� � _ I
<br /> � ��
<br /> ��� ? � Deec� ��.eco �-c� .
<br /> ,
<br /> FROM Gj �j
<br /> FizEn FoR RECORD and entered on 1\Tumerical Indeg this ._.pL.. O ........ ...,,,,_, day
<br /> Unian Paeifie Railway Company .....:.......
<br /> TU of_._......._.C%� ..A.D.189 d,at--�-- '
<br /> _P.......o clock and.._... tyv........minutes CC�C--•bI.
<br /> �- • ;� .......:......:.�.... ............... ..................... ._�.... ......................................................
<br /> � �� �� ..........._ � �
<br /> < .....:. ........ .... ....................................................................................... County Glerk.
<br /> BY...................................................:........................................:........................:.....................:................:...
<br /> __._:..._______ __......_..__...._.._..__... _......_......................_......................._.......... Deputy.
<br /> U11TIO1�T DIVISI011T.--1zEBRASKA. Deed No..L.�J�.._..�.G..�...,
<br /> Know all Men by these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COBiPANY, which is a Corporation'formed and ezisting by the consolidatton of the
<br /> UNION PACIFIC RAIL�'VAY COVIPANY, by authority of an act of Congress, entitled, "An act to a�id in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missonri Kiver to the Paci$c
<br /> Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the same for postal, military an!�other purposes,"approved July 1, 1862, and acts amenciatory thereof, which said Company has sueceeded Lo and
<br /> become seized and passessed of all the real estate aud property of tihe said conatitnent companies, whetr�er rea,l,personal or mixed,and, among other things,of a11 the land granted to said UNioN
<br /> PACIFIO RAILSOAD COMPANY by b �foresaid ac of Conoress,m aid of the construetion of itsroad,not conveyed away by said Company at the date of euch conaolidation(to wit, Janaary 24, 1880),
<br /> in consideration of' the sum of��l'T!!'�.._ : _..._.. ......�Gf;.....GVwecQ....✓1.!lrlrtrvt�........��...�L. .�.1... ..............:.. �......._...... ......... ... .......... . ...........:............... ........:Dollars,
<br /> ! � , . .... . .......
<br /> to it paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknow]edged, doth hereby GRnnT, BAR(3AIN� SELL AND CONVEY� llritO,..,.,.y„�/f,(..G�f........�.v(...:...�V....G{/��
<br /> ........ ...:..........................
<br /> •-- ..........................__..................._........................._....._........................._............................................:..oftheCountYof...:...................._.... . . . ..�..................inthe 5tateof........��J�•Ci�t.................................................
<br /> the following d ribed Heal Estate,s' uate, lying andbei in the Count of I3a11 and in the State of Nebraska,a deseribed as followe, o wit;,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,...,,.,,.,.:,,..,._,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,'..,,,,.,,,...,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,.,,
<br /> i _. � � _._G±�_...�, - �Y�_.(it�'�iy�___ � DWUn! .�V l�._ry��'.✓...y........G!.:?'.?�!1.........�....yL��^."ind./•I'4 ....`.":A�?,..... ..�.�......... ... ......
<br /> ..__. . � .
<br /> __ _ . . . _ .. � .. �� q �
<br />' _._ ,�,_ _. . ,�-�t_ ... _��1�-. (�.�.�`,/rw..y...1........................ ........ _ ....-------�-...-------------.....................................:..........----..................... ���
<br /> i _ .....................................................................
<br /> 4 ............................................................................................. ... ........... .. ........................................
<br /> F _................................................................................................................................................................ �� ........................_.....:........... ...........................................:..................................................
<br /> --------------------------------------�-----------�------.......�-- -.......--------�--�----------------------------------------....--�-�-�--� .......-�--.......--� --...._._...- --...-- �- ..................-�---._...__......---...----�---------------------------------------------------------------...._........_............---------._._........_....
<br /> .......................................... ......................... ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................
<br /> �v�:.......--�---t-./..�.....,J.......:................in Township No........�•w�:..�(..u�............ ,North of Range No......��'i��l � '�L of the 8th :Prinei i
<br /> of 8ection No..:.....:........................................ .. .. . !s3/ � � �"'11X. 1�
<br /> ..... .......... .
<br />, Meridian, containing according to the United States survey thereof,,,....:`�✓VL4,,.,.,,/�,�,�...y,�,f.4,..,.,.�.:.../��n�;,,.,�f..�RL...,�,J......:.......... .... ' ,.,;...,: �eres more or
<br /> ......... ,
<br /> i less, beino the same premisea contracted to be sold to_...........�l.1..t. . .�C.......�.,....�Y...�l.�+�"........................................ ...........by Contraet0 No.Q.,,.....,�1.�0 R ....... . ............ .........
<br /> .... .�.. �...
<br /> f dated •... . .. ........I..�.�.:..�...�..P..�i.........................................:..........................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ............................................................................................................................
<br />;
<br /> i .....................................................................................................................................................................................................:..........................................................................................................:........................................................................................................
<br />': _... _._.. ....... _.....:... :................................. ......................................................:..................................... ................................................................................................................
<br /> .........
<br /> To Nave and to Hold the said premises with all the rights and appnrtenances therennto belonging nnto the said $rantee,,,,,,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,heirs and aseigns forever,sad t�e esid grantor
<br /> doth hereby covenant with the said grantee, that at the making of thie instrament it is well seiaad of tLe sai premises as of a gcwd and indef'easibie estate in fee, and ha,th good right to sell and vaa-
<br /> veq tbe same, and thnt it will W�RRnrT and DEFExv the title to eaid premises nnto the said grantee............................heirs and assigns furever ag�inst the lawfnl ol�ime of all persona whomsoeves�.
<br /> Excepting, Howeve�,all taxes and assessments levied upon Qaid premises since � �5�.... __ _ _. _ ......and except against any claima�or inettm-
<br /> brances cxeated or permitted by,throngL,or nnder s�id........'. .. .............. . . ...__. . .,.... ... _ _ or--....._ :.:.anceesaore,$eirs or aasigns or any of them
<br /> ,
<br /> ,��w�l � .G��1�-_ ......
<br /> Axn WxEx�na 3a1(1 UNION PACIFIC RAILEtOAD COMPANY(I1CI,on the sixteenth day of April,A:ll.1s67,execute and deliveT to Cyrus H.Mc(;ormick,of the City of New York,alxd John DuB,of the Gity of Bba
<br /> ton,a certain Mortg&ge�eed of Sha�t date,wherein said Company conveved to the said Cyrus H.MeCorxnick and John Duff,aa Trustees,for the uses and purposes tLarein mentioned,among othera the la¢ds her�3abatore
<br /> desCribed; AND WHE&EA9�EhC Sddi(I Cyrus A.McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument oi writing to that e�eet,reaign his plac�as Truetee under said mortgsge deed,wilich
<br />� reaignation was on the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1573�aCC0j1E0$b9 t110 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY by its Board oi Directors, at a meeting thereoi held on that day in the City of Boston and E3txte o1 ]d�eea- .
<br /> chusatts=AxD'WaERFAS,on the�fteenth day of OctoUer,A.D.1573, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the 8ta�te o�bTassachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Truatee,John Duf�,as succesaor to:said Cyrus H.
<br /> McCormick,which nomination was,on the same day,approve.d by the Board of Directors of the said Uxrox PaarFic RaiLROnv CoMrAxY;Axv WxER�aa by such nomination and approval said Frederiek L.Amea did,
<br /> upon his acce�tance thereof,thereafter become vested with the -a�me estates,powers,rights and interests,and cha�rged with the same duties and responsibili�iea,as it he had been one oi the or�g�na1 Trustc�s n�uted in And
<br /> executing,said Mort�a�e,Deed; Axn WHExEas,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance, roper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieGh day of Oetober,A.D.1873,at the CitY,01 Boston,vest the astae
<br /> in sucn new Trustee �omtiy with him, the said John Duff; AND WaES,�as, the said �hn Duff did, on the fourteenth day of February, A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument of wnting to that e�ect, re-
<br /> sign hie place as Tru�tee undcr said Mortgage Deed, which resignation was; on the fourteenth d�y of February, A, D. 1877, accepted by the Uxxox PAC[FtC RAIL$OAD COffiPANY� by the Esecutiva
<br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the.City of Boston and State oE Massachusetts• Axv WxExEne,on the second day of July 1889.the Union'1'rust Compang oi New Xo�k,was
<br /> duIy nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick I..Ames,as successor to said John Duff,w'hich nomination was,on the t�irteenth day of July�18S9i appTOVed tiy the L�xecutive Commfttee o1 the Boaad ot Directora ot'the
<br /> said Uxzox PnciFiC RnrLwnY ConzrnxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the thirteenth day of July,lss9,vestiug m the said Umon'1 rust ComPany of New York,the estates, powets, riguta and in-
<br /> terests created by said Mortgage Deed joint�y with the said @'rederick L.Ames; Axn WaEtt�ns,th�said Union Trust Company of New York signi8ed its acceptance of safd trust, by si¢ninu sa�id deed•Axn V�'aaRSns .
<br /> tha said�rederick L.Ames did, on the fifteenth day of July,1859,by a proper uistrument in writing to that effect,reaign his pla�ce as Trustee under said Mort$age Deed,which res�gnaEion wt►s,on the eiste�tth Qay u�
<br /> July,1889,8CC0pE6C�_b3'Gh0 UNION PACIFIC AAILW.IY COffiPANY�by the Executive Committee of its Board oP Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston, and State oi &Iaesatfhusett�; Axll
<br /> WxExEAS,no nommation of a successor,to fill the vacancy,caused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames;having been made,the said�Tnion Trust Company o1 New York beeame and now is the sole TruaLee.under
<br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of AprIl,A.D.186Z '
<br /> AND wHEREAB�The said Uxiox PACiFrC iteirxonn CoMraxY did,on the eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,execute and deliver to the IIxiOx Ta.usT CoMrnxY om N�w YOx.s a certadn�Mort�age Deed
<br /> wherein said Comp�ny conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore described; 3xn Wa�x.�as, the sa�d Uxiox
<br /> ' PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY�Wltll the consent of the Union Trust Company of N ew York,sole Trustee under�the Mortgage Deed oP the sixteenth day oP April,A:D. 1867, and Trustee'under the Mortgage Deed�ot Lhe
<br /> eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbefore described,unto the said grantee,,Por and in consideration o!the sum aforesaid,to the Union Yaeiflc BailSvay
<br /> Company in hand paid by Che said grantee,which said sum oY money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company of New York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and ptirpo8ea m@ntioned in said Mortgage Deeda of
<br /> the sixteenth da of April,1867,and oP the eighteenth day oi December,1873. '
<br /> Now �herefore, Kr�w nr.L MEN BY THESE P$EBENT$� That the said Uxiox Tsasx ConsPAxY oF N�w YoB,B, Trustee in the afor�aid Mortgage Deede,in eonsidecatiion of ths aforeeaid
<br /> � premisea and the p�ment as aforesaid of id eum o paid by said Rmiiway Companv to said 1�nst Company for the usee and purposes aforesaid,does hereby RsMIS��R�L�s�and forever QIIIT-CLA�M
<br />� unto tbe said � '�1.0 l�t�o'1 L...�..�C�LM�...... ... . .:.. ................................................... ....:... . .:...:...
<br /> ...�...::............. _................. _............. _...... .
<br /> ..... ......
<br /> . the Real Estate de�cribed aforesaid, to be held Ly the said grantee f'ree and exempt from all liens, incuinbrancea and charges of said Mortg�ge Deede, of the sixteenth day of Aprii, 1867y and of the
<br /> eighteench day of December, 1873, but snbjecty however, to all the reservations and eonditions hereinbefore confained.
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF In INitness rMhereof�"the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�PANY, hath'
<br />� caused these presents to be sealed with its eorporate seal, aqd to Ue signed by ita Pr�ident, :F
<br /> attested by ita Secretary, and countersigned by ita I.and Commieaioner and its Auditor, and ;a
<br />, . '.„
<br />� - }�� � �^����� tlle e&Id UNION THUBT COMPANY'OF NEW YOB,S� Trustee, nnder the said Mortgage Deeds, :� �p
<br /> � ���,Q� o f t he aia teen t h day o f Apri l, 1 8 6 7, an d o f t he eig h t een t h day o f D�;em ber, 1 8 7 3, h a t h '°� '�
<br /> ..�
<br /> ` � ��°��� cansed these resents to be.sealed with its corpomte se»l, and to be signed by ite PresidenE, � `.
<br /> ................................ .. _`_ ._...._.._ g 7� � p .� :
<br /> _ this............ ............ . ........................:......:........day of......�L:r�%�%���...................A. D. 18..0....��...... ;a �
<br /> � �� � _ '� '
<br /> Attest:.....�'.�,/�,r e^f'...... .._.... .. ... .�t/Y..:...... .....Secretary. . THE UN PA IFIC RA LWAY COMPANY, A ' `
<br /> / � /� _w .C��:
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF �� l/ x
<br /> � I/ /� Q �C��� �(.� ✓ .................. ' °
<br /> I V✓V l: �,(/G�V.' BY_.�...�.. ........ . ....... ...Y ...... ... . President., � C�
<br /> .......................................
<br /> ai \; •
<br /> .... ......�............................................ ..... ...............,.. : l,J,c�tt,E, UNIOlri TRUST COMPANY OF N YORK, TRUSTEE, H �,: ,
<br /> , � �; °
<br /> _.. ............ ....../�,� �,,,�(.�........... ..........._ � B �'�� ,,,� � � �
<br /> � Y.................. . ........... .. ..............................President. � �;
<br /> STA'I'E OF' MASSAGHUSETTS, ss. �• '
<br /> COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. � � ^ �_/
<br /> �e 6t Remembered, That on this...�:........W!'�-�.......................day of....�.. ... . .:..........................,.................A. D. 18 p y before me, a
<br /> Notary Public, in and for said County, appeared the UNION PACIFIC 12AILWAY CObiPANY, by C. F. Ad&ms� ita President, who ie per-
<br /> sonally known to me to b� the identical person whose name is snbscribed to the foreooing instrament as said President and then and there
<br /> acknowledged the eaecution and sealing of said Instrumeet to be his voluntary act and deed, and the volunt:iry act and deed of said Com n
<br /> P� Y•
<br /> In rYitness Mlhereof, I have lierennto set my Land and official seal this._._.., �� ._._:...:.,day of.,..,(�
<br /> .... . . .......................................................................
<br /> A. D. 18 g� ,at the City of Boston,in eaid County and State. !��
<br /> , .... __. �/ �'�..�......� _,... ...., L -...,Notary
<br /> STATE OF NEW YOR �, ) . _ . ............. Pubtic. :
<br /> ) SS. `
<br />" . Bs it Remembered� That on this.... .... ......: . . ......... ......day oi---�.,._.. ..::__. _:...: _"..::...:.A. ITr'18 9� , before me, a Nofary Pnblic,in and
<br /> for said Count a � " ��_�� �/ �
<br /> :- R PPeared the UNION i2UST COMPANY OI' 2+TEW YO�.K, by:...........���?ywv......�••..............................................its President, who '
<br /> is Peraonally"known to me to be the-identical peraon whose name is snbseribed to the foregoin� instrnment as d President, and then and there
<br /> acknowledged tbe execution and se�ling of said inatrument to be hie volunt�ry act and.deed and the volnntary act deed of said Company.
<br /> ��� le Witness 'Mihereof� I have hereunto set my hand and;official seal this.,,;,,,,,,,,,,, „ :...:;.; .,,.,,:. ,..it�y'bf..... .. iZ�nn.vvyy��
<br /> ��1� ._..............�....... ....................--
<br /> A. D. 18 q 0 ,at the City of New York,in smid Connty and State.
<br /> ' ,�'� ��.... ���?.�� aL!�i
<br /> ...... ...... ................................... .. ..................••--............. .. ...... ..................................Notary Ptabtic.
<br />