br /> premises and the payment as aforesaid of s�3,id au�n,so paid by said Railway Company to said Truat Company for the uses and pnrposea afore$aid,doea hereby R�asis�,R��AS�and forever QIItT-CLAins ! <br /> , � / � <br /> nnto the said ... ......�/ZLIi'✓LCF�v _ ���,__'tL/.!G�G�ii�.Gtr!/L......_._._..........._.. ... __ , _....._..... _..._..__......._... ...................................... ...................................... ......... ...... i <br /> i �i the Real Esinte c�eecribed atoresaid, to be held by the said grantee free and exempt fi�oin all liens, incumbrances and charges of said Mortgage Deede,.of the sixteenth day of April, 1867, and of the <br /> � eigLteenth day of' December, 1873, but subject,, liowever, to ali the reservations and eunditione bereinbefore contained. . <br /> ;; IN PRESENCE OF In Witness Whereof� the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�IPANY, bath �� <br /> �� caused tbese presents to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be aigned by its Presidevt, ; ti • <br /> � ���� U r °��� � attested b its Secretar and conntersi ned b its I,and Commissioner and its Auditor and '; a �° i <br /> ` %��. .��. ____ .. c P r . �' �, g �' , <br /> � tbe 8&lCl UNION T$UST COMPANY OF NEO6 YUBg Trustee uoder the said Mort qa ge Deed s, E° � � <br /> �� of the sixteenth day of'April, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of December, 1573, hath ;N � � <br /> i, �fj Q �� o � caused these presents to be sealed with its cor p orate seal, and to be si g ned b y its President, � � �� <br /> r ................./�!L.... �/_ .__�.�"LO�.- ._._..... C� _�/-- ,'D /� �- Q� � <br /> this............V..£�l/!!/!Y!-....._..............................• of.......IJG.�'�IA,r.�.l..L�..........................A. D. 18...,c�...., b � <br /> :\ <br /> � p , ' � �� , �I <br /> ,:� Attest:......._...:::l�t/L��. � Secretar .. :,� I <br /> �: <br /> +� x-�- �-��- - ���• �• T H E U N I O N P A C I F I C R A I L W A Y C O M P A N Y, A C�: �� <br /> r <br /> � IN PRESENCE OF 7"' /J ,�I � � � <br />, I� BY_............� � _(�LT�G�'/!lN/�^�. _ ....................President. �.�., � : . f` <br /> �.... <br /> ................................. <br /> I ..�, ...�• ���- . . . . .... , • a r UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE, H � � �I <br /> u <br /> yo��' q� z <br /> ; ,� � <br /> �/� �,/ , • � <br /> �i -------..�.....14C-<.....�..G��.._�,�Y.. - � �CL Q. BY......... /���...(_/�__� .......... .... _.... _......lr4�President. U I� <br /> 'i STA`rE OF l�tIASS�ACHUSFTTS, " 6y� • !! <br />� !; � � sS. � i) <br /> � COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. ) ,� � <br /> ,' " Be it- Etemembered, That on this.............. <br /> ! - ......�1...�,C�/�1�GL......................................d�y of.......................... . . .. D. 18 90 before me, a , <br />� ��� � Totary Public, in and f'or said County, appeared the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�I NY, y C. F. Ad8;m8, i�g Presidenty who is per- i <br /> � \� sonally kn�w❑ to me to be the identical person whose name is subscribed toy the foregoing inatrament as said Yresident and tben and there � <br /> i� ��� acknowledged tl�e eaecution avd sealing of said Instrument to be his volantary act and deed, and the volant iry act and deec:of said Company. ii <br /> i � <br /> � In Witness IMhereoi, I have herennto set my l�and and official seal this.................„/1.�(�.,iy���... _ .day of; � � • <br /> .. ...... ............................. <br /> ................... <br /> �,, A. D.18�D ,at tbe City of Boston,in eaid County and State. <br />� �; � 1 / /� �j <br />�� Cl./2�2�t' _ �'f(G. ._!�J�C� I <br /> S T A T E O�F N E �l Y O R I�, � SS '� � ....Notary Pubtic. <br /> _. I <br /> COUNTY OF'NEW YORK. I <br /> `�-� Be it Remembered, Tbat on this...... <br /> 1.� ............ ot_______. _._, ____ ., A. D. 18�'0 , before me, a Notary�P�ublic,in and I <br />� i <, for said County, appeaxed the UNION TKUST CO&IPANY Or NEW YO , by.... .....y,�.L�9./.t./LPIJ.---l./.�,--. .. £..t�.................its^President, wbo �i <br /> ii p , is ersonall known to me to be the identical �f/f' Ii <br /> p y person whose name is subs�ribed to th oregoin� inatrume as said�resident and then and there �, <br /> 4 <br /> �, c.�" acknowledged the execntion avd sealing of said instrument to be hie voluutary act a�nd deed and the voluntary act and�deed of eaid Company. H <br /> ; In Witneas Whereof, I have bereanto aet my hand and offici�i seal this�,,,,;,,,,;,,;,,;,,,,,,�,,� ::........,._.......*._.....,.,day of.._._._..._._ j <br />� I G��kti:C� . .. . ......... .....- il <br />� i� A. D. 18 9� ,at the City of New Yprk,in said County and St�te. . , �� <br /> . / ' <br /> � .:��c�.2�.�. .�.�R. ' <br /> � .......................Notary Pzcblic. � <br /> , <br />� � <br />, �, -.............................................../Z . . .......... ........... <br />� `I ' <br /> { <br /> � <br /> 4 � � <br />: � � <br />