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t --- __ _. <br />��� �- <br /> D�J�J � ��� J � �D <br /> ���� ���� � �� <br /> FROM <br /> . � Filed for record the........................................................./...�...........................................................................daz� of <br /> .......�..�..�,:��:�,..��.'.��-�-�..� ..... ... z s �s � <br /> .............. ... .. .... . <br /> .............��...���9��-P....�.._..------��---��---.......----..1�. . ..., at----..................-� ....�..................................o'cloek..............:..M. <br /> _........................................................................................................................................... <br /> To ��.��,'a <br /> •.................. .....-'`=`"-'"---."""`"`---- �--.......--:�'�'-P��---��---........ ---��---�--• <br /> ..................�:....��..���!�..............._............................ �� �,� �,D������-� <br /> ........................................�...................................................................---�----................ <br /> ...................................................................................._............... Deputy. <br /> —_-----------_...__-- <br /> � <br /> �_ ��o v UNION PA IFIC R�ILWAY COMPA NY. .�.�u-��°�� <br /> UNION V�SION- � <br /> �G'Ge�#reeei�e�'�................................................... ..7-a�v�v .��-� ;, . �...:....;..'�.:................_,................. <br /> �n.azv �rZ en �� ��ze�e �"r.e�ent�: . . :}.. .� ,�. .5�_ , <br /> That the UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY GOMPAryY,�which is a Cor,r�of°atiolz formed a�2cl e.xistins bz� the consolidation of the Kar�sas Paeifie RaiLwaz� �, s <br /> the Denver Pacific .RaiLwaJ and Tele�'raph Companz�, arad the Ur�ion Pacific Railroad Compan�, ur�der the corporate rcame and st�le of the UN/ON <br /> PAG/F/C RA/LWAV COMPANV, by auticoritz� of afz aet of Con�'ress, e�atitled, "�n act to aid in the corestruction of cc railroad and tele�ra,vh liroe from the <br /> .Missouri River to the Pacific Ocearz, and to secure to the Goverramerzt the use of the safrcn, for PostaL, JlTiliEarzJ, and other purposes," approved Julz� <br /> 1, 186�, and aets amencla-torz� tlzereof, waLieh saia Company has eueeeeded to ancl beeome seized and possessed of aLL the real estate and pro�iert� of <br /> the said Constituer�t Compar�ies, whether real, peT�sor�al, or mixed, and, an2osz� other thirz�s, of all the land �'ranted to said Union Pacifie Railroacl <br /> Compan� b� the aforesaid acts of Con,�ress, in aid of the constructi�o its road, not coroveyed away by said Companz�at the date of sueh consolidati.ori, <br /> (to-wit, Jarivarj �/.�, 1880,) in eorasideratior� of the sum of-------�--- -......--- �---�---�-�- .��...... ----._�..�..�--- -••-- ----. ---�9-..g.... ._. ....: .�.. ....- - --- ��------- ------- <br /> . ,J°.?`��.�„�C�-- - ---- ��--� �G �✓.�l`"'."�,��. <br /> ._..-------�------�............... ....��- .... - <br /> ___ - - - -- - ----��---��-------------�--..._....... --....................... ----� � - �--...-- -� -��---........ DoLL s, to it,vaid^th�receip��hich is herebz� �knowled�'ed, <br /> .�,�� -:�:.�..:�.�.�.....-���......-�---��...............-..--- <br /> doth hereby GR.,4NI; B,/1RG.,4L;�', SELL, �IND CONVEY', unto� ... � ..-�---------�--------��-�.....................................-�----�-�--..............---�--,..:...... <br /> ;;,;. <br /> ....... ......... ...............� �---�--..._ ---�-----�--..... .............------..... ...:..----................. -.....---....................-�-�--�----...---.............. .���_....... <br /> ......---�-��--�----...----�------------------------��----�-----� ----.....---..... - <br /> the foLlowin�' deseribed Real Es ate, situate, lz�in� ancl bein� in the County of ..... ����............:.................................and in the State of Nebrqr.�,�', and <br /> .�.:.�.�:..���e�.C7/.-�-�..�-�.-.�o.-�..,...--C�1....�-...1'.�.��-�.2�-..,,�.U���z...-t.�..-P�.���.1....�-.�-�..�-�-.�.,?-.��...,..:.. .-�--- <br /> deseribed as foLlows, to-wit:_...... . '�-- <br /> .�- ,�.�..���.... ....�/..��ti�:-.�.�-�.�-�.�.��....�.<��..���:��.�,....�°.��..�.....:.... <br /> �,...�-��......�..�. ...:.�..���........ <br />,,� ,�z��1.�-��.����-��..�-.�.o.��. . ....�:.�,�u�..,���...���..:����..-�t..�;�.......-�-----...-�................................................................... .......;7 .............................. <br />� ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .. _ <br />�; ..........................................:.........................................................................................:................................................................................................................................................................................................................:..................................................... <br /> ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................�--�---....................... <br /> ........................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... <br /> .................................................................. <br /> �-��,-a►� ' ' <br /> , . . . . . s . • ----------------------�--------.. ...................................-------------------.._...�.-�---_.�__........................... <br /> ---•-------------------•••-------�--�---�---�---�-------------------....---- , , beiiz�' the same premises eontraeted�e-.�e-eebsl�e.s�------- -..:���.../..�.�'.,v.....�..�...-- ..-- •• ---�._ �-?�.....-�--•----- <br /> ......................�BC�..----- .�,.r-r���7d..�lo:.z a s��-`i r--°Q�...�.�.---�c.�`nr-:�:t�---......." .,�:�:.�,��„�i.w...F�����F.l...�ir ..�r�...kk:i+el.:�.�f,P��a�C <br /> � � . <br /> ted, <br /> z <br /> , . . <br /> . . <br /> ..................... . . , , <br /> '! TO H,lIVE �4ND TO HOLD the said premises with all. the ri�'hts and appurEenances thereunto belonsin� unto the said�'rarctee, :. __. �......:................. <br /> heirs anc� assi�'ns forever, arcd the said'�srantor doth hereby eovenant with the saicl �'rantee, that at the makin�' of this instrument it is welL seized, <br /> of the said premises as of a�'oor.� and indefeasible estate ir� f e, and hath�sood Ni�'ht to sell and convey the same, and that it wilL W�f1RR�NT ar�d <br /> defend the title to said premises unto the said�'rantee,.........�..............heirs and assi�'ycs forever a�'ainst th,e lccwful claims of aTl persons wh.omsoever, <br /> �+I.X'CEPTING, HOi�'EVER, a7,L taxes and assessmerots Ievied upo��suid p�•em'ses since..��..._�...7.�/J -� ���?��!`e0i&9�` _ <br /> ' � , :,.�,... s �> . e. . . r �' . �..�t./�iG�.:�:�r. ..... �I' /�� ���� �'7 Y , :'"rl� �I <br /> _ �+,i,-.-{,�,�� r�• . .�.. ;�h�LGO.euZ�.LG�'.11t�.*.r+s,sl.�N�ttJNi'eF"itG�[2G�� . �.-r�.�Z�L�N�:���P�Tl. ...r"�D;1.4!�+.c" o�i� S . ..,•�t' ,`y�'. � . <br /> � . • . � � �� . , , <br /> _ . <br /> � r/ . .. <br /> ' � . ...."". ........................"'...."'-'.......""..............."""-"'.._""'-"""-"'............"'.........._.....""""'-'-""-'-".""""'..._._......_...._......... �, "-"'"" , ..�..... .......... ......... ....._�____...- ' <br /> - . . -- .,� . .'•""-"........." " . . . . . . <br /> AND WHBREAS,said Uxiorr PacrFio ItAir.$oan Co:+zrAxY did,on the sigteenth day of April, A.D. 18�7,egecute and de ive o Cyrus H.MeCormick,of the City of New York,a�nd John Dai�, of <br />� the City of Boston,a certain Mortgage Deed of ihat date,which deed is recorded in the ofT'ice of the County Clerk of..................7��...................:...................County,in the State of Nebraska, wherein said <br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyru�H.MeCormick and John Duff,as'Trastees,for the uses:�ud purposes thereiu mentioued,a�mong others the lands hereinbefore described; ANn��aFRSas,the said Cyrus H. <br /> McCormick did on ihe tweuty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873, by a proper instruYnent of writing to thst effect,resi�u his place as Trnstee under said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by the Uxiox PACrFic RAir.ROAV CODZPANY,by its Board of Directora,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and St�nte of Maesachusetts; <br /> Axn�'Vxr�t�AS,on tl�e fif�teenth day of October, A.D. ]873, Frederick L. Ames,of�aston,in the State of Massachusetts, was dui,y nomina�ted by the remaining Trustee,Jahn Duff, as auccessor to said <br /> C}rus H.McCormick,which uomination�vas,on the same day, a�proved by the BOard Of Di1'OCtOT3 Of thC 831d UNION PACIFIC RAILFOAD COMPANY� AND WHERE�18�by such nomination and approval <br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,npon his a�ceptance thereof, tt�erea�iter become vested with the same estates,powers, rights,and interests,and charged with the same duties and respousibilities,as if l�e bad <br /> been one of the original Truetees named in and executing,�aid Nlortga�e Deed; Axn WaE[tEas,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.11.1873, at the City of Boston, veat the rame in such new Trustee jointly with him,the sa�id John Duff; Arrn WaErt�AS,tl�e said Jol�n Duff did,on the fourteenth,day of February, <br /> A.D. 18?7, by a�proper instrument ot writinb to that effect,resig�his place as Trustee uuder said Mortnage Deed,which resignation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,aceepted by the <br /> U:�ioN PnciFrc Pa�r.�tonn ComrsNZ,by the�xecutive ComYnittee of its Board of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston, and State of 1kIassachusetts; AxD Wx�$Eas, <br /> no uomination of'a snceessor to fill the vacancy,caused by tLe resigvatiov of said John Duff, haviug been made,the sa�id Frederick L. Ames became,aud now is,the sole Trustee; AND WH�$[CAS,the <br /> he co F e ' s for tha time beina, r 'n fo n ed has sold and conve ed as above set forth the Real Estate hereiubefore described <br /> Y N�ti� � b , y , , , <br /> 1 N I O N P F I L A Y C O M P A N � , � <br /> I� s�d U 1 � in consider�tion of'the qa�� ' , o i�an d pai d•by t he sai d ,�v ic s�i d sum o f money has been pai d to sai d Fre deric k L. Ames,by sai d Company in his <br /> unto the said '� <br /> Icupacity as Trustee,or to said Jobn Duff and said Prederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to sai d Cyrus H.Mc Cormic k an d sai d Jo hn Du ff, Trustees,for t he uses an d purposes in s�i d Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br />�� �p2V �/ttrefalle, Know al/ M.en by these Presenis, that I, the said Fre�leric7a L.� n2es, rem�i 'rc Trustee in the aforesaid Jllort�'a�'e Deed, ir� <br /> Icoresideration of the af'o�•esaid, premises and payfnent as afoNesaid of said su��t,�[so �� said Corropany to said trust fund, of whieh I am trize <br /> remairzin�' Trust c, for t uses and �nur,noses aforesairl, do herebz,�REJYIISE, RELE.f1SE, and forever DUIT- �II✓YI unto the said.................................................. <br /> II ................................ ...�:y� ,���o-���L......._..........---- -------.--.------.--------.--------.the .ReaL .Estate deseribed aforesaia, to be held by,� ' free arid e.xempt from <br />� all Ziens, incumbrances, and eha.r�'es of sai.d .�Vlortsasse Deed,but subjeeb, hoavever, tn aLL the reservatiotzs ar�d corzditions hereinbefore eontained. <br />� �'t� �'ifn��� �h�reo�; The said drantor, the UNION PAGIfIC RAILWAY COMPANV, hath �� : ; <br /> IN PRESENCE OF caused these preserits to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be si�ned by its '; o ` � <br />� • � <br /> IJ/.r�e President and Treasurer, and eountersi�'roed bz� its Lanc� Commassioner and its , � <br /> �luditor,and the said Frederiek L..flmes, 1'rustee, has hereunto set his hand this ' � <br /> �.� : : <br />�� ..............�.. ..... .. � �-�� .. ... <br /> .��z�'l�iv ........�.�r./.-e%zs�-e-�v�....---...--��--�-�--��---da�J �f.............�......---...---�--�-�------........................f1.D. 18.8�... � � <br /> �/ W ` <br />, ' � : <br /> � _.-�-.....................�..�i��.°.0.�..........%---...---....................l�..-�-.President. � : ; <br /> `� y . . <br />, /i" ��...... ....... : . <br /> � . <br /> ...... .......... �� � ` °` � <br /> ......................:.............:... ........ .................... .�-.���°�. . <br /> ........................��-�� 0 . ......-----....... Treasurer. � : ; . <br /> ? j : <br /> � �� � � : <br />� --��---- --- ------o�...�..-�-...�................--..-••---.....---...........-----...................•••••.. Trustee. c, . ; <br /> �ta#e of ,11�a�sa�h��e##�, <br /> SS. <br /> �e it �ememuereb, That on this................. .......................... y .... ....................................A.D. 18�.... <br /> COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. . .I. . ......... . ..�.��.,_ c�a of ............. ._. ...... ... -� <br /> before me,a Notary Public' ,appemred the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPAN , y , its�Yresident, and i s reasurer, who are personally <br /> kno��n to me to be t}�e identical persons whose uamee ure subscribed to the foregoina instruruent ae s:�id6 resident and Treasurer, and then and there cknowledged the execntion and sealing of said <br /> Instruwevt to be their volunt,ary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Compauy. And on the same day,likewise, peraonally a�ppeared the above named FREDERICK L AMES,known to <br /> me to Ue the Trustee described in,aud who executed the foregoing Instrument,and acknowiedged before me that he egecuted the same as Trustee as aforesaid, x�nd for the naea and purposes therein set <br /> :-� rth,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act and deed. <br />; " ,.�,� �n ��tness �hcrenf, I have hereunto set my hand and officiai seal this..................:........................���..�....................... <br /> .............................................................. <br /> � ' Ap ) day of.........................���=!(.'��.��'.�(:f/�../�.�.........................................A.D. 18.9.�....,at the City of'Boston,in said County and State. <br /> ��v J � <br />, ' ,, <br />� .................................... . ..._.-------... ...1`,�..,...s���zz�i------......--�--._Notary Public. . <br />