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����$ � <br /> `�� � J�J W �SIL3��j�JJ W ��o <br /> ` � , <br /> ���� �.�I�� ��J <br /> FROM / <br /> . � , , (�_�7� . Filed for reeord the............................:.....................1�.�........................................... .............................dar� of <br /> .................�/��...��.�. .. . :....`f�'t��,'er'�LO�..�p•. �p <br /> �� ' <br /> . . ....... ... .............. .. .........�---..........---�---......_�.l.�.l.l..., at........- ........�.�s....................................o'clock...t./.....M. <br /> _..................................................................... <br /> ..................................................................... <br /> , TO ...- ......°°.................... <br /> I � ' •..... .......................... .. ............_ -.. ........ � -- <br /> . - ' . <br />� ' � .... ................. ............................ � \/��� <br /> ......... ....._- _. ��.✓�.. . � �� ,� <br /> i - � <br /> _ ........................................................ .. ........... <br /> � � _.��..:._ Deputr�. <br /> =__�_ --_.. _---.__�___r=-� <br /> � �5-��-�-aG-z-aw <br /> i F°R� 3739. . T�I� U.NION pACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. <br />, _ � . <br /> UNION DIVISION--NEBRASK�. <br /> i � Contract>jV'o �.::$:��� .... ........ .� Deed No .,./���`�..`.�; .:...:... <br /> . � � - �rt�riu �rd ���ea� �� t�te�e �"r�e$er�t�: <br /> I That the U/U/ON PAG/F/�RA/CWAY COMPANY, which is a Cofpor�aGiorz foi°med and�exzstin�' b� the coresolidation of the Kansas Pacifie RaiLwa� Compan�, <br /> the Denver P�ccific RazLwa� and Tele�'raph Com7�a:zy, ancL tTie Uraio�z«Pacific Railr•oad ComparL�, under the corporate name ana' st�Le of th.e UN/ON ' <br /> PAG/F/C RAl��WAV COMPAN,Y, by.authoritz� of c�n act of Corc�'ress, eratitled, .fln act to aid in the const,ructiorL of a railroacl and tele�ra,nh line from the <br /> Ir .Missquri River`to the Pacific Ocear�, and to secure to the Government the use of the SCGT)2n, for Posta,L, Jl'ilibarr�, and other purposes," approved Julz� <br /> , 1; 186�, an,d acts amenda,torz� thereof, ivhich said Compan� has succeeded to and beeome seized and possessed of alL the reaL estate and propertr� of <br /> the said Constituent Cvmpanies, whether reaZ, ,�ersonaL, or mixed, and, amon�' other thiress, of alL the lancl �'ranted to said Union Pcccific RaiLroa�l <br /> I , t o Con ress irc aid o the construction o it roczd not con��e ed awa b� said Com an at the date o such consolidati.on, <br />, Companz� b� the aforesaad ac s f �'. , f q1`� j� , �J �J 9 p J � <br /> (to-wit, Jrzr�uar�� �1`; 1880,) iro eonsideration of the sum of..................d���.u:���-��r�- - - -.�.<?t�� ----'' <br />, , . <br /> � � � _..___ :. _._...__._.__....................... ...............:....... ................... ...... . a s, to it paid, the receapt�of which is hereby aeknowled�'ed, <br /> ------��.................... ...... ...... ... - .. -."` LL <br />'� doth hereby GI��1N?; B.lJRG.f1LN, SELL, .f1ND CONVEY; unto................. ........... ....... . .�r��� .:.� �---��------ ..----.........---... �-- <br /> . ...: . ............... � --�- <br /> � ------...... <br />, ....--�-�----��.................. .. . . o the Count o ..... an the State o 39��.. . --------�---�--..... .. <br /> ..--�----�-----�--��-�----.... ....... . .................. .... -----....----.... ...-- f �J f----��-� - -- .��+/R�-.�.....-----� � f-. r ... ...... <br />� the foLlowin�' described Real Es�ate, situate Zz�in anc� beins irc the Courot o ......... ........ . and in tjte State o Nebraska and <br /> , . � �J � ,���...-�------��-- , <br /> F described as folloivs, to-wit:__��.�a.���� -- .::.. .�.��.n�.�!.�i.���.. .._... . ..��1,�"����-........:---�.... .......... ... . ................ • .•- - • �----.....----�--�--- .-.--.. <br />' ........................................... ........ ........... ......................................G���:�2��............................. ..... �..... ................. _ ...............:............... ....... ................ .... . <br />! --.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:.................................. ..................................................................................................................... <br />, - ......................................................................................................:.................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> .......-�.......................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. <br /> ............................................................................................................ ..................................................................................:.............................................................................................................................--�-�--.....................................................---...... <br /> .............................................� .....................,.............................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ...................... .............--�--�--..........----.............. <br /> of Seetion No. ....�����-�---�./.3..,�..: . ......-- �...... .................... in Township ��1''0. ����r.�.�/o�. . .......:......---...----��---.........._North �Ran�'e JI''o ���i�Q,��`.�� <br /> of the 6th Principal JVleridian, containin�, aecordin� tr� the United States survez� thereof.... ........................:.... ......... .�.�.�� .. <br /> .. -A�res, more or less, - � , �`' ' •-_............................. <br /> ---��--�--�---��---....----° --�--°--•-�.......... ....... .... .... ......�- <br /> R FSERVING, HOWEVER, to the saic� UN/ON !'AL'/F/G' RA/LWAY GOMPaNV, alL that portion of the land hereby eon,veyed(if ariz� such there be) whieh <br /> Lies within lines drawn paralleL with,ar�d.................+�a,�....----.--.--....--.hundred feet or� eaeh side distant from the eenter line of its road c�s r�ozv eonstruetec�, <br /> and ar�y�'reater width wher� reecessary permanentlz� to ineLude a3L its ezcts, embarckments, and ditches, and other worka �z�cessary to seeure a�ad <br />> proteet its mairz line. . '` ' <br /> K' This coravez�ance is also upon the conditior� that the said�'rantee herein,:....--.—'--,�:...—.........—..–;��irs, administrators an{� assi�'ns shalL ereet and <br /> mairctair� a lawful fenee betweer� that portion of the premises hereby cor�ver�ed, adjoinirL� the road of saic� Comparzy,(if ariz� such the�e be,) and t�e <br /> road of said Company u,vorz a line..................:�....................hundred feet distant from the center Lir�e of such road, an,d paralbe7, therewith, ir� all cases <br /> irL which sueh fence is required by law, or mar� be required bz� said Co.mpany. . <br /> TO H�1 VE .IIND TO HOLD the said premises with aLL the ri�'hts and appurter�ances thereunto beLon�sins unto the said�'rantee, ..—..�..........._ <br /> heirs and assi�'ns forever, and the said�'rantor doth hereby covenant with the said �'rar�tee, that ab the �akin� of this irestrume�t it is welL seized <br />� of'the said premises as of a�'oor.� and indefeasible estate in ee, and hath�'ood ri�'ht to selL and conve� the same, and that it wiZL W:/�RR�1NZ'and <br /> defend the title to said premises unto the said�'rantee,...--- . .. ..................heirs and assi�'ns forever a�'ai st the awfuL cLaims of al,l perso�ts whom,.coever• <br />; E.X'CEPTING, HO�'EVER. r�7,L taxes ar�d assessme�ts Ievied upon said pf•emises sinee.......������.lr.��./..c�::,.....--•-.--.- - ' . ; . <br />; �. . . - , . , _ <br />' �� � �.� <br /> � --- . . �''� . . '. _�.1.. .r:,:�U'.o'� <br /> �T. <br /> M, <br /> � —_.—. <br /> """""_'_..""""'_'_........"""""""""""""""""""""""'...""""••,""""""""""""'....._....._"""""..."""""""".......__.._...""'.............." <br />.. f . � . � . . , .; -:. � ; . ...."_""""'..."""""....""""""......'"' . . . _ <br /> � AND WHEh�'e:;,saiu JNrorr PnciFto Rarr.ROan ContPANY did,on the sixteentb day of April, A.D. 1867,execute and delive��to��yrus H.MeCormick,of the City of New York,a�nd.John Duff,'of <br />- ihe City of$oston,a certain Mortga�e Deed of tba�t date,which deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of........................�/��C.�..-............................Connty,in the�tate of Nebraska, wherein said <br />� Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and John Duff,as Trustees,for the uses tind purposes therein mentioned,amona others the l�nds herei�efore described; AND«THEII.EAS,the s&id Cyrus$. <br /> McCormick did an the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873, by a proper instrurnent of writing to that effect,resign hia place as Trastee itHder said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by the UNiox PactFic RnrLxoAV COMPANY,by its Bot�rd of Directrirs,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and State of Massachusetts; <br /> AND WHEKEAB,on the Sfteenth day of OctoUer, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'�aston,in the State of Massachusetts,was dul,y nominated by the remaining Trustee,Jobn Duff, as snecessor to eaid <br /> C�rus H.MeCormick,which uomination was,on the sa�me day, approved by the BOard OF DiTeCtOP9 Of thC Sa1d UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CObiPANY; Axv WxFREas,by such nominaLie��nd,approval <br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof, thereatter become vested with the same eatates, powers, ri�hts,and interests,and charged with the same duties and responsibilit•i�g,as if he had <br /> been one of the original Trustees named in and e$ecating,�aid Mortgace Deed; Axn WxEaEas,said rem�ining Trustee dia,Uya conveyance,proper and effeetual for that purpose,dated on tbe twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.1873, flt the City of Buston, vest the same in �nch new Trustee jointly with hi�si,the sa�id John Duff; AxD`VarctEns,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February, <br /> A.D.1fi97, by�proper instrurnent oi writing to that effect,resign his ptace as Trustee under said Mortnage Deed,which resignation wa�s,on the fourteenth day of February, A.A 1877,�eepted by the <br /> U:.tox PACiFtc RAir�to�n CoatPanY,bv tha Esecutive Committee of its Board of Dir.etors, at a meeting thereof held on tha�t day in the City of Boston,and State of N�assachusetts; A�D WaER�Ae, <br /> no nomination of'a successor to 811 the vacancy,caused by tl�e resignation of said John Duff,having been made, the sa�id Frederick L. Ames beeams,and now is,the sole'Prustee� AND S�B�AS, the <br /> said Uxiox PaciN ir. ReiLwAY CoMrnxY,with the consent oi' the Trustees for the tirne beivg,hereinbefore na•med,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the Rea1,Estate heroinbefore deseribed, <br /> unto the said grantee,for and in covsideration of'the suin aforesaid, to it in hand p:�id by the sa�id grantee,Svhich said sum o�money has been paid to said Frederick IkrAmes,by said Compavy in bia <br /> capacity as Trustee,or to said John Duff and said Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for tbe uses tind purposes in�gaid Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �aw �Itrrc,fo�e, Know a1/ Men by these Presenis, thcl� I, the said r�e�aP�L��� L. �1mes, remainins Ti�ustee irc the aforesaid JlTort�sa�e Deed, in <br /> coi2siderafiora of the af'oresaid, premises and pa�ment as aforesaid of said sum, so paid by said Compar�y to said trust fund, of which I am the <br /> remainin�' Trus e, for th ses ancL �zGrposes aforesaic'�, do Icereb�.I�EJVIISE, R.ELE�SE, arad forever UII'-CL./�IJVl�unto the said_..........._......:............................. <br /> ........:.......................... . . . ,,�.����x���P./... ..s------.-----------...---------.----.----.....---.the ReaL .Estate described aforesaid, to be�elcL b�tFce sai�L�'raratee free ar�d e.xem,nt from <br />_ all Zier�s, incu brances, an� char� of saicl JVlortsa�'e .Deed,but subjecU, however, to aLL t,he reservatior�s czr�d corcditions hereinbefore contained. <br /> �/�( �ifitg��t �h�reo�; The saic� �'ra.ntor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAV GOMPANY, hath �� : � <br /> IN PRESF.�vCE OF eaused th,ese preserzts to be sealecl with its eorporate seaL, and to be si�necl br� its ; o '• a ` <br /> PI^esident and Treasurer, and eountersi�'ned br� its L�nd Commissioner and its `: a ' � <br /> ./�uditor,ancl the said Frederzck L..11mes, Trzostee, has hereunto set his hand this ` � � <br /> ���������. � � V � <br /> ........ <br /> .....:.................. . <br /> . . ... . ..... ....�v..-�i.................................�----daz� of._.-- .,�/.�..... - --��--�..--------------...............1.D. Z8.�-7.... W <br /> ..... .---- - ��---.. . <br /> � o � <br /> � `�a�1,� o . �..�; ' ' <br /> �'�oy -�---�--------------------------��L2�.���---�---..........----........-------.Presiderct. �.- . • <br /> p� � c � v . <br /> ........���G���,�����'/�"............................................... . ...--.......---......-�--��----- - ..... ..���.�7��!c�_._..--------.. Trea�urer. ti <br /> r W � <br /> .o j _ ' 4�`@� <br /> � o ; <br /> � � ..���-�-------��-�...... .............. Trustee. � � <br /> � - -�---� - ---�----�----�- � : <br /> �tate Qf ,�as�ach�set#$, SS. �$$° � <br /> , ,q, <br /> COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. �e �t �.emrmGcr��b, Th�t on th;s..............�,�a�%��.................................................aay or. ......✓.�/.-o�%��................................:..A.D. 188.�... <br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,appeared the UVIdN PACIFlC RAILWAY C012PANY, by C. F. ADAMS, its President, nurZ�fs�y,�".�t����ts Treasurer, who are personally <br />� � known to me to be the identic�,l persons whose namee are subscribed to the foregoing instrnment as s.Lid President and Treasurer, and then and thert��cknowledged the executiou and sealing of said <br /> Instrumevt to�eir voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally appeared the abova n�med fREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br />`" me to be the Trustee descriUed in,and who executed the foreooivg Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he egecuted the same as Trustee ae aforesaid,and for the uses and pnrpoaea therein set <br /> forth,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act a�nd deed. , �G� <br /> �ln '�itttess �ti�r¢of, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this....................,�?!��yi�2�ti.................................. <br /> .... <br />, � day of............ . .�................:......................................A.D. 18��......, at the City of Baston,in said Countyand State. <br /> •--......--�-�----�------�-�------------------•- • • ����a��.�'11..�1.�1. <br /> ..................N'otary Public. <br />;:. ' • , _ <br /> „. 4 . , <br /> « � <br /> . . <br /> -. , . . ,, <br /> , <br /> __ __ __�_._._._ .,s.:�_.,,.:. ,,.:. _ ,_ _ . .�. ., .:�,. . <br />