. ;. i.
<br /> r����i S
<br /> , ; ' c,,
<br /> ;. �.
<br /> , , � . , .
<br /> ,. .
<br /> ,, . ,. . ..... _. ...---.....__.. ... . . .. .. .. _... . .
<br /> , ,.. ..... ., '
<br /> .
<br /> . ---.,�.L..
<br /> •' f'_"'.. .. .. _._ . ... - - - ...., ... .. .-, . q ..
<br /> I . . ."_.._.__._" '... -- ...lN'f7Y7."
<br /> . �7.� �,(��i�i:3 .�,Y�• *,;"�1c:�.
<br /> by eBlu MnrtJ,�,�n. M�rt�+or�h�ll pyI to Mort��gee the�naounL o!�r dafloienoy betwaen the �oiuu!ta:e�. wa�� "` � '
<br /> msntn,l»nnnivaoe pr�mivau and Qeound renta wad Wa depo�iS�hereunder vrithia 10 d�atter demand Ix mRde upon
<br /> Mor1(�daot'r+�Yuoetin�p�,ynaeAi thesaof. _-
<br /> e. F��►!r.M�lv,tsnsaas aad lTs�.To prompf�y repalr.ro�tora ar rabuild w�qy bulldinge or improvemoate now or . _
<br /> herei►i�r on�e Pcoye�q,to ka►D�hs Proper�!a Bood oondltion�nd rap+►ir,arithout wwta,and Cree fram meoh,snio'o or �. �-
<br /> . OUd01'IlU11fl D3A3t e:pres�ly�ubordtuaSed to the liea hereof; not 4o mulcm,sufter or permit woy nuisanae to e�st,nor to ••;.. ,�
<br /> Almlj�i�►h or luaspRlr►hs v�lt'�e o!the I'raps:i,y by aAy aot or omis�ioa iq aoL;and to oomp�y wiEln all requirementa oi!nw .: _
<br /> with cx�pooi to ths Prop�rtY• '�;•1 . �.
<br /> 7. !?oad�maaRtom.I�n ths evsnt the Propsrts. ar u�►p�rt thereof. �h�ll be tnken by eminent dom�in. the r ,,', � ,
<br /> Mort�aQo�tsi emrow�red to onUeot and reoeive all oompan�stion wlaioh myr be paid!or aqy pmpe�y►twken or for dsm- '• ` •
<br /> � wge�t�p�o«er�uot taken,wn8 Mortgaeee oh�ll�pply euoh aompensation,at ita aption.eiLher to a reduotion oi th�� � ''`
<br /> ^ indobtndstnne afouaed hereby or W repalr md restore the property so dam�ed. �� ,
<br /> K, `�:, .
<br /> �;:, $� y������o�.MoatQa�ee m�y.but�hRll have ao oblige►tion.to do eny►eot whtoh the Mortg�vr � ,�,", �
<br /> �`�� has agreod�v.t falU to do.�nd Mort���ee r�qy�Lro do�►aoi it deems neoeaaasy to pmteot the lien hereoL Mortgagoa t ��.1 '.'F:
<br /> r
<br /> ; :;,,,•::. ,:._
<br /> agrmoe to ibpny,upoa demsad,aay sums w e=pended b3►the Mort�a�ee tor the Rbove purpo�es,�nd any eums rco ,, . ,�� ��,�.
<br /> eaporuiad.!>�r the Mortg�gee s2u�11 be added W the in8ebtednees seowoed lhereby aad beuome sub�eot to the liea kerenL -- �
<br /> • • � M.nrt,�ngpu rhell noS iaaur�y psrsonal ll�bility beosoee of aqythin�it m�y do or omiL to do�sxo�a:tr. �^��
<br /> �;.-_----
<br /> .. 6. Dete�t;ANl�nm � .. ;�1,,,,,�..._.___
<br /> �at oi Rsnta.Tlme ts of the esaenoo hereof,�und upon Mortgagor'e detiult in any aovenant . ,��,.____.
<br /> � � or agroomuat of Wi�Mort�age,inoludinQ oovsnaafs to pay whea due the suine seaured by thie Mortg�ge.the Mortga�ae
<br /> ; etlnU.ha eL�4:IIod.�its sat�og:toa end Ait?�ouE�otiae.to deoLre all sums aeousod by thin Moitgage to the immediet,z�g _ _ _
<br /> �,. � duo�nd�rqyabla a�.d�y oommence foreolosure oi this Mortgsge by JudioW prooeedingr;:�d.Provided IInrther,tta�4 _. _�
<br /> upoa euoh�de�ault the Mortg�gee,or a reoeiver appointed by�oourt.ma,y 4t its ogtion and wlthout:egard to the�dogua "'-`
<br /> h�
<br /> i;� oy ot tt�a�seourity.enter upon and Lako posxeeaion of the Proper4y aad aollaat the renta,iasues wnd pmIIte therelrom cusd :,��
<br /> '� eppt,y tJasir,n Q�t to ths oost oi oolleotton�nd operat[on oi the Propet�y and then upoa the indebtedneas seoured bY t'n96 `
<br /> ��= ` Morq;oga:eaid rents. iesuas sad pmfito taeing sssigned to the 1�Sortgagee as fuxthdr eeoiulty for tho p�yment oi�he �•'��:� -
<br /> � .
<br /> . . `,: :. � bidUbt�adrsoea eeoured hemby. - _
<br /> ���:t
<br /> �:� �
<br /> �.� i¢� Teaes[�s ot Proper/�Ii all or a�qy paii of tha Pmper�y is eold or tran�fernd without the ezpre�s ariLten aon• , ���r
<br /> � sent o[t�tis MortQ�.Mort�Bee m+Y�t fit�role opnon.deol�r�uil�uma bou�d t�y Shis Mart�ge to be immedL►te�y ' -y„:
<br /> �� � I duoan�i.�aya�le. .s•�� .
<br /> __-- _____�¢� �p� ��.�.,Af1R!���� Uoon request of MorRgat[or.Mort�aBee mqy make additionol�nd tuture advancnr W '�� � _ ' �
<br /> ' -� -- "'' f �•.-�=
<br /> Mortg,op,ms.Buoh advanoes,wiLh in�erest the:eon,shall be seoured by thfi Mortgeq+e when evidenoed by promiswry raAte� � � .
<br /> � stt�riv�g fhat s�►1d notee�re e0oured hereby.At ao time eh�ll tha prinoipal amount of the ind�btednea�seoured dg Lbf�
<br /> �y, ' Mniign�r,a,noL inoluding suau advauaed W pmLeot tha eeourl�►o!tbis Mortgog�e.esoeed the erigi•n�l Note. �F •,�: �+
<br /> �'� 1 , ,+"��.�!� �"
<br /> r; *�., �
<br /> �� �!�' :'.tl.Hi�Wasou�l�ru�i�iosu. ' ;r
<br /> u
<br /> . „��� a� ,
<br /> f, x
<br /> .",- !'. (P) Angr torebe�uanao in ezeroiula8 8R4�t or semedy eba�il not be a watver LhereoL .''•
<br /> ` � All remedies provtded herein are dietlnoL rnd oumWative to any othvr rlght aftordod by Isw or eqvit9. �
<br />. <:.� �: ro�
<br /> • aad ma,y►�e ezeroised canaurrantl,y.independeatiy or suaoessively. �"��-
<br /> . ;':';%:;.� (o) Z'he corevant�aad�grnemeats aontained herei�a s2ull biad.sad tha rights inure to�the respeativ.o eua• t��,`-�
<br /> .;�;;.�;5;, paeos��nd asoignr oi the Mort�or aud che Mortgagee. --.,-„-
<br /> ,;: ---
<br />' �t� • -
<br />-•�� " , ?�, (d) All oovenwta and a�+eemensn of ths Mortgagor are�o�t�nd eeveral. €°�� ...-
<br /> �< _ -
<br /> , : �-
<br /> ��' ,1' � (e) 33�fl headings of the pes�g'aaplu oi thie Mortgage ar�fo:oonv+enio�sa only�ud�hsll aot be ueed w iater -�::
<br /> ��� pzot�os deliae the�mvlsions hereoL ;�` _
<br /> �
<br /> :�i'°--�°—
<br /> 1. ' J S..
<br />- I; i�.Re3we. Uapon pyyment oi all sums eeour�i by this Mortgage.Mortgsgee ehall disoha�e thie Mortg�ga aadl '� -
<br /> �,� ahall e�soute and�1o13ver s satlslaotaiy re3en�a thereior. �:.-----
<br /> .,i . . 'ldx:��u�r',
<br /> . 4r s ��_
<br /> v., -
<br /> T ;;`'' ' : iN WI`PNE88 V6TtIERE��'.Niortg+�g�r h�a escioutecl this Mortgage oa the 9�'J�.__�Y o=�r'�1 .169Z,. �;��:�'�u--�,,,�,----�-'
<br /> / �+`�;.°.
<br /> _. .f•,. .,., ��������-ar.� ,�1~���:. �
<br /> '� eoa,o.� ':rr«•��:;.`•� -
<br /> u. ..D'�'��C , �J';�± ..r.^ .
<br /> \ C�S� •:!� r. "r.`�,:r;,,.`r
<br /> , . C' Boren+au� rd::
<br /> `F 8utta Ut Nebrfl8kw. Nn 11 CounSy as: �� . ;a;l.:a►.
<br /> � Oa thU 9 th—dqq°i�R r i 1 .19 A 7 .b9fore me.the un8eisigned.a Notary Ful�t� t'�� .;'��i:;�
<br /> �1; . Marr;., p= W�iedel and '�'.:. -
<br /> du�y aommiestoned and qu�lited forsaid ooua�r,pe�onal.�y oame- - �,r,( J. Wi edel.
<br /> �;�(�•;'
<br /> r: 'J ••
<br /> "��� Husband and Wi fe tome zmown to bo ino I �
<br />- ..__ -. ;.,....�:.,��.,o�,..,[at�tiam name(al am eu�eortbed Ro the foreSOinB instrument end salmo9vlodg'ad t�o ozeoutlon LhorCO1 [�•'�
<br /> -- _ - -Y •----•-•---- • � „ _
<br /> _ ,. -
<br /> ..,_- - - -
<br /> gv mo th�i r voluntaryaot aad deed. , „
<br /> e�
<br /> Witnoee e�y hrand oad notari�l seal 4t in eaid ooun�y.Gt�o .
<br /> � �tnatoroeaid. wp1�pY-SuUOt :� .?�
<br /> GEME pEYpp IicEW�Y
<br /> _ , MyCummiasioae�tpisoe: �wp��.Es��25.��� �� �(►
<br /> Notary Publiu
<br /> ,,
<br /> t�eC toee Ews .
<br /> .O Ni1q�W BWc ot Com�nKCe Tn»t�rM Savkp�I1s�ocUtlon.UnooY�.N�CreWra ,
<br /> , , � �>
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