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����� I, <br /> � ��-'D �� ' o �D <br /> , D��� � ���OJ ��� <br /> FROM �� <br /> Filed for reeord the. � <br /> . �........................_��'................................... ..........._.................--�--...................................daz� of <br /> . . <br /> � � � <br /> ....... ........... ....... ................. ...................�.�... 1.............. ............._.........................1l1i�'�..-�------�-�--...... G�.. ............---......... ' <br /> ...... <br /> � ._ �4.�....., at......................... . ............... ........o cloek..... .��......M: <br /> �........................................ <br /> ...............................................................................................:... � <br /> TO I ......................................... ................................. ...... ............��---�---� -.......---.............. <br /> . ' ^� .. ....... ........ County Clerk. <br /> ................�����...................`v............ . ............... . <br /> ............................................................�--.............................................................................. <br /> ............................................................................................................................................. Deputr�. <br /> �C�/ <br /> FORM-3'�3� THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPAN� Y.Q � � <br /> UNION DIVISION--�-F�3Ft�. �'L���+—�'�"� <br /> G�e�'a�................................................... -�eee�-No..._��3-'�'�--................... <br /> �naiu �rZ ���ert �r� ��ie�e �"re�ent�: <br /> That the UN/ON PAG/f/C RA/LWAV COMPANV, whielz is a Colpor•atiora forrnecl aracl e.xisti.ns bz� t,he em2solidation of the Kansas Paeifie Railway Compan��, <br /> the Denver Pacific Railway anc� TeZe�'raplz Compa�z�, and the UrzioJ2 Pacific RailroacL Comp�crzz�, under the corporate r�ame and st�le of th,e UN/OIU <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAV GOMPANY, bJ aacthoritz� of an act of Consress, efztitled, "�ln act to aid in the eonst,ructior� of a railroad and teLe�'raph lirze from the <br /> .Missouri I�iver'to the Pacific Ocean, arcd to secure to the Government the use of the samrrcP for Posta,L, .Milibary, anc� other purposes," approved July <br /> 1, 186�, and aets amendu.tory thereof, w�zieh said Companz� has succeeded to anrl beeome seized at2d possessed of alL the reaL estate and property of <br /> the said Cof2stituent Companies, whether reaL, pe3°sonaL, or mixed, and, amon�' other thinss, of ald the Zand �srantecl to said Union Paeifze Railroac� <br /> Comparcz� by the aforesaid acts of Con;�•ess, irL ai,cl of the constructio of i roacl, not conuez� d a az�by said Com,aan-��at the date of such consolidati-on, <br /> (to-wit, Jai2uar�z� �/,�, SSO,) ir� co id�tior� of t u� o _...---.... �� . ...... . ������.�.---- --�--��-�- --�� ' �, ,'� _ ,.-�. ......... ............��-�--�------------- <br /> r `f.� tik.� ✓ .-�.<i <br /> .............. ......--.... -........_ .........--_.._.._ <br /> _ - - --..-.------........�--�..................................-.- -.. .........-----................... Dollars, itcy,�d, the receipt of which is hereby acicnowled�sed, <br /> �--�-- ........ - <br /> doth hereby GR�4N7; B�RG.�I,�1', SFLL, ./1ND CONV�Y', unto_..---�-- . ..- -..... ...� ..:..��--�---- - ---��------..._..�4..._..�n... .. .-• • . .... ........... ; .-......_...,-....._.---�-•---�-----�---•-------.............. <br /> ., - , <br /> ........................................ ......... .......... ....... ...............�---------.....--'e�tlaa�oreaer�j-e�f--�---- ........ _ �.. .---�--•-��--�•-�--------- <br /> '_ - . .................. __... :r _' =— `-- <br /> ................. .... � <br /> �1ae followin�' described ReaL Esta itua , lz��i� d be'ns in the Coun o (� ( .......................:........ .......arid in the State of Nebraska, and <br /> ��� � ��� . ..... ... �....�... � <br /> described as folLows, to-wit:......... ...... .............����%!v_----. .. .......°�.���-- -....-- ..�.........._..._......-c�.a-?�v.----�--� �----......................................._...............................---��------�----�----------.........._ <br /> �Ltt�4�/ <br /> ...................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> .......................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ............................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ <br /> ..................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................ <br /> --•............................................... .............................._.................................................................................. <br /> ................................................... .... .:..... ...................... .....:....................... <br /> ............................................................ .................................°-............,.............................................•-���--��----................... ... ..........-•-°---........... ..... ..Gc�i ............ <br /> of Seetior� No...----..... ...�/��..............._-.....--- in Township �A�o. ---...._....__...._..... - -�-����--�-�--�-. r It of aro�e J1°o......��.-���/.�..---�---........................-- <br /> �--..._. .-�---��--- - � -- � � <br /> of the 6th Principab .Meridian, contaarzan�, accordir��' to the United States survey thereof.............. .....�....��. ......_..._...._.......:........ ..........._ ..._..._._{./� .,..................... <br /> -- ----- -- -----�-�------�- ---�-----�------�- ---��- ---------�__.flcres, mo or , ein�' he a e pre ises eon aeted be sold fi,r.... ...-�- ------........_�...... UL.... .. <br /> /� ..... ..... ..... <br /> Co r No.:.. .. . ...�-....... ... -�--�- -��-----�"� .e�....Q-r�c/ ................�� ---.......... .. .... ............---- �--�--- -�--............ <br /> .. .... .. ... ....... .. . ....----.._ <br /> . ...... . _ ..-.---. ... --- �-�--... ... . ------------- . .. .-- - <br /> ._. <br /> - --�---- - - ... .. ..� <br /> . ...� ...... �-y%��! <br /> R FS RVI , WE ER, to the saa UN D�N PAG / Rg/L A ANV, a th�por�'the lafzd hereby conveyed,<if nz� ch tycere be which <br /> lies within lines drawn ,roarallel witlz,and...........................u-�./._......huizdred feet orc each side d,istant from the center li�ze of its road c�s now constructed, <br />� and any�'reater width wherL reecessary perrr�anentLz� to include a�L its cuts, emba7zkmen , ancl clitches, and other works r�ecessary to secure anc� <br />' protect its mair� line. <br />'� This conveyanee is also upo� the conditior� that tlze said�rantee hereir�,........................................................heirs, admircistrators and assi�'ns shalL erect and <br /> maintairc a Lawful fence beEween that portiori of th�j premises herebr� conveyed, adjoir�irz�' the road of said Company,(if any sueh the�e be,) and the <br /> roac� of said Compar�y u7�oro a liroe...............................b�.�......hun�red feet distant froin the center Lir�e of sueh roarz, an,cl parallel, therewith, in all eases <br /> irc which such fence is required bz� law, or maz� be required by said Company. , <br /> TO H�3VE �4ND TO HOLD the said pre�nises with all. the ri�'hts and appurtenances thereunto belonsirc� unto the said�'rantee, .._`�.-°.------- <br /> heirs and assi�'ns forever, arcd the said�'rantor doth hereby covenant with the said �'rantee, that a� the makin� of this ir�strument it is welL seized <br /> of the said premises as of a�sooc� and indefeasible estate ir� fee and hath�'ood ri�ht to selL and eonvey the same, and that it wilL W�1I�R✓1NZ'ar�cl <br /> defercd the title to said pren2ises unto the said�6rantee,...............�----heirs afzd assi�%ns foreve a� irc t th l ful cLai of 1, er�c s�zs w�h soev r�. <br /> E.Y'CEPTING, HOWEVER, all taxes and assessments Ievied upor� said premises sircee�...�.��.��.. .. .. ... ..�.......... <br /> . . <br /> ' � �...................................a.__........................_..----------------.......:-er---.._.............._�tr%�eee'88ere> <br /> � .................•--------�-•-�------------•----.. <br /> • ' ..---��........................................�----...------••-•---�-----......-�------�-----.......--••--�------•�--••-------------�--�-------�---�-----.............-----��-•-------......._........_......._...........-----�---------•--...............................................--•-----_...._.--•-- <br /> AND WHEREAS�S31CI UNION PACIFIO RAILB.OAD COMPAIQY Clld�Ori th0 81BtEeritll C�2y OP ApYll, A.D. 1867,execute and de' er Cyrus H.MeCormick,of the City of New York,nnd John Duff, of <br /> the City of Boeton,a certain Mortga�e Deed of that date,whicb deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk ot:....................�.................................County,in the State of Nebraska, wherein said <br /> Company conveyed to the ea�id Cyrus H.McCormick and John Duff,as Trustees,for the uses and purposes thereiu mentioned,amouo others the lands hereinbefore described; Axn Wa�Rras,the said Cyrua H. <br /> McCormick did on ihe twentq-eighth day of June,A.D.1873, Uy a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign bis p]ace as Truatee uuder said mortgage deed,which resign;�tion was,on the fifteenth <br /> da,y of October, A.D. 1873,nccepted by tl�e Uxrox PACrFic RniLxonn COMPANY,by its Board of Directnr3,at a meeting thereof held ou that day in Lhe City of Boston and State of Massachusetts; <br /> AND WHEitEAS,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Amea,of'r:aston,in the State of Massachusetts,was duly nouiinated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as successor to said <br /> Cyrns H.MeCormick,which uomination was,ou the same day, �pproved by the BOaT(�Of DIPBCtOT9 OP Y110 BalCl UNION PACII�IC RAILROAD COMPANY� AND WHERE�1d�by such nomination and approval <br /> said rrederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof, tbereatter beeome vested with the same estates,powere,rights,and interests,and eharged with the same duties and responsibilitiea,as if he had <br /> been one of the original Trustees named iu and egecuting,�aid Mortgage Deed; ANn WaEx�as,said remaining Trustee did,Uy a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston, vest the same iu such new Trustee jointly with him,the sa�id John Duff; Axn WaEn�AS,the said Johu Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February, <br /> A.D. 1877, by a�proper instrument of writing to tbat effect,resign bis place as Trustee under said Mort�age Deed,which resignation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877, accepted by the <br /> U�viox PACiFic RAii.xoav ComPAxY,by the Egecutice Committee of its Board of Dir.ctore, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boaton,and State of 1V�assachusetts; ANn WasB�es, <br /> no nomination of'a successor to fill the vacancy,caused Uy the resignation of s .id John Duff,having been made, the sa�id Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustee; Axn Wa�$�as, the <br /> said UNioN AcI io �vA��,w��e nsen of t e 1�e or t,}}n�, einl ef r n ,�has sold _cl,.conveyed, as above set fortt�,the Real Estate hereinbefore described, <br /> unto the said or an in consi e ation f e sn��I��to it in h n p cT"by he said-�a ey�v ich atii sum o r��oney has been paidto said Frederick L. Ames,by said Company in his <br /> capacity as 7'�rustee,or to said Jobn Duff and said Frederi�k L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for the nses nnd purposes in said MortgageDeed mentioned. <br /> �ow �hrrr,fo�e, Know all Men by these Presenis, that I, the said���rler�s, r m in'n�T�st��in the aforesaid JVlort�a�'e Deed, in <br /> consideration of the af"oresaid, premises and ,roaz�ment as aforesai aa sutr� paa sai oinparay to said trust fund, of which I am the <br /> remainin�s Tr �stee, for e u es and purposes aforesaid, do hereby RE.MISE, RELL+�SE, arcd forever QUIT-C �IJ{T unto the said__................................................ <br /> ______ _______________ ...�,�..,��-��--.�.���«..�Y✓---•-----�------�-------�-----�---.the I�eaL Estate described aforesaid, to be heLd by ' free and exempt from <br /> n <br /> all Ziens, incumbrances, and char�'es of said .Mort�'a�'e Deed,but subjee�, however, tn all t,he reservatiores ar�d conditions hereinbefore ontained. <br /> �/tj �'rfn�rs� �h�reo�; The said �'rantor, the UNION PACIFIG RAILWAY COMPANY, hath �� ; � <br /> IN PRESEtiCF oF caused these preserzts to be sealed with its corporate seal, anc'� to be si�ned bz� its : o ` a <br /> �President and TreasureN, and countersi�'nec'� by its Land Commissioner and its ; � � � <br /> _ .�luditor,ar�d the aid Fr erick L..flmes, Trustee, has hereurcto set his hana' this ; � <br /> ��� /� ; : <br /> . . <br /> .....�J.�'`.:.�-...�.......�..................................... ............................. ....-.......------�-�---...........---......._.........dar� of_.......Q��.-r.-•-«---....... ----------�--•--........../�.D. ZS.�iJ.._�... . <br /> Q�� � o <br /> (� . W E <br /> Ci � ...........................�---.........:President. � <br /> : <br /> . • <br /> . • <br /> --......................� ---------------------�'•-'=!�1�.... ; <br /> � � : <br /> ......................................... .............. . : <br /> .................................................. o� �a�'2��� ----......._. Treasurer. � : : <br /> ....................... <br /> ...................................__....----.........-----•-•--- � <br /> a : 1: <br /> � �: <br /> �i --- ...---�-------------�--�.....--��---.:....��-rx�e�a�. .... Trustee. c°� � <br /> �#ate of ,11�a�sath��e##�, <br /> SS. <br /> �e it �emem6er�e�, That on this......................... . ..'. .�:. .._......... ..,.....dAy of A.D.18�•j1..! <br /> COUNTV Of SUFFOLK. ��.. Q�_ .. ........ .....�::J1�;:�:.�.................... <br /> before me,a Notary Yublic in and for eaid County,�ppeared the UNiON PACIFIC RAILWAY COMP�Y, l�y�. . its�Prestdent, �nd . its Treasurer, who are personally <br /> known to xue to be the identictil persous whose na�mee are subscribed to the foregoing instrument as s:�id� reside t and Treasurer, nd then and tbere acknowledged the execution and sealing of said <br /> Instrument to be their voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And ou the same day,likewise, peraonally uppeared the above named FREDER�GK k. AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trustee described in,aud who executed the foregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he execnted the sa�me as Trustee as a resaid, and for the uses and pnrposes therein set <br /> forth,and that the execution thereof was l�is voluntary act and deed. <br /> �n 9�itncss �hpr�enf, I have herennto set my band �nd official seal this....................:.......��........ <br /> ..................................................................................................... <br /> day of......................................................��1%Y� .. ,at the City of Boston,in said County and State. <br /> ............................A.D. 18�(1.�..... <br /> l/ ��I . <br /> ...................................�-� ---`�,�.�t.a/� .-�/�-a�u-�/ Notary PubLie. <br />