�� ,
<br />: ✓� D��c� �Ze�o rc� . �
<br /> -- � -�o. __ � _
<br /> FROM � �i
<br /> FmEn FoR EiECORD and entered on Numerical Index this ......,, , „day
<br /> U n i o n P a�i fi e R a i l w a Com an y .. :`� . . ............
<br /> � p , ���, ,p �
<br /> Tp of� .....���( .._._.... ...._.._A.D.189 D at....... (�...o'olock and....._ __.......minutes _.._�.'�..M.
<br /> �/1 ' ......."."..a.\!uv4......................................._�.................. ..... ........ . ....
<br /> . . ....... . ....... . ..
<br /> ........
<br />� `;i:............................................. .......:.:�..............�.�"_....................................... ` CountyClerk.
<br />� BY..................... ..... ........................`......... .................................................. ..............................:......
<br /> i _..................__...._._..._...................... Deputy.
<br />� .-
<br /> _.. ._.......- _. .....____...._..___........ ...... .
<br />� ' II117ZOhT DIVISiO1�T.-ITEBRASI�A. Deed No.l�.��...:�..�....
<br /> Know all Men by these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC RAIL`iTAY CObSPANY, which is a Corporation formed and eziRting by the consolidation of the
<br /> �KAN$A$ PAdIFIU RAIL�VAY COMPANY� the DH:NVER PACIFIC 1LAII.WAY AND TELEC�RAPA�i'QMPANY� arid the UNION PACIFIC ILALLROAD COMPANY� under the corpor�te rialrie &rid style of the
<br />� UNION PACIFIC RAIL�VAY CU�IPANY, by authority of a�n act of Congress,entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad an�i telegraph line from the Mtssoari River to the Pacifio
<br /> Ocean, and to secure to the Governmeut the nse of the same for postal, military a�n!�other purposes,"approved Jaly 1, 1862, and acts amendatoiy thereof, which said Company has suceeeded to and
<br /> become seized and pos.gessed of all the real estate and property of the said conatituent companies, wbetner real,personal or mized,and, among ot,her things,of all the land granted to said Ua�ioN
<br /> PACIFIO RAILROAD COMPANY by the,�foresaid acts of ongress,in aid of the construction of its road,not conveyed away by eaid Company at the dAte of euch csonsolidation(to wit,Jannasy 24, 18$0),
<br /> in coneideration of tbe snm of �(rYllli ,r� ,-��tz��-f��1�l�.... � .._....� ..._�'�'j�it...d..�J... . ......... .... ..........:................ ........Dollars,
<br /> ,,.._ .................:.
<br /> to it paid, the receipt of which�s hereby acknowledged, doth herebp G�nxx, BARG}AIN��SELL ONPEY� nnto......... �
<br /> Lh�'%!l.V.Zt.11.� .. . ........✓........ . .
<br /> .................... .........
<br /> ....
<br /> � � /
<br /> .. of the County of............ .. . . . . . .. . ....................,..in th tate of.......1,!`��.. ........... . ...
<br /> .......... .......................... ............................ . .................... . ................................... .. _ .... ....
<br />� the following described Keal te,sitaate, lyin andbeing in tt� County �f Hall an�l in the S ate of Nebras a,an de 'bed a8 foliows,to wit;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,
<br />; . __ _ _ ��` ��� _ ��,_,��� ��-.�..���._�..�.��.�� .......................... ......... ......... ........ ......... .. . . .. .
<br /> . ..... ......
<br />; .._._._ . .. _ _ _ ___ _ __ _______ ___ _ __ .. ..._. . . _ _ . .... ........................ .......................................... . .. .. ... . ................................. ......
<br />,
<br />; ..................................... _
<br />;
<br />� ... _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ... . .. ........ .... ......
<br />�
<br />� .................................................................. . . ...... ... ............................................................... .... . . ...... ... .. .................... ... .:...._.._.._...._.......:_.._.....__._._.__._.________._._________.____..__._.._._..__..._...._.._.._._._.._.._._._..__.___......._.__._._...__�_
<br />;
<br /> ............... ............. . ... .. .. . . . . . . . ......... . ...................... . ... ...................................................... ..... ..... ..................................._...._.................................................
<br /> , .... .
<br /> of �ection No.:.. . . '. ..... . . '. ..... .........�4,� ,1- in Townshi No ���'��yj,. 1 � .�c
<br /> �. .. ........:.......:.......... P . . .... ...... .... ........(,1.�j...................North of Range No........���.�.�.�.....��. ���j./..�....�:f....of the 6th Principal
<br /> .... ...., .,
<br /> / �
<br />�, � Meridian, containing acco ing to the United States survev�,hereof................. ... . . . . . ..............��U�........................................................................ .....Acree,, more or
<br /> .........................
<br /> 'no the same premises contracted to be sold to„�'��L�........ .�......:. ... ....... .byContract�ONo%J.,,.�,�Q.�./� . �`.
<br /> . ..................................................................................... .... ........
<br /> I less, bei � .........................
<br /> i � p �� / � �
<br /> jdated ..... .. .... . . ......�i.L1..,.....�.A..r... ........................ ....................... ......... ........_
<br />� '
<br />'; .................._.....................,............_._........................................_......................................................................................................................................................................................:........................................:.............................................................................
<br /> T� Hare and to Hold the said premises with all tbe rights and appnrtenancec thereunto bolonging nnto tbe said �rnntee,,....�.............heirs and aesigne forever, and the eaid grantor
<br /> doth hereby covenant with the said grantee, that at the making of this instrument it is well seiaed of the s�}d premises as of a gaxi and iudef'easible esta,te in f�, and ha0h good right to eell and eon-
<br /> vey the same, and th�t it will WASxnxT and DEF�xn the title to said premises unto the s�uid�rantee,.�'✓yr,a.:..,.....Ueirs and assigns forever against the lawful claima of all perso:ns whomsoever.
<br />! ExcOpting, However,all tazes and assessments lev}ed upon said pre isea since �S�G__..� _. /.��� . ......and eaoept against any elaims or inenm-
<br /> / � _ _ .
<br />� brances creuted or permitted by,through,or ander said... ... .. .. . . . . �.... . . _ _� _ _..... __ _or �yQ.......successora,heira or assigna or any of them
<br /> Axn 1�VaFnsns, said Uxiox PACiFiC RniL[;onn CoMrAxw��n the ' �eenth day of April,A.ll.18G7,execute and deliver to CyrusH MeCOrxruck�oE the City of New York,and John Duff,of the Cits of Bos
<br /> ton,a certain Mortgage lleed of that date,wherein said Company conveve to the s ' Cyrus H.McCormick and John Duff,as 7'rustees,for the uses and purposes therein mentfoned,among others the lands hereiabefore ,
<br /> deacribed; Axn WxEa�na,the said Cyrus I3.McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1s73,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said mortgage d�ed,which
<br /> resignation was on the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1873,accepted by the Uxrox PnCiFir,Rnzr.xonn CoasPnxY by its Board oL Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and State o1 Muasa-
<br />� chusetts= Axn'4VaNSFas,on the fifteenth dtiy of October,A.ll.SSi3, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the 8ta.te o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff,as successor to said Cyrua H.
<br /> MeCormick,which nomination was,ou the same day�flP�TOVPC�b}�Ll]P BOaT$OP DITCCEOTB OY th0 3a1C1 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY� AND WIiEREA6 by such nomination and approval said Frederiek L.Amea did
<br /> upon his acceptaince thereof,thereafter become vested with the -ame estates,powera,rights and intereats,and ehar�ed with the same duties aud respoRSibili�ies,as ii he had been one of tHe original Trustees named in anc�
<br /> executing,eaid Mortgage.11eed; Axn WxFx�ns,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that pnrpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston,vest the a�me
<br /> in sucii new Trustee �omtiy with him, the said John Duff; Axn WaF$��s, the said Johu Duff did, on the fourteenth day oP February A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument of writin� to that effect, re-
<br /> sign his place a�s Tru�tee undei� said Mortgage Deed, which resignation was, on the fourteenth day of February;A. D. ]877, acaepted by the Uxiox PAC[FIO RAIGROAD COMPANY� by the ExecutLva
<br />' Committee of its Boa,rd of Directors,at a meeting ttiereof held on that day in the City of Boston and 8tate of Massaehusetts• Axn WxFRFas,on the second day of Jnly�1889 the Union'Lrust Gompany of New York,wa»9
<br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick 1,.Ames,as successor to said,Tohn Duff,w'hich nomination was,on the t�irteenth day of Julyt 1889;approved by t_he xecutive Committee oP the Board oE DirecWrs of Ghe
<br /> said Uxiox PnCiFic RaiLwaY CoMrnxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the tlurteenth day ot July,]889,vesting m the said Umon Prust Company of New York,the estates, powers, rights and in-
<br /> teresta created by said Mortga�e Deed joint�y with the said Frederick L.Ames; AND VPHEREA6�the said Union Trust Company of New York signified its acceptance of said trust,by a�g said deed;AND Wa�c�AS,
<br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fifteenth day oP Juty,1889,by a�proper inxtrument in writing to that effect,resign his pla,ce as Trustee under said Moi�tgage Deed,which ras�gna ion was,on the sixt�enth day ot
<br />� dllly�1889,accepted,by the Uxrux PaciFic RaiLw.�Y G'OMPANY,by the Executive Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City.of Bostdn, and State oi Maegaehusetts; �Axu �
<br /> WxEx�ns,no nommation of a successor,to fill the vacancy,caused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,the said�Tnion Trust Company of New York became and now is the eole Tiustee under
<br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867.
<br /> AND WHERICA6�TYlO Sald UNION PACIFIC 1tAILROAD COMPANY CI1C��OTl tY1C E1ghtCCEllth Cl&j�OY D0C0IllD0T�A.D.1873�0%ECllt2 2IId d011V0P t0 Lh0 UNION TRU6T COMPANY�OF N.EW YORK 8 CBTCaS71 MOT�Cg�ge Deed -
<br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Compa�ny of New York,as Trustee for the uses a�d purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore described; axn Waxa�ns, the said UxioN
<br />- PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY�wlth t}1C C011S011t OY th0 UL10II TPUSL COTRpany of 1 ew Yor� sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of the sieteenth day of April,A;D. 1867, and Trustee under the Mortgage:Deed of the
<br /> eighteenth day of December,A.D.1s73,has sold and conveyed,as above set Porth,the real estate hereinbePore described,unto the said grantee,.for aud in consideration oi the sum aforesaid;to the Union Paciflc Rai3way
<br /> Company in hand paid by the said�r antee,which said sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company oY New York,in its capacity as TrustBe,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said Mvrtgage Deeds of
<br /> the sixteenth day ot April,1867,and of the eighteenth day oi December,1873.
<br /> Now Therefore, Kxow nr.L MEN BY THESE PHE8ENT8� That the said UxION T&t�sT Co�Axy oF Nsw YoBg,Trastee in the aforesaid Mortgage Deeds,in consideration of the aforesaid
<br /> premises and the payment as�said of said au�n,a�paid b�sfuid Railwag Company to said Trust Company for the uses and pnrposes aforesaid,do�hereby ItEMiBE;R�LEAB�and forerer QtTiT•CLAtDi
<br /> � � /" -
<br /> unto tbe said .................. ......_..�'!�2'l%�%lLf,�C< �. � ................._
<br /> .... .`.!_..... ..... ..... ......._.... . ......,.. ....... ...._........ ............_ .
<br /> . ......... . ........ ......... .... ..................,........................ .........
<br />, the Real Estate deseribed atoresaid, to be helcl b�e said gra e 'free and exempt froin all liens, ineumbranees and eharges of said Mor bQage Deecis,bf the siateenth day of April, 1867, and of'the
<br /> eighteenth day of' December, 1873, but snhject, �pwever, to al the reservations and c•unditiona Lereinbefore contained.
<br /> IN P ESENCE OF In wi.tness Ilrhereof, the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath
<br /> r� � ; � caused these presents to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be signed by ita President,- •
<br /> � I� attested by its Secretar�*, and counteraigned by its I.and Commiasioner and its Auditor, and ;o �
<br /> � -� �� ��L�.. ............ tbe 83id UNION TBU9T COMPANY OF NEW YOEK� Trustee, nnder the said Mortgage Deeds, �•.. '°
<br /> � � of the a�steenth day of April, 1867, and of the e�ghteenth day of December, 1873, hath ;m ��
<br /> eaused these esents to be sealed with it,�corporate seml, and to be signed by its President, :� '
<br /> .��:....... :... .. 9:.�� . . �-�-�- .
<br /> � i this...........�..���fZ........ ...................:....day of...�Gl'�.%�.�/..T�..�.......................... cr .� :
<br /> ..,A. D. 18.p...,`'.,f..... ' .
<br /> Attest. Gy�/......... ....Secretary. `
<br />, .:.�'�� ��� THE UN N P�.C�IFIC RA WAY COmPANY, � e���'�
<br />; . ... . .. Y. �
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF �(� z : '
<br /> � BYi.............�� .......�./.'a..,����u�Zl.........----••-.-•--................Presiden�. � � :
<br /> �; :
<br />; .... ........... ... . ��.. ........................ UN10�i TRUST COMPANY OF N YORK, TRUSTEE, z : :
<br /> 4
<br /> �v :
<br />, � � � ' .. � : /� .
<br /> . /�� (/'�
<br /> .�............ ... .. ..... ......:'K!... . .. �................. _ . . � � B�._.1✓� �.........._... . ....._... . ........ ......................:PTP.filaBIlt. U .
<br /> .. .......... .... �
<br /> STA'I'E O� 1�lI SSACHUSFT , . ��
<br />; SS. � ' ;
<br />; COUNTY OF SUFFOLg. *,� ��/
<br /> I Be it Remsmbered, That on this,,,, � !r'7/��,��v�.(/GZ..................................day of..........�..�y,���./.!!tr A. D. 18�V before me, a
<br /> .................................
<br /> Notary Publie,in and for said County appeared the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COil'IPANY, by C. F. Ada;mB� ita President, wbo ia per-
<br />. sonally knotivn to me to bP the icientical peraon whose name ia subscribed to the foregoing inatrument as said President and thea and there
<br /> acknowledged tre eaecution and sealing of said Instrument to be his volnn ry act and deed, �nd the volnnt iry act and deec:of said Company.
<br />` In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this.... ,,.,. ._:_,_.__day of.,,,,,,,,,..�/(�y�j��_.... .
<br />� _ ....... .................. . . .. .......
<br /> A. D. 18�v ,at the City of Boston, in said Connty and State. �1 �
<br /> k � - � � � - //_ // �
<br />� .... . ........_ _.a.yil�.C. ._..........____. .__._....._ ....__...... �.........Notary Fubltc.
<br />' S 'I' ATE _ O'F' NE �7V YORI�, � ss.
<br /> . . COUNTY OF NEW YORK.
<br /> Be it Reenembered, That on thie.,,...:������'�.r�fu��.day ot..-----�- ���. _ ....A. D. 1 �D , before me;a Notary Public,in and
<br /> for said County, appeared the UNION TRUST COMPANY OP NEW YORK, by... .��(l4Y�Y� . ......................................its President, wbo
<br /> is personally .known to me;to be the identical peraon whose n�me i� subseribed to the foregomg ins ment s said President, �nd then and there
<br /> � ........
<br /> ackpowledged tbe execution'and sealing of�t►id inatrament to be hie volnntary act and deeci and the•voluntar and deed of said Company.
<br /> '
<br /> '� In witness wltereof� I have bereunto set my hand and official aeal thie..,,/�/.��;.G.... .�..� ���i�. .:..�y of_.. �y�-a�4--......:.
<br /> ................... .............
<br /> --.......
<br /> A. D. 18�"D ,a�t the City of New York,in said Connty and Stats ` '
<br />. .,L � � � �� � _�� �
<br /> .... ......... ......../�'Z<1���../�. �/�`.���.r.�t'/..r!C.G��:�t<¢.1.........................Notary Feeblic. �
<br /> k ' � �
<br /> 3
<br /> E. _ :. ..�__ . _ _ .
<br /> , :<
<br /> __, _
<br /> __._ �._ � � �_.1,�..�,,�.
<br />