<br /> ��j�j� ��J����A�
<br /> FROM J�
<br /> � � . . .Filed for record the.................................................:�...`..................................................................................daz� of
<br /> � �........................ . ��,
<br /> ................................. ....................................... � ,
<br /> .....��?�%��.. �����
<br /> ............... ............ ... .....................��---...---........_18.�.�`....., at.........,............................�--...............--��---��---.......o elock......�..�,.......M:
<br /> _............................................:.................................................................................
<br /> TO
<br /> •............................................ ... ........ ...:.......................°�---./.......--°--°°------°-.........
<br /> �ii�L�,�-d/ �ZeZ2�v..........................._..................... . , County Clerk.
<br /> ................................................................................................................Deputz�.........
<br /> ContraetNo.................................................... No..��.,�....�.�.........................
<br /> .���z.a�u �ZZ ���er� �� t�ie�e �"re�enf�:
<br /> That the UN/ON PAC/F/C R�i/LWAV COMPANV, which is a Cor,voratiorz forrned and existin� b� t,he cnnsolidation of the K'a�2s2s Pacific RaiLwaz� Companz�,
<br /> the Denver Paeifie Railwa� c�nd TeZe�'r•aph Company, as2d tlze U�Zior� Parifie Rc�ilroad Cvmpc�r�J, under the eorporate name anc�i st�le of th.e UN/ON
<br /> PAG/F/C RA/LWAY GOMPANY, v� nuthoritz� of an act of Con�ress, entitled, ".�4n act to aid in the construction of a railroad and tele�ra,nh line from the
<br /> .Missouri River'to the Pacific Ocean, an.d to secure to the Government the use of the samn, for PostaL, �1Ti,litccry, arzd other ,rozcrposes," approved July
<br /> 1, 186�, and acts anzenda,torz� tlzereof. which said Compan� has succeeded to arcrl become seized and possessecl of alL the reaL estate and property of
<br /> the said Constituent Cvmpanies, whether rea.L, ,�ersor�al, or mixed, and, amon�' other thiro�'s, of alL the land sranted to said Uniorz Pacific Railroac�
<br /> Companz� b� the aforesaid r�cts of Consress, ir� aid of the construction of its road tzot corzz•e�ed away by said Compc�ny at t e date of such consolidatz-on,
<br /> (to-wit Jarzua �1.�, 1880,) in consideration of the surrz of...--------��...... ............�.�..-.: c��2:�cLU�` t�•-Eo��.a�r-�tv'4G�;����� �s^�,s�fq_�........:.....--------
<br /> r
<br /> �- ................................. ........... Dolla , to i�paid,�the reeeipt of which is ereby acknowled�ed,
<br /> �....:. .. � -- .....--� .......................... �--....... ....
<br /> ...
<br /> ................. ..... . _
<br /> � doth hereby GR„4N1', B.l1PG.l�L�V, SEI,L, �I.N'D CO.N'VEY; unto- ��-�--d.... ......................�---....��a�....---.....�...-------�---�-----------------�--....---..........--��----.............................-----------------�--..�
<br /> �..........................................�--....---�---.._...... --���--........- .......-� -...........-�-�---........---..
<br /> ---------.............-- - --- �-�/---�----.............----.. .......----....----------....................-- ......--�--...-�--�---------------.....
<br /> the folLowin�' descrived :I�eaL Estatc, situate, lz�in�' and be�ns in the County of....................�1.7`......................_......:..............._................_and in the State of Nebraska, and
<br /> describedas follows, to-wit:..---... -�----��.. ..... ...............---.....--�-�-�- �---..._...................,_. ....----�-------��--�...----� -- ---��---............. ------.............-�---------........... ._...-------�---------------------------��------------------------------�-------._.._............-�-�-----��-----��
<br /> ........_...............�..�y'.���.-�!�..���-� .-�. .�-.����`'^y�t<...�'-���r .�f... :. ........................ ............,................................................................................................................................
<br /> ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................��---........................................ .... . .. .._....
<br /> ....................................................................................................................................................... .............................. .
<br /> ...........................................:.............................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................ .
<br /> .......................:............................................................................................................................................................................................... ...... ...... ..................
<br /> ............................................................................. .........................................................................................
<br /> .................................................................... ............................ .............................................................................................�--..
<br /> ..,...... ...
<br /> ......................................... ....... ............./............. ............................... �r
<br /> � • !✓� �_...-- ... .... in Townshi No. ���-�-�-�-v. .��� -- -...-._............. ortTL nf Ran e No...�..(..�._�---'':��`---------...-:..---
<br /> of bectaon No._... ......... .... ��----1......_..... ....................._ p � �
<br /> of the 6th Princi�al .Meridian, cor�taini�zs, accordirzs tn. the UraitecL States surve� the�°eof.................. .....:. . .... . . ................ . . .. _.
<br /> �p .
<br /> :.......:..............�.J..........._..____.11cres m�e or Zess, bein�' the same�emises contract,ed to be sold-�.... . .�.e..��i,u.a�,r..�..�..........�._.:. ..�.�._......... ..�*y��'�?�-u-/..........._
<br /> ------------------�----�---------...- -
<br /> bz� Contract No...�i�.:�..r3-�Yi ��,°:.��a�--�5.:...`.�..... ...... . � ...----......_ ,--�....�../.d.`8."/,c,�, �-� -- - �,�.�c.. ---------------�---��..�..u.:o.�.�+C ... .. .�.�.�----..... .--..-- =�� --�--`�a4.t,-- ----.._
<br />' R ZSERVING, HOWEVER, to the said�UN�N PAC/ /G��AY COMPANY, cclL�orti n f the lcznd herPbr� eonveyed,(if ar�z� ueh there be) whieh
<br />' lies withir� lines drawrL pccralleL with,arod...............0..w�.-�:..-.-.-------.....:.---hundred feet oro each side d,istant from the center Zine of its road as now eonstructed,
<br />'� and ar���'reater width zvhe�z rcecessar� permar�efatL� to inelude a?L its cuts, embanlaments, and ditehes, and other zaorks neeessarz� to secure and
<br />� protect its mairc Zine.
<br />� This conve�ance is also upon the corcc�itiorL that the said�'rantee hereirc,............................ .........................heirs, admir�istrators and assi�ns shalL erect and
<br /> maintain a Lc�wful fence beEiveerL that portiorz of the premises herebz� convez�ed, adjoinin� the road of said Companr�,(if ar�y such there be,) arid t,he
<br /> i road of said Companz� upon a line_..............��...--..--..�-----��12undred feet distant from the center line of sueh road, c�n,c� ,roarallel, therewith, in alL cases
<br /> iro which such fence is requirec� b� law, or maz� be required bz� said Companz�. ,
<br /> TO 5.�22 VE ..4ND TO HOLD the said premises with aLl. the ri�'hts aiad appurtena�zces thereunto belonssins unto the said�'rantee, ................. .................
<br /> heirs and assi�'ns forever, ancl the said ss��antor c�oth herebr� eovenant with the saic� gsrantee, that at the makiress of this irastrument it is welL seizecl,
<br /> of'the said prenzises as nf a sooa and ir�defeasible estate ifz e, ancl hath�'ooc� risht to selL and eorcvey the same, and thc�t it wilL W:fIRR�NT ancL
<br /> defend the title to said preinises unto the said�'rantee,.........:��.............heirs and assi�sns fo.rev r a�'air�st th lctwful claims of aT,L persons whomsoever.
<br /> E.X'CEPTING, HOWEVER, all ta.xes and assessmerzts Ievied upon sc�id premises sinee�.��r.�c�c.7.`�-r����..�a►�:.... '
<br /> , , •
<br /> , .......................�-�--�--------------------...............................................---...---......................
<br /> ' --- .....--�------�............................................. .....................�-------------...----------------......_...........................---�---��--�-��----------...........-----....-�----.......--�-�-----------�---._.......................---.....................-----------------
<br /> --�-
<br /> AND WHEREAS�SalCl UNION PACIFIO RAIL$OAD CO:YIPANY C�iCI�Ori th0 Bl%t00ritll(l�s Of Apfll, A.D. 1867,execute and �] liv�e�o Cyrus H.McCormick,of the City of New Xork,:�nd John Duff, of
<br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortgage Deed of tha�t date,which deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of.................�!���-S�S..........................................Coimty,in the�tate of Nebrask�,wherein said
<br /> Company conveyed to the sa�id Cyrua H.McCormick a�nd John Duff,as Trustees,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,amoun others tUe lands hereinbefore deseribed� AND�VHEBEAS,the said Cyrus H.,
<br /> McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1573,by a proper instrument of writing to that eft'ect,resign Y�is pl�ce as Trustee under s�.id mortga�e deed,which resign�tion was,on the fifteenth
<br /> day oF October, A.D. 1873,accepted by the Uxiox PnciFic 1tAir.ROnD COMPANY,by its Board of Director�,at a meeting thereof held on that d1y in the City of Boston and State of M�ssachusetts;
<br /> AxD WHExr�s,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 3873, Frederick L. Ames,of'�aston,in the State of Massachusetts, wa,s dul,y noniinated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as euceessor to said
<br /> Cyrns H.MeCormick,which uomin�tion wns,on the same dtiy, approved by the BOaTC1 OP DtPCCYOP3 Of thE B1Id UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CObSPANY� AND WH�ItEA�,by snch nOmination BIICl approval
<br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,upon his aeceptance thereof, thereatter become vested with the same estates,powers, rights,and interests,and charged with the same duties and respansibilities,as if he bad
<br /> been one of the original Trustees n8�ped in and executin�,�aid NTortga�ne Deed; Axn�VxExE��s,said remaining Trustee di<l,by�convey�nce,proper$nd effectual for that pnrpoae,dated on the twetttieth
<br /> day of October,A.D.1873, at tlie C'ity of Soston, vest the same in such new'Crnstee jointly with him,the sa�id John Duff; AxD`Vxr�REns,t6e said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February,
<br /> A.D. 18?7, by a proper instrument oi�vriting to tbat effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortnage Deed,which resignation was,on the fourteenth day of Februa,ry,A.A 1877,accepted by the
<br /> ZTNION PACIFIC 1�.A7LROAD C'OD4PANY�by the Txecutive Committee of its BOaTCl of Dir�.ctors, ab a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston, and State�of�Maasachusetts; AND wHEREAB�
<br /> no nominatio of'a s cessor to fill the vacancy,cai�sed by tU esignation of said John Duff, h�uving been ma e,the s�id Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustee; Axn W$sa,�AS, the
<br /> said Uxt nciFi RncLwaY CoMraxY,with th,�ynnse of he ; s o the time bei ereinbef n�ined haYtsold and conveyed,as above set forth,the Iteal Estate hereinbefore described,
<br /> unto the ,�in consideration of'thc��A` � , 1 n n paid by the � , v �c td sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L,Ames,by said Company in his
<br /> capacity as 7�rustee, or to said Jobn Duff and said Freder�ck L. Amee,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.MeCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for the uses tind purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned.
<br /> ,�ow �'hrrc�"a�e, Know a// Men by these Presenis, that I, the said Fre�eri�c�L. ,�Imes, r i�s Trustee in the aforesaid .Mort�a�se Deed, ir�
<br /> o ,,t,�u,�,,,�
<br /> coizsiderafiorc of the af'oresaid pf°emises a�d paz�menb as aforesaid of saa� sum�so paa by sa�d Comp,zr�y to said trust furcd, of which I am the
<br /> rem ' i �' Truste for the uses and pur,�oses aforesaicl, do hereby RE.MISE, RELE�ISE, and forever QUI'l-CL�l�unto the said...:..............................................
<br /> ,�j�,�n/ ..........................:....................................................the Real Estate described aforesaid, to be helc� Uy ,, free arcd exempt from
<br /> all ens, incumbrances, and char�'es of said J►lort�'ase .Deed,but subjecb, however, to aLL t,he reserv�ztioias and conditions hereinbefore eorctained.
<br /> �/t( �zfn��� �h�rev�; TTie said �'rantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANV, hath ;� : �
<br /> IN PRESE:vCE OF causec'� these preseTZts to be seaLed with its corporate seaL, ar�d to be si�ned bz� its :� : Q
<br /> President and Treasurer, and countersi�'rced by its Land Commissioner and its ;�
<br /> �luditor ared he said Frederiek L.�lmes, 1'rustee, has hereunto set his hand this ; „°,
<br /> . ,� �
<br /> . . ............................................................. ._...........----��------�-----�---da� of--...�'��1.....✓..................-•--•-�---...f1.D. 18�'.e�`.
<br /> .
<br /> : .
<br /> .
<br /> °� :. ' ;
<br /> ...:: � , � : .
<br /> /,� /� --......-�--�................. .
<br /> .......�!x.. .. ...---�----��-�---�....... .............................Presadent. � :
<br />' .�h�1`�-'�d!,... .. .l.l-�........... ............. �/ ' �ie /� o�e
<br /> ... .. . ....... . ' :
<br /> ....... . . .
<br /> :: ,�t:ac:Qi ...........fC/Y-.--......... �1�.�-.�"..... . ....................•-----......._..... Trea,�urer. � '
<br /> �; ���` a
<br /> , /l.`_v '
<br /> , � eTJC.-e-...d,.1.�u���-�Z�---�-�.............................. Trustee. c°� ., : :
<br /> .
<br /> . --- �----��---��-- --
<br /> �: _ .
<br /> �#ate o�',�1�a��achix�ett�,
<br /> SS. •
<br /> . G(3UN7V OF SUFFOLK. �Q it �emem6cr�3, That on th�s....................����'��.....................................
<br /> . � .a�y ....,....... �. ...... ............................... ....A�n. is.��..
<br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,�uppea�red ti�e U�TiON PACIFiC RAILW3Y C014IPANY, by . DdMS�ts President, aa . reasnrer, who are per.sonally
<br /> kno��n to me to be the identical persons whose name�are sub�cribed to the foregoing instrument as s.Lid President and Treasi{ier, tind then and�her mcknowledged e execution and sealing of said
<br /> Instrument to be tUeir voluntary act and deed,and the volnntary act�nd deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally a�ppeared the above named FREDERICK L. AM�ES,known#o
<br /> � � me to be the Trustee described in,and who executed the foregoing Instrument,a�nd acknowledged before me that he executed the ss�me as Trustee as aforesaid, �rond for the uses and pnrposes the�s�et
<br /> fortl�,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act and deed.
<br /> > �n �itttpss ''� e f, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this...................................... . .............. ......................................................: ..........
<br /> .... .......
<br /> � day of.............�.- - ...... ... .. ...................:.... . ...................-...A.D. 18�`.�......, at the City of oston,in said County and State. ,
<br /> ����� //r '
<br /> �'�" _ .,
<br /> : .....---�---------- �--
<br /> ....��:�='�.............��C��-...---�------...--------._..........Notary PubLie.
<br /> ' ��
<br />