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_� _ -- _ - _ .— - _ _ . . � <br /> �� � <br /> Dee�# ���o �-c�. . . . <br /> Omaha epn ican r n mg o. <br />� � FROM <br /> FILED FOR RECORD and entered on Numerica�l Indeg this..............._�„_,,,,,,_.,._,.......,............................�1aY <br /> � Union Paeifie Railway Company , <br />� fi,� � . <br /> � T� of. ._.. ..._/ .•��u _._.....A.D.1890,at.... ._� .._....o'clock and ...._.. --,minutes_�,,M. <br /> I I � � <br /> i <br />� , _..................................`..._......................................._�............1�.../......................................... <br /> � _.......... . C?.C4.�..__(`....... .... . . ............._r.__............... <br /> ............ County Clerk. <br />` �� . . <br /> I �' ' By............................................................................................................................................................... <br /> M ' ..................................._............................ Depll�' <br /> j ; <br />� � TH � U �NION PA'CIFIC RA�ILWA`Y CC� `I1�1'PANY. <br />� � <br /> � U1�7IOh�' DIVZSZOI�T.-ITEBRASK�. Deed No...��.�.�.......... <br />� j Know all Men by these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC RAIL�'VAY CObiPANY, wbich is a Corporatiou formed 'and esistingbytheconaolidationof the <br /> � KANSAS PACIFia RAILWAY COMPANY�thC DL�'NV�R PACIFIC lLAIL`VAY AND TELEG}EAPH COMPANY� and the UNION PACIFIO RAILROAD G'O�PANY� under thC corporate n&ri18 5nd 9ty10 Of�the <br /> !� UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�iPANY, by authority of an act of Congrecs, entitled, "An act to'aid in the constructimi of a railroad and telea a�ph line fmm the Missouri ltiver to the Pacific <br /> � Ocean;and to secure to the Government the use of the same for postal, milit�nry�nd other purposes,"approved July 1, 1862, and acts amendatory therenf,which said Company has succeeded to $nd <br />� become seized and possessed of all the real estate aud property of the said coustitueut companies, whether real,personal or mixed,and, umong other things,of all the land granted to said UaTiox <br /> ?I PACIFIO RAIL�OAD COMPANY by th0&fOT08aid aCtB OP Cungress,in aid of the construc�ion of its mad,not conveyed away by said Compa�iy at the date of auch consolidation(to wit, J�nnary 24, 188Q), <br />' �!�! . �/ � /�OO ��.:�............._... ...................................................................Dollars <br /> �� in conaideration of the sum af . ........ .. ......_ ---._. _.._.. .._ or�r/. ....��.%�-�.',�.�-��.....� ._ � <br /> . . .. <br />' ii to it paid, the receipt of wLich is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby G$AxT,BASaArx, S�Lr.AND CoNVaY; nnto... ��o�/..(��.�<�!-�-�???Q�..•�.. ..�... ������� �� ������ - � -���°• <br /> J./ <br /> I (I ..................................of the County of in the 9t�te of..................i���yti��................................................ I <br /> .......................... <br /> .........---�•---...���........................................ <br /> �i the following described Real Estate,situate,lying andbeiug in the County of Hall and in the State of Nebraska,and described as fol ows,to wit:,...,....,............................................................................................ <br /> !� ��� ���`��� _._ .. ....... �u/ -�,v. � uz���---�1 .��.�..� °' ......... .......................... . ......................................................... <br /> ��� , ��..� ...�... .�� .. .. <br /> �� __ ____ _ _ __ �. <br /> , <br /> �� <br /> , .... . ....................................................:................................................................................................................ <br /> � <br /> ��, . . . . ................. . . . .. .. . . . .. . .... . . .. . . ......... . .. . . . . .. ... ... ........... .. . . . <br /> ii ...... -. ...................._....._....___..._. _............__..........._...____......--........._.........._........._........._......_..........-.. -- --....... __ ...........................................................:.................................................................................................................................... <br /> ii ..............:................... .................................................................. <br /> i —••........................................... <br /> .......................................................................................................... .....................................................,�..... <br /> ... ............................................. <br /> i .............................................. <br />� _..._............__.......___.._..._ _.._....._..._......_...... <br /> ...................................................................................................... <br /> � ................................................�----........-�----��--•--��---��---��- -�-�-�---------��--------��---------�-�----�-�-------�------�-•�------- <br /> � �- ---------- �-��� ----- --------------------------------��-�---��--��------�-�-----�-�---�----�-�--.. <br /> i� ••---•-�------------------------�-----••--�----------�----�-�--- - -�-�-�-•---�----�-�----------�--------•----�-�-------------•---------�--....... ..............- -........-�- - ........ ............. -.......-••-----•--•-----------------------•--�•---------•-------•-----------------------------------------------...-------------------.... <br /> i <br /> ; ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ' � Townehi No................�?��.1....f....q�....... .. North of Range No......:..�o,.G..�.�.%�!/1...�� ^=���...of the 6th Principal I <br /> ! of Section No................................�2�,P./... ��.-----................................. P .....•••........ ... ................ <br /> C <br /> , � , �// /' / ACTB$ II10l8 OT <br /> �� <br /> Meridian, containing accord�ng to tbe Umted States survev thereof............ ........ . ... .......... .. ....... ...... ...-�'-c �itit�......(.�:.�.,1.......................................... ..................................................... r <br /> ..... <br /> �; . • � ......b Contraact;�l�To.,Q/.....�3.....�.�..�.°?�...a:.�...:.:........................... <br /> , leas, beina tha same prem�sea contraeted to be aold to_.......................................................�R,�2G�/.........�i�...... ....................... .................. j+ t c , <br /> �, dated ...............i`�.-c.?:!Gl�......��...../��.��..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:.......... <br /> i, ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> � . .............. ..... ......... . <br /> _.. _ <br /> _.... _....... ...... ..... ...... . .................... ......... ...... ..... ...... . ........................ <br /> �; To Have and to Hold the said premises with ali the rights and appnrtenancea therennto belon�ing unto tbe said �rantee,�+�nd aasigna forever,and the said grantor <br /> i <br /> i, doth hereby covenant with the said grantee, that at the muking of this instrument it ia well seiaed of the said premisee as of a good and indefeasible estate in Pee, and hath good right to aell and eon- <br /> , <br /> vey tl�e same, and that it�vill W�asnxT and DsF�xn the title to eaid premiaes unto the said grantee,,,_.,_,,,..,u�/._.,heirs and asaigns forever against the lawfal claims of all peraons whomsoever. <br /> I' �'�__. /�.9�_.. .. ....... .. ..................and egcept against any cinims or incum- <br /> ; Excepting, Howerer,all taxes and asaessmente levied upon sai , remises since.. .....____.. �i��%� � /� <br /> i . • /J//. oi ��.�.../ ,..snecessora,heirs or assigns or any of them � <br /> � brancea ereated or permitted by,�hrough,or nnder said.---_.... ,��ei,�.. c��rz�an�/_ _ _.. _.. ....._ <br /> __... __.. . <br /> � Arrn Wa�RE.�e 3a{d UNION PACIFZC RAILROAD COM xY did on the sixteenth day of April,A.ll.1567,execute and dehver tu Cyrus H Met;o►wick.of the City ot NeW York,and John DuB,oi the Gity of Bos <br /> ton,a certain Mortgage�eed of that date,wherein said Company convevec�to the said Cyrus A.MCCormick and Jol1n Duff as 1'rustees,for the uses and purposea therein mentioned,among others the l�nds hereinbetore <br /> described; Axn WxExFna,the sa�id Cy�us H.MeCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.is73,by a proper instrument pf writing to that effect,resign lus lace as Trustee under said mortgage t oP'I�Ssah- <br /> resignation was on the fifteenth day of October,A.�.1873�aCCCpLOd bj�$Y10 UNION PACIFIO RAILROAD CODSPANY by its Board oY Directors, at a meeting thereof heid on�hat day in the City of Boston and t3ta <br /> chusetts= Axn'WaLxFas,on the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the State o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated'by the remainin�Trustee,John Duff,as successor to said Cyrus H. <br /> � McCormick,which nomin�tion was,on the same day,apiJPOVPd Uy th0 BOaTd OP Dll'CCLOTS Of LhC 9ald UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY; AND WfIER6A8 by such nomination and approval said Frederick L.Ames did <br /> i upon his acce�tance thereof,tiiereafter become vested with the -ame estates,powers,rights and interests,and char�ed with the same duties and responsibili�ies,as if he ha,d baen one oL the original2rustees named in an� <br /> i executing,said Mortgaga,Deed; AND WHEREA9.said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston,vest the same <br /> j in such uew Trustee �omtly with him, the said John Auff; Axv Wass�ns, the said John Duff did, on the fourteentli day ot February, A. A i877, by a proper instrument ot writing to that effeet, re- <br /> sign his place a�s Tru�tee under said Mortgage Deed, which resignation was, on the fourteenth day of Febru�ry, A. D. 1877, accepted by the IIxiox PaciFic RAILROAD COMYANY� by the Executive <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereoE held on that day in the.City of Boston and 8tate of Massachusetts• Axn WxEREns,on the second day of July,1889.the Union Trust Company of New York,was <br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick 1..Ames,as successor to said John Duff,w'hich nomination was,on the t�irtee,nth day of July�1889t approved by the L�xecutive Committee oi the Board of D'u•ectors of the <br /> said Uxiox PnciFic RnzLwaY CoMraxY• and the said FrederickL.Ames executed a deeft on the thirteenth day of July,is89,vesting in the sa�d Uniou'frust Company oL New York,the estates, powers, rights and lu- <br /> terests created by said Mortga��e Deed joint�y with the said Frederick L.Ames•Axn Wa���ns,the said Union Trust Company of New York signifled its aeceptance of said trust, by signing said deed�AND WHFREA6� <br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the 8fteenth day of July,1889,by a prope'r iustrument in writing�to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mort�age Deed,which resignation was,on tha si�cteenth day ot � <br /> July,1889, the Uxi�x PaciFZC RaiLw.�Y COMPANY,Uy th0 Executive Committee of ita Board oY Dh•ectors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in Lhe City of Boston, and 8tata of Massaehusetts; Ax� <br /> WxER�ne,no nomination of a successor,to fill the vtucancy,eaused by the resignation oi said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,the said�7nion Trust Compady ot New York became and now is the sole Trustee under <br /> the said Moxtgaga I?eed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867. <br /> Axn WHERICAB>Th0 Sa'Ld UNION PAGIFIC 1{AILROhD COMRANY dld�on the eighteenth day oP December,A.D.1873�C%0CllE0 aII(I d0HV0T t0 th0 UNION TRU$T COMPANY OF NEW YORK 2�C8TESIII MOTtp'd�*0 DCCd <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purpoaes therein mentioned,among othere the lands hereinbefore described; �xn VPHR&EAB� the said Uxiox <br /> � PnciFic RaxLwnY CoMPnxY,with the consent of the Union Trust Company of:�ew Yor'k,sole Truatee under the Mortgage Deed of the sixteenth day of Apiil,A.D. 1867, and Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of the <br /> eighteenth day oi December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbefore described,unto the said�rantee,inr and ui consideration of the eum aforesaid, to the Union PaciHc Raiiway <br /> Company in hand paid by the said grantee,which sa,id sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company oP N ew York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of <br /> 'I the sixteenth day o1 Apri1,1Se7,and oE the eighteenth day of December,iS73. <br /> NOw The�efore, BN��i'ALL MEN BY THE3E P&ESENT9� T}�t1t thC 88iC1 UNION TFcQST COMpANY OF NSW YOYtB,TTU3Y�lri t118 &fOP�id MOPEg&g0 Deeds,in conaideration of the aforesaid <br /> ;, premises and the p�yment as aforesaid of a:�id aum,so paid by ea' Itailway Companv to said 7�ust Company for the usee and parpoees aforesaid,does hereby R�MisE,R�LEAS�and forever QIIiT-CLAiM <br /> ,j <br /> nuto tbe said ..............._..._......._................. ..._..__........ ......���'.��rycQ/..................... ....._...........................................................................................................................................................................................-�-._......... <br /> ' ............... . , ,... s <br /> � the Real Estate described atoresaid, to be held e said grantee free and exempt from all liena, incumbrances and charges of said Mortgage Deede,of the siateenth day of April, 1867, and of the i <br /> i eighteen�h day of I)ecember, 1873, but subject, however, to all tbe reservatione and c�cnditiona hereinbefore contained. j <br /> �� IN PRESENCE O� /� In witness Mhereoi, the said grantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath <br /> � - `/ � cauaed t6ese presQntB to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be signed by its President, :� � <br /> ���� - attested by its Secretary,and conntersigned by its I,and Commisaioner and its Auditor,and ;o ;� <br /> �1, ...... . -.... . _..................: tbe 981d UNION T&U9T COMPANY OF NEW YOE%� Trustee, nnder the said Mortgage Deeds, :'N �; a ;� ' <br /> a� /� �� of the eizteenth da of A ril 1867 and oY the ei hteenth da of December 1873 hath t� °� '; ; <br /> �� caused theae presents to e sealed with its corporate seal, d to9be signed by ita Pre�ident, :U ' � <br /> ............l�.�j.. .��. ............... � � : o : <br /> � � b . � <br /> ,; - this................../.�!-✓.�ii............................, of...............��a��i1/................A. D. 18.c��:.... a , <br /> i� Attest:....,.....,f���......C�!��G��....................................Secretary. _ THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY� � , ':� � � <br /> �; IN PRESErCE OF (�='c� -� resident. � <br /> � <br /> �...�i�.��..�i'/.�2Q.....�...............°°.----°--................p � n � <br /> I BS--••... ..........:.............__... .`• I I <br /> E � { ��•. �� � � <br /> ... ; <br /> �i .................................:.. .... ............................................ C�r�'"`�i - UNIO�i TRUST COIMIPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEB, N ' . <br /> � �� � , o � � � <br /> --............. .......:............ .: .... -- ....=-�--- _..................................................President. U : : <br /> ,,����(....���:�� �� B ----....--. � <br /> � <br /> y ................ . . � . <br /> i STA`t'E OF MAS ACHUSETTS, ss. <br /> � COUNTY OF SUFFOLg. , � <br /> Be it Rememb�red, That on this.................•-•........... . ......... .. of....................... .................................................A. D. 18�� before me, a <br /> ... .............................• - <br /> � I�Totary Public,in and for said County, appe e the IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, by C. F. adams, ita President, who ie per- <br /> �_ , sonally known to me to br the identical peraon whoae name is subscribed to the foregoing instrament as said Preaident and then and there <br /> � acknowledged the eaecution and sealing of said Instrumeet to be his volantary act and deed, and the volunt�ry act a deed of said Company. <br /> �'�� � In witness Mhereof, I have berennto set my band and official seal this...................... ...... ..... ... ... ......... _day of.............. ................................................................ <br /> A. D. 18 8� ,at the City of Boston, in said County and State. <br /> � �5�� � ��,7 �" � <br /> ..... ....._..._ _�il�.._ _..r... �/.,��%�?.��'�P/.. _.._.__ .....Notary Public. . <br /> �' STATE O�F NEW YORY�, � <br /> ss. <br /> COUNTY OF NEW XORB. . ��_ <br /> Bs It Remem6ered, That on this........... .... ...... . ...., .... . ......_day oi---••- - -�1�.����. ..........:`.A.D. 189"0 , before me, a Notary Pnblie,in and <br /> jj for said Connty, appeared the UNION RUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, by... ����L'���-- •.............. .... rts President, wbo � <br /> .................................. <br /> �! is personally known to tne to be the identical person whose name is aubscribed to the forego�n�inatrnment s said President, and tben and tl�ere <br /> .2��,/ acknowledged the execution and se�ling of eaid instrument to be hi•voluntary act'and deed`and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. <br /> `i .__ r my hand and official seal thie..............��F�x�.....:. ::..........:.:tiay of.---.....�..._..... .. ...... ............ ........._ <br /> IIn �itness whereof I have herennto set. �`'��� <br /> , \ A. D. 18�O ,at the City of New York,in eaid County and State. <br /> i ���� , <br /> _..............................................................�il/...�..�.._..�.....................................................Notary PacLlic. <br /> � . �. <br />