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���� <br /> �� �J�� � ��j J �D <br /> ��� ���� ���� <br /> FROM � <br /> . � <br /> , , , led for reeord the.....................Z.�.....—.......................................................................................................daz� of <br /> .....��...��.. . .......��............ ..-��.:.......................... � <br /> � ��� ...................�-��..��----��---............_.78�..9........, at......................1.../_................ .. ...........:.......:..o'elock....... ..�.....M: <br /> _...................................................................TO........................:.......................................... �/L <br /> ......................................................�........f........................ ......---..�e..---............---��--•• <br /> /n/_ _ , � � � ,n/�/c� Couroty CLerk. <br /> .................SS.111.c�.-�t........ ..:....�.V ............................................ <br /> ............................................................................................................................................. <br /> ............................................................................................................................................. Deputr�. <br /> F°RM3739. THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. <br /> UNION DIVISION--NEBRASKA. <br /> I' Ge�x�-,A�.................................................. �ead No........�u.�.:�.L............... <br /> . �n.azu �ZZ ���en �� t�Ze�e �"re�ertt�: . <br /> That the UN/ON PAC/F/G RA/LWAV COMPANY, whicla is a Corpot•atiorz formed arzc� existin�' b� the consolidation of the Kar�sas Pacific RaiLwa� Compan�, <br /> the Denver Paeific Railwa� and Telessra�h Company, and the U�aiorL Pacific I�ailroad Compan�, urLder the corporate name and st�le of th.e UN/ON <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, vJ �uthority of a�z act of Consress, erctitled, "�ln aet to aicl in the const,ruction of a railroad and tele�raph line from t7ae <br /> Jl7issouri River to the Paci,fic Ocear�, and to secure to the Goverrzment the use of the sam,n, for PostaL, .MiliEccry, and other purposes," approved July <br /> 1, 186�, and acts amenda•tory tlzereof, zvhich saici Companz� has succeeded to and become seized and possessed of aLL the real estate and property of <br /> the said Constituent Companies, whethe�• real, personaL, or mixed, and, amon� other thin�'s, of alL the land �sranted to said Uniore Pacific Railroad <br /> Companz� by the aforesaid �zcts of Consress, in aicl of the constructi,on o its road,not conceyed away bz�said Com,roany at the date of sueh consolidaEi�or�, <br /> <to-wit, January �./`, 1880,I ira consideratiorc of the surrz of....:.�P..�.���,u�/ ....`..._.. ----`��"`-'!--.�r'-`�----��--��--- �----��..............:. <br /> �--------------�----.._.................------�-- <br /> .................... ...... ....... ........ - - <br /> ............... ............ ...........__.:........_ -� � .._......... - -.�ars, to it paid, the receipt of which is herebz� acknowled�sed, <br /> doth herevy GR.,4N7; Z3�lRG./�I.N, SELL, ./�ND CONVEY', unto---�----..�2u�l..t<.�!,�,:P�-3G-�--�-�...................��--- .....--��--�-��--��-------------�-------------....................... ........... <br /> o the Count o �........................._.... irc the State o --------------........ <br /> ............................�---.............-�-��---...--....--� - .......-� .... - ........ ........---.................... f �J f-----...............-�.� � f-------�--....... .......................-- -�---...-------�-----��--�-�------ <br /> the foLlowin�s deseribed Real Estate, sitzcate, Zz�in�' anc� beina in the County of...............................��-Q..:................................arod in the State of Nebraska, and <br /> deseribedas foLLows, to-wit:-----�----��.....................--...--��---....-----�---- ---��---...---.....-�- ._...............---------�----��----- ..................... ----.............----�--........--��---� ---------------------------�------------------��-------------- <br /> .......................................................................... ............. ................. .............................................. ......................... ...............................................................................................................:.........................................................................%...........,....... <br /> _.............................................. ................. �'.�...�.�..�:....���.:�.......�..�.._.��-��...... ..�:.�.........---..---..------.-------.._......... <br /> ................................................................................................. <br /> � <br /> ..................................................... ......... ........... ....................................................... ......... .. ............. ...... ........................ . .. ........................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> ....................... .................. .......... ......... ... .. ............... .................. .......... ........... .............................. . ............................................................................................. ......................................................................................................... <br /> ......................................................................................................... ....... .. ...... ...............�........................... .................... ... ............ ....... ............................._......_......................................................---......................._...................................... <br /> ................ ...... ............... .......... .... . . .. . . ..... .... . .. .. . ................... ......... <br /> ..............................................._............................._...............---......................_................................_..................... . <br /> ............. ................ .. ........................_..... <br /> ........................................ ......... .. . . . ..................... . � <br /> of Section No.... ........ .......-.. ----�.: .. .' --�-��-- .T.�-.S� ............. -. in Townshi �1''0. j'L��-c-.4.__�.y,,1....- - - -- - . _... North o Ran�se JI''o._��r�'.µ.p...ri�- <br /> P e .-- � , f �-�--��............................. <br /> of the 6th Prinei�c�l .M id a� n, containin��s, accordirc�' to the Urcited States survey thereof.__...,/,.1.:.`.�... ..t......... .....'�.✓.......:,,,,..........................._.....__._________ _______,__..__._. ............. ... . . <br /> , . • <br /> ------------�-------------------- ------------��---------- ` �- <br /> ......................./lcres, more or Zess bean the same premases eontracted to be sol Cto_.��:�.......�.�..,.:.���sr!�..... .....�_.r..�.�..�..'.. ..... � <br /> bz� Contract No....----��9.�..-l----���`"l-z�..-9�,�� -- - - ... .,r�.l.�..4�.��.l..8..1..�--�- -------------- --��---•-�--�---•--�----- . �-�.,�.r.�.... _. .......:................ <-«tca;c.��.l� <br /> .a.�.. . . --- <br /> �-�... .. <br /> R Z+SER VING, HO W'E VER, to the said UN/ON / /G Ra�wA r eo�PaN r, alL that portion of e anl�� � eonveyed,(if anz� such ther�be) whieh <br /> Zies withir� lines drawn paralleL wit�z,arzcl.............../.!z-�-...-.--.....-...-.hundred feet oro each side d.istant from the eenter Line of its road as r�ow constructed, <br /> and any�'reater width when necessar9 permanentLr� to include a�L its cuts, embankments, ar�d cLitches, and other works neeessar� to secure and <br /> protect its maira line. ,Q � � <br /> This conveyance is also upon the coredition that the said�'rantee hereiro,............�✓........... , admireistrators and assi�'ns shalL ereet and <br /> .................h e i rs <br /> maintairc a lawful fence bebweer� that portiora of the premises hereby eonvez�ed, adjoinin�' the road of said Company,(if any sueh the�e be,) and the <br /> road of said Company upon a line..................��.-.................hunrlred feet distant from the cer�ter line of such road, an,d parallel, therewith, in alL cases <br /> in whieh such fence is required bz� law, or ma� be required bz� said Companz�. <br /> TO HJl VE .f1ND TO HOLD the said ,roremises with all the ri�'hts and appurtenanees thereunto belon�'in� unto the said �'rantee, .....�............._ <br /> heirs an�l assi�'ns forever, and the said�srantor doth hereby covenant with the said �'rantee, that a� the makin� of this instrument it is well seized <br /> of the said premises as of a �'ooa and indefeasible estate in f e, and hath�'ood ri�'ht to seLL and conve� the same, ar�d that it wilL W:gRR✓iJV'T and <br /> defend the title to said premises unto the said�'rantee,...-----..�--•-•-.-----..heirs and assi�'ns forever a�ainst the lawful claints of al,L persons whomsoever, <br />� E.X'CEPTING, HOWEVER, alL taxes and assessments Zevied upor� sccid premises sir�ee.�:�;�.�....�r.=.^.-�.._��...............��.a,�saaa�-a�uy <br /> c�ccLn2s-er-a�nea�►e�rran�ee��xea,�ee�-arv � � -------��----�-•----•.........................................................................................................................�.�`--------��----��-----:.saeeeeacaxs, <br /> , � <br />' laevrs;o�-Ee�a�'�asr-�--a��'�"t�.----�...............��---...----...................-----�----....---------......_........_.........-�-�---------------------------�-----....................-�----��---�----....-----......................_._..................--�----�--------�-------�-----...-�-�---------------�--...____._..:... <br />, AND WHBREAS,said UNION PACIFIO FLAILROAD COMPANY did�on the siateenth day of April, A.D. 1867,execute and de]�'.�ertq�yrns H.MeCormick,of the City of New York,a�nd John Duff, of <br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortgage Deed of that date,which deed is recorded�n the office of the County Clerk of..................l,./!1�,.�iC�r.C...................................Connty,in the�tate of Nebraska, wherein said <br /> Company conveyed to the sa�id Cyrua H.McCormick and John nuff,as Trustees,for the uses tind purposes therein mentioned,amona others the lands hereinbefore described; ANn`Vxr$Eas,the gaid Cyrus H. <br /> McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign bis place as Trastee under said mortga�e deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth , <br /> day of October,A.D. 1873,nccepted by the UNiox PACIFIC R�iLROnn COMPANY,Uy its Bo:�rd of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City oF Boston and Stnte of Ma�ssachusetts; <br /> ANn WaExrAS,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'�aston,in the State of Massachusetts, was duly nouiin�ted by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as succeasor to said <br /> Cyrus H.MeCormick,which vomination was,on the same day, approved by the BOaTC�OP D3[OCtOPB Of th0 837C1 UNION PACIFtC ILAILROAD COMPANY� AND WHERE�$�by SUCh ri0II11T1&tiOri and approval <br /> said 1'rederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptanco thereof, thereatter become vested with the eame estates, powers,rights,and interests,and charged with the same dutiea and responsibilities,as if he had <br /> been one of the original Trustees na�med in and egecnting,eaid Mortga�e Deed; Arrn W�EREas,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October, A.D.1873, at tHe City of Buston, vest the same in such new Trustee jointly with him,the said John Dnff; ANn WaE[tEAS,tbe said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February, <br /> A.D. 1677, by a proper instrument of writing to tbat effect,resigu bis place�s Trustee under said Mort;age Deed,which reaignation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,accepted by the <br /> Z7:�ION PACIFIC RAILHOAD COIVIPANY�by the Executive Committee of its.Board�of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston,and State of Massachusetts; AND WHEREAS� <br /> vo nom�nation of a successor to fill the vacancy,clused by the resignatiov of said John Duff,having been made, the said Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,tbe sole Trustee; Axn Wa�x�AS, the <br /> sa�d��o .�c R�tLw���%��h•t �4:ynse�Y�the Truste,��l�e�'��b ing,hereinbefore named, has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the Real Estate hereiubefore deseribed, <br /> un o e sa ,�fo a�in consi eratio f"t e u'�hi� ,�to it in Tian pai y t e said �eef�which said sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Company in bis <br /> capacity as Trustee, or to said John Duff and said Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for the uses nnd purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �vw �'hrre�O�C, Know al�Men ���enfs, that�t�ea�aic� Fre�lericic L. .flmes, refnaircin�s Trustee ir� t1Le aforesaid dYl'ort�sa�'e Deed, in <br /> eonsideration of the af'oresaad, premases an �ynierct as aforesaicL of said sum,�so paicL b� said Comparay to said trust fund, of whieh I am the <br /> remainin� Trustee, for the uses and purposes aforesaid, do herebz� REJVIISE, RELE,/1SE, and forever UII'-CL./{IJ�I'un o the said............................_...._................ <br /> � .__ .............:.............the Real _Estate described a oresaid, to be�eLd b �ee^ ' e ree ar�d e.xem t rom <br /> �...............�-------...-----.....---..��.�?�•i----�.�...�Y..��..-----...------- �-- f � „f ,� f <br /> aZl Ziens, incumbrances, and char�es of said .Mort�'a�'e Deed,but subjec6, however, to aLl t,he reservatiores arcd eonditions hereinbefore corttccined. <br />� �/t( �iftt��� ��reo�; The said �'rarztor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAV COMPANY, hath � ; w <br /> r <br /> IN PRESENCE OF caused these presents to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be si�ned by its �� ' a <br />� Presi den t an d Treasurer, an c� coun tersi�'rLe d bz� i ts Lan d Co m mi s si on er an d i ts a <br /> i ,�p /� �luditor,and the said Frederick L.�mes, Trustee, has hereunto set his hanc� this ' � <br />, ................ .......----....---....----...........da o <br />' _....,�........2���/�L....�-...�..��.�=4�iuc�fl.. .................... ............. �---�---... � f-...----�-���---------.........�.-------�.D. 18.�:3.... <br /> a � � <br />� . W �: : <br />� � ��.---.President. � : ` <br /> ' . �................ <br /> _....... ........_.. .....................................---�-----.. ... .. . , <br /> . <br /> . <br /> h i <br />: ...... . ................................ ...... ....... ...... ..... .. ... ............ ,� .:-�.-�-�--�----.... .... ...���� <br /> � . : : <br />� <br /> �'I..:1.� ............................ Treasurer. � '. <br /> i � � a � <br />. . -•-----�----�� --�----------�............... <br /> .....�......:.................................................•••,..... Trustee. c°��: -: <br />� . <br />,F �#ate o� ,i�a��a�h��et#�, - � <br /> SS. <br />' COUNTV OF SUFFOLK. �Q {t �emQmt�crc�, Tnat on this...............�P..... .>...... .....................da9 o A.D. 18� . <br /> ,�d� � t� ....... .. ..... ............................................ <br /> . . <br /> �8:�f��. ' Y . <br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,a�ppeared the UNION PACIFIC RAILWt1Y CO:�IPANY, by , its� resident, and . its Treasurer, who are personally <br /> known to me to be the identical persons whose name�are subscribed to tbe foregoing instrumeut ns s:iid President and Treasurer, a�nd theu �nd there mcknowledged the execution and sealing of said <br /> Iuatrnment to be their volnntary act�und deed,and the voluntary act and deed of sa�d Company. And on the satne day,likewisa, personally appeared the abova nauted FREDERICK L. RMES,kaown to <br /> me to Le the Trustee described in,nnd who executed the foregoing Instrument,a�nd acknowledged before me that he executed the same as Trustee a aforesaid, �nd for the uses and pttr�ases therein set <br />� � fortb,and that the execution thereof was hia voluntary act and deed. <br />, ' �In �itness �thercnf, I have reunto set my hand and official seal this.......................,4......................................................... <br /> ........................................................... <br /> � day of.......... ............. .......................................................................A.D. 18.Q.�'...,at the City of Boston,in said Connty and State. <br /> �. �z�� � ���� <br /> •.............. . .............. .........._...------� --. .....------...............-----�---��--------._Notar� FuBbia. <br /> 9 . . . ' � . - � . , � . � . . � � . . � <br /> ��'. <br /> � n .. . . .. . , .. <br /> , : . �. �.� t' . <br /> ......._�.�;:......:_. . .. . ,. ... :-.,:...i.s...�.,..__ . .,.. . . . . . .ae.ti��:�u... .. .... . . � . _ . ,.... . . ..... . . .. � ...Y . .....a, . .. . <br /> � .___.._ . a. } .�� ,. _ _ . �_,�.,�......_.._._.. �v _._.��_......�e...,.. ��� <br />