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. <br /> ��� <br />` ��J�J� ��j���D� <br />� <br />; <br /> FROM , <br /> . , ... Filed for reeord the........................................................--�-Q�. .. .........................da� of <br /> . <br /> , �/� .............................. <br />'i, ............�-:�............�z�c`�..\//....................... ................ .... . �q o <br /> � � � �� � <br /> � - �- .._.. . <br /> ......................................��----��---�----�--�`..............., at............................... ..................................:........o elock....�.M: <br />�I,I � .....................................................................TO.................................................................. ^'----......................................................................------..........--L����^�--"---"---° . <br /> ��� County Clerk. <br /> ... � <br /> ............................................................................................................................................. <br /> Deputy. <br /> F°R� 3739. THE UNION PACIFIC RAILV�IAY CCJMPANY. � <br /> UNION DIVISION--NEBRASKA. /��� o � <br /> Contract No....��..�'�...�.�.....-..9 Deed No..................................................... <br /> �n.aiv �ZZ ���er� �� �1ie�e �"re�ent�: . <br /> That tJae UN/ON PAG/F/C RA/LWAY GOi�9PA/VY, �vhich is a Corporafiorz fnJ°mcd arzcl ex�sEin�' brJ the cnresolidatiorL of the Karisas .Paeifie Railway Compani�, <br />; the Denver Paeific I�ailwaJ ar�d Tele�'ra�h Com,vany, and th,e U�ainr� Pacific Railroad Compcan�, ztinder the corporate name and st�le of th.e UN/ON <br />� PAC/F/C RA/LWAY GOMPANV, bz� authoritz� of aTZ act of Con�'ress, erLtitLed, ".fln act to aid in the construction of a railroad and tele�sraph line from the <br /> .Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the sam� for Posta,L, .MiLi6ccry, ancl othe•r purposes," approved July <br />� 1, 186�, and aets amenda,torz� tTzereof, which said Companz� yias sueceeded to anrl become seized and. possessed of all the reaL estate and property of <br />� the said Constituent Cvmpc�:aies, whether reaL, pef°sonaL, or mixed, and, amon�' other thira�'s, of alL the land �'ranted to said Unior� Pcccific I�ailroad <br /> Companz� br� the aforesaid acts of Con�'ress, in aid o f the constructio of its ad, no eonL•ez�ed awaz�b�said Company at the date of such consodidati•on, <br /> ,� .� �.�.�.. ..........................:. <br /> <to-wit, Januar�z� �/y, 1880,> irz consideratiora of the sum of-•----.......,,-..---'`�.--- -------------- - - -- - - -------------------- •---- .:...---------- -.--� - � <br /> �--�..............�- .....-� -----...-- - - .____.... <br /> __ _ - - - � ........................................ ............_........-�-�- -............._ ......-�--..... Dol�r , t paid, he receipt of which is hereby aeknowLed�ed, <br /> doth hereby GR.f�N7; B�1RG./1I.N, SELL, ✓�.1V'D COJV'VEY; unta.--�-�--�-............. -...�........ ......---��-----� ----... ..---�---�� -�----�----......_....--�------------------------�--- --- , , ......................----...._._ <br /> . ..........-�-�....:.................. <br /> .......... . .. .........�----- .......-�-.........._.........................---�-�-�----...----..of the Count�J�f----.... ..�-.. .-�----- .... .----...irc the State of----•- - � - - •--��---•---- ... ............... . ----........----•- <br /> ---•--�-�----��-----..--._ ......... .. ..... ----- <br /> the followin�' describec� ReaL Estate, situate, z�' �' an beir�s 'r� t County of...._.s;........��.a�,�........:......l.........................:...........and in the State of Nebraska, and <br /> described as follows, to-wit:_....-�................................��..1�����....��.----. _ ... ...:-- --���.��./ <br /> ..........•••.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................�----�•----•-......••-.........---........................---...............................................,....................... <br /> .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:......,........:...:......................:..:.:.:�......... <br /> ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................:............ <br /> ......................:.................................................................................... ....... ....................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ............................................. . ............................. ........ ......... <br /> ................................................................................. .............. ............................................................................................•�-------..:.............,........................:.. ............ .................. <br /> of Section No. ---.. .... . .... ..�-c�-c�.... �.�.7.�..... is� Township No. ...._..�-e�.�l..o�. .. ....... ..... North 'f Ran e J!'' -�-� . �/� ........... <br /> of the 6th Princi7�aL JVleri aan, cantainin�', accordirz� to the Urcated States survey thereof_. <br /> ----......��:�-�--- ... .. . .. ' ....-� ------ --L.l�Q.� .L <br /> -----------------------------�-�-----��---�----��---------_ <br /> ....__....._____..l.�cres, more or less, bein�' the me premises�ontrc�cted to be sold to..........�-�.-�-�-,- .�`✓.... _ <br /> ... .... --�-�--- .... .......... <br /> - . dated----��- -�-�-�-- � ° �=---./..�. . .�..--��--��-----�---------��......................................:........�-----�----. .................._....._..::....._..:...---........_..... <br /> by ContracttNoS........-���-�----�-��--......`�-�--------�........................ .......-�-� - -� -- - �- ------------ - �� <br /> R E'SERT�7NG, HO�EVER, to the said UN/ON PAG/FiG RA/L AY COMPANY, alL that portion of thP Zand herebz� conveyed(if anr� such the `' be) w�ieh <br /> lies withifa lines drawn ,�araldel wityz,and-------------�-�?'?-�:-----.....--�--.-.hund��l feet on each side distarct from the eenter liize of its road c� ��o���on.structad, <br /> and any�reater width wherz roecessary permanentlz� to inelude a�L its cuts, embank�tents, and ditches, ancl other works taeaees.urr�r 'to secure and <br /> protect its main Line. � • <br /> This eonver�anee is also upon the eonditiori that the saicl�'rantee herein,................�.........__..........heirs, admireistr,��r�t�nd:assi�'ns shalL erect anc� <br /> maintairc a lawfuL fence bebweer� that portion of the premises hereby eonver�ed, adjoiniro�' the road of said Compara�,;�'T�an� such there be,) arr,c� the <br /> road of said Qompanz� u�on a line............a.--n..�.......................hun�red feet distant from the cercter line of such road, an.c��pe�ralLeT, therewith, in aLL cases <br /> in which such fence is required by law, oN maz� be required br� said Company. . <br />, TO H.�3VE ..4ND TO HOLD the said premises with aLl. the ri�'hts and appurter�ances thereunto belon�'in� unto the said�srantee, .....�............. <br />` heirs and assi�'ns forever, and the said�'ranto� doth hereby covenant with the said �'ran,tee, that a� the makins of this instrument it is welL s�ized <br />� nf the said premises as nf a�'ooi� and ircdefeasible estate in e, ana' hatT��soocl ri�'ht to selL and conver� the same, a�d that it wiZL W;gRR�l1NT�roc� <br /> defend the title to said premises unto the said�'rantee,.......�.............heirs ande ss�ns f�orever a ir�s the awf3o�ms of al,L ,�ersons whr�rrtsoeuef°. I <br /> E.X'C.EPTING, HOWEVER, all taxes and assessmerits levaed uporL sccad p es sa ce . ....... . . . . . 1..,8..T...B.and exe t a�'ainst any <br /> ' ' P � �J, � , �--�-9-:�...... ........ ----•----.or.---�- ---- �. .....suecessors, <br /> ... ............�-----•-----------...••---..... <br /> claams or ancumbrances created nr ermatted b throush or urcder saic�................. ..... ,�.,� ... .. ........_...................................._.._ <br /> heirs, or assisns, or an� of thPm..................��---�---�-��---...--��---....:--�-----��-�-----�-�--��--�---............---��------._...................................................................---...------ <br /> ----�.................................................�.---��----�--�-----•--�-------�---�--........---��...------ <br /> AND WHEREAS�9aid UNION PACIFIO RAILItOAD COMPANY did�Ori th8 81%tBCrith(��y Of Ap1'il, A.11. 1867,egecute anc7, eliver to C rua H.McCormick,of the City of New York,:�nd John Duff, of <br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortga�e Deed of that date,whict�deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of...........:✓��......................................::::.Connty,in the State'of Nebraskm, wherein said � <br /> I, <br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyru.q H.McCormick and John Duff,as Trustees,for the uses rynd purposes thereiu mentioned,among others the lands hereinbofore described; A1�TD WHER6AS,the 9aid CyruB H. <br /> McCormick did an the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resibn his place as Trnstee under said mortgrage deed,which resignntion was,on the fifteenth ' <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by the UNtox PACIFIC RnrLxonn CoMrnxY,by its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that dny in the City of Boston and State of.Massachusetts; i <br /> Axn WxE1t�AS,on the fifteevth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of r:aston,in the State of Massachusetts, wrzs duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as succesaor to said ' <br /> Cyrus H.McCormick,�vhiCh nOTriiri�tion Wa3�On th�8&m0 day� apptOV0C1 hy the EOard Of DiTeCtOP6 Of th0 Said UNION P9CIFIC RAILROAD CObiPANY� AND WHEREA��by such nomination and,approval I <br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof, tl�ereaiter become vested with the same estates, powers, rights,and interests,and charged with the e�me duties and responsibilities,as if be had. 'I <br />�' been one of the original Trustees named in aud egecuting,suid Mortgaoe Deed; Axn WxExEas,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual fAr thut purpose,dated on the twentieth j <br />� day of October,A.D.1873, at the City of Boston, veat the same in sach new Trustee jointly with him,the sa�id John Duff; Axn WarttEns,the said John Duff did,o�the fourteenth day of Febrnary, <br /> A.D. 1897, by a proper instrument oi writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,which reaignation was,on the fourteenth day of February,A.D. 187,7,accepted by the <br /> U:viox PACrFic 1tA�r.xonn ComP.�xY,by the Egecutive Committee of its Board of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston,and State of A�as�achusetts; Axn Was$�ns, <br /> no nomination of a successor to fill the vacancy,caused by tl�e resignatiov of said John Duf�, liaving been made, the said Frederick L. Ames became,and now ie,the eole Trustee; A�7n Wx�$�AS,the <br /> said UN7oN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPAr Y�With the cousent of tl�e Trustees for the time bein�,hereinbef'ore named, has sold and conveyed,as above set forth, the Real Estate hereinTi�fore described, <br /> unto the said grnntee,for nnd in consideration of'the sum aforesaid,to it iu Iiand paid by the said grantee,which said sum of money has been pa;id to said Frederick L.Ames,by stuid-Company in his <br /> capacity as Trnstee,or to said Jobn Duff and suid Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and ea�id John Duff, Trustees,for the uses and purposes in eaid Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �aav �hrre,far�e, Kncw al/ Men by these Fresenis, that I, the said Fre�lericic L. ✓lmes, rerrzainin�s Trustee in the aforesaid .Mort�sa�e Deed, in <br />� corasideratior� of the af'oresaic�, premises and �ayment as aforesaid of said sum, so paid b� said Corropc�r�y to said trust fund, of whieh I am tyee <br />; remaininsd Trust , for the use�n purposes aforesaid, elo hereby REJVIISE, RELE,f1SE, and forever UIY'-CL.f1I.M unto the said....................:....................:........ <br /> �,��-,2,.._..�............. ..... ..............__..............._......._........the .ReaL Estate deseri�ed aforesaid, to be�eld by the said�'raratee free and'e.xempt from <br /> -�-�-�--....._.....-�................. ..�-��--- <br /> all liens, incumbrances, ar�d char�es said JVlort�ase Deed,but subjeeb, however, to aLL t,he reservations and eonditions hereirzbefore eantained. <br /> �/r� �itn��t� �h�reo�; The said gsrantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAV COMPANY, hath ;� : � <br /> IN PRESEtiCE OF causec� these prese72ts to be sealed with its corporate seal, ar�d to be siened by its : � ''a <br /> President and Treasurer, and countersi�sned br� its Land CommiBSiorcer and its ;� <br /> .11uditoT°,ar�d the saic� Frederick L../�mes,.Z�ustee, has hereunto set his hand this ; � <br /> . <br /> � � � <br /> ........:.�:,...��....,:�� .... ,� ...... - .................................. ..._ � of-..... ....--.-..--.----.-------... . . .. .. .... <br /> - :_ :: <br /> .................�....... .. ...... da. ...���%...�/.r.-t�c. .q D 18 S 8 <br /> � Q ' <br />' , W i <br /> a � , : <br /> � � � : , • ---...----�---,�....����-�...........�....... ..-..............�---...........President. � ; <br /> �������,�;��� , � <br /> . ..... ...... ..... ........... ....... ...... <br /> ... ....... . � : <br /> ,p�� ...._.....-�---...-- �......................... ..............�.���--------..... TreaBUrer. 2 ,: . <br /> `°" /_. _. . � ��'. : <br /> ,��c,a�i �...d..1...: vC . ° : <br /> - --.....----��- � ----- - ------- ........�'�-.-----------..........__.....-••.. 1`rustee. c� <br /> _ �� <br /> �#ate af ,�a��ath�se�#�, � <br /> Ss. <br /> GOUN7YOf SUFFOLK. �e �t �€em�mtGerc�, Tb�t ou tbis...�................... ..� .... .............. .. of..........�.................:.......... ...........................A.D. lA.S..9.. <br /> before me,a Aibtary Public in and for said County,a�ppeared the UNION PACIFIC ItAILWAY COYIPANY, by . F. ADAMS, its President, aqd JAMES G. HARRlS, itg easttrer,,who are personally <br /> known to me to be the identica�t persons whose namee are subscribed to the foregoing instrdment as s:tiid Presid nt�nd Treasurer, and then a�nd there acknowledged,the executton and eealing of said <br /> Inatrumevt to be their voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same dap,likewise, peraoually appea�red the above named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trustee deseribed in,avd who executed the foregoing Instrument,a�nd acknowledged before me that he egecutecl the same as Trustee as aforesaid, and for the nses anct.purpoees therein aet <br /> forth,and that the egecution thereof was his voluntary act and deed. l�K� t:t' <br /> $n '�ittap88 ''�t1� ea , I have herennto set my hand and official seal this.............................................,,ll.��... . ........ <br /> day of............�,e�G�.........._.....................................A.D.1 8.$..�.....,a�t the City of Boston,in sa,id Connty and State. <br />, CL� ! � -/ <br /> .....--�--�---------------�J�'.�c�.l�.-�--�.----�,.�=r�c,�-fi.....------.-._Notary Public. <br /> _ <br /> �. � , _ <br />�..___ _ _ ._._._,_ .. � .,,4.. _.. . . � .�. <br /> . <br /> .._,�. :•.5 � • _i <br />