� �-��
<br /> �� �J�j� ��j�����
<br /> ____1� �.�
<br /> FROM
<br /> Filed for reeord the.......................:....�....�................................................................................. ............daz� of
<br /> � ......
<br /> .��%� � � � ....� .��. . ....�����.....`�
<br /> ....,ti.r....�.....z.... .... .. ..... ........... ........... ._� .r'- ��t?�� -�.� , � �c
<br /> � .dcloek......�.l..i..
<br /> - � , , � � O � ................................ . .................�-----.........._ ......4..� at..........................l.l�...............:....---�---.............. �JVI:
<br /> ....�. ..�.i...Y...I.r.L.T...�.....:1.... . .�.�-:2'`..�..1..�G'..Y.l..'.c�'::�L.�`:lc�........
<br /> TO
<br /> � � •---°--°°-°................................................................................. .....°--...---°--....�..-°---......
<br /> . .. .
<br /> /�,�//�— ����° o' County Clerk.
<br /> .................�?:..:.�7.......1.. '/1.:..... .....��cc�...................................
<br /> ............................:......................................... ................�-�-�--...............---.......................
<br /> . ..... . ....... ... ... .........
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> ............................ .............. �
<br /> ��� 2 UNION DIVISION--NEBRASKA. �!� �pv
<br /> CoritraetNo..�.....�......... ......yl..........._. Deed No..........:............................._..........._
<br /> �na�v �ZZ ���Cen �r� f1zze�e �"re�ent�:
<br />; That the UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY GOMPANV, zvhich is a Cor��oratio�z fof°med ancl, existin� b� tTze consolidatiorc of the Kar�sas Pacific RaiLwa� Comp�r�r�,
<br /> the Denver Paeific Rai.lwaz� and Tele�'f°aph ComparzJ, and tloe Uraion Pacific Railf°oar.l, Com,pan�, ur�der the corporate rcame and st�le of th.e UN/ON
<br /> PAC/F/G RA/LWAY CQMPANY, bJ authorit� of aTt act of Con�'ress, erztitled, ".flr� �ct to aid in tlze const,ructir�sz of a rai.lroad and tele�sraph line from the
<br /> .Missouri Rr'ver to th.e Paci,fic Ocean, an� to secure to the Government the use of the sam� for Posta,L, Jl�iliEarz�, a�zd oth,er purposes," a�tprovecL duly
<br /> 1, 186�, ancl aets amenda.tor� t�zereof, zv7zich sai�, Compar�z� has succeeded to aszrl, become seized and possessecl of alL the real estate and property of
<br /> the said Constituent Cvmpa�zies, whether f•ea,L, personal, ar mixed, ar�d, amon�s other thin�'s, of�lL the lar�cl s�'ranted to said Union Pacifie Railroad
<br /> Companz� br� the aforesaid acts of Con�'�•ess, ir� aid of the const�r/u-+ctiofz f its ro d,n(�t cor�r.•e�e�away by said Compar�y at the date of sueh consolidati.or�,
<br /> (to-wit, Jarauar� �/,�, I880,> iro corzsid,eratiorc of the surrz of--..i/....���.v..!�?���.J...l.......�..�.°o,-�--�.............��----�-�-�-�--�------�---�-----:....--- --�--------�--
<br /> �.............. .... . .... ...... ._.. ...... _._ - - - - j
<br /> __.___._.__................._.......__......__.....____........._ __..,_..............._._..._.......... Dolla s, to � paid, the reeei,rot of which is herebz� aeknowled�'ed,
<br /> doth hereby GR�4NZ; B,/1RC,f1I�Y, SE7.L, ./�ND CONVEY; ur�to-----��✓�..-�-�'!�-�-- --- - - c��f'........--�----......--�•----�------��----------�------�--...��--�—r�z�.................�-�--�--�-�--
<br /> __....... o the Countr. o .._�i�.......G�...................... iro the State o �'�
<br /> . ................................- -...------�------�--...... f � f.----�! f--�-------�------�---------...--....--. - ..........-------------�---�----------
<br /> .....--.--f.................�.... . .. ...........--.- ..-
<br /> the ollowin described Real E;tate, situate, z�in�' ancl beins irc�t e Gounty o .......... .................. .............._................... ....arcd i�t the S ate of Nebraska, and
<br /> ....... .............�-�
<br /> • �-��' .�' .. �� f`�
<br /> described as folLows, to-wat:.:.��.../�.�........�...3.._..�.�... .........G?���':.�?-..�......... .....>.-�!�.......... .. ..._.�c��G=,!1.....�-..4_.�.•.C---......�:........ ..•.-�-�-�---------- ---...................----�----•
<br /> ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................:........
<br /> .......................................................................................................................................................................... _
<br /> _..-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-----�------............................................�........................................................................
<br /> ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ................................................................................................................................................................................................:..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ........................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ... ............... .. . ..........
<br /> . ................................................... ................................. .......................................................................•---•-��-�-•--�•--•-
<br /> . .............. ..
<br /> . ............... .... .. .. -
<br /> .................... Lyi p ��_�� -_ - .� - �............. ... . . ...---. ..
<br /> . .........
<br /> .. . ....._................................. r
<br />, � �� � - .... . �
<br /> of Section No...�.�1..��.��...t-e ...C..�...1-_.-� -....- .._............... ..... Tozvnshi J10. . .. .. ...North of Ran�'e No....,���. . ...... 1.2. ....�j . ............
<br />' of the 6th Princi�al .Meridian, contaircin�, aeeordind tn, the Unitecl St�ates surve� thereof...................�o�.........C:�O...)............................ ..__ ._.______._._._ :
<br />' ---•--------------------------------�-�----�-�-- --------------------•-----. ✓lcres, more or Zess, bein�' t e sa e�?rem'ses contract,ed to be sold to ........-----��.....--•� -- � � r -�-�--------�-�-�---�--- --....__...::......,..._
<br />' bz� Contract No...---���-�-r1---��- ..------�--��.................. �--. dated.---- ---........ .....2.f�-...../...`6...�...2.-�-----...-----------��-�--�---.._..----•--�--._.............................................---...--•----.:........----.....,......:--....-�-�-------•--........•_•
<br /> -----••----•
<br /> RL ERVING HOWEVER to the said UN/ON PAC/F RA/L�Y COMPaNV, alL that portion of the larcrl herPby conveyed(if any such there be� whiclz
<br /> S , ,
<br /> Zies wit,hirL Zines drawrz �aralleL witZz,arod._..........��....................hundred feet ora each side clistant from the ecnter lirce of its roacl as now constructed,
<br /> aszd any�'reater width when necessary permanenfl� to irzclude a3l its cuts, embaTZkments, ancl ditches, and ot.her works necessary to secure and
<br /> protect its mairz line. v�f�
<br /> This conveyance is also upor� the eonditiorz that the said�'rantee hereiro,............. .............:..........................heirs, administrators and assi�sns shaZL erect aizd
<br /> maintair� a lawful fenee beEween that ,roortion of the premises hereby eonver�ecL, adjoinin�' the roac� of said Com,roanr�,(if any sueh the�e be,) and the
<br /> I� road of said Companz� u,�orz a line..........r...�...�-�.�.....................�,undred feet distant from the center line of such road, arr,d paralleT, therewith, in alL cases
<br />', in which such fenee is requirec� b� law, or n2ay be requirer.� b� said Company.
<br /> I TO H�2 VE .l1ND TO HOLD the said premises with alL the ri�'hts and appurtenances thereunto belorz�'irL�' unto the said�+'rantee,._.._::��
<br /> ....................
<br /> heirs and assissns forever, and the said�'rantor doth het�eby covenant with the saic� �'rantee, that a� the makin�' of this instrumerot it is welL seized
<br /> r�f t7ie said premises as of a�'ooa and ind,efeasible estate in�ee,,�and hath�'ood ri�ht to sell and eonvez� the same, ar�d that it will W:/�RR�1J1%Z'a�td
<br /> i, defercd the title to said premises unto the said�'rantee,........-�i.�!....._.......:_heirs ar�cl assi�'ns foreve a�sai st th�es l�wfuL claims of u7,L persons whomsoet�er, �
<br /> E.X'CEPTING, HOW'�VL+'R, al,l taxes ancl assessments Ievied upon suiy�, premtises since_ . i.......... ....�F.:-�!�e.-.--�----..�.�............and ex �t a�a��st arar�
<br /> -------------------------•--._..or...... . . successors,
<br /> I claims or �ncumbrances created or permitted b�, throu�'h, or under said..---..rP.�?��......(..YII:. ...... ......... . .. .�. ---.,.............. ���.+G�Q....,. i
<br />�' heirs, or assi�'ns, or arcr� of thPm.------��..........................---...---...........................-�----..............-------------.--�------------............---.........._.........-�--.--�----------------�-----.._......-�----._......,......_.......-------....�..--�-��----��--,---,..._.�.:.:........_...------------�- ��
<br /> ;...::.
<br /> AND WHEREAS�S&1C1 UNION PACIFIO RAILROAD COMPANY C17(��Ori tI1C Sl%t88IltI1 Clfly OFApPlI� A.D. 1867,execute and hver,�q�Cyrus H.MeCormick,of the Cit9 of_F��vy Ybrk,and John Daff, of i
<br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortgage Deed of that date,which deed ia recorded in the office of the County Clerk of.......... .�.1....a.��.G..0.....................................County,in the�ta�e of i+Tebruska, wherein said
<br /> Compavy conveyed to the said Cyruv H.McCormick and John Duff,as Trnstees,for the uses nnd purposes therein mentioned,amonn others the lands hereinbefore described; Ar7n\�HEx,�as,the said Cyrus H. !
<br /> MeCormick did cn the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trnstee under said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth
<br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by the Uxiox PACiFic 12,air.ROAn COMPANY,by its Bo:�rd of Directnrs,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and State of Massachusetts;
<br /> Axn Wx�uEAS,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of r:aston,in the State of Massachusetts,was duly no�iinated by the remainiog Trustee,Jobn Daff, as successor to said
<br /> Cfrus H.MeCormick,which nomination was,on the same day, approved by tbe BOaTd Of D1PCCtOP9 OY�th0 Sa1Cl UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY� AND�'VHF.RE.1B�by 9UCY1 IIOIIllllatlOri and approval
<br /> said 1'rederick L.Ames did,upon hie acceptance thereof,therea�iter become vested with the same estate�,powers,righte, and iuterests,and charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if be had
<br /> been one of the original Truetees na�med in and egecuting,�aid Mortgage Deed; Axn WxEtt�AS,sa�id remaining Trustee did,Uy a,conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth
<br /> day of October,A.D.1973,nt the City of Baston, vesC the same in such new Trustee jointly with him,the said John Duff; AND Wx�ttEAS,the�aid John Duff did,on the fonrteenth day of February,
<br /> A.D. 1877, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortnage Deed,which resignation was,on tlie fourteenth d�y of February,A.D. 1877,accepted by the
<br /> U:�iox PaciF[c ltnir.xoan ConzPnx�',by the Egecutive Committee of its Board of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston,and State of ➢�assa�chusetts; Axn Wa�R�as, i
<br /> no nomination cf a�successor to fill ti�e vacancy,caused by the resignation of saicl John Duff,ha;ving been made, the sa,id Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustee� AND WHEREAB� the ,
<br /> said Uxrox P2ICIFIC RatLwaY Con2raxY,with the consent oY the Trustees for the time being,hereinbefore named, has sold and conveyed, as above set forth,the Real Estute hereinbefore described,
<br /> unto tbe said grantee,for and in consideration of the sum aforesaid,to it in hand paid by the said grantee,�ahich said sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Company in his
<br />� capacity ae Trustee,or to said John Duff and said Frederick L. �tnes,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for t�he nses and purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned.
<br /> ,�ow �'hrrefo�e, Know all Men by these Presersfs, that I, the saicl Fre�lericic L. ./�mes, re�ycainins Trustee irc the aforesaid JVlort�sa�'e Deed, in
<br /> eonsideration of the af'oresaid, premises anc� payment as aforesaid of said sum, .so pairb b7� saic'� Companr� to said trust fund, of which I am the
<br /> remain' �S, r tee, fp,r� the uses ancl purposes aforesaid, do hereb REJVIISE, RELF'�SF,, and forever UIT-CL�lIJl�urcto the said_-.���.......................:...
<br /> ......--•-..- - • -
<br /> c��.....................................................................................................the Real Estate deseribed aforesaid, to be�eLc� by the saicl�'rantee free and exempt from
<br /> all lieras, incumbrances, an� eha.r�es of said .Mort�'a�se Deed,but subjeet, however, tn aLl t,he reservatiorzs arcd cor�ditions hereinbefore cor�tained.
<br /> �1r� �rfn��� �hgrea�'; The said �'rantor, the UNION PACIfIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath �E w
<br /> IN PRESE�Tc� oF causecl these presents to be sealed with its corporate seaL, and to be si�ned by its ' o ��
<br /> PT°esident and Treasurer, ar�cl cour�tersi�'rcec� by its Land Commissioner and its : � � �
<br /> . ��n�� � C�/{`/� ./�uditoN, r�d,the aad Frederick L.�mes, 1�ustee, has hereunto set his hand th� :� �
<br /> �,� � �� , � .
<br /> ........i....�.................C.:..... .... ........ ... ............................................ ------....... -�--� ----.....------�--... -- �--.........da of. ...._...----.../�.D. 18..�1 :
<br /> � � . � �
<br /> / _...............�C-------------------------.Cr..C.L���..... �- �---�--........President. y
<br /> , ....... ' .................... � � '
<br /> :
<br /> �.� . ... ... ... ...... .:.�. ���,�,�; � � � :
<br /> �� ..-----.�.�ti��[�_:....�.��.�'c.../l,/�. �.t%--------------.-. Treasurer. � : `:.
<br /> �^ - �-�-----......�./L2�.---...�.......�.���.r...3.�::�/.......................... Trustee. °v �; . �
<br /> �'S�
<br /> �#ate af ,�a��athix�e##�, __ - �
<br /> SS. � �
<br /> e —�.........::........:...............................day of................. ....... .. ... A.D. 18.fS..�
<br /> COUNTV OF SUFFOLK. � it �emcmi��er�b, Tb�t on th;s........J....
<br /> ..........................................
<br /> before me,a Notary Public in aud for said Connty,appenred tlie U�TLON PACIFIC RAILWAY CO:VIPANY, by C. F. ADAMS, its Presideut, :und JAMES . HARRIS, its Treasurer, who are personAlly
<br /> known to me to be the identic�l persons whose namea stire snU�cribed to the foregoing instrument as s:Lid Prosident�nd Treasurer, and theu and there acknowIedged the execution and sealing of said
<br /> Instrument to be tbeir�oluntar,y�ct and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally appaared the abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to
<br /> ; me to-be the Trustee described in,and who executed the foregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he eaecuted the eame as Trastee as aforesaid, and for the uses and pnrposes therein set
<br /> fortl�,and tbat the execntion thereof was his voluntary act and deed.
<br /> �lu �i�ri¢8s �h�r�Uif I bave hereunto aet my l�and and offici�l seei this....... ....... :. . ................................................:.
<br /> ..................................................................
<br /> � day of........... .........................A.D. 18�..9.., at.the Ci of Boeton,in said Count and State.
<br /> ........ ...........................................
<br /> . G � � �
<br /> Q-.-Q.Gt/� �-----�-��--�..G�.........__...._-----�..�.�....... :....:.........�------------..._.._.......------�.Notary Public.
<br /> �/
<br /> ���_/ , .
<br />