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<br />��f`bFf'1T—'°'�4'TS' i � n �� �Tterc.-cr+�r� �A � sx � i 'la-�------ -- --
<br /> FROM '
<br /> " 3 ;
<br /> ��e�-n�� p� Filed for record the........................�........................................ . ..c�az� of ,
<br /> ....................................................... . ............................................... ....................,......... ._- q
<br /> ....................:.........................��--�----�--�--...---....---.....1�..4..�......., at----..................................-�---/.............................o'cloek...�.M.
<br /> _..........................................................................................................:................................
<br /> To
<br /> � �-� ��....... ......... .. .. ............ . . .. .a.�.. .....................---...........................
<br /> -I ' e%��� / County CLerk.
<br /> .....................�.T'-.�......................................................................................................
<br /> .........................
<br /> ............................................................................................... . ........ Deputy.
<br /> Fox!K3739. ��E UT�l�ION PACIFIC RAIL AY CC�MPANY.
<br /> �.�►ro.......1....�....�. �..................... � s--�-� �-..................................................
<br /> n.a� �ZZ Qrt��� e r�e�en#�:
<br /> � ��`l� � �ae� �"
<br /> That tlze UNiON PAC/F/L' RA/LWAY COMPANV, which is a CoT•,UOi•aiioia for�nzed ancb existind U� tlze co�2solidatior� of the Kansas Pacifie RaiLway Companz�,
<br /> the Denver Pacific RaiLwa� c�nd TeZesraph Company, anc� th,e U�zio�a Pacific Rail,roarL Compaiz�, ur�der the corporate rcame and st�le of th.e UN/ON
<br /> PAC/f/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, 7�� authoritzJ of ar� act of Con,sress, eratiticd, ".flr� act to aid ir� the eoi2st,ructiorL of a railroad anct teLe�sraph lirce from the
<br /> .Missouri Rivef• to th,e Pacific Ocear�, and to secure to the Government the use of the s�mn, for Posta.L, JIlil,itarJ, and other purposes," approved JuLy ,
<br /> 1, 186�, and aets amef�da-torz� thereof, whieh saic� Companz� has sueeeeded to anc� beeome seized and possessecl of alL the reaL estate and property of
<br /> the said Cor�sti,tuent Cvmpanies, whether real, �ersonal, or mixecl, and, amo�a��' other thin�ss, of alL the Land �'ranted to said Ur�ion Pacifie Railroad .
<br /> Compccnz� b� the aforesaid aets of Con�'ress, zra aic�of the eonstrzGCtiorz of ' road, not eonz•e�ed c�waz�by sai-d Companz�at the date of sueh eoresoLidati�on,
<br /> (to- it, rz� �/� 188 ) i ons'deratio f h su o .:.....__..... ...... ... .......... . .. ..... ......
<br /> . .... .....�...------�-------------------------------�----��----�----....................................--------------�-�--.............._
<br /> .........
<br /> �`�`� ....... ....... D llars,.to it paid,�the receipt of which is hereb� aeknowled�'ed,
<br /> _...:...�,,�.�'�`.----._........_..- - -.��.,.�.,�.��.�--- ���----�................... - ............. ..... _. , �
<br /> clothhereby GR„4.N'7; 8,�4.RG.fII✓Y, S�I,L, ./�NL G'ONVEY'� LG72t0---.....--.._.._.._A! . ..,j::.................°-.'.....----......�.................--°°--......-•-------......----...............--°-°--.........-°°-.....-°-- ..............................--••°-°---
<br /> ��
<br /> .....................�------...----.....................---...---...............----��--.......... --............................---........ _...... ........_........--.� .................... -� .:,' __------------�----------��----�-�-�-- ...............---------------......---�----- ,
<br /> the foLlowin�' described ReaL Estate, ituate, l�s a�s i `the County o .............. .............._............._.. ..... .� and i the St f Nebrcaska, and
<br /> described as oLLows, to-wit-------------��---..........--��---�--...---....-----��---,. .. 1�:......�-�^�. ......---_ ��i �----..
<br /> -
<br /> . .. .
<br /> -��.. .......................
<br /> -�........................ . .---....�.........:-���..��.......:-s�.....✓.......:..----�--------- --.--.._......- ---- -
<br /> ------- --- ---��--�------�-
<br /> ........................ ..... .....a.-fl-�..�C-�-��.............. ................ :....... ........%��-�-�.. .�����.��....... ................... ..................................�-�-�--..........................................................
<br /> � � �.��
<br /> d.-o-�.�-�✓ ��� ��.....a--�................................ .......:.......... ..:......... ... ��.�
<br /> _....................:��... ........................... ................... .................................. .............. ...._................ . ��
<br /> ................................................................. .. ..................
<br /> . „� ��.�:��- -� -
<br /> ..................�..:: ............�.........�.............................................:.... ......._....... . ...._ . .......... ..... .. ........ ... .-..... . .. ._ �� ............._..._........ .......... . .. ..........._..
<br /> . . ... ...................: ..... ---...........---.-.---.. .:_:::....... ......
<br /> .����.Y.'..........�--.�........1...�.6�..1....�. ........... ............:�.......... .... .......:......... . ... .... ..........................�..�..� ;�.-R-�4.�........ .......................................--
<br /> ...............
<br /> _ ................, ........................ .......�� ......................... . ..............�, � ...... :.
<br /> .
<br /> f_ .�.
<br /> ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> .......................................................................:................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................�--.....................................-�---..................---..
<br />�' e�-�rS�eetz�e- ................ - ...-----...----�--- ---�--................._..--. .......... an owns .. . -_.. ..... ....__,.._.. .... .....---.............:.-�-•-•----.....---•-�-----..................------�
<br /> . ...
<br /> ��� rin ' .Meridian, containin�s, ace din� tn. the Uni �.tates surve thereo ....... .................... ..............._..__________.__._._.:.___..........._......_........
<br /> z� ............................�---.......-----------�
<br />'', _..---------------------------- --------- -�---�- ---------------------._../.�cres, more or less, eifa�' the sa e pr 'ses eontract,ed to be sold to ----.._..----...------ ....-�--��-�--��---...----.......-�--� --------------------�--..._...............--------------�-�-
<br />� bz� Contract o ................ ......�---..............-------------............................. clat -----�--�---... ......................................
<br /> ---�--------------------------�-�-----------.....--�- �---.......... ............-----��-�----��--............---•-----... --�--..............--�-----�------...............---••
<br /> R ZSER NG, HD ER, to the said U/V/ON PAC/F/ L bVAY COMPANY, aT,L t portion of the land erebz� conver�ed,(if anr� s there beI whi
<br />'' lies wit,hirc in drawn paral e itaz,ared.................................... ........... hur�dred feet o,rz each ' e distant fro the cerzter I,ine of its road c�s . constr ed,
<br /> and any ectte width when neeess perrnarcently o in.eLu �L its euts, emba�2knze a�cl itehes, and ot.her worlcs rceeessar� t ee e and
<br />' protect i s mair� 'ne.
<br /> T s conveya ce is also upon the coraditio he said�'rantee ein,................................. .................... irs, administrators and assi�ns s alL ereet d
<br /> mairc ir� a lawfu ence beEween that port' n of the prem erebz� corev �, ad.join' �' the road of Company, (if an� sueh e�e be,) and the
<br />'� roa of said Compan uporo a line............. .....................................hzcndred ee istant e eenter Lir�e of sueh r an,c� paralleT, t rewith in ll
<br /> e ir , •
<br /> TO H�fl VE .,4ND TO HOLD the said premises with all. the ri�'hts ancl appurtenances thereunto belon�'ins unto the said�srantee, ..................................._
<br /> heirs afzc� assis�s forever, and the saicl�'rarctor doth hereb� eovenant witlz the saic'� �'rantee, that ab tjLe makins nf this irzsbrument it is welL seized
<br /> of the said premises as nf a�'ooa ancl indefeasible estate in fe ant.� hath�'ood riaht to sell and convez� the same, arzd that it wilL W�.RR�NZ'arzd
<br /> defend t�Ce titLe to said premises unto the said�'rantee,.......................................heirs and assi�'ns forever a�ainst t l wfuL cL ims f IL ons whomsoever.
<br /> ���CE�IN , �0 A�'EVER, aI,L ta es a essmefzt lev' upo 's 'd pre ises s' ----------------�-�'��'��rua/ �n�����'°°°°°�''»��
<br /> . .... .... .. .................
<br /> .... .........�- --�-------
<br /> �s or ancumbrances created o 1 - � � � ...................�--��---��---....--- ------------.�""....--�---------�-�� ,
<br /> ............................���----�-----�----- ------�--. .......
<br /> ^ 7a���s� c��neri�'��-,c�'.�3�-��,f-�lr. �............................................�--��------�----...---�-�-----......................-�--�-�-��-�-�-------------�-�--....--�---��-�------..................-------�------------------.........
<br /> -•---......--••-•........................................................••----••-----._..._
<br /> AND WAEREAS,8aid UNION PACIFI6 ILAILROAD C�)MPANY did�on the sixteenth da�y of April, A.D. 18G7,execute and del'ygF to yru H.McCormick,of the City of New York,and John Duff, of
<br /> the City of Boston,a�certain Mortga�e Deed of that date,which deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of..........................'(`F............................................County,in the State of Nebraska, �vherein said
<br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyraq H.McCormick and John Du�',as Trustees,for the uses nnd purposes therein mentioned,amono othera the lands hereinbefore described; AxD Wa�B�AS,the said Cyrns H. '
<br /> McCormick did on the t�venty-eintith day of June,A.D.1873, by a proper instrumeut of writing to that effect,resigu liis pla.ce as Trustee under said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth
<br /> day of'October, A.D. 1873�accepted by tLe UNiox PACrFiC ILAir.soAD ConirANY,by its Board of Directnra,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and State of Massachasetts;
<br /> Axn WxE�t�AS,on the Sfteenth day of October, A.D. ]873, Frederick L. Ames,of Laston,in the State of Massachusetts,was dul,y nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as successor to �sid
<br /> Cyrns H.MeCormick,which nomination was,on the same day, approved by the Board of DireCtorS Of the said UNION PACIFIC Ii.AILROAD COMPANY; ANn WxFxE:�s,by sach nomination and approval
<br /> said P'rederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof,thereafter become vestea with the same estates,powers, rights,aui3 interests,and charned with the same duties and responaibilities,as if he bad
<br /> been one of the original Trn�tees na,wed in and executing,euid Mortgane Deed; Axn WxE�,�ns,said remaining Trustee did,Uy a conveyance,proper and effectnal for that purpose,dated on the twentieth
<br /> day of Oct A d l�e C't - B the a�me in sucfi�new'Prustee jointly with him,the sa�id John Duff; AND`VHLREAS.LYIO S�iCl JOt1II DIiFP diCl,on the fonrteenth day of Febru�ry,
<br /> A.D. 1S�7, , , • • ,�
<br /> , a ay , ,
<br /> • • � ' the s:�i Frederick L. Ames became,�e�-ie;the sole'Prttstee� AND WHEREAB� the
<br /> said UrrioN FTr, �y CoMenxY,with tt�e co s f �rh��e�es�#'oy the time being,j�r ' for� , h s sold a�nd conveyed,as above set forth, the Real Estate hereinbefore described,
<br /> unto the sni o flnd iu consideration of'the fin , ib m 7aanc� paid by the sai ,�v � i s:�id sum oF money has been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Company in his
<br /> capacity as' rustee, or to said Jobn Duff and eaid Frederi k L. Ames,Trnstees,or to said Cyrua H�eCormick nnd said John Duff, Trustees,for the nses and pnrposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned.
<br /> ,�aiv �7trrefa�c, Know all M,en by these Presenfs, that I, the said Fre�Zericic L es, r a' n ustee in tILP aforesaicl J�I'ort�'cc�'e Deed, ir�
<br /> eonsideration of the af"oresaic�, premises and payment as aforesaid of savc� su°r�,�so����sa°��i��par�y to sc�id trust fund, of whieh I am the
<br /> remainin�s Trustee, for e s ar�rl ur o s aforesaicT,,�lo I�ereb�RE.MISE, I�ELE�SE, and forever UI'l-C�unto the said.-�--�-�.......................................•-•
<br /> t'G Y��
<br /> •-------- -----------_........---.-----....-----....--.--.-•-- ...�...{..------.----.-.--------.----•-_-------------------.----_---.--.-_.---...._..the ReaL Estate clescribed aforesaid, to �ie held bz� e free ar�d,exempt from �
<br /> c�ll Ziens, ineumbranees, an�Jeha.r�'es of said Jllort�cc�'e IDeed,bu5 subjeeb, Iaowever, to aLL t,�ze reseJ°vrztions hereinbefore eo tainecl.
<br /> �/r� �ifn�rt� �h�ren f; The saicl d'ravztor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMP,4NV, hath '� ; � ��
<br /> IN PRESE�CE OF c�au�sed these presents to be sealed wibh its corporate seal, and to be si�ned by its - ' o : � �
<br /> �1W 1 resider�t anc� Treasurer, ar�d countersisjLed by its Land Commissioner and its : _ � �
<br /> � �r ' .l�udi-toi•,and tlze� Frederick L..btmes, Z ustee, has hereunto set his hana' this :�°, �
<br /> ................�1��_.......:........................._............................... G �
<br /> . ..... .. ....-c��....�.✓. .............................cla� of.............. ---.. .fI.D. 18.4..�.._. , ' '
<br /> � , :
<br /> �/ : :
<br /> ��'-��'�i� -��---��.......................................... ...............�---................�Il.�resident. � • .
<br /> y ' ° �
<br /> � .. -' ''' C' : .°
<br /> .................................:................................................................................. � .
<br /> ....................................�•----•---------•----......-------� Z`reasurer. � :
<br /> ........��-�, �� ` �`
<br /> a
<br /> _...- �-- --- -�---��.................. � -.......---..--�-�----...--�--��---��-------..........--��-•-----. Trustee. c°� ; �:
<br /> �#ate �� ,�a��ath��et#�, - -- � 4
<br /> SS. ;
<br /> CaUNTV OF SUFF0IK. �e it �#�em�mbrre�, Th�t on this..................: . .•... . ... •. .. . .'�/f�.....�.......dny o ........ .. .. ... A.D. 18�a�..
<br /> .... y '
<br /> Y (\ P_ •wa�.n �✓Y �
<br /> ��.L�.....................
<br /> before me,a Notary Pubiic in�und for said County,appeared the UNIOJT PACIFIG RAILW�Y CO1ZPArN�bg��.-RO.+�..�, its^Pres�dent, and . its Treasncer, who are personmlly
<br /> kno��n to me to be the ideuticaf persona whose uames are subscribed to tl�e foreaoing instrnment a,s s�idA re ide t and Trea�surer, and then aod�there acknowledged the execation and sealing of said
<br /> Instrnment to betheir volnnt.ary act a�nd deed,and the voltintary act and deed of said Company. And o�the same day,likewise, personally appeared the abova named FREDERICK L. AME5,known to
<br /> me to be the Trustee described in,tind who executed the foregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he executed the sa�mo as Tru�,tee as uforesaid, avd for the uses and pnrposes therein set
<br /> forth,and that the execution thereof was hia voluntary act and deed. -��
<br /> �In '�itness �ttcr�nf, I have herennto set my band and official seal this.....:............I..I.
<br /> ............................................................................................................................
<br /> day of.............................. .....��.....................................A.D. 18.��...., at the City of Soston,in said Connty and State. d
<br />,� ..............�-- Q�!�t�¢��1..`�.._... ---..........._......_....._. ;.:
<br /> ,���"'��-4 ----_.........................Notary PubLic.
<br /> i
<br /> , ._.
<br /> '�_ -
<br /> �:
<br />