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____ _ _ _ _ _ � _ _ . _ _ . <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �e e�d. ����� �'c�. . - <br /> _ _ _ <br /> can n ng a _ ___ ---- -- __.._._ . . _ : —_ <br /> FROM � <br /> i <br /> Union Paeifie Railway Company FILF.D FOR RECORD and entered on Numerical Index this..... ,,�-�............. ...................... <br /> j TU of......_...� _._._..--A.D.189 �;at � ' . <br /> I ._.._....o clock and._......_-.........minutes----•�•-M. <br /> - - <br /> � t �.. .�......................................._�................................................................ <br /> v(� <br /> _...._..__....._...._._. _......._....................... -:............. <br /> i ............... . <br /> ............. County Clerk. <br /> � L— • <br /> � BY. ................................ .............................:.....:'��......................_................. ................... <br /> I <br /> - - .....__ __ ____ _____.._....._____... ...._................................_............................ Deputy. <br /> i <br /> � THE UNION P � CIFIC RAILWAY COIV! 'PANY. <br /> ' UZ1zIOhT DIVXSI011fi.—NEBRAS�A. Deed No..�...1�....�...Z'..��.. <br /> � Know ail Men by these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC RAIL�'VAY CObiPANY, which ie a Corporation formed and eaisting by the consolidation of the <br /> � �ANSAS L�ACIFIO RAILWAY�:UMPANY�the D�vvLS P�ciF1C Knit.WAY AND TELICC7�RAPFI CUMPANY� and�the Uxiox Pecr�io�RAtLROAD G'OMPANY� under t118 COT1Ml'&t6 ri&Iri0 8II(1 8ty1C Ot�Lhe <br /> C <br /> j UNION PACIFIC RAILW'AY C0�IPANY, by authority of an act of Congress, entitled, "An act to aid in the constructiou nf a railruad and telegraph line from the Missonri Hiver to the Paeific <br /> Ocea�n, and to secare to the Governiuent the use of the same for postal, military and other purposea,"approved July 1, 1862, and acts amepd�tory thereol; which said Company has sneceeded to and <br /> � become aeized and posseased of all tbe rea�l estate aud pmpertq of the said conatituent companies, whether re�l,personal or mixed, and, among other things,of a]1 the land granted to said UNioN <br /> PACIFIO RAILR.OAD COMPANY by the foresai acte of Cungress,in aid of the construction of its mad,not conveyed away by sa,id Company st the dAte of ench eonsoIidztition(to wit, Jannary 24, IS80), <br /> � in consideration of the sum of,.f�/V�G �fi(ti.0 Gf„ � (Q!�p ►� � <br /> I _...._......._--._..._........- - ..........._....._ .�.....................� ......Dollars, <br /> .............. ....................................... �.......................................... ...................................................... <br /> .................... <br /> to it paid, tl�e receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, dot,h hereby GRaxT, BA$C}AIN� SELL AND CONPEY� nnto........... ........�,,e,�,.�,�y�._______._ _(�ls'�c'c-.... ... ..... .._. . . ........:... <br /> i <br /> ....................................................................................................................................................................of the County of................i�t��'�iX/s.� the State of.................. .. .. ... ............. ....L...�!6.................................... <br /> � the followiug describ 'eal Estate,situate,ly' g andbeing in the ounty of Hall and in the State of Nebraeka,and de bed follovqs,to wit:,,,......_,.... .. <br /> . <br /> p. ......... .-• -�................................. <br /> � ...._.__....___ _.... _ _.__..._...._ .���.. �_. .. _... . ....... _... .........��1�M,•�.... ,�v..wt,�.......... .lvl.�-.........�.�.�....�.�..°...,f.....A-!'.�5�......�.....-E�..�.....�:.�:...................... <br /> , <br /> � ... . <br /> _ _ _ ����_ �� _ ,�.� � � ,� � .�� <br /> , <br /> � .. ... .. .. . . . .... .. ...... .. .. . . .. .. .. . . <br /> . . . . :. ... ........ .. . ....... ...... <br /> , <br /> i ----- -- --....___...._......_...._.__ ._. ........._ - -_........-- -- _.................._........... <br /> ......_.... ............... --..... ............................................................................................... <br /> ' ...........................................................................:................... <br /> _................................................................................................................................... <br /> .................................... . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> , .............. ................................................................................. <br /> � --�-�------�-- - --- ---- - - -- --- --�----- -- <br /> y <br /> i .,........--�--------�-----�--�------- ��-- --- - -- -�...............�----� -------�-----------�---�---....---------------------........ ...............-� -._....................... .............._.....-�-----�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------�-------�-----..__ <br /> � .................................... ................................................................................................. <br /> .................. .............................................................................................................................................. ........... . ............... ......................................_ <br /> � of Bection No............... .. .. . .......................-------........................................... in Townshi No.... �/. . .. , <br /> 'I .... p �,L..: . ... . ... .........�.�..�,�...............North of Range No.......�'1i�:.......�........v,I,.�.......of the 6th Prineipal <br /> � Meridian; containing according to the United States survev thereof. ...............�,�,. .. �'i�it,,, G�•v�.r,Q � u �L vJ Acres, more or <br /> . .. ... .. ..... ...... ................... ..... . <br /> � less, being tha same premises contracted to be sold to............................. .......�,r.l.�.(.n..n.n./..1......... /..'!/..1..✓ ContractONo.�'1 � ��..�p.,.v �f <br /> � ......... ........ ............................... <br /> � dated .................... .................. ............. <br /> /....�.....1..�.�.�;................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. <br /> � .... ...................... ...................................... . . .............................................................................:.................... .. .. ......................................................................................................................................................... <br />, � � ___. .... . _ _ _ _ ........................................................................... .. .......................................................................... . ............................. <br /> Yo Heve and to Hold the said premises with all the righta�nd appnrtenancea therennto belon�ing nnto the said �rantee,,,-� � ,,,,,,,,,_heirs and as3igns forever,and the snid grantor <br /> doth hereby covenant with the said grantee,that at the making of this instrument it is well aeized of the id premises as of a goud and ind�easible estate in fee, and hath good right to sell and eon- <br /> i , <br /> vey tbe same, and th;�t it will�V:�RxnsT aud DsF�xn the titie to eaid premises nnto the sa�id grantee,........ _.....__..Ueirs and aaeigns forever agaiflst the lawfnl claims of all persous whomecever. <br />,° Excepting, However, all txxes and assessments le "ed npon said premises since. __.. � g.7� ___,., __._..... ............and egcept against any cl�ims or incum- <br /> branees created or permitted by,through,or under a�id...,...✓, l ii�X..,��v�. /(,�,�G'�"."- _ __. _u� ....�yy�......suc.��ssors,heira or aasigua or any of them � <br /> Arm WaFREas, 33�1d UNIOM PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY dld on the sLYteenth day of April,A.ll.1867,execute and deliver to Cyrus I3.Mc(;ormick,oP the City of New York,and John Duff,oi the City oi Bos <br /> ton,a certain Mortgage lleed of that date,wherein said Company conveve�to the said Cyrus H.MeCormick and John DufY,as 7'rustees,for the nsea and purposes therein me.ntioned,among others the lands here3nbefore <br /> described; Axn WxExEas,the said Cyrus H.McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resigzt lus place as Trustee under said mort�age deed,which <br /> resignation was on the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1573�BdCCCPtC(1 by L]78 UNION PACIFIO EATLROAD COMPASiY qy its Board oY Directors, at a meeting thereof lield on that day in the City of Boston and 8tate of Hassar <br /> chusetts; Aivv'WxNnFas,on the fifteenth day of OctoUer,A.D.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the St,�te o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Tnistee,John Duff as successor to said Cyrus H. <br /> MeCormick,which nomination wa�s,on the same day 8,]7(1TOVP.d Uy t11P.BOaT$Of D1T0CLOE9 Of LI18$ald UNION YACIF'IC RAILROAD COMPANY� AND WHEREAS by such nomination and approval said Frederick L,Ames did, <br /> upon his acceptance thereof,thereafter become vestec� with tho same estates,powers,rights a�nd interests,and char�ed with tho same duties and responsibili�ies,t�s if he had been one of the originai Trustees named in$nd <br /> executing,said M.ortga�e,Deed; Axn WxNKEns,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,�proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of Oetober,A.D.1s73,at Lhe City of Boston,vest the same <br /> in such new Trustee �omtly with him, the said John Duff; Axn Wa�sFas, the said Jo11n Duff did, on the fourteenth day of February, A. D. 1&77, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect, re- <br /> I sign his place as Tru-tee under said Mortgage Deed, which resignation was, on the fourteenth day of February, A. ll. 1577, accepted Uy the Uxtox Pac[FrC R�ir,ROAD COMPANY� by tha F.xecutive <br /> Comxnittee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting tliereof held on that day in the,City of Boston and 8tate of Massachusetts• Axll �'VxFREa�,on the second day of July,1889.the Union'Crust Company ot Now York,was <br /> duly nominated by tha remaining Trustee,Frederick 1,.Ames,as successor to said John Duff,w�tich nomination was;oh the thirteenth dax of Julyt 1889t appioved by the L+xecutive Committea of the Board oP Directore of the <br /> said UxioN PaarFrc RarLwnY ConzraxY;and the said Frederick L.Ames executed tu deed on the thirteenth day ot July,1883,vestiug m the said Uman�rrust Company oY New York,the estates, powers, rights and in- <br /> terasts created by said Mortga�e Deed jointly with the said N'rederick L.Ames;Axn WaE��ns,the said Union Trust Company of New York @ignifted its acceptance of safd trust, by s�g said deed�AND WHEREA6� <br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the flfteenth day of July,1859,by a proper uistrument in writing to that effect,resign hLs place as Trustee under sa�i�} Mortgage Deed,which resigna ion was,on the sixteenth day ot � <br /> July,1889, the Uxiox PaciFZC RarLwAY COMPANY�by the Executive C'ommittee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that d�y in the City of Boston, and 8tate oi Massachusetts; ANU � <br /> Wx�x�as,no nommation of a successor,to fill the vacancy,eaused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having veen made,the said�Jnion Tr�xst Company ot New York became and now is the sole Tru.ytee under <br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867. <br /> AND WHERISAB�ThE 3d�ld UNION PACIFIC ItAILROAD COMPANY dld,on the eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,execnte and deliver to the Uxiox Ta,usm ('iOMYANY pF NEW YORK a C01'Y,8Ill 11ZOTY�$g0 DOP.d ' <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the s$id Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uaes and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore deseribed; d�cn WHEREAB� the eaid Uxiox <br /> PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY�with the consent oi the Union Trust Company of�ew Yor�,sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed oi the sixteenth day of Aprii,A:ll. 1867, and Truatee under the Mortaaee Deed of tlie '� <br /> eighteenth day o4 December,A.D.1s73,has sold and conveyed,aa above set Porth,the real estate hereinbefore described,unto the said grantee,,Por and m consideration of the sum aforesaid, to the Union PaciBc Railw$y <br /> ComQany in hand paid by the said grantee,which said sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company of N ew York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposea mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of ' <br /> the sixteenth day of Apr�l,1867,and of the eighteenth day oY December,1873. <br /> Now '�he�etore, KN�W ALL MEN BY THEBE PB.E8ENT8� That the said Uxrox T&os�r Con�nxY oF N�w Yo$g, Trastee in the aforedaid Mortgage Deeds,in consideration of the �'ores.�id I <br /> premises and the payme as afo`esaid of said eum, so aid by said Railway Company to eaid Trnat Compaay for the n9es�nd purposes aforesaid,dces hereby R�MtsB,R�L�ASS and forever QUrr-CLa�� i <br /> nnto the said ���„w�.,ti....__';���� ' <br /> .......... . . . _..................._ ..... _. ._ . .._.._ ... ........................................ <br /> ...................... .. ... .... { <br /> the Real�state described xloresaid, to be held by the said grantee free and exempt froin all liene, incumbrances and charges of said Mortgage Deede,of the siateenth d�y of April, 1867, and of the <br /> eighteen�h day of Ilecember, 1873, but suhjeet, ho�vever, to t�ll t eservations and conditiona hereinbefore contaived. <br /> � �IN PRESENCE OF 1 Witness whereof, the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COYIPANY, hath <br /> n ��n . caused these preAenta to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be signed by ita President, : �; •• <br /> {!h` �O attested b9 its SecTetary, and conntersigned by its I.and Commissioner and its Auditor, and ;o ° <br /> ' '�" the 8&itI UNION T&UST CODiPANY OF NEW YO$g� Trustee, nnder the said Mortgage Deeds, <br /> es <br /> M� v� /� / ` D of the eiateenth day of April, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of December, 1573, hath ;•� � <br /> .`/ r �(/V �i j1��Tic. catised these presen to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be aigned by its President, ;q ; <br /> ....... � :U <br /> � thie................... . v... . . . . ............ ....., of..................................................•••••••.A. D. 18..�.... ' <br /> ���� n��,, n4 . ... :a • <br /> Attest;.......�'�''`7`.......'V V�L�t Gt:'Y. ........................:.......Seeretary. ;,� , <br /> � HE UNI PAC FIC R LWAY COMPANY, Q , <br /> IN PRESEIQCE OF i� � z ' . <br /> : � <br /> Y....----�.... . ...._............._....�%��_.........-----•---.....................President. � <br /> B � � <br /> � °�' . <br /> , .�..........�..........•'�'�............................ W �. : <br /> ""�'�""' '�'�" UN10Tt TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE, z � <br /> � : <br /> --°°. .......................'�!�l..W �� �� p ' (,� <br /> ....... .... <br /> �_....._ By................�:±`.r'v-r�._....�..... ... ..........Preeident. �°, ,�i \�'�:!'s <br /> _...........__---- (� <br /> STA'1'E OF MASSACHUSETTS, � <br /> ss. <br /> COUNTY OF SUFFOLg. <br /> Be it Remembered� That on this,,._._.. day of. � Gj�/�i�„�................. A. D. 18�0 before me, a <br /> ....... ..... ............ .................................... ......... ........ ......... <br />, Notarp Pnblic,in and for said Cou appearrd the IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, by C. F. AdamB� itA President, wbo is per- <br /> � � sonally known to me to be the i tic;al person whose naune is snbscribed to the foregoin�instrament as said President and then and there <br /> acknowledged the eaecution and sealing of said Instrament to be his volan act and deed, and the volant•iry act and deed o said Company. <br /> I In witness whereof, I have bereunto set my hand and official seal this,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,„ <br /> . ... ............... ... .........dap of.........��.............................................. <br /> A. D. 18 GI 0 ,at the City of Boston,in said County and State. <br /> � ���� .� ' � <br /> ......_ ..... ._.... ..___..,.... _._......Notary Pubdic. <br /> STATE O'F NEW YORI�, � <br /> ss. <br /> COUNTY OF NEW YORg. �j,/ <br /> Be it R�mYmbered� That on this,,���r�. �(Z�n.�' `�.aay oi----------_-../_!!l„_ _._........A. D: 18 q[l, bef re me, a Notasy Public,in and <br /> �1�^Y��(� � <br /> for said Connty, appeared the UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, by...............�x'��C� �... .. .. ................its President, wbo <br /> .......... .. <br /> is personally known to me to be tbe identicai peraon whose name is subseriUed to the foregoin� inatrnment as said esident, and then and there <br /> acknowledged the execntion and sealing of said inetrnment to be hie voluntary act and deed and the voluntary act and eed of said Company, <br /> in witness whereof, I have berennto set my hand and official aea�l this',,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, , , ,,,,,,��L���...c�ay of.....�.�v(..'�•' """ <br /> . . . . ... ..... . ....... ............- <br /> A. D. 18�D ,at the City of New York,in�;a county ana st�t�. � <br /> ................... . ..... . �(Y�Gi'.....�✓......o/�':Y�rc.�?'�............Notary Picblic. ? <br />