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<br /> ��J�j� �J J � �
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<br /> � �o� ��
<br /> �� .led for record the............................/..�.-`................................................._......................................................daz� of
<br /> ..:...�..�....... ... .....�.................... .. .. ...... . ....��............. f�
<br /> � 0 3-- �` � .
<br /> � .................. ..............��--�- ------ -�-----------�------....._I��..,............., at........._............................---�--.................................o elock.....�...M:
<br />, � _........................................................:..........TO...................................................................
<br />� �
<br /> i •-----�......................�-- �� �--�- -�-- • - -. . ............................................................
<br /> �6 ��.,c.�/ �................................ ..................................................... County CLerk.
<br /> .................. ( .... ..................,
<br /> ' ......................................................................................................................�......�...:......
<br /> I ..........................................................................................:................................................. De ut .
<br /> �
<br />� UNION DIVISION-- . —x `
<br /> � 6'e�r�sed�'e:................................................... No......_�._`?Lt1.....�...-.........._.
<br />� I �n�azv �rZ ���rt �r� the�e �"r.e��t�:
<br />' i That the UM/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, whieh is a Cor�oralio�z forsned arzcl existir��' b� the cofzsoLidation of the Karesas Paeific Railway Companz�,
<br />' � the Denver Paeifie .l�ai.lwar� and Tele�'ra,�h Companz�, and the Ur�iorc Paeifie Railroad Compccr�r�, under the eorporate name and style of th.e UN/ON
<br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY G�OMPANY, �� authoritz� of an aet of Conysress, e�ztitled, "�ln act to aid in the eonst,ruction of �z raiLroad cind tele�raph line from the
<br /> .Missouri River to the Pacific Oceare, and to secure to the Gover�m� ent the use of the sarr�� for PostaL, .Mili6arz�, and other purposes," approved Jul�
<br />� I, 186�, and aets amenda-torz� thereof, which said Company �s"�'iccceeded to and become seized and possessed of aLL the reaL estate and property of
<br /> I the saicl Corostituent Cvmpanies, whether real, personaL, or mixed, and, amon�' other thi��s, of alL the larzd �ranted to said Uniorz Pacific RaiLroad
<br /> I Companz� bz� the aforesaid aets of Con,�'ress, irc aid of the eonstru ' of 'ts ad, npt eo aeyed a ay b said Compc�ny at th date of suc eonsolic�ati•on,
<br /> � (to-wit, Januar7 �,1, 1880,) irz consideration of the sum of...-------.4���`��.... . .�....7�.�- �.... . ........
<br /> .
<br /> I ...--�.. . ..................�.u.�..-- - ....... . ..... . .... . - -- --- -�- -�-----�--...................................................,............. ----............... DoLlars, to it aid t e ipt o w ae is h eby acknowled ed�
<br /> ,�er�i� GR�4 1; B�IR�I,N, SELL, .f1JV'D CONVEY; unto--------...__........�.._._Q......................... ....�----��---- :---�---...._.........�... �Nwz�_...--�----�----�--...-----..............................---�--�-�--�----...........................
<br /> iIi' ...............��-�--�---....._..--�--�---�---�----...._......-----�-�---��-----.........:.....---...........-�-----��--�---�---�--...-----� _:7`.�".�.t.,�.�............_... ........r...�..'�...' z;��t.e�-e��------------.....................---........
<br /> �l ---��--��-------------------•-•--------...
<br /> I the foLlowin�' deseribed Real Esta e situat , lz�in,��nd beins in he�unt of...._....._ and an the State of Nebrcaska, and
<br /> ����.�a�ur���lv ✓ -��k.Pi�¢.��� .. . ......................... .....................�- �
<br /> i ! deseribed as folLows, to-wit----------- ------- _---.----- --.---- ---.----..........
<br /> ' ...:...............................:.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................-�----..........................-�---��---�-�---.............................
<br /> .....
<br /> ( ......
<br /> ...............................................................................................:.............................................................................. �� ............. ........................ -...................................................................................--�-�--�--.......----...........................................
<br /> � ..........................................................................................
<br /> ........................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................��---.........................................-�---.........
<br /> I ............................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ............................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................
<br /> �
<br /> ......................................................... ........................................_.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ..........................�--........................... ........................ ......... .............................................:........:................................�.:../.�.......................... .............................................................-�---.........................---........ .......--��---��----........... ..... ..
<br /> o} Sectior� No..............-�c4..�-�..�,-....�....�- --��--��---............_...... ....- .. in Townshi,ro .A''o. ....�-C�r-��.,/_.��L} N h of Rans J1"o. - - -- -.........---�� /�
<br /> 1 �
<br /> � l . ./..... � -� �-•- � --. ..(..�..... .. ....................
<br /> of the 6th Princi�aL JVleridian, containara�', accordins tr� the United ,Stcttes surve thereof_..........Q�.. .......... ....... .........�_... .......� _ _ _.
<br /> � � •- •••,
<br /> I' •'-- -' --- •--. .�`---------------- --- •-----.----- -----._. .,4cres, more or les , 'z �d�e same pre is s e n aete to soL -. --_-- -._ ---.--- .,�.�.�.. . - - - -•--- •
<br /> --� -- -�- --- ------
<br />',� ^ b ontrac o. ............ ..... ..... .. .... .. ......�.. ..�.... ......... .... ............ . .-�- � - - - -- �--, ... .�- . .. ........--��--- -.-.....
<br /> ------ ..
<br /> I � /�Y�"�t� .-- - ��-�- �----��- �. .... .... .........�- ----/.�...� ._.. � -�--............----
<br /> ± sa , a 2at or or� e and re
<br /> , , p ,� eonveye , a rzz��c ere eJ whi.eh
<br /> lies within lines drawr� �varaLLeL witla,ar�d..............................d.:-�?�..hurzdred feet orz each side d,istar�t �rom the center litte of its rottd as now eon�trueted,
<br /> and any�'reater zvidth whera r�ecessar� permaner�tLr� to include a�L its cuts, embaralc ents, arad ditehes, ar�d ot,her works necessary to seeure an,d
<br /> protect its mairo lzne. �
<br /> This conveyance is also upon the conditioro that the��'rantee hereirz,.......................... ..........................heirs, admirzistrators and assi�'r�s shaclL ereet anc�
<br /> maintain a ZawfuL fercce be�weerL that portior� of the,Aremises hereb� convez�ed, ac7,joinirz� the road of said Comparcy,(if any such there be,) �,nd the
<br /> road of said Companz� u,�on a line............................�-s�/....hundred feet distant from the center line of such road, an,d pasralLel, therewith, in L cases
<br /> � in which such fence is required b� law, or 7na� be required by saic� Com,�anz,�. -
<br /> � TD H.RVE �4ND TO HOLD the said premzses with all the ri�'hts and appurtercances thereunto beLon�'in� unto the said�'rarotee,...................... ..... . ..
<br /> Iheirs a�2d assi�'ns forever, and the said�rantor doth hereby eovenrznt with the said �srantee, that ab the fnakin� of this instrumerLt it is weLl seized
<br /> � of'the said premises as of a�'ooci and iradefeasible estate in fe a hath �'ood ri�ht to selL and eorcvey the same, arcd that it wiLL W;l�RR�JV'T cancl
<br /> I deferid �he title to said premises unto the said�'rantee,................... ..... ...........hei�s and assi�'ns forever a azra t e la fuL elaims of 7,L ,versons wloomsoever
<br /> •E.X'CEPTING, HOtiVEVER, all ta.xes and assessments levied uporz suid ��:�>;��,ises sin�,e--A.F.,�S._�.i..... :.�ti-a��:�L-�� ' '
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> . . . � � , ' ..........---_� . . . : -.. _ = . �.::-:'_.__.................�--------..............------:-er- ..�---- - i
<br /> ................ ,
<br /> ;
<br /> � , � , ....-�--�---.....----�--�......................................................................................�---�--��--�---.._:.:_
<br /> ..�--......---�-� -�-�-�----�--�-�-----�------------------------------------------------�........::,..........--��---��---...........-----___......
<br /> AND WHEREAS�6&1H UNION PACTFIO F{AIL$OAD CpMPANY Clla�Ori tt10 91RtCelltl](�a9 OF ApPll� A.D. 1867,execute and eliver o Cyrna H.McCormick,of the City of Ne�York,and John Daff, nf
<br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortga�e Deed of tha,t date,which deed is recorded in the oflice of the County Clerk of:..............�....................................Connty,in the�tate of Nebraeka, wherein said
<br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyru9 H.McCormick and John Dufl;;as Trustees,for the uses�,nd purposes therein inentioned,amono others tl�e landa hereinUefore described; AxD Wa�a,�AS,ti�e said Cyrne H. �
<br /> McCormick did cn ihe twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resi�n liis place as Trustee under said mortgage deed,which resignntion was,on the fifteenth I
<br /> day of October, A.D. 1873�accepted by tlie UxioN PACIFIC 1tArLROAD ConzrnxY,by its Bonrd of Directora,at a meeting thereof beld on tha�t day in the City of Boston aud State of Massachasetts; �
<br /> ANV tiVHEitrAS,on tl�e Sfteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'r:aston,in the Sta�te of Massachusetts, was duly nouiinated by the remainiog Trustee,John Duff, $s successor to said i
<br /> Cyrus H.MeCormick,which nomination was,on the same d�y, approved by tbe BOAi'd of DiP0Ct01'S Of thC 8&ld UNION PACIFIC I�AILROAD COMPANY� AND WHE$E 1$�by auch nomination and approval %
<br /> said Frederick L.Axues did,upon his acceptance thereof, thereatter become vested with the same estates, powers, righte, a�nd interests,and charged with the same dutiea and responsibilities,as if he had !
<br /> been one of the original Trustees na�med in and e%ecuting,�aid Mortga�ge Deed; ANn WfL�sr�as,said remaining Tru�tee dicl,by a conveyance,proper and effectu�l for that-purpose,dated on the twentieth j
<br /> day of October,A.D.1873,�t the Cety of Boston, vest the same in such new Trustee jointly with him,the sa�id John Duff; AND WHEREA$,the said John Duff did,on the fonrteenth day of Febraary, 1,
<br /> A.D.18?7, by a proper instruruevt oi writin�to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,wbich resignation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,accepted by the
<br /> Uxiox P�czFtC Rn�LxoAn ConiraxY,by the Executive Committee of its Board of Dir.ctors, a�t u meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston,and State of D�ar�saehuaetts; AxD Wa�B�AS,
<br /> no nomination of a successor to 11 the �acancy,caused by tl�e resigvatiou of said John Duff,having been made, the s�id Frederick L.Amea became,and now is,the sole Trastee; Axn Wa�$�AS, the
<br /> said UNrox P ��Ic¢R�A�v Co Y,with the conse of t e ruste s for tt e it e be re e h d a conveqed,as above set forth,the Real Estate hereinbefore described,
<br /> unto tbe said���°'7!'^"r fln c e ution of'the sum to i in a p�i y t sai y����l�Cy� s money has been paid to said Frederick L.Ames,by said Company in his
<br /> capacity as Trustee,or to said John Duff and said Fredericl�L. Ame�a,Trustees,or to said Cyr e$.1� c or ic and' i n uff, Trustees,for the nses:�nd pnrposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned.
<br /> �atu �'hrrcfo�e, Knaw all Men by these Presenfs, that I, the said Fredericic �4rnes, •errLa'nin Trus ee arc thv afor sc�i„� �' t�' ,�e DQed, in
<br /> corasiderafion o the a oresaid, premises arcd par�ment as a oresaicL o sai� sz�n, s`o� ���'���r�a�~��``�'�
<br /> If f' f f paa � saaa ompar� o saad trus furVcd� o w aeh I am the
<br /> remainin�' Trustee, o ythe uses an ,rour,n.os aforesaad, do hereby RE.MISE, RELE�SE, and forever QUIT C �I.M unto the said..........................._.__._..........__.....
<br /> ���../.....Q�,.�-'���---------------------.---------.....the ReaL Estate clescribe� aforesaid, to ve held by free and e.xempt from
<br /> ..-�.............�---�-�--.............-�-�----......
<br /> aZL Ziens, ineumbranees, and ehar�'es of said Jilort�'a�'e D<ed,but subjee�, however, tn aLl t,he reseraations anc�eonditions hereircbefore �ained.
<br /> �� �ifn�nrt �hgreo�; The said �'rantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath ;� ` �
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF eaused these presents to be sealed with its eorporate seal, arod to be si�ned by its : o : z
<br /> President arcd Treasurer, anc� eountersiSsjLed by its Land Commissioner and its �� ` �
<br />' . ,.f✓�� /�i.�� .!.luditor,ar�d t said Frederick L..�mes, Tr�as hereunto set his hand this :�
<br /> � / , .
<br /> ...A„1.�..�t.�...... . . .. . �i�, ........ .......... ...................... � :
<br /> ........--�--- - - --- -----------------------------�-----�----.:........._da� �f---........----�----. ....-�--��-----.... ....---......------.........�1.D. 18.��. � �
<br /> / W `
<br /> • ' :
<br /> . x �
<br /> ............................�---�:....---................. ... .. ..._.....!L��-�'resadent. � . •
<br /> .............�..�....�-.��-.................................._ � y . : .
<br /> � :
<br /> � •-��--�----��----------- - -- ---��..............--•--�----._.........•••....._........ Trea,surer. � : ':
<br /> , , :
<br /> ::� �..�................... ...................�------......----. Z`rustee. °w : :
<br /> --�-�----��-------- ---..
<br /> ��- . -
<br /> ',�tQtC D� ,�Qg$ITCI�U�Cf��,
<br /> ! ss.
<br /> I
<br /> CaUNTVOF SUFFOLK. �c it �emem[�crei�, That on this. ...,� .,.,.�....... . .�j..�...,....,.�..... �J,...... 1 of..... . .. ...... .......... ......................................A.D. 18..�.�....�.. :
<br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,a�ppeared the UNIO�T P�CIFtC RAILW�IY CO�[]������e'n���F�-�1AM1S'..it3�I'resident, a�n , its reasnrer, who are personallp
<br /> known to me to be the identical persons whose namee are:enbscribed to t0e foregoin;instrument as s ud resi t and Treasurer, and the❑ nnd�there acknowledged the execntion and sealing of said
<br /> Instrument to be their voluntar,y�ct and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And�the same day,likewiae, personally appeared the above named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to
<br /> me to be the Trustee described' , ho executed the foregoin„ Instrument,�nd acknewledged before me that he executed the same ae Trustee aforesaid,and for the uses an�pnrpose�therein set
<br /> , forth,and that the execut' ereo as 's voluntary act and deed. "
<br /> ' ta �ittt�ss ��41��2�f, I'have hereunto et my hand and o�'rcial seal this..................�(� 3
<br /> ............... ................................................................................................ ....:...
<br />` day of.................................. .... ....... ......... ............................:..A.D. 18.��,at the City of I3oston,in said Coanty and State. ,:
<br /> . ., T ..
<br /> ----•--........ .����1.../.:�.'..c.•••...`.'.Y.:':'.'.�l.�o�..--••••--•-••-•••••••�_.1V'otcL7 J .PubL&O.
<br /> 1
<br /> . , s� : g �{
<br />