,.�., , _ _� �_ _ _ �_ T __ __ _
<br /> �_�
<br />� D����. I=���� �'c� . . 7
<br />�
<br /> FItOM �� � �,
<br /> ' Fzr.Eri Fox RECOS� and entered on Numerioal Indeg this.........................................................................day
<br /> Union Paeifie Railway� Company ,
<br /> TO ot....................... ..�..........A.D.189p',at---...1..1.J....::::...o'clock and__...��./...minutes_.�..�•
<br /> �
<br /> ��G�� ,�- C�F�//�� .....................�`...��G......................_�.............................................................._
<br /> _..._.........................................................................��✓ .... ...................................................._ County Clerk.
<br /> i
<br />, BY....................................................................._.._.....................................................................................
<br /> .'--�-...,_---........_..._...._.... ---- ............... .................................................................... Depnty.
<br /> TH � UNIC� N P �► � IFI � R � ILW � Y C � IURIPr4l�ll�. /
<br /> �I1�I01� Dt��9I0�.-1��81tA�k.�. Deed No./....J.1�..`��'�"
<br /> Know all Men by these Presents, That the IINION PAdIFIC FtAIT.�A'Y CO3�PANY, e►hich ie a (�orporation formed i►nd esiPtingbyttreooneolidstwuof tlte
<br /> KAIPSAB YACIFiO RAILWAY CUMPANY�th0 DENVES PACIFI(S 1ZAILWAY'dND TELEC}ESPH CUMPAIQY� and the Uxtox Pecr�Ya 1tArtROen COD�PANY,.nnc�er t�1C COtP01'&YR II81IIle &ff(� Bt91B bl'th6
<br /> UNION PACIFIC RAIf WAY COMPANY,by autl�ority of an act of Congress, entitled, "An act to aid in the constraction af a raiiroad and telegraph lina from tbe M�seonri kiver to the Paei$c '
<br /> Ocean,and to secure to the(�overnment the ase of the same for postal, military an�i otiher purposes,"approved Jaly 1, 1882, and acts amendatoey therenf, whieh said Company has eneeceeled ta aad
<br /> become seized uud po�seased of all the real estate aud pmperty of the said croustituent companiea,whether res�i,pereon$1 or miged,and,among obher things,of ali the land grnnted to easd IIxIaN
<br /> P�CIFIQ RAILBOAD CUMPANY Uf th8&fOTE9aid acte of Cougr ,it�aid of the construction of ite ioad,ieot conve,ed away by aaid Company�t the date of enct�ooneolidation(to evft,Jauaary 2�, 18�t1,
<br /> in consideration of the sum cf.. �/y�j�-�-... �'YVt�ytt�y�� �� U O �' ..... ..... . . . ....„Dollara
<br /> `� �.. �.......... ..............(...Z..................................... .. .............................. �
<br /> to it paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby GsnxT, BA$(}AINy f3�Li.AFD COA�Y� unto...,........i�C f'iC.(��v�c� (�U f�G�... ...............................:..............................::........
<br /> ....................................
<br /> ............................................:........... .............. ................:...:..................................:...:...............::.:of the County of.::..... , .--••---��............ :........:.in the 8tate of.:..:.............. ���"��`��
<br />' the followiug described Real tate,sita te,lying andbeing in the County of Hall �`�l in the 8tate of PFebraete,and deecribed � foIIows te�ht>,,,,,,,,,,,,,`J..F.. ....................,..,...,.....,.,...,,,,...,....,...........,,..,,....,.,,.,
<br /> �°�`�l I ,, ,� ��� � �
<br /> -
<br /> ..............................�✓..,l�e� _ _....... L��U�!...- . G.�fiY..:.. _��.....,/��'2�_,-el-?'��.... ......cv�fi?'.:...�.,��U...��.��....
<br /> G� � �� � �............... ,...........................................................
<br /> . . . . .............................�-�-�--�.---------__.......................................-.---.............................................................................................
<br /> .................... ............................................................... ... .. .... .. .. .........................................................:................... ..................... . ............ .....................................................................................................�.................................:...
<br /> -------. � ........---- .......... _ .. ....... ... .... ......................................� ����--��-�---....:........................:..:............:.......................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> _.................................................. .............. ......................................................................:........................ ...................... . .. . ... . ......................................... .. ..... ...................... . ...... ..........--................ ..................
<br /> ......... . ... . .......... ... .. . .. . ........ .. ... ................................. . ... .......................,................................................................................................................................................:.........
<br />� -.--�-----------------------� -----------�-.- -- - �--...........------------------------------------------........----------�---------...._..--�--�--------------..._......--.-.---�----------�-�---------�.-------------�-----...._......--�------�--......................-�--..-.--.--------------.-----�--......._..-�---.--.----...--.--..------------..........--.---...-------......_
<br /> ..............�--�-.--...--.--------�------------.-��---��-.--�-----...---�--�--.-�-----�------�----�-----------............._.............._._._.................._............:.................--.--............................................------.-.---------�--�--.-..-.-.--------------------..__._..._....-.-----------.......-------------------------�--.--------------------------
<br /> ..:...... .:...:.......................... .. ........... .................. ................ .... ... ..... ....... .................................... .......................... ............................................ ...........................................................................................................
<br /> ��f � �. C' /
<br /> o�' �ection No........:..(°/...................:..:......��....:.::.�.�.�.�,�.:..:.................m Township No............��'�i�:.:....�..�.L.�.........�ot�th of Eange No......��...�...��..1...��'!�1...........of the 8th $r€t�ipel
<br /> Meridian, eontaining accord g to the United States anrveg thereof......................................:......................�'./.."...�.....�,°?�.....�.:............... :..:....:...............:....................::......................:.:..........:.......A�[s, �e�e br
<br /> less, being the same premisea contraeted �o lie eo2d to_.....:.....................�:l.! .��G.�!�:.......(�1..�':�G�.... ....b�Conf� �Tis.........�`.4.P�/ �.1....4�:.....................................:...
<br /> ........................................... ... ......
<br /> aatea ..........:. .�..f.�..r.�--. ��n.��-.....�....9.,.....f�'��.�................................................._......................................................................... _
<br /> .............................................................:.......::....:.:............:............................................................................_
<br /> .................................................... ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> .... . ....... ....... ........ ...... ....... ....... ...... . ...... ........................................ ....................
<br /> 7�f Na�re bnd to Hoid the said'premises with all the rights and appnrt�aneei therenntb beloiigin�q n�ito t�e'ea�d'�rsntee,....,,, � , heirs�nd�sigee forever,�d tbe eaid grantor
<br /> . ......
<br /> fluth hereby covenant witfi the eaid grantee,that at the making of this ihstrnment it ie welI eei$xd of tbe said remisea as of a goo$ and fn�iefeasible esi�te in�ee,and hath good right to sei!snci ao�!-
<br /> vey ti�e eame, and that it wilt W�sanrT and D�F�rm the titie to ssid premisea unto the said grantee,,...,�y�//(..�....heirs and aeeigns fot'ever�gftiin�t tite la�vfal claia�of all persouet whome4ever.
<br /> Exeepting, Howe�er,all taxea and assessments levied upon said�remises aince.. G���r2��G�.__��� ����_...... ..........and eacept againet any cluime sr'itnenm-
<br /> brtedc�created or permitted by?throngh,or under said.... ...............i6��a��........�f.�......... �._... .. .... /. _.. .....oi ---.�..._s5�ct�t+�eors,he[!�s or as�gne os"It� af tlem
<br /> � �� �,ND WH:EREA9�,98Id UN30N��PACIFTC RATL$QA9 COMPA2ZY(�1(I on tha�siacteenth Aay�pf �f171„A:�.Ds�b8�7eeute�iid deliver to�y T416$.�C(1017tl�C���4f t�e d�[��IPeiv Yotk,and John Ihf��O�F�16� Or BOS I
<br /> toii,8;ceitafn Mort�age lleed of that date,wherein said Campar►9 convevei�to the said Cyrus H.M�raai�k:snd Jofin AuR,as Trustees,for tfie uses Sit�p therein mentloned,among dtbers the lsn�s�beleMie
<br /> ein < e
<br /> debcribed•Axn WxERICAB�Lh8 said Qyras H.MeCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of JunC,3.D.1873,by aprop ek instrumept oi writing tio th t e ,reaiga his p1ac��� es�Yustea unde�'said mortga�e d�,xlsfal�
<br /> resignation wa,s on the flfteenth day of October,A.D.is73,aceept@d by the IIxiox PnciFxc Rnii,xoen QoaQr�NY b�yits BoBrd of Iyfrectars, at a meet�g er�o2 heid on�hat day in the City of Boaton aqd S�s ��][sss4.
<br /> chnseCts• ANV'R'x�x�cns,on the�Pteenth day of Octbber,A.D.1873,Brederick L.Ames,oP EasCOn,3n the 3tA,te o��iassachusetts was dnly honiiii�ated by t3ie rema3iting.Truat�,JoHn Duff,as suoceesor to safd $.
<br /> MeCorm�ek,whieh nomination was,on the same day &p�1POVP•(1 U}�EYl9 BOaT(�OP DI[QCt01'8 OY t118 S�I(I UNION PACIFIC RAILR011D�OffiPAN$� Alin WaaR�AS by sueh aomfi�itlon an�d appmval�e�sid Fredesiok L.A1p�ee�cl
<br /> eaCCUting,�sid Mortgage De d e ANn W K��ns ea�id retnhpa�inieng Tristee dld.bY aecunv Yatncena r�oper 8ac�e�ect�imlr fqr t��at Pur p�oase,dat�ed on h�entiieth�d Y��October A D i873,at LAe rC"ity oli BTrostan�.v��s�m�e�
<br /> in auch new Trustee �ointly with him, the sai� John Duff; Axn Wasx�AS, the said �hn Duff did; on the tourteenth day oL �ebri�ary,A. D. 1877, by a proper ipstrum@nt oi wri'ting to thAt eShot, tC-
<br /> sign his place a�s Tru�tee under said Mortgage Deed, which resign��ion was, on the fourteent& d�p o!FeUruary, A, D. 187T, accept0d by the (�xzox Pno[FZO R.hir.x�oAn Co8i�3N�, by the E�tecu�ve
<br /> Committee of its Boarfl of Directors,at a meeting thereot held on that dap 3n the City of Boston SIId �tStO Of 1S�8S9�ChUSBELB,• AND WaESa�A9,vn the secpud daYnf July,1888.the IInion Trust Company of New York,was
<br /> dulp nominat�d by the remaining Truetee,Frederick I..AmeQ,as suceessor to safd dohn Du�,w'hich uomfna�ibn was,bin the t�frteentU daY oY Juty 18�=�pprbv�i by Che 1�xecutive Committee oE the Board of Dir�Cora of 6h�e
<br /> S&ld UN7AF PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY• aAQ t$0 SdSd FTCdBPfC$L.AII1C8 Q%CClltBd R dCBQ OII YIlB tI11P�08IlLh t��y o��f�Ny,1ss�,vesting in the sa�d Union'Cru�'t't Company-04 New York,the estates,�po wera, righta mud Iq- .
<br /> tarests created by said Mortgage Deed joint�y with the said Frederick L.Ames;Axn Wa�xsns,the said Unip]n Ttv�tCompany of New yoi$signifled its ' . ce oi sald tro�,by si�uing eaid deed;�rm Wa�asas
<br /> the said Frederiek L.Ames did, on the flfteentu day oi July,1889,by a�roper instrurnent in writing to that etfect,r�tgu his pl�ce a �ruetee under safd�o�',��e t�ect,which reaegnation was,on the eiateenth day.�
<br /> July�18$9�bCCCpLO(�by Lh8 UNION FAC2FIC R4ILWAY COMPANY�by the Egecutive C�ommittee of ite Bosrd ot Di��e�tora,at a'meet �riereot heid p'tt tttati aY im the Citr of�o�on, and 9tste oi Maee�shusette; ANp
<br /> WxEx�aa,no notnination oY a suecessor,to flll the vacancy�eaueed bq the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made�he said�Tniapn Trust Company of TVevO]i'ork pecame aad ffiow fe the sble TrusCee nnder
<br /> the said MortBage Deed,dated the si�cteenth day of April,A.D.,1867.
<br /> � AND�PH$RE98�Th0 8ald UN20N�.'ACIFIC 1tAILROAD COffiPANY fYld�OII th0 hteenth day.of Decembgr,A.D,iS73,execute and deliver to the�II1rib �$Q$T(70MPA�iY OF�EW YORB.5 CBT�¢III M�ge Deed
<br /> wherein said C9mpany conQeyed to the a�d Union Trn$t omp�py of New York,as T�ee for the uees an$����_ ses th,erein mentioned,apuong ers tl�e�j e h�etein����ri���e W���a, the II�oN
<br /> PACIFIC RAIL'IVAY COMPANY�W1Eh EhC COII88IIt OL,th8�nfon- Trust Comp�ny�ot.N ew Yor'k,sole Truste�undper�t,he 11�orGg�ge-Deed Q1 the aixt8'��� da ot� ll � . ed ot.the
<br /> eighteenth dap of December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,sa above set forth,the real esGate hereinUefbre il8sci�ibe8>unta,the said�i�antes,fa�ar�d�Cons�'�t'�tiion.dl th!!§um aiciresaidti to the iJIIA��C Bm13way
<br /> Company!n hand paid by the said grantee,whieh said sum oi rnoney has been paid to the safd Union Trust Oomp$ny at N ew York,in its capacity ae Trastee,for the n�es and pnYposes nieutloned in eafd Mortgage Dee�is"03
<br /> the sixteenth d,a oY A ril,1867,and oY the eighteenth day of December,157,�.
<br /> N�r ��ore, KN�W ALL MEN BY THE9�PBEbEA1��That the said Uxmx'Tsoar'Co���i.*Y oF N�iv Yosi[,Tro..a�e in t�b �fo�emsfd Deede,fi� �nsidere�ia�a of the aforeeaid
<br /> 'pre�ises�nd ii�e payment as aforesatd of saad anm,sa d by eafd itbflway CampRny to b�It�Trne�t'Compsn+y for tiie a�eb and pn�p6eea a1'u�id,daee R��,R.�LSSBS and fore�e QVr�'�CLA�It
<br /> nuto the saia . ............................ ......... Gi%.��..r�.—x�.....���. .. .......a.��.... . .. ...... ........_
<br /> .. .. ........................................................................................................
<br /> the Real Estate described aioresaid,to be heId Uv the said graatee free and egempt m sil liana, ,incumbrances and eharges of said Mortgage Deede,of the siateenth doy of April,1887, and•of the
<br /> eighteenih day of December, 1873,but aubject, however, to all the reservations an cronditious hereinbefore cont8ined.
<br /> IN PR ENCE OF In w'itnoss Nl�shoi, the said grantor, tbe IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY,hath
<br /> ....��r D caused"tf►ese predents`to'be se&led with ita corporete seal, and to be aigned by ita President, :F
<br /> �� attested b" ita�i�eYk �nd coanterei ned b ita I,and Commieeioner and its Anditor and �
<br /> U l-�J.,. .c ... �Yv��.... ✓CU� 0'Y� , 3' , t'Yi 8 Y , 'Q '.
<br /> � fih�e said IIrnox Tgv�r Co�pai�OF N�w Yos�, Trnstee, nnder the said Mortguge Deede, :° :�
<br /> �� of the eifrteenth+ds� of Apr'ri, 1887, and of the eighteenth day of December, 1873, hath �
<br /> �,.� . ��.�- cansed theae prbsents to tfe ebaled with ita corporate seal and to be signed by its President, �� �
<br /> ................. ....�................. .......�'..........;.................. -2JZ�� :�,°� �
<br /> � thie........�G;?`?��.............................day of....... .....�f..1/..'......................._A. D. 1$..�..�1..�.. ;a C"t�
<br /> _ .. .. . . ....
<br /> Atr�t:................... . ........................................ .. ...........................� THE UNION PACIFIC RAnV11AY �COMPANY, ' A '� , `
<br /> IN PRESENCE F � � � � ' �
<br /> -e� B , � ��x�/dJ Presiden� � c��;
<br /> � �_.---.--. ..,.c�� �.
<br /> .........�....�..A��'�.......����................. "'� : � :
<br /> ,�z c�i i7l�tlb�ff `TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEF, H �
<br />, � � � z �
<br /> . , � B '
<br /> .
<br /> �
<br /> .� � ����z� ����' f� o �' �;
<br /> ---............. ......... ........ .. �
<br /> �..... ...--�--�--�------ �.........- l' ......., .. ... . ..�. ...............................................r�a�t �, �
<br /> STA'!`E Ot+~ MASSACHUSETTS, � �s . `
<br /> Be it Remembered� That on this........ .... .... ��22� .. . .......8aq of........ �'y!�"��............ ..........:...................A. D. 18�J before me, a
<br /> . . . .
<br /> ....... . .,. .. ...
<br /> No"tary Public,iu and for said Connty, appear� Ehe IIL�TION PACTFIG RAIGi�'AY ffiPANir, by . F. Ada;mB, ita President, who is per-
<br /> �� sonally known to me to be the identical perean who�e name is anbacribed to the faregqibg f1t9'Ci�dment as said Pr�ident and then and there
<br /> acknowledged tbe esecution and sealing of�id Iastr�ment to be ltis volantary t en� dee$, ' d`E3ie volnnt:�ry act and dee@ of eaid Comp�ny. .
<br /> In witnes; whereof I have herennto set m 'hand and official seal thi�.................. _.__::(I'a of:.::,,,..... ...G��-,.,,..... �
<br /> � Y �... .... ...._. '�'
<br /> � �................................. �
<br /> A. D. 18 p ,at the City of Boston,in ereid"Catinty and$tate. �
<br /> ....... ....... .��Y�!1�Z�_...gk%,._��C�i..�...... .. Notary Public, ,
<br /> . ........ _ ^.
<br /> STATE O�F NEW YORI�, � �S .
<br /> COUNTY OF NEW YORg. �y � n�, g , �
<br /> Be it R�etrNmbe��d, That on this.....�:/,J�i/.f/�......ld-��°.�i�?%��%......�Y ot--•••------ /�Cr.ir.L�:..............�.�.18�� , before me,a Notary Pnblic,in s14d
<br /> � � . r�
<br /> for said ConntY, aPP�'ed the U1vI0 fi�UST COMPANY UF N`EW 3'(3iig, "dy.:.... �c..�.�...�r.�,--a�......�� ........................its Presidenb, whq
<br /> ........... .................
<br /> is peraonally known to me to be tLe identic3l pereon whose name i's snbseefi�ed to`t�+e �'a�o�i inAtrament ae �President, and then and there
<br /> a� tr
<br /> �� acknbwledged tbe execation and sealing of&�id indt�ttment to be hie voInu� aet anfl flee��$`�Lse`olnntary aet and deed of said Company.
<br /> fn �ltness �Iteroot� I have herennto set my 3ea�d a�6ffieisi'�`thie .::..:�-�.".✓.`.�-tl.: . .:. ::i(�►y of........�"Yz G� �
<br /> �� ................�................................-�-----
<br /> A. D. 18 �(J ,at the City of New Yfiil[,5n�lfid'�ont����►�. �-. .
<br /> n.�. ,, �
<br /> : ........... C�..,�:�..... ... ..s................0�..1'�s.�.✓..'�...............................Notary Peabkc• �
<br /> ti......... .... �-
<br /> /.
<br />