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, '�� �t� <br /> ��J�j� �J����� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �o� <br /> ' .Filed for record the............................................................ ..-,�.,%...�..��.............................................................c�az� of <br /> ............................................................................................................................................. <br /> . �" . ................... . ... ... .. . ........................._1�./..�....., at.............................---.....-�---�...........................o'elock........1.�..�...Nl. <br /> _..............G����...�. ....L...l ...... . . �...... .... . .. ... :... ... ........ ......... <br /> � <br /> .........�,����u� dlo... �.�����/ �-----�......................................................................... <br /> � �,�����---�-----�--------------------------- <br /> ................ .. . . ................................... .......... . ...... . .. ................................ <br /> • G���iac. <br /> ........................................ ...................:.. ......................................................................... <br /> ............................................................................................................................................. Deputy. <br /> F°�M ��". .- � :: LJNION PACIFIC� AILVVAY COMPA NY. <br /> �UNION DIVISIOl��•. .: <br /> . . . <br /> � . ; .�v�o.��Q..�_....................... <br /> �n.arv �rZ ��ea� �r� ��ze�e �"re�ent�: <br /> That the UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY,�which is a Cofporafion formed arzd existin� b� tlae consoliclatior� of the Kansas Pacific RaiLway Compait�, <br /> the Dercver Pacifce Railwa� and Tele�'raph CompazzzJ, afad the Uninrz Pacifie Rc�ilroarl Com,p�n��, z�rcder the eor,norate name and �t�le of th�e UN/ON <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, b� authorit� of an�c6 of Con�'ress, eratitLed, "�In act to aid in the coTZSt,ruction of a rai,lroad and teLe�sraph Zirce from tlze <br /> .1Y1'issouri River to the Pacifie Oceare, and to secure to the Government the use of the sarn� for �rosta,L, .i►9.zLiE�cry, a:ad other purposes," approved July <br /> 1,.186�, and aets amenda-tory tjtereof, wTiieh saic� Compar�y h�zs sueeeedec� to anrL beeome seizecL and possessed of alL the rec�l es�ate ar�d pro,�erty of <br /> the saicl Corestituent Cvmpanies, whether reaL, ,roeTSOnal, or miaaed, and, amon� other thin�'s, of c�lL the L�zrod �ranted to said Uraiora Peceifie Railroad <br /> Company by the aforesaid acts of Consress, ir� aid of the constructior�zof its roa ,not coni�cyed awaz�b�saic�Company at the date of sueh on adataon, <br /> Cto=wit, anuar� �/,�, Z880,) in con ideration of the sum of................. c7,,�li1l.��..u.✓.r��...��.�...�......�,,.v.�°�-��,�-...�.�..,���r�- -- ..��u.�,��.... ........-------.-....._ <br /> . , <br /> '��� --- . ._���/���r������ . .��................ ............... -�� - ; ........... ..._....- - .�,./_ ; .�.:`; the receipt of hich is hereb� aeknowled�ed, <br /> uGoth hereby I� B.hIRG.f1I✓V, SELL, .fl�D CONVEY', unto�e.,���...������e��..�(�,,..����Gr/..----...-�---�--�-----�------------�.....................................................�------------...........------ <br /> ....-----�-�.....................................................................�---...................................-�-�---�-�----��--.. . _................... - ---.....---......... ..........._ ; ' <br /> .. - _..._. .. --------------------------��---�-�---....� ��--� <br /> --�---------------------�----- <br /> the foLlowin� deseribecl ReaL Estate, situate, lz�irc�' and beins in the Countz� of............................... ... ���i--_.---............._..........--_.---and in the State of Nebrc�ska, and <br /> deseribedas follows, to-wit:-�----�-----�--��............... .......��----------�----- --.... ..�---�-............... ._---......................................... � .._......... -��-�--.............--------. ......-�-�-------------...........------........__......_...._.........----------;--��-�-�----�--��--------��--�- <br /> ...............................................:........... .. ......:................���,ti�����?����.�.�����.���..................................................................................---................................._............. <br /> ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................. <br /> ................................................................:........................................................................................................ ............................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................... <br />, ....:..................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. <br /> ............................................................................................................................................................ <br /> i ................... . .................................................. ............................................................. ..................... .......................... .. ........ ............... ......................................... <br /> .......................................................................................................... <br />� ........................................... _ - ... _ .......................................................................................... ............. .... ........................................................--..----... <br /> . .. ..... . . . . . . ...... . .. ....... .............. <br /> .... . . .. <br /> q .............. . ........... . <br /> .. .. ..... . . . ..... ... .. ... ... <br /> of Sectiore No. ---.d.... .....-_ -- . -.--�3,3.�.................--............ in Townshi 'V'o, ..___..__ ,��-rtriLcl(1./.�... . N rth o Ran e No.... �.--.--... ................... <br /> p .� .. f �' ��%rrue��_..�1..��.�fi.r.f�.�.................... <br /> of the 6th Prinei7�al �ridiar�, eontainins, accordir�� t.n the United ,St�ztes survez� thereof...........�� . .. ��o�..p. .......... ._......._._... <br /> r , <br />' ..................................------_---.----.-_------>- - ---------._._ .flcres, more or Zess, bein the ame premi e}� contr et,ed to be soL �.. .. . --- .i�.G�����f�'-�--�--,- �----:--�'---- -.�... ..._ <br /> bz� ontract No:.:�.� �r..c�..�t��. �:,�.�..�.e���,��.Z�/..�'�.�. ....,,,,.. .�. ,rl..��r.���y?����/.��Bf� - - ��� ---�.��u��:Cf��� <br /> V�� ,to e saicl UNlOi� PACIFIC RAILI�'AIY C�ANV, aLL tlzat portion of he Land her�br on e ed,(i llin such there be) <br /> .� �J f �1 <br />• Zies wit im lines drawn parallel with,arcd...............:�.e.�..._......._......_hundr?ss�feet oro each side d,istant from the center li�ze of its road cts now con,structed, <br /> arcd an��'reater width wherc r�eeessary permanentLy to incLude a3L �cuts, embankments, ancl ditches, artd ot.ZLer works neeessarJ to seeure and <br /> protect�e��`vmair� Zine. ' - , <br /> This eonvez�anee is also upon the corLdition that thc a�er�.�'rantee herein,.----.---------.----��-------------------heirs, admircistrators and assi�ns shalL erect and <br /> mairctain a LawfuL fence beEzaeen that portion of the ,roremises hereb� convez�ed, adjoi�ins the road of said Companr�, (if any such tTiere be,) and the <br />' road of said Comp+zny upora a Line..................�.2�....................hundred feet distant from the cercter line of such road, an,d parall�l, therewith, in all cases <br /> irc which such fence is requirec�i by Zaw, or may be required b� said Companz�. <br /> TO H.l1 VE .,1ND TO HOLD �he said premises with all the ri�shts and appurtercar�ces thereunto belonsins unto the said�'rantee, ---...��� <br /> ................_ <br /> heirs and assi�'ns forever;and the said�srantor doth hereby covenant witlz the said �'rantee, that af the makin�s of this instrumer�t it is welL seize�? � <br /> of the said premises as of a soor.� and iredefeas�ble estate in f�, and hath gsood risht to selL and conve� the same, and that it wilL W:/IRR✓1NT and ? <br /> .�efend the title to said premises unto the said�'rantee,.........---.��.a�.............heirs and assi�sns fore er a�inst the l,f�w�f uL cla'ms of al,L persons whomsoever ; <br /> .E�X'CEPTING, .FIOWEVER, a1,1 taxes and assessmefzts Ievied upon premises sinee��.�----- -. ...a�d"�e������.�.�'. /��J.,. ' � <br /> . . . . ,_, _, <br /> - - ,,, , . , . . <br />� ; , : . . . . - --.....--�.................................�--------...------..........- �-----�--.......---�-------..........------------------ � ` <br /> . <br /> _............... . <br /> . <br /> . . , <br /> , <br /> � �-------�..........................................................................................�-��---�----------------...............---� <br />' . . , - _ . ; �----�------�----...--�-------------------------------------�-------------......----------..._...........--------��-�-�----------.....--�------Y-- <br />� AND IPAEREAS,8aid IINION I�ACIFIO Rt1ILROAD COMPANY CIiCI,on the siateenth day of April, A.D. 1867,execute and deliv$r to Cyrns H.MeCormick,of the City of New York,and Jobn Du$;'�!!: <br />, the�ity of Boeton,a certain Mortga�e Deed of that date,which deed is recorded�n the office of the Connty Clerk of........................�.�'a-�2.,..................................Coanty,in the State of Nebraska, wherein said <br /> Comp�ny conveyed to t�said Cyrug H.McCormick and John Duff,as Trustees,for the uses tind purposes therein mentioued,a.mong others tUe lands hereinbefore described; AND WFLEBEAB�bh0 9a1(I C�3'iY8 H. <br /> McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign bis place as Trnstee under said�dortgage$eed,wbich resign�tion was,on the fiftee3s'��+;, <br /> day of October,A.D. 1873,nccepted by ti�e Uxrox PacrFic 1�AILAOAD COMPANY,by its Bonrd of Directnra,at a meeting thereof held ou that day in the City of Boston and State of Massnchnsette; *i <br /> Axn Wa�xEAS,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of Easton,in the Stite of Massachusetts,was dul,y noniinated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as auccessor to said <br /> Cyrns H.MeCormiek,which nomination was,on the same day, approved hy the Board of Directors of the said Uxiox Pncrr��ic RaiLxoAn CoMrAxY; Axn Wa�;xE�s,by such nomination and approv�l <br /> eaid r'rederick L.Amea did,upon his acceptance thereof,thereatter become vested with the same eatates,powers, rights,and interesta,and charged with the same dntiea and responsibilities,as if be h$d <br /> been one of the original Trastees na�med in and esecuting,eaid Mortgaae Deed; AND WFI�REA9�said rema�ining Trn�tee did,bya conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated.on the twentieth <br /> duy of October,A.D.18T3,nt the City of Boston, veat the same in such new Trustee jointly with him,the said John Duff; Axn WaEttEAS,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of Febrnary, <br /> A.D, 1897, by fl proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,which resignation was,on the fourteenth dmy of February, A.A 1877,accepted by the <br /> U:�'ION PACIFIC RAILROAD C.VAiPANY�by the Egecutive Committee of its Board of Directors, �t,a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston,and State of 11�assachusetts; Axn Wa�$�AS, <br /> no nomination of a snccessor to fill tbe vacancy,caused by the resignafion of saici John Duff,having been made, the sa,id Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trnstee; Axn Wa�$�AS,the <br /> said UxroN P CIFIC IL Y COMPANY�WiEh thC cons� of he r t,� r the time being,h�rein�fg}'e,� ed ha�sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the Real Estate hereinbefore described, <br /> unto the said , n consideration of'the sum��� , d��aid by the said �+�{ :r`4d1Y��d sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L.Ames,by said Company in bia <br /> capacity as Tinstee�or to eaid John Dnff and said Frederi L. A3nes,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCor�iick and sa�id Tohn Daff, Trustees,for tbe uses nnd purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> ,�a�v �'hrre�df(C, Know a// Men by these Presenis, that I, the said Fre<lerick ��m�, rer ain�� Trustee i�t the aforesaid JVlort�'ascse Deed, ir� <br /> consideration of the aforesaid, premises ancl payment as aforesaid of said �m^.so paii�czid �par�y to said trust fund, of which I am the <br /> Trustee, for the uses a d �� rpo8es aforesaid,do kereb�RE�YIISE, RELL✓1SE, ancL forever QUI!'-CL�IIJ{•I unto the said.................................................. <br /> ,..-----••--•--........--•............................c��%v�-�-��;c.�.�. �t/----•--------•----•----.•-----•---.-----the ReaL Est te descrz e� a oresaid, to be heLd b ..� : ,���.- " � free and exemp�fram <br /> a 'b f z� <br /> aZL Ziens, iracumbrances, and char�es of said .Mortsa�e Deed,but subjee�, however, tn aLL t,he reservr�tions arod cor�ditions hereirebefore eor�tained. <br /> �t� �ifn�tt� �hgreo�', the said sa'rantor, the UNION PAGIFIC RAILWAY COMP/�NY, hath i � : � <br /> IN PRESENCE OF caused these preser�ts to Ge seaLecl wi�h its corporate seaL, arzd to be si�ned by its � � <br /> � : a <br /> Presiderat and Treasurer, and eountersi�'�ed br,� its Lar�d Commissios�er and its 'a � <br /> � ��.�. .fluditor,and the said Frederick L..�2mes, Z�ustee, has hereunto set his hand this ;� � <br /> i��'/. ... ��i.�..�!l�.��!!/ • ; <br /> .................................. <br /> .........� ............. ....................... �i�-�1..�.�...-----.._..................---------da� o ���� --•------.�I.D. Y8..8.�. . <br /> .............................. .� ----��----��--- ..............--��----�--............---�---� � . <br /> � . <br /> � /f � : _ <br /> /� �,g� /� •p��aci�'� ...........................................��......��". .l�����......-------.President. � ` ' <br /> ........................C/!l:,/.�?2*4'.���'.�...4�.•.�...�.... ... ..�............... � C �h . . . <br /> r/� J� � � � <br /> p�, °'�i�' ................��---............-- G��....... ......./��.=.���%�`��Treasurer. 2 : <br /> ��� ; : <br /> � �y� � �� c�C%��2'��� � . <br /> � ...............�---��----�-----�---.. . . .....�--..... ..�.. ... ...-----...........---------......-�-----. Trustee. c°� . ; <br /> �#ate af ,�a��a�hrr�et#s, o � - <br /> ss. �J�, � : <br /> C6UNTYOf SUFFOLK. �c it ��m�m , mn�t on this........................ .. . of.. ....� ... .................. A.D. 1s..�.�a. <br /> ,,p ................................... <br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,appeared the UNIOV PACIFIC P,,AILPVAY COVIP3NY, by C . ADAMSf�r,�ts Pre9ident, andila 7'f/Si�} Treasnrer, who are personally <br /> kno�vn to me to be the identical persone whose names:�re sub�criUed to the foreaoing instrument�s s�id Presidentland Trea�fxrer, �und then and there knowledged e execution and sealing of said <br /> Inatrument tn be their voluntar,y act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewiae, personally appeared e abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,knovPn fp`; <br /> me to be the Trastee described in,and who executed the foregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he executed the same as Trustee as aforesaid, and for the uses and purppses theirain set <br /> fortb,�nd that the execution thereof was his voluntary act and deed. ; .; ' <br /> �In �itti�ss �i1gr� , bave hereunto set my Land and official seaI this............................x�G2:2�............................................................................... ......... <br /> ��� <br /> day of...................�..... .. . . ....................r..........................A.D. 1£��.,�....,at the City of Boston,in eaid Coa y and State. "'-.: <br /> �. �j � �;4. <br /> ?�iC/ / �t -, <br /> ..-�--�------ ,c2�'22..�1...,d..,.. _. Notarr� �ti <br /> , ; <br /> . .__ _. . <br /> - -------��---------- .�, �. . <br /> ;��. <br /> � , '"' �: <br /> , ; . <br />