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. _ _ . _ . _,.-_ ______ _ _ �� __ ____ __ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ . <br /> . :• <br /> � <br /> , �r.��`` <br /> I � �j�J � J J �D o `� <br /> � ��� �SI���� � �J <br /> . V � <br /> FROM <br /> � Filed for record the................ ./....�.�..�...................................................................daz� of <br /> • ................................ . <br /> .....,,�..�z�`"�v.�.:... .. ........ ......�...........:....................................- / // <br /> ._...ii��?�:�i-�---. .....�....... o.�:.�.o....... .....o'elock..., ..�..�....JVI: <br /> I , . . . ..........-� --�................ ......., at....................../. . .....--------�----� <br /> � _.....................................�1�.�9���..............._............................. <br /> I TO � <br /> •--°.................. ............... .........•.--a�•--�°----- -�----•------ - <br /> ....... .... .. __._..... <br /> �/ �!-�ri �i . . <br /> ........................ .�..V.�l..G��............................................................................. <br /> .............................................................................�----...---��--��--�--�-�---.......Deputy........ <br /> i <br /> F°R�f � TH]E UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CCJMPANY. <br /> � UNIQN DIVISIOl`:- . <br /> No....�.s��"� <br /> ..................._ <br /> �na� �r� ��en �r� ��ie�e �"r��ertt�: <br /> That the UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY GOMPANY, whic7a is a Cor��ora!iofz foT°med aJZCl existins b� t,lze cor�solidatiorz of the Kar�sas Pacifie Railway Compc� J, <br /> the Denver Pacifie Railwa� and TeZe�'raph Compan�, arzd the Unir�r� Pacific Railroacl Con2partzJ, under the corporate name and st�le of th.e UN ON <br /> PACiF/C RAiLWAY �OMPANY, bJ authorit� of ar� act of Con�'ress, e�titled, "�In act to aid in the corzstructior� of a railroad and tele�raph line from he <br /> .Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, and to secure to the Governmer�t the use of the sarn� for Posta,L, �17iLitarJ, and other purposes," approved J ly <br /> 1, 186�, and acts amenda-tory tlzereof, which said Companz� 7ias succeeded to arcrl becoT72e seized and possessed of alL the reaL estate and property of <br /> the said Constituent Cvmpar�ies, whether reaL, personal, or mixed, arcd, amons other thirc�'s, of all the Land �'ranted to said Union Pacific Railr ad <br />', , Com,roan� b� the aforesaid acts of Corz�'ress, ira aid of the const�°uction of its road, fzot cor�Leyed away by said Company at the date of sueh eonsolidati. n, <br /> � (to-wit, Januar� ��y, 1880,J irL consideration of the sum of..........�,��....�..2......�....��.......... ............ <br /> ��� .............................���- -------- -- ---���`.����� - <br /> _.. �-- .................._......... .....-------�--�----------��----...... ...............................---.......-�---- ------............ Dol ars, to it pai��jie rece�A��ch 's ereby aaknowle � d, <br /> ......-�----�-----�.. ......................... . . ,� <br /> doth hereby GR.,4N1; B.f1RG,/�IJV, SET.L, .,4✓VD CO✓V'VEY', ztinto_.��t��c�r�.�'..._��..�-.4�i.................................. . � : <br /> ..-----�-�--�.........................................�----�------..............-----........_....._.._,. ...._ <br /> / . <br /> ........--��---------�------------�------�-�-�..................�-----�--...............--��---.................-�-�-------�-------. - .............��......__... . . .. . -------------------............---�--------------�----------�--�-- -- <br /> the followin�' described .neaL .estate, situate, lyin�' anc� beir�� in the Count� of...................._�................................................._.._................�and in the State of Nebrcaska, a ; <br /> described as foLlows, to-wit:-�---�......................:.... ......................----........- ---........---..........----------._....--��---��--�-�-- <br /> ..._...- -- �--�-..... ��-�---�---�-�-�-�------�--�- ........................................................................��-�-�---------------..........._..-�--�-- , <br /> .......................................................................................���.��.� . .� .����.������.. .................................................................................................................................................... <br /> .......................................................�.��'�...�.r4....,��.�����......................."--.....���:.�.��io�........---................----.....................................................---......................................................... <br /> ..................................... � <br /> ............................................................................................���.�.. ... . . ....�����.C!o,�.,.�.f',r.�.... ...�.�-�...�...��..........................................................................................................................................................._..... <br /> C� , � . . � <br /> i ...........................................................................................y��i,�'�`�...... . . . .. ...---............................................................................................................................................ ............................... . ..... <br /> � .................................�---.................................................................................................................................................:.................................................... ........................................:.....................---.....................................................................................,..... <br /> , <br /> E ............. ................................. .............................. ....................................... ........ .. . :.. ............................... . ......................... ............................................................................................................................................ <br /> ....... ...._... ............................................... . .............. ............................. ...... .. . ..... ......... ....._.................................................... ...... ....... ................._....................................................... ............... <br /> � � . _ <br /> . , . _____ ... ....................s.,.. . . ....... . . .:.:.._.................._............_. ..- <br /> ' " , �ontainin�' aecordin�s t.n the Ur�ited Ntrxtes surver thereo ............................ .. _ <br /> rt .- -------•_-•_-••-•__._ ._ . <br /> � --•---- ---....�... .... ..........•_•-�. .flcres, more r less, hein�' the sar e premises contract,ed to be soLd to.-.----.---��r.�r�arf'. . .. .. .�`�-.������'.�'�..a..d_ <br /> i ------- "� . <br /> jb� Co�ztract No'%..11..........`�.l7..D.:L1.----��=t�sr.t�i�,��.z..L.a.�i f;�����.��..�8,!�,.�xu.���2���u-�-,� ..�.t�,.� � - ..�.a.c�-- . .�� <br /> � RTS.ERVING, HOWEVER,to the said UNION PA If�RAILWAY COMPANV, aLL that portion of h I�CrPby conveyed,(if anr� such t ere be> which <br /> � Zies zvithin liraes drawr� pa�•aZlel wilh,and...............0.'�.�.......................hundred eet or� eacT2 sidn, �7ista�ct ff�om the eercter line of its road ccs now constructed, <br /> � and an� eater width wherc necessarz� permaner�tLz� to ir�elz�de a?l ' euts, embankments, and ditches, and ot,her worlcs necessary to seeure and <br /> r� <br /> � protect �s�'�n�"'�i t'irz line. /�� <br /> , This convez�ance is also upon the condition that the s�'�'rantee herein,............�r�.-............................heirs; administrators and assissns shall ereet and <br /> � mair�taira a ZawfuL fence between that portior� of the premises hereby cor�veyed, adjoininss the roac� of said Company,(if any such the�e be,) and �1'�e <br /> YG ' <br /> � road of said Compan� uporz a line....................��..................hundred feet r�istant from the center line of such road, a»d paralLeT, therewith;�n ald c�rx,�ses � '' <br /> i � in which such fence is requirec� bz� law, or mr�� be required b� said Companz�. , <br /> TO H,f1 VE .fIND TO HOLD the said premises with aLl the ri�'hts and appurtenafaces thereunto beLonsins unto the said�'rantee .. <br /> I� � _ � � , � --�..............._ <br /> � heirs and assi�'res forever, and the said�'rantor doth hereby covenant witFz the said �'rantee, that ab tTze makin¢ of this instrumerit i,t is weLL seized <br /> � nf'the said as of a�'ooa and indefeaslble estatc in f � and hath�'ood risht to sell and coiavezJ the same, ar�d td�at it wiLL W:fIRR,�2N1'arcd <br />,I i defend, the title to said premises unto tlze said sran.tee ���.............heirs cznc� assisns forever a�air�st the lawful claims of a7,L persons whomsoeuer. <br /> � , .....---� s <br />� � ' E.X'CF,PTIJV'G, HOWEVER, al,l taxes and assessment,s levi,ed uporz suid premises since.�.�1.�... . �i'?���./.8.��� " � <br /> I, ,. ' . _ ' _..................... ..�----�----�---..........................�.........-�--..................-..------------ � --._...-�---..... �,� �e.�.` k <br /> i�! � _' � � ..� <br /> .....................................��----��-�---.........--�----................--�-��----��---�--...------------�--...............-----�--..........................--�----......------...-�-----......-----�--�-----��----�--..._.........--�----....._................_......_...------------- <br /> ' � �AND WHEREAS,said Uxiox PACrr+ia RAir.�on�ContrAxY did,on the sixteenth day of April, A.D. 1867,execute and de i er t Cyrus H.MeCormick,of the City of New York,and John Duff, of �� <br /> � the City of Boston,a certnin Mortga�e Deed of that date,which deed ie recorded in the office of the County Clerk of................���.....................................Connty,in the�ta�te of Nebraska, wherein said � <br /> I f Company conveyed to : . said Cyrus H.McCormick and dohn Duff rys Trustees,for the uses tind pnrpose3 therein mentioned,:uinong othecs the lands hereinbefore described; AND��FIL�RPAB,the said Cyrna FI. <br /> � McCormick did on 1he twenty-eigl�th day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writin�to that effect,resigu his place as Trustee nnder said mortga�e deed,vebieh resignstion w$s,.on the fifteent � <br /> I � day of October, A.D.1873,aecepted by the UxLOx PACiFiC Rt1iLltoAn COMPANY,by its Board of Director3,nt a meeting thereof,held on that day in the City of Boston and Stnte of Massachusetts; <br /> � ANA WAEREA9�Ori LI10 fifteCllLl]dd3'Of OCtOUCT� A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'�:aston,in the St�.te of Massachusetts, was dul,y nonii«mted by the�remaining Trustee,John Duff, as snecesec�r to said <br /> Csrns H.MeCormick,which vomination was,on the sa�me day, a�pproved by the Eoard of Directore of �said Uxiox Pncrrre 1LnILTtoan CoMPAxY; AND VVHTRE:1$�by such nomination and approval ,;� <br />� � said F'rederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof, thereatter become vested with tho same estates,po�vere,rights,ancl iaterests,and cUarged with the same daties and responaibititiea,as if he had Y:� <br /> I been one of the original Trustees na�med iu and executing,�aid Mortgtire Deed; Axn�Vx�;[t��s,said remnining Trustee did,bya�conveyance,proper aud effectiial for tl�at pnrpose,dated on tbe twentieth <br />' I y , , . Citp of nston vest the same in snch new'Crustee jointly with him,the s:uid Jol�n Duff; ANn WxE2FAS.tha said John Dnt�'dicl,An#�he fonrtserr�h dap of February, <br /> � da of'October A.D.l�t,�he/a�c�rfi,i�' . , -u <br /> �1.D. i677, fu.�� i •. ' �, � . _ <br /> �� � , _ . . . , <br />�� �,d�,�` i'rederick L. Ames be�xme,: ,tbe sole Trastee; Axn WH�s�AS,the <br /> , unto the s�id. ,ar�aio ` <br /> i B�id UNION P ci [c RaTr.ROa,el t;uMYnxY,with the consP r r t e''rus e s or t time beinb,iie ei eiore named, hauesold a�nd conveyed, as above set forth,the R.eal Eatate hereinbefore described, <br /> a ,�.-��y�����°�'s ��` <br /> E r nnd in consideration of tl�e snm o m a p� y tbe ea�id ��vhieh said sum of money bas been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by eaid Company in his <br /> ` capACity as ustee,or to eaid Jol�n Duff aud snid Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H. c�ormick and said John Dnff, Trustees,for the nses and pnrposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> � ,�o1v �/tr�•rfvrr, Knaw a// Men by these Fresenfs, that I, the said Fre�n,rielc L. ..5(rr��es,�•er�..�.z� r �e in tlte aforesaid .Mort�sa�'e Deec�i, in <br /> eonsiderafior� o tlae a oresaid remises anc� a ment as a oresaid o said surrL so a7r,� sczad o zn to saic� trust ur�d o whieh I am the <br /> f �� , P P J � f �• T� �J � �J f , f <br /> j remainir��' 2rustee for ze uses ar�c�purposes aforesaad, do hereby I�E.MISE, RELL,/�SE, ar�d forever UIT-G'I,•!I.IYI unto the said................................:................. <br /> ; .__._.___��,��......_..........:.................................:..................__........t he Rea L Estate descri l�e d aforesai d, to be he L d bz� ���^� free an d exempt from <br /> sz <br /> ..............•�-----.........,...- - <br /> � aZL Ziens, inc brances, and char�'es of said JVlort�a�'e .Deed,but subjec�, however, to aLl t,he reservatior�s and conditions hereircbefore eontained. <br /> � �/tj �'itn��.� �hgren�; The said �'rar�tor, the UNION PACIFIG RAILWAY COMPANY, hath i "� ; w •. <br /> I IN PRESE�CE OF caused these preser�ts to be sealed with its corporate seal, ar�d to be si�ned by its � � :� <br /> � y.��President and Treasurer, arcd countersi�sned by its Lanc� Commissioner and its ; � <br /> � � �y, j „4uditor,ar�d the said Frederick L.�imes, Trustee, has hereunto set his hand this ;� ; <br /> ; ........<y�7.2?'. ..�...1.....d.\/..:..../.o%�!����...................................... ..........-�--�--------........._........ <br /> . <br /> of_...........��� _..f1.D. 18.15.�?i..: • ; : ; <br /> , .........---�---......... /�,� <br /> , • � <br /> � • . : <br /> � �° ,��g�� ei� �.����--�------------------��:�..-.President. � : . <br /> ------.........-�----------------�----�---.: <br /> ^ �nA Q„_.1_ hYt� h <br /> ' � Glr� a p �. � <br /> � .................................................................................................................... � . � .• <br /> � , r 3� ...............................�'(..�..Jq.�.(/�...�.1.�.1..���.....__......... Treasurer. � : �; '' <br /> 1 �`�I !/ � � <br /> t , <br /> ; 4 <br /> �8 So ----�-�--„��.��......'.�..�...:��..�..�.-..r.<�-................................ Z`rustee. � ���'' � <br /> --�---------��-----�� - , <br /> �- <br /> �ta#e af ,�a��acf�ixse##�, _ <br /> SS. �/ �j/ <br /> GOUNTYOF SUFFOLK. �e €t �.cmgm[�erg�, Tn�t on this..............................l���/lu� ....... .. ......., of........�1..�.........................................._A.D. 18.�.�.1.. <br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,appea�red the UNLO�T PACIFIC RAIL��YAY COYIP:1�, Uy�G��.4,;,itsA resident, and �l'a�, its Treasnrer, who are personallY <br /> known to me to be the identical persons wl�ose namee are subscribed to the foregoing instrument as s�id resideut and Treasurer, �nd then and the acknowledged the execution and sealing of said <br /> Instrnment to be their voluntary�ct and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And ob the same day,likewise, personally�ppeare the abova named FREDERICK L.•AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trastee described in,aud who esecuted the foregoing Instrument,aud acknowledged before me that he executed the same 1s Trastee as aforesaid, and for the uses and pnrposes therein set ' <br /> forth,and Lbat the egecntion thereof was his voluntnry act and deed. . ' <br /> �1n �itlitss '��t��rpjaf, I hav hereunto set my hand und official seal tbis..........................................��� ' <br /> ................................................................................................ ,;..i <br /> � .� <br /> �,D/ dfty of...................l..l.........................................................................A.D. 18.8.�...,at the City of Boston;in said County and State. <br /> ,�i�/ • <br /> - - -----�-�����---------------------------Notary PubLic. ; <br /> , <br /> ,� � �� <br />� , _ <br /> , _ _ _.._.. _. �__ _ -- ` , ;.. : ._ <br /> . .. <br />