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. <br /> � <br />� = DeeC`�� ��e�0 �'c�. . <br />� <br /> _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___A <br /> —�m�- -��►_rr� co. <br /> FROM <br /> FmEn FoR RFCORD and entered on Numerioal Index this ....._,.� v....... ._.,,... -,; day <br /> .......... .. <br /> Union Paeifie Railwa� Company ° <br /> of....__�. � _...........A.D.189 D,at.--��� ..........o'clock and.. -.-. --r. -��minutes_.�..M• <br /> TU _ ..... <br /> /"�/1� � ,........".�......�/l�....N...::............. .......... ...... __ _ .........................................................� <br /> �� ...... <br /> :�"�.........�4......... .......9......'!Li l/�/'!ti'................................._ - County Clerk. <br /> B - <br /> .. ...... ............... .. ....... ........ ......�- •--......................................................................... <br /> __ ___ --__.. _..- ............... ......... Deputy. <br /> THE I� NION ' PAC'IF1C RAiLWAY COMPANY. ����. <br /> ; ; U1�TIOhT DIVISZOZ�T.-1TEBRASI�A. Deed No........................� I <br /> Know all Men by thes� Presents, Tbat the IINION PACIFIC RAIL�AY CORiPANY, wBich is a Corporation fo"rmed and eaistingbytheconsolidation'of' the <br /> � �K�AIPSA$ PAGIFIO RAIL�VAY CUMPANY�tU0 D'llNVE&PnCIFIC 1ZAILWAY.AND'PELPC7RAPH COMPANY� and-�the UNION PACIFIO RAILROAD COMPANY� under the-corpor�te I18TY10 &ttd sfyle of the <br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY C014YANY, by authorits of an act of Congress, entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line fmm the 9�I�eaonri Hiver to the Pacific <br /> Ocean, and to secure to the Government the nse of the same for postal, military an�other purposes,"approved July 1, 1862, and aetg umendatory there�f,wbich said Comp�ny has eneceeded to and <br /> become seized and possessed of all the real estate a�id property of the said constituent companiea, whetner real, personal or mixed;and,among other things,of all the lahd granted to said U�iox <br /> PACIFIO RAILROAD CO:�IP�NY by the esaid aets Conaress;in aid of the construction of its road,not conveyed away by said Company at the date of snch conaolidation(to wit, Janaary 24, 1880), <br /> k.v 1 <br /> in ronsideration of the sum of.....�%����- "�i�,v�_k'��... �Q .�i,�,2�.(�`�� D ......./.:........... _.. .. ................................... . .......:....... ....Dollars, <br /> _ . � �q . <br /> to it paid, the receipt of w�ich is bereby acknowledged, doth hereby G$nxT, BARt3AIN� SELL AND CO PEY� UlltO... ;.,, „ ,,_,,,,..YU,,.,...�i�;�r-!"k". ... <br /> . .. ...................... <br /> i .............. .............of the County of........... ..........:.--�--.: �. ......... the 8tate of...:........�..............:.............................. <br />� the followin d cribed Real Estate situate 1 in nndbein in the Cou of'Hall and in the State of Nebraska and described follows to wit:....,,,.................. ...:. <br />; K r e Y� 8 � b 9 � �� � r <br />' ......... .. �. . . - ___ _�,,,-�r,,,�_ �a,ti,�-.._ � ..�1�... ,���'-.. r��,�,.-.....�,�►�.�`........:.........�......� .....�..�.. :e�r-�......°.�........ ......... ......�.�:.......... <br /> G� �. �1 � � � <br /> .........._...._..........._ ......_...,w-�.�-_�.✓�.u.�!X�',-..�..._ ._... .........J............................._...................................................._......_....._................_......._.....__...._._............_........._......................................................_.......................................... <br /> ................................................................................................._.....................................__....._........__............�...................................................................................................:................................................................................................................................:......... <br /> � <br /> ---�--- -- ..............................._.......... ..._ _ ____- ......._..._...._......_................... ................--- �---...- - �- ...........................................................................:..............:..........:..............:...............................................:............:...,....... <br />. <br /> ......_. ...................................................................... ................ ....:.................................................................................................................................................................... i <br /> - ------------�----- -----------�-�-----��- -------------....--�--�------�-----�--...-�--�--------------------------��----�-�--�-------...-----.....---�-----��--�---..........................-�-----.........-------..............._................---................................................. <br /> ---------------------- --� ---......_..-- � <br />' ...............�-------------�---------------------��---�---�---��-----.....---------- --�------------------_........----�-----------......................................- �- -�--- -..........-�--�--................-----�------- � <br />' ....................................... .............................................................................................................................................. ...............................................................................................................................................:...............................:...........:....:..:..:�.:.............. <br />; 'of Section No ,��1�......�i�r.f,iy�tcsA----.---..��..� Township No...... .�ti:`!'I/v4n�/........�,�,,,�Z,1 : Nortb of Range No..:......����....�.�...��...�✓�of the 6th'Prineipal <br />! Meridian, containing according to tbe United States aurvev t eof.......�................ . ..�i..L�:r..�...�:.�srcr�...i��i...Trv....�.��........1..�� �.....:.:. ......... ' ...:....:....:...:........_ '.........Aeres; more or <br />� less, beina the same pr mises contracted to be sold to,..........,,,,�,� ......... ........�...................... .. .. .Gt�. ....... .by Contrnetd�No.`,�l�/Z...�!t�,L,./..:,�..I ��...;..... , <br />` �e�ivV�.......!'.�.....]`..e.��..�".l?.II.�...........�'..�.�'u.wk.(�...�%.Z�Y+�arl�.��r ....h..:�.....l.rT..2....�!..:...:.:......:....:...... <br /> da�d ..�.�-�-...�....i.�..7..y.........�r.......�...... . ........ .... ......./lA...e.............. .. ..........�G-�...f.................. � . .. <br /> r ;, ��� <br /> � .. . ... . . . ..... . . . ..... . ...................................... ....... ... .. .. . . .. ..... ....... ............ ... ............................................... ......... ................................ <br /> � _ _ _ _ . . .. ............. ..... ...... . .. .. ... ................ .. . . . . .............. <br /> . . <br /> ,.. � <br />�, j; To Have and to Hold"the said piemises with all the rights a�nd appurtenancee thereunto belon�ing anto the said qrantee,;,,,,,.,.., .. ....._:,:_heirs and as�ignB fbrever;snd t�e eaid grantor <br /> i; doth hereby covenant with the said grantee,that at the making of this,instrnment it is well eeiaed of the ' premises as of a goud and indefe�sible est�f�e in fee, aud hwtilt good right to eell aad 'eon- <br /> il • ' <br /> �� vey the eame,and thnt it will W nxRarx and D�F�xD the title to said preanisea unto the said grantee„;.;,... ....,..,heir�$nd aseigns forever against the lawfal e�laims of all perpons whomsoe4ar. ` <br /> I� Exceptiag, However, all taxes and asseesment vied npon eaid p emisea since �� �� �$�/ ...,..,..and eatsept ag�ai�st a'rry clar`t�ls ur inenm• <br /> _.. ._. ... ..... <br /> i+ �� � / ,J <br /> I brancee cseated or permitted by,through,or ander said.--. .�..`b. .. . . . .:Gi� . .Gi�-�.yrt_ . �;% ._.. . or .. .. .,...sttePrssors,heirs or assigna or swy a�' tbem <br /> IANn Waa�x,Ens Sald UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO➢4PANY 'd on the sixteenth day of Apiil,A.ll.1 ,execute and deliver to Cqru c�ormick;oY the City of NeW York,and John Duff,of the City of Bos <br /> I ton,a eertain Mortgage�eed of that date,wherein said Company convevec�to the said Cyrus H.MeCormick and Duff,as 7'rustees,tor the use8 and purposea therefn mentSon+ed,among others the lands heTelnbe2ore <br /> �` described� AND WHEREAB�th0 8ald Cyrus H.McCa•mick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.lsi3,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his lace as Truateeundea safd mortgage d�eed,whieh <br /> '. resignation was on the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1873�&CCOpteCl bj�th0 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY by its Board of Directors, at a meeting thereoY held on�hat day in the City oR I3oston and 8tafis of Liaesa- <br /> {� ehusetts; Axn'Waxnr;as,on the fifteenth day of October,A.ll,1873,�rederiek L.Ames,of Easton,in the State o�Massaehusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Du�,as successor to said Cqrua B. <br /> MeCormick,which nomination was,on the same day,approved by the Board of Directors of the said Uxiox PaCrFic RaiLitoan CoairAxY; AND WIiE&EA8 by such nomination and approval said Frederiek L.Ames did <br /> �� upon his acceptance thereoi,thereafter become vested with the �ame estates,powers,rights a.nd interests and char�ed with the same duties and respoflsibili�ies,as if he had been one of the or�'g�nai Trustees named in anc� <br /> 'i executing,said Mortgage lleed; Axn WxExsAS,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,_proper anc�effectual for that.purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the c,�iby of Boston,vest the same <br /> j in such new Trustee �ointly with him� the said John Duff; Axn WaERxns, the said John Duff did, on the fourteenth day of Februar.y A. D. 1877, by a proper inetrument oP writing to that e8ect, re- <br /> �� sign his place as.Tru�tee under said Mortgage lleed, which resignation was, ou the fourteenth day of February, A. D. ]877, accepted b'y the IIKiox PaccFio RAILROAD C09iPANY� bp•the Executive <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereoP held on that day in the City of Boston and State oi Ma,ssachusetts• Axn Wr�F�Eas,on the second day of July,iSe9.the IInion TrustCompany of New York,was <br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick 1..Ames,as successor to said John Duff,w�ich nomination was,on the tl�irteenth day of Julyr 18S9t approved by the�aecutive Committee of the Board of Directors of the <br /> said IIxiox PnciFic RniLwaY CoMrAxY• and the said Prederick L.Ames executed a deed on the thirteenth day of July,isss,vesting m the said Umon'Crust Company oi New York,the estates, powera, righ6s-an�Sn- <br /> terests created by said Mortgage Deed jointiy with the said Frederick L.Ames; Axn WaEREns,the said Union Trust Company of New York eignifled its accept�.nce of said trust, by s�p��ng said deed;AxA WH�a�nr <br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did,on the fltteenth day oY July,1889,by a proper instrument in writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,whlch resigna�ion wa.s,on the sixteeatII o� <br /> July,1889, the Uxiox PaciFrc RaiLw.��CoMrartY,by the Executive Committee of it�Board oi Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day u► Che City of Boston, and Stat� oi Masaaehas�€tts;�xv <br /> Wa�$naa,no nommation of a successor,to rill the vacancy,caused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,the said�Tnion'Lrust Companp oi New York beeame and now is the sole Tru�tee under <br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.18G7. <br /> AND'WHERICA$�TY10 Sald UNION PACIFIC ItAILROAD COMPANY(�1tI,�on ttie eighteenth daq of December,A.D.1873,execute and deliver to the Uxiox Tsusm Co�raxY oF NEw YoRx a certain M�0 DCP.$ <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposea therein mentioned,among others the lands hereint�eYoTe described; AxD WasaEae, the UxION <br /> PaciFiC RAtLwAY CoasPnxr,Rnth the consent oE the Unian Trust Company oE�1 ew Yor�C,sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of the sixteenth day of April,A:D. 1867, and Truatee under the Mortg�e Deed oi the <br /> eighteenth day of December,�.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set Porth,the real estate hereinUefore deseribed,unto the said grantee,for and in consideration of the sum afoi�esaid, to the Union Pae�9C Raiiway <br /> ComQany in hand paid by the said grantee,which said sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company of N ew York,in ita capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purpoaes mentaaned in said Mortgage fleeris oi <br /> the sixteenth day oY April,i8G7,and oY the eighteenth da,y of December,1873. <br /> Now Therefore, KN(�W ALL MEN BY THE6E PB�ESENT$� That the said UNiox T&�sT Coarra�oF N�w YoBg,Trustee in the aforesaid Mortgage Deeds,in coneideiation O� � 9fOTf,BcLA(1 <br /> premises and the pa�y ent as aforesaid of said am,so gai b said Railway Company to said Trust Company for the nses and purpoaes s�fbresaid,does hereby R�MtaE,RaL�AeE asd fox�evet QLiiT-£LSIM <br /> , re <br /> nnto the said ...... ............... .. ...._.... .._ ....!. "l......... .��ei��n.......... ............:......................... _.................--�--......... . ... ......... <br /> _......_ _:.... ......__... _....... .. . <br /> the Real Estate d �cri ed aforesaid,to be held by the said grantee tiee and egempt from all liens, incumbrances and charges of said Mortgage Deeda,of the siatcenth day 4f April;1867, and at the <br /> ei�hteen�h day of ember, 1873, but euhject, however, to all the reservations�nd<ronditions bereinbefore contained. <br /> IN PItESEVCE OF 1n witness �hereoi� the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�RPANY,h�th <br /> n,� ,/ caused these presents to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be signed by ite President, ':�: : r. <br /> if ,y�` ��// �������' attested by its Secretary, and conntersigned by ite I,and Commiasioner and itg Auditor, and �a ;� <br /> � ���n - - � the 8&1(1 UNION TRUBT COMPANY OF NEW YO$K Trustee nnder the said Mortga�e Deede, 1 `� � � <br />' � �'�` of the gixteenth day of April, 1867, and of the�eighteenth d�y of Il�ecember, 1873, hath •� '� <br /> ,�'�j� �/ �.,.yQ�,�. eaused these presents to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be signed by ita President, •� � <br /> U.•.�......�...................... _....... ,J�'� _ .� . <br /> ! this .:... .... ........ ... day of.............�!!:.`��..:!:.�......................A. D. 18 � <br /> ... ......:........................ � ��.... <br /> . Atteet:....�"""( . `�Gl!!^."�... . ::... .:.�.Secsretary. , : <br /> - THE UNI PAC/�'�IC RAI WAY COMPANY, � : � <br /> IN P$ESENCE OF � �f- c�.� z . ' <br /> B�-••---��.......��... l v..�i........ .. ..�.....................:....••-•••-.......Fresident. � c� : <br /> ...- - ' <br /> / � � <br /> ... .�.........Y.... ..� .........eG�...... .................. � . . . . .. . ..� . <br /> UNI01� TRUS COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE, H : <br /> �/J� ;Q���Q , � : <br /> : <br /> .................. ...... ..... ../,......... �: <br /> ���G!��" "{ ��u� - ------ BY........--..�:.:'v!!".."`..........�._......_.... ...................:...........................President. � � <br /> i <br /> STA`.rE OF 1�IAS ACHUSF.TTS, � � <br /> ss. <br /> COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. � <br /> Be it Remembered, That on thie.....!.......... .. .... . . .. . of.. ................ .. .. ................................A. D. 1B g D before me, a <br /> Notary Public, in and for eaid County, appeared the IINION PACIFIC RAIL Y COMPANY, b C. F. AdamB, ite President, who is per- <br /> sonally known to me to b� the identical person whose name is snbscribed t the foregoing instrument as said President and them m�d there <br /> acknowledged the esecution and sealing of said Inatrument to be his volantar act and deed, and the volnnt iry act and deec:of said Com�ny. <br /> ` � ,,Q . <br /> In witness Whereoi, I have herennto set my band and official seal th�s ,_.�rW�trtn. ...._......_daY of..... ......... .. .... .. . <br /> . ..�....... ........ <br /> ...... ................ <br /> A. D. 18�J ,at the City of Boston, in eaid Cottnty and Btate. � <br /> � ���1 .� ' <br /> .... . _ _ ����,�.,��r�, rua�a. <br /> .. ._ . .. ._ <br /> STATE OP' NEW YORI�, � " "' <br /> SS. <br /> COIINTY OF NEW YORI�. ` n <br /> Bs it Remembered, That on this��'�N'�n�r�.......y��,��'day ol------...���✓v�.' ...: _:.:...Ac D.1$�p t before me, a Notsry Publiq in and <br /> for said County, appeared the UNION TEtUST CQMPANY Or I�TEW YORK" b ` ' <br /> � Y......:::..�C�,.r,{._••.....J.. ........................its President, who <br /> is personally known to me to be the identical person w�ose name is subs�eribed to the foregoin� instrament aa eai President, and then and there <br /> aeknowledged the execntion and sealing of�id instrument to be hi�voluntary aet and deed and tIle volnntary act an deed of said Company. <br /> / i <br /> : In 1Mitoess llrhereof, I have herennto set my hand and official se�l th�s,.�'l'.�:).�1¢....+�Q.,�r+,;+r.�. .....�3'�f..........��Jcr:Ti£'�- <br /> A. D. 18�v ,at the City of New York;in eaid Connty and�tate.' ........ .....................-•- <br /> . �` Q �....... . ............Notar� .Pacblic. <br /> _................... ......... �i1'''�Y.... ..:rc..: . .. . <br /> .... ................ .. � <br />