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_.�„......,_-.,,�_ _._- _.. r.,.. � .^; .T;,;t � ...����.�. <br /> . �r <br /> , s <br /> 4 R. <br /> � ����. ��.���''C� . � <br /> __ _ _____ _ _ _ <br /> __ _ _ __ _ __------- <br /> -- _--- - - _--- _ <br /> � � �____ _ _ ._ _ - <br /> __ <br /> FROM <br /> FILED FOR RECORD &riCl entered on Numerical Index this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„� ........ A�� � -� � <br /> ................. ...�� <br /> ,.`. � <br /> Union Paeifie Railway Comp�ny � �f� , . . <br /> of_--..____G�it�2l�.. . .........A.D.1890,at---....e�.............o'cloek and_.... .""......:minutea_.�M. .:. r; <br /> TO , <br /> ,...L'1�..�/�:-.....�'..4i4'..k:..�../..�.. ...^.....�..�.�i..�...:+.......................................................... <br /> _.............._............._.:._.. .._..............._...........................................................t......................... Countp G'lerk. <br /> � <br /> ��..G%��nr_�//� ..................... BY� ..................................._............_.._..... -•-----....... .............................._. <br /> ... — �--� <br /> - Deput9. <br /> _.--,..__ __... ._.. .... ..,............_.............. <br /> �' HE UN14N P � � IFIC ��4iL� W � Y COl1�'I 'PANY. . <br /> UNI4AT DZVI8It32[.-=�1'�BRA��A. Deed No...��;�:,`r.�.. <br /> Know ail Men by these Presents, Thnt the U:�TION PACIF'� SAI�i'R'AZ GdbiPANY, wbieA ie +4 Gorporstion fo�e� bnd eaii3tingbytheconeol�dat�arot the <br /> KA�i3A3 YAOIFIO IZ,AILWAY CUMYANY�tbe DENV�S PAOIFI@ 1tATT.WAY AIiD TELIDC+RAPH CUffiPADfY� &Tt[��1te UD[�ON PACFFii9$AILROAD GO�Pd1QY� UUaBT t118 COPpU�e nA1ne &i1d atyle Of the <br /> Ul3ION PACIFIC RAIL�VAY C0�IPANY,by authority of an tict of Congeesa,entitled, "An aiet to aid in.the.aonstruction'ot a rriiilrosd arxi tefiegraph line t'rom tha yI�eeouri ltiver to the PseiBc <br /> Ucean,and to secure to the Government the u�e of tMe same for po�tal, military and other pnrpose§,"approver3.Jnly 1, 1882,and rets as�enda�tory tfle�nf, wbich said fbm�tany has sncxeecled to aad <br /> become seiaed and posaeesed of a�ll the reai astute aud property of the said c�stituent companies, whetner r�1,per�nul or mixe@,and, uffiong other thinge�,of all the lased�ranted to ea�d IIxiax <br /> �ACtF�C RA�LSUAD Gbx�raxy by the aforesai3 aets of Cungresa� ' aid of the �trueti�of ita mad, t c�are�ed away by said Gompauy oL tha date of snch eonsoliAstion(to wi�,Jaaasry 24, 15�01, <br />��I � /' oa <br />' c/ ���G�..���,1�'/�.� -.. 1�..�....�z���.. .—..�._ ....................................... Dollars <br />: in consideration of the snm of.................................. .............. ..... .�%�f11�... .......... ................ . ... . . ..... ....... .. � <br /> .....t . .... . . . .... ......... <br /> . � / .............��� <br /> to it paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, doth 11CPe�y GRANT� BAaasix,8�wic`n , untu ......:...........:......,/..!C�lr..,,�1..�......���'�;�:.�.1.. ............................................................................. <br />, ' .......................of the Cou�ty of_••••••.._._.............�1G%�' the Btate of.................................................... ..........................................._ <br />' ............................................................................................................................................. ....... .._ <br /> the following described Iteal Eatate,situate,lying'aadbeing in t�e Cot�ntg of Hall �nd is f�e&ate of Nebraska,aud d as ow� wtt•.......-••...................................•••_.................................................... <br /> ��.,��,� . . ....: - ...���..��� ..��...-.�:� . -- . ..... .��,��.. ........................................�....................... . ......................................... <br /> _............. . .. . ___ __ _. _ . - - <br /> �- � � <br /> � ���� .......................................................................................................................................:...... <br /> �D� .. . ........... ........... .. .................... -----------.--._......... <br /> ............ ..............:................................................... ..... . . .... . ... ...................................................................................................... <br />� ._.._........................ ........ ___ ................._ ...... ............._..... _.. . .... -.---. ----.-----------------__...... . <br />, _.-----............................................................... .....----------.-.------.--------..-------------.-.----------......._----......_..................---.............._..... <br /> : , <br /> , ....................._.................................. .................................................. ........................... .....................,........... .............................................................................................o................................. t�./....�:��1..�!!_'......of the 6th Prineipi�l <br /> < ....... ........ / <br /> of �ev'�€on ATo...................... -c s� . ::: _ :., Townehip No.......... �� . ....__._i�+�rt1�o€ Rsnge N ..,. ....�/ L � <br /> .. .. ... .. /1 _.... ,�=������...._........... / Acres, meke <br /> � �/ <br /> Meridisn,. cso�taining accordin to the United States aurvev thereof..........:....................... ... . .. ........���/........................... _ .......................... <br /> ..... ......... ......... <br /> less,,being the same premiaes contraot�i b�be sbid to....................... ... � .. -..............:...1n�G►nttactSAta.;�/.:..��e�1.1.�...-..�.....................:............:. <br /> ,�"��... ....... <br /> aa�a .............. .���....��.....�.......1��..a....:��`�.�.................................................................................................---._............................................ <br /> ..............................................................•••........................................................................_••••••......................._ <br /> _...............:.......................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................. ... <br /> ............ ............................ ......... ............................................ <br /> .... ... �I / <br /> ...... ........ ........ ....... .... ........ ....................... <br /> ' Tb Na+re and to Mo1d the said premises with all the�ighte and a�ppnrteusnc� t�1CTEA4� �EIOIS�ItI�4ii�(1 L�18 9R�d p'lRLtCB,.....�.?�/ ...he���iSII$�1l�Y8r�asd t�e ea� gra�tar <br /> � doth hereby covenant with tha grantee,t,hat at the making of t�ie instrament it ie�vell een�d of the aaid pr+ariiuses as of�gooct and indefea�ibl8 estatte ia fbe,and t�i�$oocl riSht to�ell��6- <br /> I / 9 <br /> vey ti�e�me, and that it will�WAERArx and DE�xD the title to aafd premi�a nnto tbe said gr�mtee,,...,..�,2�/......._beirs�nd aseigna forever ag�lfnat the 1Awfni alsfri�of wii pereone w�o�dqv8r �;a <br /> � ExCYptlllg� However,all baxes and assessments levied npon id premises ain ..... . �iz�c�?� �?�..���./<. .............�tnd exdept ag�►in86 any e'ls�u!i or incam- <br /> br�ucee cre�tRd or permitted by,thmngh,or nnder said..................... . .,��. . �......_ ....,.�r !�.....��4�t�maxgns[1t�mg of <br /> dND WY[�RSA9�9�1d UNI02f PAQIFIC B�dILROAD COMPANY�d,on e sixteenth Aay of Apr A.D.1 execute and deliner F;b C H.Mct7orl�ek�o�Ct►�'4�ot 1�i�° a°��``� m °�� <br /> ed of that dste �vhereiu eaid Comp aa�y c4aveved to e�mid Cyi�s H.Mc�ka and J Dn�,as 17ttstees for t e nse9 anQ al'pos�Lbece�►men `"��d�o� <br /> to�1,a cerEaip 112o�(4e�e + � ` .; <br /> deSKxibed; �1cn x�R�a3,the said Cyrua H.MeCor�aiek dNi on the twentY-eighth day of June,A..D.Ya73,.Ag a praper�Stcurltentof V�riGiitg to ttcat ffiect,rsef�hYB.glace as �i Boston t�- <br /> ai � <br /> res9g�Sation�^as on the flfteenth day of Uctober,A.;D.1513,acCepted b�the IIxxox YeclFic�AZLxxoa�CoaraxY b its Boa�'d oiil�reCtors,at a thereai�d ot►�hat day r���escaY to eald <br /> tSa . . <br /> ehusetCs•Axxn'WaNSFas,c�n the flfteenth day of Oc�crber,A.ll.18Z3i F'reder[ek L.Ames,of Eastoa,in the 3�ta o��esehusetta,was duty nom�ated b the re�in3ffg��, �F������ � <br /> �oGorm{ek,whieH nomination was,on the same dny �pproved by tihe Bo�ud ai pirectors of the said Uxxox Pnci�zc ltai�.$ot,n CoaaraxY;Axn WH�BEAS�'hY e�h o i Truatees nsm�Yia .,?� <br /> upoa his�oeptszlce thereof,thereafter beeome veste'd with the?ame estatea,powers,righta and�lntereaEss anfl char�ed with the sa�he duties antY re��ausibil e�,A`ii Le tllld t�bn onel �g����,� : . <br /> w <br /> exeeuting,s9id Mortgage.Deed: Axn R'a��na,sadd remaining Trustee a canveyance, roper adnd effectual for that pnrp�e flated ap the t�►eatietlt d�y a4 d. idRi�,i�fi�� �� �� �, ; <br /> ln eueh nelv Trixstee )omtly with him� the said John Duff; �xn Wa�s�as, the eaid �hn Du� did, an the fourteenkh day oY F'ebr�ry, A. D. t877, bY a ' : <br /> sign lus piace �a Tru•tee under sz�id Moctga�e beed, which resi�nation was, on the fnurteeath day of Februa�'Y, A. D. ]877, aceepted by the Urrit�rt Ps� :1i.�=t�o� G ��r+ by � � <br /> Gommittee oY its BoArd of Directoes,at a meetin�tl�ereol held on that daq in the CiL9 Of BOSEOII SII(1 SL&EB OS M8�3P�ACA��' AND V4HICR�A6�011 G�8 8000Ad day OI.T Unt�'Itast.. e��xi�s':' �, <br /> A ` <br /> duly nomfnate d by t he remaining Trustee,Frederiek 1�.Amea,as succesaor to said�fohn I)uff,w'hieh nomialati�u*as,on t�e t'�►irte�th cl�Y oi d�ily ��c��ved by the ��� . � - � <br /> $8�1d IINIOli'PACIFSC H�AILWAY COHLPANY•&IId th0 SAId FTedeTlCk L.Ames executed a deecl on the tlurtcenth ds8��o�Ju�y,is89,vesting�n the s a�d IInian rust C��y�� �'�+�e����� w�' �' •�°�� <br /> sa r xi s <br /> terests cree,ted by'said Mortgage Aeed joiut�y v�ith the said Nrederfek L.Amea;Axn W aExEas,th(ei�s�1d Uuion Tn Com of Ne'ar York a1i1g�aiSed iC9 ��'�� ��+�$ � ;" <br /> July ai�,aoaa�bYt h e Ux��x P hiF c�Rw iwaiY Co r�',x18Y9'b7Ythe�2.�CA�1V8�'OITlIlliLEBC Of Iti B�O�(1�e�1�Yr S�At nH1P�II g�ICT fOQd�s h 8�l 1 O���j�a������������ ; F <br /> WasR�as,no s�»ntn�tion oLa succeseor,to Sll Che vacaacy,eeuse�by the resignat�on of sasd Frederic L s, g t h � � � <br /> the eaid Mo Deed,dated the sixteenth day of Aprii,A.D.isGl. ,�� <br /> � AgD�BBRRAB�TIl8 Sal$UNZON PACiFIC liY►IL$OAD()OKPANY d1$�OII tlk@ B3�htC8II�tl(Z$�0�D��m$8P�.A.D.1873,e�cute and deliver to �Nl01f't$UgT C+OffiP Y OR��'iW� .:A�=� <br /> wherein sbid Comp�any emiveyed to tlie at�id Unfon Trust ComT�ny a4 Ne�v York,as Trt�stee far the t�aad At�rpoaes tLerefti mentianed among oth�2�heta�t�ete►te�e brlbei> iffi� � .� <br /> PacsFZe RA*zw�.Y Goa�ra�,vrith t�cousent ot the TShwa Trvat Coutg�np of:�ew.York,eole Tr�atee�nder the�4o�t�ga i�eed oi tlie s3ut�a'Ch.�ay bf�i��4f,A.t>.�7, �T�.�t�tr . � <br /> eig�ibeenth�ag of Decamber,A,D.1873,hae soid and conveyed,as a�bove a�forth,the r�i estse�I►ere�if►�are deseri�d,unto the satd� ,foc aad 1n ol�►o�tBe� �•t°fiha s`-`'� <br /> Coa�pBanY in haad paid by tlie said�rantee,which sa�d sum ot moT+ey has been paid W the said Vniaa Trnst ComP�l 01 N e�v iteros�t�t3 ae Trustee.for naes mnd purpnstll��ed m �[urtgu�Se � K <br /> s <br /> ; t h e s 3 x t e e n t h d a o f A r il,i s 6 7,and oY the ei ghteenth da y oi December,1573. p��q �{q r g�,�, : .;. <br /> Norr T�OWr KWnW ALL Msx s�r�s��Psx�ms,ThaE t he sai d UNima'I�s�C J o a r�oF Nae�Yo�s,T rn s t e e i n t U e s f�e i e a i d ewdfaret���a�st 1 i <br /> ipremiees epc�the p�yment as afore�id of said c�nm,eo paid �id 'wa Caa� g to eaid��ny Ro�the�ses ahd parAoeee*#'aaea�i@,c�h �� <br /> , ,/��� <br /> nnto tLe gaid ..... ............. ... .. . . ..,,���..��1�°,G���'�/....... ......... ..................... ..... . ...... ..... .... ..................... ... <br /> � � <br /> ..... <br /> Ehe Real Eatate de�cribed aforess+id,to bc+held Up the said grantee free and esempt from ail liena, intsnmbrances a n d c h arg e s o f a a i d M ortgage I�e i i s,of the af:teenth dR7 af Aprtl,1�7, and of t}s8 ; <br /> eighteen�h d�y of December, 1873,but snbject,however,to all the reaervations and cnnditione hareinbefore eontained. <br /> IN PREBENCE OF le rltn�ss �, tbe said grantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�PANY, hatti ,. <br /> n . <br /> e:�ueed theee greeents to be ee�led witi►ita corporate seul, and to be aigneci by its President, m <br /> �j� �� ��// --' attested bj ite 8eeretar�,srtd conntersigned by its I.and Commiraianer and its dnditor,and •o � <br /> � .... ..... ,,i�:/c..tL/1'•....��i%r�!�`�....... t�e said Urr[o�r T�vBr�b�rexY ot�Nsw Yosg, Trustee, nnder the said Mo�iS'� �� : � .�:, <br /> � n o f t d�a s i a t e Bn b a d ay t�f Aprit, 1 8 6 7, a nd oY the ei ghteenth da y of December, 1873, haEh ` ' <br /> h h � <br /> �,(/j e�nsed theee�ente ti�be led with ita corporate and be signed by i� Pr�id�t, . <br /> ......_.......... .�..�...�r�.. ..�.r�. .. ...:... �p �, � �.. � <br /> ' A. D. ia.8"�:.... � <br /> ', ��� tb�s i����� aa of..........:. • <br /> � ................................ . ... ............................ Y . ........... . ....................._._ <br /> � Atteat:.... . ...��2�� ..����'�........:.....................seeretary. THE UNION PACIFIC RAfL�AY COMPANY, .. � '�: <br /> � a,: -;: <br /> IN PRESENCE OF � ` ` <br /> � <br /> BY........�......�...�3���c AZ?.�..R�...............................................:1'residen� �. \ : ::� <br /> �'� �jQ� �,� �Q _ as r\: <br /> ...�U, /�. ...�6�'�'�'�=:.......... c���'� Hltlttir ��UST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTE$ � . : <br /> . <br /> �...................... . ......... ..... � <br /> . ��� <br /> , - �.. . ..................... d � <br /> �/� �.cl!r/�/....- '•-•---••- BY............��.—. . Preei ent. U � �_4�'; <br /> : <br /> _..--------....�./C/............... ........ d� . <br /> ............ .... . • <br /> STA'rE OF MA ACHUSETTS, �--� <br /> , <br /> � ss. �t � <br /> �. � <br /> COUNTY OF SIIFFOLB. • <br /> Be it Remembsred, That on this....................._ .......;da of................. ................................A. D. 18 O t►efore mm, �► <br /> . ......... ..............._....._..�.. r . . . . .. . y <br /> Nota;y Pub3ie,in and for said County, appearet� tbe IINiON PACIFiC RAILWAY AI�X, C. F. AdsmB� ita President, who � pm�- . <br /> sonally known to me to b� the identical persoa whoee neme �e anl�cribed to tbe oregrridg ` ent as said Pr�ident and tbea snd �►ere <br /> acknowledgerl the ezecntion and ee�lin�of�id Inetrnme�t to be his voluntaty rtnd decd t►nd ttie v+binnt-�ry act and deed of said Company. <br /> i��' ' �?�:: <br /> • - In witness Mhereof� I have herennto �et my hand and officiad �eaI this.............................................. ..............:+�U"�P................. ........ . ... .......... .,.. , <br /> , A. D. 18�4 ,at tbe City of Boston,in esid i7oni►ty and Stste. _:'"��' <br /> � � _......_ <br /> , Notargr <br /> - o �.�. <br /> ...... .... ....... ..._ ..��%2�z'�/...... . .���t:i%%G�� � � : <br /> � TATE O�F NEW YORI�, � as `. ' <br /> COIINTY OF NEW YORK. � <br /> ; ', Bs it Rsm�mmlMred, That on ihis..... ....... -,�4'�%���..daY ot•-•••-----.. !�G�<;�%-._..._ .__::.A.�!i�9d , re me,a Notasy' £ ' <br /> .._... .. �� �:� <br /> . � : <br /> for said ConntY, BPP��d tlie IINiON UST COMPAN'iT OF NSW YO&g, by..... ......����e4:�l�1..�.. . . .. .. ........ ....�1� <br /> is personally kaown to me to be the ic�entieal peraon� name ia enl�er}becl ts t�e i�eg�9�etxu�ient�t � P�e�de�►L, qa�1,�; <br /> ` acknowledged tbe esecation and sealing of`arid inatrum+eni to Tie h�a volnn�ry wa� ssd dee�i aeA't�e valunta�P���ot'e� � <br /> � ' i��ic�" <br /> la witness wlteroof, I have herennto set m�*hand and offiaeial eeai tY►ia,....... ..... .....,,���%+�... :........+�r�......... � <br /> �2GGz�a� ���� :�-. .�. <br /> ' A. D. 18 9'D ;at the City of New Ym'l�,�sid Cbnnty a�l�t�+t. � <br /> . <br /> . , � ;�� <br /> ,µl� <br /> ,,, , � <br /> ��...:. ........ . . .....,. ..;..... _:., <br /> , , <br /> ...................................:... . . . <br /> .� <br /> � . � f .. .,�y.f!"n. <br /> ; hr <br /> C <br /> . �-0.��>� _, - ,. �. <br />