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<br /> — - -
<br />, , FROM �
<br /> �Z
<br /> � .Filed or record the............... . �"
<br /> /� � /��i , , f ...,/............................................................................. - ........................da� of
<br /> � � � � . .....
<br /> l.�.�-�:��✓.-���/�r. .�./.�-. ....................................�-�/......... ....
<br /> ����� � ��� .�,< �.�.-�---��-- '
<br /> ............... ..................................�........... �,1.9..0�; at.................................�.,1..................................o cloek....l..�....-....JVI:
<br /> �
<br /> �........................................_�._'......................................._.........................................
<br /> � To �-a��
<br /> „ ..... -�- . e�e 1�.................... ....... �-�-�-��--��--- ......---
<br /> County Clerk.
<br /> ��f��..............................................................,.........................................
<br /> .........................................................................................................
<br /> ................................... .
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> _ _ _ ___.__ .__ __.__ _._-----
<br /> Fox,�
<br /> UN� DIVISI --
<br /> £-�arct�� No.......�..�...�.�_......... �i�-Qi. �9e��V'o�............................_..................._
<br />'� �n.a�v �ZZ ���ert � ��ie�e �"r�e�ent�:
<br /> That the UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY,(which i.s a CorporaEio�z foi°mcd ancl e,:xistin�' b� the c�r�solir�ation of the Kares�s Pacific Railway Companz�,
<br /> the Denver Pacific Railwa� and Tele�'raph Comparay, and the UJ2L0J2 Paci-fi� RaiZroad Compccnz�, under the corporate name and st�le of th.e UN/ON
<br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANV, bz� authoritz� of ar� act of Con�'ress, er�titled, ".flrz aet to aicl in the constructiorc of a railroad and tele�'raph line from the
<br /> .Missouri yRives° to the Pacific Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the sam� for Posta,L, Jl2ilitc�rr�, and other purposes," approvecl Julz�
<br /> 1, 186�, and acts amendatorz� thereof, which said Com�any has succeeded to and become seized and possessed of alL the real estate and pro,�erty of
<br /> the said Constituent Cvmpanies, whetyzer reaL, personaL, or mixed, and, amon� other thin�s, of�zlL the land �'ranted to said Union Pacifie Railroad
<br /> Compaizy bJ the aforesaid acts of Corz�'ress, irc aid of the constructi n of its road, not conLeyed awa�by said Company at the date of such consoli ati�or�,
<br /> �o-wit JanuaT°z� �.l Z880) ir� consideration o the surrz o ...... ..-.--�.- ---... .... `
<br /> ----...-----�---......-�-•---...---��-----��----.-�
<br /> .. . . . ...... '
<br /> .1--,�-�,_� -
<br /> , , , f f•---�- ��-�- ��-- �--���--- . ....... ..........
<br /> ;�l�C�,.�C �a��� ��.ch�._...-�---�-�--�..................��� ....................... .. .... ...�..---��---...----....�o Dollar aid,,�t7�e ree pt w aeh here y ekrcowle �'e ,
<br /> s to it ei of ' is b d
<br /> doth hereby GR.f1N2;�./�RG.f1I,N, SL'LL, ./�.N'D CONVEY', unto�:R-�-s�---------------- - -- - -- -----�.---_--._--.�':.�a..-
<br /> ................��---....---................................_............-----�-�--....................................---...------�-��----�--'�-��I�,s-�$f------...-- - ................._.__ --�,-.-.-A.�...-�---.--�r�--t,�ie-,��-of'.--------......----------�----.............-- --...-----�------�------......------
<br /> �.��%u��...........:............... ............and in the State o Nebraska and
<br /> the followin� described Real E�%tate, situate lz�in and be�n� in the C'o�� o� ... �f ,
<br /> .............. . .. . .
<br /> describedas follows, to-wit:°�. -�.�a.�.............. �------------. .,1.:-�:................-�----...........-----...-�- -------......... ..--�- --��-�--........:`���.... .... ...�.�.'.`.'....... .. .. ��.�-�r.c�_..:....---
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<br /> ................ ........ .................. .
<br /> .....
<br /> ---� o
<br /> ��
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<br /> ,
<br /> ....... ... ....... ............��--�--.............. .............�......._..•••...__.....................�.............. .. . ..................... ....
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<br />,; -6�iL� 6�;Z��i....... ........................C�......................................:�f..��.,................ .. .......�... . �.............. ........... ....... .... ..... . . .. ....:.:p-�...m...R-......
<br /> ..... ....... ...........
<br /> ..............(..................
<br /> .......... ��-
<br /> _ ` ............. ..... ............................/� /�-�:./.........�.-..�-............................... ............ ......... ....... ...................... ....?�°..---...............................�..�..-...�a..s�.�..,....
<br /> .
<br /> � �....................... ................................. ...... . ,......--�---� ` ......... ....�.�=��-�.�'�.:.......... ...... .............. . ............. ................................:.....................
<br /> . .....,.....
<br /> ......��...................................................................... . ..............................�...... .... ........ . -... .. .. ....... ......
<br /> ............................ ..................................... ............................. ......................... ...............�--�----�-��--- .......... ...,.........---��---..... ....... ..................
<br /> . ................................. .................................... .................................. ........................
<br /> ......... ..............
<br /> SeetionN ........................_.....----.....--------�- -�--..._..... ..-�-�--.....---.... in wns 'p .�1`'0. - -- ..._.........._........ - -�--- ---_.......... ...._No th of I�an e J1''o....... ..---....-�---.... .---...-------.................. ........ ...------
<br /> o the 6th rin ipal eridia , contai n�', a cordir� to the raite States survez,� ereo ........... ................... ...... ................... .............. ......................_. ____.._._._. .._.._._.._........... .............
<br /> ----- -----------�----�-�--.....------�-� ---�-------------------------------.fleres, ore or Zess eira� the m premise cont aeted t be sold to ....................--------------------..............---�--...........--� ----
<br /> bz� ont act No.�-- -�-���- -----------�-�--�................... ... clated......--�------��-- ------�---�-��----............ �--------------......-�---�-�---------�----��---...-----� -- . ........._.........------...-- -��------�-��---��---.........................-�-�-----�----.. .- ----��-�--�--:...
<br /> --�---��-----�--�----•--. .
<br /> S.ERVIN HOWEVE t the said UN ON PAG/F/G RA/L AV GOMPANY, l that porti of the L herebz� co veyed,(if anz� ch there e) hich
<br /> Zies ithir� lirae d wn parallel i6h,and............................................ .... undred feet rz each sid 'stant f om he cente '�ze of its ro d s rzow e nstr cted,
<br /> an r���'reat r wi th wherz e ssar� pe ma ntLy to i lude all its e ts embank en , an ditc es, ar�d ot r works eces ary t secure nd
<br />' p otec its m 'rz line.
<br /> T 's co veyance is als uporz e c ditiorz t at t said�r ntee ereirc,............... ........._......_... ._... ........_heirs, ad inistr ors nd assi�' s s alL erect a d
<br /> mainta lawful f ee etweerc t at ortion of e remises he bz� eorcvez�ed, acl oinin�' t roac'� of sa'd ompan (' anz� sueh e��e be,> and t e
<br />'', road of id Comparc u or� a line......................................... .. fe r�istant fro the center ine of suc oad, an,d arallel, there ith, in alL cas
<br /> .....hundred
<br /> in which uch fence is equired b� w, or maz� be eqz�ired bz� sa' Companz�,
<br />�� �� TO H�2VE .,4ND TO HOLD the said premises with all. the ri�hts and ap urtenances thereunto belonsir��' unto the said�'rantee, :............... ........:........
<br />� heirs a�ad assi�'ns forever, anc� the said�rantor doth hereby eovenant with the said �'rantee, that cc6 the makir��% of this in,strumerct it zs weLL seized
<br />' of the said prenaises as of a�'ooa ar�d indefeasiUle estate in ee, and hath �'ood ri�'ht to selL and convey the same, and that it will W�.4RR,l1N7'and
<br /> defend the title to said premises unto the said�'rantee,...._.`....�.�..�Z-------------------heirs and assi�'ns fore a�ai�he Lc� ul elaims of al,l,ver ons so .er,
<br />� E.X'C PTING, HOWEVER, alL taxes ancl assessments levied upon sccid pr mise i ee��_./..�.- -. '.-- ... . . . . •�./..�:�/. '
<br /> Ge�be '���yneumbrances created or ' , , ' ... ."------- ---------- --z��.�._.�...-.o..-z.t,......... ...L���....----------- --- . .. �.. ,
<br /> j �� or�assi�'JZS, .----�-•---------------�--....---...--��---.....-----...-------....---------•---��-----�---......---�----------- -----•_-..............---•-�-•-•�-----•---..._....�-----------•-------------------.....------- --•-----------�•----��-------...---------�---------------•---------=-------•-
<br /> AND WHEREAS�6aid UNION PACIFIO RAILROAD COMPANY flid�Ori th0 8i%t0enth C�ay OF ApTil� A.D. 1867,egecute ap d,��.iver to Cyrus H.McCormick,of the City of New York,a�nd John Dnff, of
<br /> the City of Boston,a certaiu Mortgage Deed of that date,which deed is recorded�n the og'ice of the County Clerk of....4��=�C�........ .........................................County,in the State of Nebraska, wherein said
<br /> Company conveyed to the sa�id Cyrua H.b7cCormick and John ttas Tr es,�for u r �n,�e�m p t r t efo es ' d• a R A ,t r H.
<br /> �C �i ' o� e e�ty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873, � ' �
<br /> accepted by tl�e Uxiox PACIFIC Rair.�toav COMPANY,by its Board of Directora,a,t a meeting thareof held on.that dny in the City of Boston and State of Massachusetta;
<br /> ANn xExEAS,on the Sfteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of k:aston,iu the State of Massachusetts,was dnly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as successor to said
<br /> Cyrus H.McCormick,which nomination was,on the same day, tLppTOVCd lly th0 BOaTd Of Dii'OCtOt3 Of the 8&iCl UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY� AND WHERE:18�by BUCh riOIIlillatl0ri and approval�.
<br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof,thereaiter become vested with the sa�ne eatates, powers,righta,and iutereata,and charged with the same duties and responaibilities,as if he hadt
<br /> been oue of the original Trustees named in and egecuting,��id Mortgaae Deed; AIV D�VHEREAB�said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth
<br /> day of October,A.D.1873, at the City of Boston, vest the same in such new Trustee jointly with him,the sa�id John Duff; Axn WaE�t�as,the said John Daff did,on the fonrteenth day of February
<br /> A.D. 1897, by a proper instruruent of writing to that effect,resign Lis place as Trustee under said Nlortgage Deed,which resignation w�us,on the fourteenth day of February,A.A 1877,flecepted by the
<br /> Uxiox PaciFic Hn�Lxonn Conzrnxi,by the�xecutive Committee of its Bo�rd of Dir.etors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in-the City of Boston,and State of 11�assachusetts; AND WHEREAB�
<br /> no nomination�if'a successo to fill the vacancy,caused by the resignatiov of said John Duff,having been made, the s ' F ederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustee� AND WHEREAB� the
<br />' said Uxiox P ctN c R�n n 'oMrnxY with the co e ,of t e.Tr�ste_�,s�fo,,,�,r the time beivg,hereinbe re a ed, d and conveyed,as above set forth,the Real Estate hereinbeFore described,
<br />� unto tbe said , o in consi era ion of'the sun o i in`"Tan paid by the said g�a�e��v �c a�i �um o money has been paid to said Frederick L.Ames,by said Company in his
<br />� capacity as Trustee,or t said Jobn Duff aud said Frederick L. Araes,Trustees,or to aaid Cyrtts H.McCormick and sai John Duff, Truateea,for tbe uses�nd purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned.
<br /> I �uw �hrre,far�e, Know a// /Yen by these Presents, that I, the said Fre�lPrielc L��r���in� ustee in the aforesaid JVlort�'a�'e Deed, iro�S
<br />�; consideratiorz of t7ie af"oNesaid, premises and par�ment as aforesaid of said su �so paa � saad Corr�pan� to said trust fund, of whieh I am thez
<br /> remainin�' 7'rustee for the uses arad purposes aforesaid, do hereb�RE,MISE, RELF.l�SE, and forever UIT-G'L� unto the said_...............................:.................
<br /> ' .._,�....................................................................the Real Estate described aforesaicL, to be�eLd br� free and e.xempt from
<br /> •�...................�.. ....... ... ........ ._..'...._ ... .
<br /> all liens incum rances an� char�es of said JVlort�'a�'e Deed,but subjee�, however, to alL t,he reservatiores and conditions hereirLbefore containecl.
<br />, �/r� �ifng��t �'h�revfi; The said �'rantor, the UNION PAGIFIC RAILWAY COMPANV, hath ;� � �
<br /> IN PRESEVC� oF eaused these presents to be sealed with its corporate seaL, and to be si�rced by its ; o� . o
<br /> L�resident and Treasurer, and eountersi�nea' br� its Land Commissiorcer and its : �
<br />'�I p`– ./�uditor and the said F ederick L..flmes 1�ustee has hereunto set his ha'nd this
<br /> n, � � f f ; V
<br /> �`' i :
<br />! .C��.°U-......................._............................_............... _ . ...---�-��---...----...----day of._........................---��--- --.....----.........:......--•-----..�1.D. 18P'�.,�. �
<br /> ......... �
<br /> ����"e�G�-----------------------------� Q : •
<br /> l J 2 • •
<br /> I ..----...�------------------�-------��--��-----�------��----------------�----�-----�-----....�President. c� ;
<br /> � � :
<br /> �Q ` , �, :
<br /> ����7�i��......l.l..(................................................................_��n�--- G � � ce '
<br /> ... ..-----�........ .......��.�........�Z�-.G�....----............ Treasurer. � ' :
<br /> .�� . �- � : :
<br /> _c.-��-�t'...`-'�-•-•--�1�=`��....-•--�-------..............-------...... Trustee. c°� : �:
<br /> —�_
<br /> �#ate o� ,i1�a��a�hix�e##�, �',
<br /> SS. --
<br /> �e it �em�m6¢rc�b, Tha�t on this....................�-.� .�. .. Q�,,;,�,r .... day .... .... .... .. .. .. . . A.D. 18.�.3.�
<br /> COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. . t�.wv�� ���������-����������������������
<br /> before me,a Notary Public' ' ,appeared the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO:�IPt� Y, y'L��'+-.��IIS, its�Presideut, nnd its Treasurer, who are personally
<br /> kno��n to me to be the identical persovs whose names ure subscribed to the foreaoing instrument as s:tiid rasident and Trea�surer, �ud theu and tbere acknowledged the executiott and sealing of said
<br /> Instrument to be their voluntar,y act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And�the same day,likewise, personaliy appeared the above named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to
<br /> me to be the Trustee described in,aud who executed the foregoing Instrument,and aeknowledged before me that he egecuted the sa�me as Trustee�as aforesaid, and for the nses and purposes therein set
<br /> forth,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act and deed. �
<br /> �?S � �ln '�itn458 �h�r�nf, I have hereunto set my band and officiai seal this..........�:..�..................................................:..............................
<br /> ............................................
<br /> day of.....�� ............................................................................A.D. 18.P.�...,at the City of Bo9ton,in said County and State.
<br /> � �. �
<br /> - -� ....--; �---................. ..............�....._......................._.....�- -�'-�---....._..-----..:......_�Notary Publie.
<br />, �
<br /> � .
<br /> ,_;
<br />