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����:' <br /> � � , � J � O ��o <br /> �, ���� LSI���� J,� �J <br /> �� <br /> _ �_ . _ ___ __ _._ . ___— _�__— � - - <br />— _, _ _ _. _ -- ----- - <br /> .. ..:Y, <br /> FROM � <br /> . . , /� <br /> � , Filed for reeord the..............................................................�...��...��.....3.0........................'.........................daz� of <br /> ..............................G�G�,t�".�-v..U..�.�..`'�........ ..... ......... ..�°..... .... <br /> ...... ..... .... . ........�-�� -- - --.......-----............1�/...�...., at......................-��- ..........� .—.........._..........o cloeTc..........�..�.-_..M: <br /> _.............................................................. -TO....................._............................................ � <br /> U <br /> °---� ... ......... ..... .....- .........�. �-.............. ............ ........---� - �---... <br /> ... .- ................ <br /> �...��� ��..'.. ..� ���`��f8.O� ���5 ' <br /> .......................................... .. .... ,.� !/ _...................................... ' <br /> ............................................................................................................................................. <br /> ..............................................................................................................._................._......... Deputy. <br /> --- ---- _._ _ ___ __------ ._ <br /> F°R� ��39. THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. 7�° �" � �� �e 2�. <br /> UNION DIVISION--NEBRASKA. / <br /> Contraet No....����`..9.�..,.�<�G.y Deed No...:.L�..�l�,.o............... <br /> .��n�a�v �rr ���en �r� t�te�e �"rQ�ent�: <br /> That tlze UN/ON PAC/F/L' RA/LWAY GOMPANY, whiclz is a CorpoJ•atio�z fo�°nzed ar2d existins b� t,he cnnsolidatior� of the Karzsc�s Pacifie Railwa� Compan�, <br /> the Denver Pacific Railwa� and Tele�'raph Company, ar�cl the Uiainn Pacific Railroad Comp�nr�, under the corporate rzame and st�le of th.e UN/ON <br /> PAG/F/C RAlLWAY COMPANY, bz� c�uthoritJ of a�2 aet of Con�'ress, e�ztitLed, "�lr� aet to aic� in ttze eonst,ruetio� of a railroad and tele��'raph lirce from tlze <br /> .Missouri River to th-e Pacific Ocean, afad to secure to the Governmerct tlie use of the .sam� for Postal, .MiliEar�, ancl oth,er purposes," ccpprovecl Julr� <br /> 1, 186�, and acts amerzda-torz� tjzereof, which said Company has succeeded to anr� beconze seized and possessed of alL the real estate and ,roro,rerty of <br /> tlze said G'or�stituent Companies, whether rea.L, personaL, or mixed, and, amons other thin��'s, of alL tlze land sranted to said Union Paeifie Railroad <br /> Company bz� the aforesaid acts of Con�'y�ess, in aid of the constructior�of its road,Tzot cnnz�eyed away bz�said Compaiay at the date of such consoZidati.on, <br /> (to-wit, Janua�°z,� �,�, 1880,) in eoresideratioro of the sum of--.....�,t�rr.o....�����.c.��..,.n�-c-���..rZ.�a.�...-�-�---�-�--�------�---�------�•----...--��-----------------_.- .:....------...----------�------�-------.......---._ <br /> , - ..................................................................... ............................... Do ar to it pccid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowled�'ed, <br /> .:..._.. ...._:............ .... .. ... . .__._. .. .....----...--�- <br /> doth herebz� GR�,4✓Vl; B�1RG.gI✓V, SELL, ./�ND CONVEY', z�nto_._...... ..�-�-�� - � � - <br /> �---. . . ......----�-----�---�--�...........................�--��--��---................ <br /> ------------------�--..........----:..-�---�---......•-------��--�---........ .. . .. . o the Countr o _-�-------- --............_..._��i.xr� the State o <br /> . ...--�.......... ....................�---------...---�- f .� f f- -----,�I.��ic��r.✓.........------------�-------�--...------ <br /> the followin�' described Real Esta e, situate, Zz�in�' and bein� ir� the Co nt of...... �.tit:�r........................:�........�. ar�d in th,eB State of Nebraska, and <br /> � described as follows, to-wit:---..o!.��...���02�...�,� �� r--�.���-�,.�!���.C��. .. . .. . . . .....�..�f�. .�.,��---�,�t�!...l�R��...,�����,�s%�:......-------��- <br /> � <br /> . . .. :......... „�'�.,�,�,:���-�,�.G�,,�%���`..�...(�.......,.E.P�...).................:.....................................................................................................................................................................................................--.................. ;. <br /> ��,���i,a;� ................. ...........................................................................................................................................................---��----................._.........................................................:.............................................::.. <br /> _w...............................�.�........................................... ......... <br /> .............�---..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............. ................... . <br /> _.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............ <br /> ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ <br />� ...................................................._..................................................................................................... .......... <br /> ............................................:. .. ....................... ........ <br /> .._................................................................................................,........................................----..........................................---.......---�-��--�-��---�-�--�---- -.. .............................. . ......---.......---............ <br /> of Seetion No._..r.� . . .��i.`,�2p,e�--.�?.3.�...... .... ��---.... in Township .N'o. ..._.i���t�_�9.,�... ..............................Nortlz of.K r��se No..... .���i�.�/.�.�..e�..........-----....._. <br /> of the 6th Prirccipal .M idian, containins, accordir� tn the United States surve7 thereo <br /> �% .� f-------�-------------�----........� .� . . �.�o.�...... . .. ...-�-------------------•---.._......................_.... <br /> �---- - y <br /> --------------------------------��----��---��-------�----------------------..._.../lcres, more or less, beii2�s the same premises eontract,ed to be sold to.............. ......__. .._..........�!<.--- �--. �. � . ...--------�--._.................._ <br /> by ContractsNos......���` .-�---��=�-�-�--��.................-----�-- dated..---��---....� . ... .�./..�--�-��-�----�--....---....--�-�-�--.:..----�--------........._.............--�---...._....--��---�---...----.....-�- --........--�----------�-----�-------��---�-----.. <br /> --� - <br /> R FSERVING, SO EVER, to the said UN/DN PAG/F/G RA/LWA COMPANV, alL that portion of the land herPbz� conveyed(if anz� such there be) which <br /> Zies witl2in lines drawn �narallel with,and..................Q��-P.i-�--���-----���--hundred feet orz ec�ch side di,stant from the center line of its road as now eonstructed, <br /> and ar�?��'reater width when necessar� permanen�Ly to include a3L its cuts, embanlcmer�ts, and ditches, and ot.her works rceeessary to seeure and <br /> protect its main line. • <br /> This conveyance is also upon the eondition that the said�'rantee herein,_-------------------<��......._........heirs, admirzistrators and assi�'ns shaLL erect and <br /> maintairo a lawfuL fer�ce betweerc that portior� of the ,roremises hereb� conue�ed, adjoinir��' the road of said Compar�z�,(if any such the��e be,) aricl the <br />'�, road of said Company u�on a line..................�:z2.e�......-----..---��--hundred feet distant rom the center liroe o sueh road an,d <br /> f f , paraLlel, therewith, in alL cases <br />, ` ir� which such fence is required bz� Zaw, or may be required by said Company. , <br /> TO H./1 VE �4ND TO I�OLD the said premises zvith aLl. the ri�'hts and appurter�ances thereunto beLon�'ins unto the said�'rarctee, ..---..i��........-.--• <br /> heirs a�zd assi�'ns forever, and the said�'rantor doth hereby eovenant witDa the srzid ssrantee, that a5 the malcins of this irestrument it is welL seized, <br /> of'the said premises as nf a�'ooa and irzdefeasible estate ijz fee arcd hath�'ood ri�'ht to sell and corzvey the samP, and that it wilL W:l1RR�IN7'arzd i <br /> defend the title to said premises unto the said�'rantee,................��,�-----...heirs and assi�'ns forever a ainst the,�/..�.1.�.l�.ms..of.and ex ��t �air�st an I� <br /> ,. EvY'CEPTING, HOWEVER, all ta.xes and assessmerots Ievied upon su-id premis�s �c�.._....� . � p � i <br />, xAr: , . ' <br /> � elaims or ancumbrances created or permatted by, throu�'h, or under saicL..........................rz�.._�J�..S,lt . ._.......... _..............................._.... ....:....or... :.....successors, <br />' ; a'� heirs, or assissr�s, or any o f tdzPm......-�........................:................................................................----------------------�--._.......---------�-----�-------...-----......-�---.................................----..... - . <br /> ....._.. ........ ........ ..............�---•---------- <br />', ' AND WHEREAS,8�1d UNION PACIFI6�AILROAD COMPANY CliCl�On the SIRt08tlth aay Of Apiil, A.D. 1867,execute and deliver to Cy�us H.MeCormick,of the City of New York,a�nd John Duff, of <br /> i ihe City of Boston,a certain Mortga�e Deed of that date,wbich deed is recorded in the ofT'ice of the Connty Clerk of.......................... .°�.�.�i........................,...County,in the State of Nebraslca, wherein said , <br /> Comgany conveyed to the said Cyru�H.McCormick and John Duff;as Trustees,for the uses flnd purposes therein mentione�l,:�mona others the lands hereinbefore described; A�vn WaER�ns,the said Cyrus H. I� <br /> McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign Lis place as Trnstee under said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth , <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by the Uxiox PACiFic ItAiL�onn COU4PANY,by its Bo:�rd of Directnrs,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and State of M�esachusetts; � <br /> Axn WxrttEAS,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'P:aston,in the State of Massachusetts,was duly noniinated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as successor to said � <br /> Cyrus H.MeCormick,wbich uomination was,on the same day, a(iprOVOd by th0 BOS1'd Of DiT2Ct01'9 Of th0 8aid UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY� AND WHERE�18�b�SUCIt HOII11L3tlOri and approval � <br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof, thereatter become vested with the same estates,powers, rights,and intereats,a�nd charged with tke same duties and responsibilities,as if he bad <br /> been one of the original Trustees named in and egecuting,raid Mortga�>e Deed; Axn�'VHEREas,sa�id remaining Truetee did,by a�conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth i <br /> duy of October,A.D.1373, at tl�e City of Boston, vest the s�me in such new Trustee jointly with him,the sa�id John Duff; Arrb War[tEns,the said John Dnff did,on the fourteenth day of February, i <br /> A.D. 1897, by a�proper instrument oi writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortrage Deed,which reaignation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,accepted by the <br /> U:viox PACiFrc fZn�LxoAn CoNrraxY,by the Egecntice Committee of its Board of Dir,ctors, at a meeting thereof held on th�t day in the City of Baston,and State of Massachusetts; AxD Wa�x�AS, , <br /> no nomination of'a successor to fill the vacancy,cansed by the resignation of said John Duff,having been made, tbe s:uid Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustee; ANn WHEBLAS,the <br /> said Ux[ox Pac1FiC Rnir.wnY ConsPaNY,with the consent oY tl�e Trustees for the time being,hereinbefore named, has sold and conveyed,a�s above set forth,the Real Estate hereinbefore described, ' <br /> unto tbe said grantee,for nnd in consideration of'the snm tiforesaid,to it in haud paid by the said �rantee,�vhich said aum of money h�s been paid to said Frederick L, Amea,by said Company in his <br /> capacity as Trustee,or to said John Duff�nd said Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to_said Cyrus H.McCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for tbe nses tind purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �v1v �ltcYe,fOl(C, Knaw all Men by these Presenis, that T, the said Fre�Zerie7c L. .l�mes, remainin�% Trustee in thn afor•esaid .Mort�'a�'e Deed, in <br /> considerafion of the af'oresaicL, premises arac� par�ment as aforesazd of said sum, so paid b� said Comparoy to said trust fund, of which I am the <br /> remainin�' Trust�e, for the es nd ur� ses aforesaid,, do lzereby RE.MISE, RELE�2SE, and forever QUIT-CL./IIJ�unto the said_...:....................................:....... <br /> -.................................................................. <br /> ,���'. . . ...................................the ReaL Estate deseribed aforesaid, to be heLd bz�the said�'rantee free arcd exempt from <br /> all Ziens, ineumbranees, an� ehar�'es of said .Mortsc��se Deed,but subjee�, however, tn aLL t,he reservations and eor�ditions hereir�before enr�taireecZ. <br /> ' �/t( �ztng�s� �h�reo�; The said �'rantor, the UNION PACIFIG RAILWAY COMPANY, hath �� : � <br /> IN PRESE�CE OF caused these presef2ts to be sealed with its corporate seaL, and to be siQned by its `. o � <br /> Pr�esiderzt and Treasurer, aru� countersi�'sted br� its Larzd Commissioner arzd its c <br /> �`l' G'������c� ./�uditor,ar�d t e said Frederick L..flmes, Trustee, has hereunto set his hand this ' : <br /> : <br /> : <br /> �q� . <br /> ......................................�......... � .......... <br /> ....---�................... <br /> �(�!�� of_..............a�..J_.e�.e���2�................✓1.D. 18.�..�...: ' <br /> W �� � � <br /> o��ac�ric �q,���r �- � ���fl.:.�------.....President. y <br /> ��,��� .��.��.��- -------------------------------------- --- ---------- ---.----..--- . <br /> .............................,�... . . . ...... <..... ............. �� o icY � W <br /> ....................--�---�-----��---....... . y���i.t�G..�.1.. Treasurer. � � , <br /> 2�'r.�.lN....-�.-�i.---- .,... .... . <br /> � s EA L. *� o � <br /> . . <br /> -------�--...----�-----...---.��2��.- - �����.................. Trustee. � ' <br /> �#ate a£ ,�a��ac �xset#s, ��eo _ ---_.- . ----��---- - : ��. � <br /> h SS. ���� <br /> COUNIV OF SUFFOIK. �c it �€ememt�er��, That on this................. . . . . . ... ......... .....................:........:.c3ay of........:......... .. . . . ... . .. A.D. ls.�. ... <br /> ................................... � <br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,a�ppeared the UNION PACIFlC RAILW�Y COMPAN , by C, F. ADdMS, its President, a�nd JAMES G. HARRlS, its Tresenrer, who are perspna ly <br /> known to me to be the identica�l persons whose namee are subscribed to the foreaoing instrument as s.iid Fresident and Treasnrer, and then and there aeknowledged the exeention and �ealing of�eaid <br /> Instrument to be their volnntar,y act nnd deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally appeared the abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trustee described in,and who executed the foregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he executed the same as Trustee as aforesaid, and for the uses and pnrpoaes therein set <br /> forth,and that the egecution thereof was his voluntary act and deed. <br />, __ . <br /> �Itt 9�ititpss �ryer�eaf, I hav herennto aet my hand and official seal this........................ . . ..���:.G..y,{�j...................... <br /> ......................................................... <br />� da of................ .... .... ..:....A.D. 18.8..9..... at the Cit Boston in said Connt and�tate. <br /> y . , . .....�....................... <br /> ..... _ � Y , Y <br /> � �------��-------�.................:............ J.��'���. .--- .. ..... . - � - <br /> ,4-ca',�i � .v�/=. ���G.2�lf./...Notary Public. <br /> . <br /> ,��� ..:�� - , � ' � <br /> _ �...__ ,4 <br /> -- __ y <br /> .;. .. �_ , <br /> . . r_.. ..<r��.:�Y: .. - .��. <br />