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�� <br /> �� �� � ��j JO ��� <br /> ��� ���� � <br /> , <br /> -==-- - <br /> : __ . _-- __ ___ <br /> � � <br /> - � � Filed f or record the.......................................�................................................................................................daz� of, <br /> ��ti1�t�'.I�.� �-�.... ' <br /> ................. . .......... �.�........................ ......... .........,............................ � <br /> .................. ........................................................._18....h......., at..................1....0............... . .............................:o'clock.......C�/:.JlI <br /> ,............................................................................................................................... <br /> TO <br /> """'........"""'...................�,,.............�. .........................-.......:...."'.. .."/."""'..."'........... <br /> County CLerk. <br /> .........W������.... ... ....... .... .............. ... ........... .................................. <br /> ................................................................................................................Deputy,........ <br /> F°RM3'39. THE UNION PACIFIC RA.ILWAY COMPANY. <br /> UNION DIVISION--NEBRASKA. � �� �� q <br /> Contract No,.3.�.4..6..$�..................... Deed No...................... <br /> �"n.a�v �rZ ���en �r� t�ie�e �"rQ�ent�; f................:...... <br /> That tlae UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAV GDMPANV, whiclz is a Cos,vo��atio�z forrned and, existins by tlze consolidatior� of tT2e Kansas Pacific Railwa� Compan7�, <br /> the Denver P�tcific Railwa� ancl TeZe�'s°aph Compar�z�, �FZCl the Urzi,.��a Pacific Railroad Compas�z�, under the corporate raame and st�le of th-e UN/ON . <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPAR/Y, �� �uthorit� of ara act of Cor�sress, erLtitLed, "�lr� act to aid in the eonst.ructior� of a railroad arzd telegraph line from the <br /> .Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, and to seezcre to tloe Government the use of the samn, for PostaL, Jl7ilitar�, and oth,er purposes," approvec� July <br /> 1, 186�, aT2d acts amerzda,t,or� thereof, which said Companz� has succeeded to an�L become seized and posscssed of alL the reaL estate and property of <br /> tlae saicL Corest,ituent Com.parcies, whetlzer reaL, pef°sonal, or mi.xecl, an amor��' other thin�s, of c�LL the land �'t°anted to said UreioT2 Paei�c Railroad <br /> Compan9 b� the aforesaid acts of CoT2;s•ess, in aid of the cons�on f its road, not cor�L•eye aw z�by aad Corriparzy at the date of such eorisoLzdati.ora, <br /> <to-wit, Jarzuar� �/.`, 1880,) in coresideration of the sum of..... ..... ..... ............... ........ ......._. ......--- --- .....---.:..:...��°���-- --•---...---.......---.........--- .. .....--- - •---- <br /> ______________________. � .........../�oll s, to t paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowled�ed, <br /> - - --- -._..-..-.--......._..-- .... ..... -��-- ......_----��--- ......�........ <br /> --.. <br /> ------��--�----.._... -�--�-�-- � � <br /> doth hereby GR�1NI; Bf1RG.f1I,N', SLLL, �1JV'J� CONVo t e�Countr o..-�.............. ..'�.�l��.._....----��---.....--�---��---.................._...---........----�-------.....:----� --..... ..........-�----. _.............-----............---........ <br /> f � .E��-�.1....... . the State of._._..............-----.........----�-...--.. ...................--�---�-��--�---.. <br /> �--�-�.... ................ <br /> .....................................-----..........--��- ...- .... �--� -...._...--�--............. f h 9 f <br /> the folLowin�' described .ReaL Est te, situate, lz�ina and bein� in the Courctr� of....._...._............ ... ................. .............._......,�d ira the State of Nebraska, ancl <br /> describedas ollows, to-wit:..... .....................�- �--................._ ...---........_......--.................. ....-- ---�-�� -----........ - -- .........---...--�-----��---....----.. .----- --.......--�------------ <br /> f ..... ...... � � .. .. � �-------� <br /> ............. ........ <br /> .... <br /> ... ... .. ...... ..�.�����..�' ��.. .... ...... ........ �-...��::.:..:::::::::�::::...::.:::::::::::::.._.................................. <br /> _................................................................................................ .............................................................................................................................................................--�.---........... ........ <br /> ............................................................................................................................................................................ .... .................. ............. . <br /> ................................................ ..... ...... ..... ................ ............ ............ ..................... .................. ........ ..... . ........ . ........... ........................................................... ..................................................... ........ <br /> ......................................................................................................... ..... .......... .............................................. ........ ......... ......... . ............. .. ..................................... ................ . ........ <br /> . .................. .............. ......... <br /> ................... .......... ........... ... ....... ......... .......... ..... ..... .. ... .. ....... ... ... ............... ... ........ ............ . ...... . ....... .. ......... ........ .. <br /> ....... ...... ................ ...... ....�...---....:.......... <br /> ................ ............................ . <br /> ........................ ..... ....... ........ ..... <br /> .. . ............ <br /> ...... . . ............................................................................................................... <br /> • �I� ...... .... . in Townshi �''o. .��......�1..0-- o th o Ran e J1"o... .�,�. _.GL.C.......!� � <br /> o} Sectaon No. .... ....... .... p � .............- ---� f �' <br /> . .- �- � --�---�� -�.. ........ . ... <br /> . �....�.......-----�.............�---........ -- <br /> of the 6th Princi7�al .Meridian, containir�s, aecordin�' tn the United States survey thereof--------------- --- - ------ -----��o-�-.--------..._......---.......--.-----..---.---._......---...--------------------.--............._..----. <br />�' -----------------------------------...--�---�-----�-�--------�----------._._ ./.�cres, more or less, ' ....----------��-----------------............,......_.......---�-�----..........:.------........... <br /> b� G'e�a#�c��K'o.............................��-�--��------...------------�--� -........ ...._....... c���e�......--�-�---�---...........---� ..........- ...--�-�-�----------�-------..........-----�-�------.......................................------��--...._....---��---............_...............---......_..:..----�-----�--�-�---------- <br /> f R FSERVING, HOWEVER, to the said, UN/O,N PAG/f/G RA/LW.AY COMPaNY, alL tlzat portion of the l,and hereby conve�ed(if anr� .ruch which <br />' �� Zies withir� lines drawii paralLeL with,and............87��-------------------------hundred feet o.+z each side distant from the ceT2ter line of its road cts now constructed, <br />� arzd arzy�'reater width wher� rzecessar� permanen�Lz� to include a�l its euts, emban`ments, ar�d ditches, anrb other wor7cs neeessary to secure and <br /> protect its main Zine. <br />� This conveyance is also u,norL the coradition that the said s�'rantee hereir�,........................................................heirs; adm�iizastrators and assi¢res shaLL erect ared <br /> maintain a LawfuL fence betweere that portion of the premises herebz� eonvez�ed, adjoinins the roac$ of saic� Company,(if an� such the��e b�,) �nd the <br />' road of sai�L Com,�any upon a line............o-��-�-..—..................hun�red feet distant from the center line of sueh road, an,d parallel, therewith, in L cases <br /> in which such fence is required b� Zazv, or mar� ve required bz� saic� Companz�. � <br />� TO S�1 VE �1ND TO FIOLD the said premises with aLl. the ri�'hts arcd appurtenanees tlLereunto belon�'irc� unto the said�'rantee, .:.................._...._.......... <br />� heirs and assi�'ns forever, ancl the said�'Nantor doth herebr� covenant witTz the said �'rantee, that ab the makins o.f this instrument it is weLL seized, <br /> of the said premises as of a�'ooa anc� indefeasible estate ir fee, ancl hat12�'ood ri�'ht to selL anc� eonvey the same, and that it wilL W:f1I�R�1NT arod <br />����� �defend the title to saic� premises zonto t7ze said�'ran.tee,.......................................heirs c�ncl assi�'ns forever a�ains the lccw L elaims of al,l persons whomsoever, <br />:` E�Y'CEPTING, HOWEVER, a7,1 taxes and assessmer�ts levied upon suid premises sinee---1'.�.'�y..........��....�-���----------.-----•---.----.... <br /> • • , <br /> . • <br /> ; , ..............��----.....-----------�-�----.........----.......----�--...................-----............................_....-----------..... ... --�--------- � <br />° � ' ,�°-�t�� o-f thP�w......................................................................��--��----..........----........-------�------�-��-�--------�--...............---------�----�-�--��---�---------------......._......----._.......-----��------��----....:.__...........------...-------------...-�----��-------------- <br /> , AND WHEREAS,said Uxrox PaciFio FtnrLxonn CoMraxY did,on the si%teenth day of April, A.b. 1867,execute and li�e,p to Cyrus H.MeCormick,of tpe City of New York,�nd Jobn Duff,of <br /> ihe City of Eoston,a certain Mortgage Deed of that date,which deed is recorded in the office of the Connty Clerk of..............�?��.�-_T�r�... .�........................:................Conntyr in the�tate of Nebraska, wherein said <br /> Company conveyed to the said Cqru9 H.McCormick�nd John Dnff,as Trustees,for the uses tind pnrposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore described; Az�D�'VaER�ns,tUe said Cyrus H. <br /> McCormick did on the twenty-eighth da�y of June,A.D.1873, by�proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his p]ace as Traetee under said mortgage deed,which resign�tion was,on the fifteenth <br /> day of Ocbober,A.D. 1873,nccepted by the UNrox PACiFic Rt�tr.xoAn ConzPAxY,by its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day iu the City of Boston and State of Massachusetts; <br /> AND WHEx�AS,on t1�e fifteenth day of October, A.D. ]873, Frederick L.Ames,of'�:aston,in the State of Massachusetts,was duly nouiinated by the remaining Trustee,John DuB�', ae successor Eo said <br /># Cyrus H.McCormick,which uomination was,on the same d�y, approved by tl�e BOard OP Dit2CtOi9 Of tll0 ea1Ci UNION PACIGIC RAILROAD COMPANY� AND WHF,RE 1S�by BItC$ri0m1riAt10ri &ll(1 approval <br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof,thereaiter become vested with the same eatates,powera, rights,�nd interests,nnd charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if he had <br /> , been one of the original Trustees named in and egecuting,eaid l�iortga�e Deed; Axn Wx��tEas,said remaining Trustee dic3,bya�conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> da�y of October,A,D.18i3, at the City of Boston, vest the same in such new'Prtistee jointly with him,the said John Duff; AND Wx�2�as,tbe said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February, <br /> A.D.18�7, hy a proper instrument of�vriting to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said NIortnage Deed,which resignation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1g77,accepted by the <br /> U�iox PaciFic Ha�Lxoan ComrANY,bv the Executive Committee of'its Board of Dir.etors, at a meetin� thereof held on tha�t day in the City of Boston,and State of Massachusetts; Arrn Wa�$�ns, <br /> no nomination of'a successor to fill•the vacancy,caused by tlie resignation of said John Duff, having been made, the sa�id Frederick L. tlmes became,and now is,the sole`Crustee; Axn WH�s,rAS, the <br /> said Urriox PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY,with the consent of tlie Trustees for the time being,hereinbefore named, has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the Real Estate hereinbefore described, <br /> unto tbe said grantee,ior and in consideration of"the snm aforesaid, to it in baud p�id by the�a�id grantee,which sa�id sum of money ha�s been paid to eaid Frederick L. Ames,by said Compan,q in his <br /> capacity as Trustee,or to said Jobn Duff and said Frederick L. Atnes,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for the nses and purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �dw �/tri'efpf(e, Knnw a/1 Men by these Presenfs, that I, the said Fre�leric7c L. .flmes, remainin�' Trustee in tlze aforesaid JVlort�'a�'e Deed, in <br /> consideraiiorz o t1 af'oresaid, premises and pa�menS as �zforesaid of said sum, so ,�aid by said Companz� to said trust fur�d, of which I am tice <br /> remai n�' Tr e for the uses and purposes aforesaic7,, do hereby RE.MISE, REL.E,/�SE, and forever UIT-CL./.�IJVI unto the said..........:.................:....._............... <br /> �,,��,�� _________________________..__..___.................._......................._.......the Real Est te clescra ed a oresaad to be held bz the saa� srantee ree arLd exem t om <br /> �---...._....1�.1w''•":°.. .................�-• � a h. f � , .! � f P fr <br /> all liens, incumbrar�ces, and char�'es of said JVlort�'a�'e Deed,but subjecb, however, tn all t,he reservations ar�d eor�ditions hereircbefore contained. <br /> �/t( �rfn��� �h�renf�; The said �'rantor, the UNION PAGIFIG RAILWAY COMPANV, hath ;� � � <br /> IN PRF.SE�CE OF caused these rese ts to Ue sealed wibh its corporate seaL, and to be si�dned by its : Q � <br /> PT°esident av� ,��er, ared eountersi�necl br� its Lanc� Commissioner arcd its :c : �c <br /> �luditor, rzd th said Frederick L../�mes, Trustee, has hereunto set his hancl this ; ; <br /> �� : : <br /> .......'.��.. . ........................ .......... .......... .... ................... I'4��U���.......__......----....---.........-----�---daJ. �f---------. ........... . _. <br />: �.............. . ... ... . ��j�--�----��--��-�-----------._..__.._...../�.D. 18.4`.�...... . . <br /> / Q : . <br /> D^ �� a ` ` . <br /> �����p� ---....................�.1•.._�..,.... .... .- �--�- --�---- - ---........................---....President. � � : <br />. ....���L�-".�c..._'`�.'.�JC..�(.�............_................... <br /> : . <br /> � • ` oye S` ` <br />'<: ................�. .....� --. ....���..,.- - -� ---- -- -�------ -....... Treasurer. � � � <br /> l/��4�'� ° ' . <br />," d"� .0���� .... Trustee. � � : <br /> ----------------�---- ---------� � ---- -� -.... ...... ..---...----�-----------...---........._. ; <br /> s— <br /> !�tate af ,lJ�a��axhixset#s, <br /> � SS. <br /> - COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. �m it �em�m6crp�, Tbat on this. ..�.,.................. . of........ .. . ................. . - . ......... ..............A.D. i��g.... <br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,a�p�eared the UvIODT PACIFiC RAILWAY COMPANY, by C. F������� i� President, :�nd JA G. HARRIS, its,�Tr��who are,personally <br /> know-n to me to be the identicnl persous whose n�,mee.ire sub�cribed to the foregoin�instrument ns s.�id President an u , tiud theu and the eknowledged the execution and sealing of said <br /> t" Instrument to be tl�eir volunt.ary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of sa,id Compauy. And on the same day,hkewise, persona�lly appeared the above named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trustee described in,and who executed the foregoing Instrument,a�nd acknowledged before me that he executed the same as Trustee as aforesaid, and for tfle uses and pnrposes tlierein set <br /> . � forth,a that Yhe exeeution thereof was his voluntary act and deed. <br /> . � �n �itncss �t��reaf, I have hereunto set my band and official seal this.......................�� ................- - ....................................... <br /> �` day of............ ......... . ........................................................................A.D. ISgg......,at the City of Bost in said Conn �und State. <br /> . , <br />.. � ..-�-----�------�-�---�-----���-.��-�---.._._..- -�--------------- _........------------.........Notary Public. <br />