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.__ . ,� <br /> � ,' <br /> ��JL�J ��jI�J/�\ //��� ` <br /> ���� �J ��./ �/ J� <br /> FROM � <br /> . , , .�'ilec��'or� t�ecora the.........�'.�..................................................:..............._--�-�-��--------.....---.............---..............daz� of <br /> ..............���.......�.'�............. ...... ..........�'r..�....... .....r,r............ � <br /> � . ......�j��'.............................�----�--._18..��..�........ a .................-....._..............----�--------�---�---...........o'eloek..........(.�......M: <br /> l/ � `-•.. I <br /> _........................................................................................................................................... — , <br /> ' T <br /> ........................................°°°°--.......... ..-- --...................................-----------------............ <br /> J�i'� �. � Countz� CLerk. <br /> ....................... . .� ................. .. .....(.i...W...�..�'.✓.�..................................... <br /> ................................................................................................................Deputy......... <br /> FoxM3739. ��E UNI4N PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPAI�Y. <br /> UNION DIVISION--NEBRASKA. <br /> Contract No.��..�..��,.....�......�.y�S 7'' Deed No./.�.�..,7.�....................:. <br /> ....... <br /> I �n.aav �rZ A��er� �� trie�e �"re��n��: <br /> That the UN/ON PAC/F/L' RAILWAY COA9PANY, which is a Cor�ora!ioiz formed arzd existin�' b� the consolidatior� of the Kansas Paeific Railway Compa�z�, <br /> the Denver Pacifie Railwa� anc� Tele�sraph Company, and tlze Urai:�rz Pacific RaiLf°oacL Comp�crc�, under the corporate name ana' st�le of th.e UN/ON <br /> PAG/F/G RA/LWAY COMPANY, bJ ccuthoritz� of aTZ aet of Core�'ress, eiztitlec�, ".flr� aet to aid in the eonstruetiorz of a railroad arcd tele�'raph line from the <br /> .Missouri River to the Pacific Ocear�, and to secure to the Gove��fzment the use of the sa�rc� for Posta,l, J{TiLiEwr�, and oth,er�rourposes," approved Jrzl� <br /> 1, 186�, and acts amendatory ttzereof, avliich saici Compaiz� has succeeded to and beconze seized and possessed of alL the real estate and property of <br /> the said Constituent Companies, whether reaL, personaL, or mi.xed, and, amon�' other thin�%s, of alL the Land �'ranted to said Uniore Pacifte RaiLroad <br /> Company bz� the aforesaid acts of Con�'ress, in aid of the con cctaon of zts road, not co Ler�ed awc�r bz�said Company at the date of such consoLidati.on, <br /> i (to-wit, January �,¢, I880,) iiz consideration of the sum of� - � �: <br /> ....._....--�%Ll.�......�-.1.r...w..�...�...'�.�.I.............��-���?.� ---�-�---�---....._.....-�---.....--�-�--��----�----..__--.................._.....---�-------��---..............._ <br /> � --�.................-- ..._.....__ ._........_.._........._...... ..-----...._......---.............-.. ......... ......... . ... Dollars, to it paid, the receipt of whieh is hereb� aeknowled�ed, <br /> ._.....-�-----.. <br /> � doth hereby GR.,4N7; B.f1RG,.lI✓V, SELL, .gND COJV'VEY', unto....._..... ........ . ._ <br /> . ....._. ..��.Y.r�...�%�?.:�c................ .. � -................----....-�--�-----. ..................................................... <br /> � - -./... ........... <br /> ........---------- �...............��--��--�---�-...---------...-- --.......................................----....----��--�� -of the Countz�of_...-- - r�.fie -� /�-; - ...- -- -.. in the State of--------:�!I!�'aY,Y1..lh,-----��---...---�---------------------...------- <br /> the followin�' deseribed ReaL .Estate, situate, lz�in�' and beir�s in the Count� of........._��Gf�C.............................................................and in the State of Nebraska, a�td <br /> deseribed as foLLows, to-wit:. - �-�----/��.�.. .........�.,./....p...'...................� .....---..................... ... <br /> - ----- -----------�-----�---- �� - --- ...............--�--............... .......-----�---------------------------------...----------------�------------�-----��-----....--�--....-�---------- <br /> _... --.... .. <br /> � .................................................................................. ....�Jfi?�...U.�.... �t�t:.r�r�,-........ .....:�...�.�....W...�... ...���-±�............................................................................................................................................ <br /> ............................................................................ ... ...............................................�....................."'���. ............ ... <br /> ........ ...-�� . . ......... . <br /> ....... .... . �`r�.... . . .........�:�:::C.�-......... ......�.... ....... ...�. ...�......��v�`.......� . . "............._..........................................................................................................---...... <br /> ................................................................. �.. �� � .�� <br />� ................................................................................................................................�...........................�.........................................._.......................�..:....................:................................................................----............................................................. <br />� .......................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................ .................................��----......................................-�-�---........................................................................ <br />' ( ......:..................................................:.......................................... � ..............................._.......... �� ..............................................................._......_............................................................................................................................-�---...--��---..................... <br />! ...:........:.................. ............._...................._......................................................................---...... ..........�............... . ....... <br /> .... ;li�v��w �- <br /> . ...... ,r.�...... . . . .. ............................��-----�---�------...�.......... .. .. <br /> r.............................................. ...... . <br /> ..... <br /> o} Section Na_-�� -� . ... . ... .........�--�- �--��---.........._......._......---..._ in Townshi No. ......YtP........... - - . . o h o Ran e J►o...c%�-...11...�.........�Y..z��'......._._. <br /> P �� - � --- � f � J <br /> - <br />, of the 6th Princinal .Meridia�c, containin�', accordin�' t� the United ,States survey thereof----------- --- - ---- ---------��.Q1...--.--....-------------.----.--.........-.------------------------_--._....---------........._.... <br />' ------��------------�------------------�-�---�---------------------------------- .�cres, �r,ere-or �eas, bea��t3z�s�me pre�t,r�et,ed t,e be-seL ...---...-------..........--��-�----�--��-----.........---�--.....................--��--�-------�-�--�-----�-------�--------��-�- <br />' bz,j E''on�r�----�---�...........................�--------�-�---------�-----......._................. dcnte�.----.........----.........._..----... --� -�-��--�------�------------------...------��---�--��--�--� ---�-�------........._...........-��---�-�-�-----�-�----........................_....................-----...----�--�-�---:....---..._ <br /> IR�SERVIJV'C�, HOWEV.ER, to the said UN/ON PAG/f/G RA/LWAY COMPANY, alL that portion of the Zand herPbz� ennveyed,(if ctn�� such there be) which <br /> Zies within lines drawn paralleL with,and....................�/.W..4..................._.hundred feet ora each side distant from the center Zi�ae of its road as now constructed, <br /> and any�'reater width zvherL necessary permanentl9 to incLude a3l its euts, embaTalcments, and ditches, and other works necessary to secure and <br />, ' protect its mairL line. � <br />� This eorcveyc�nee is also upon the condition that the said�'rantee hereirc,.....�.................................heirs, administrators and assi�ns shaLL ereet and <br /> � maintain a lawfuL fenee be�weer� that ,�orti n of the premises hereby corcveJed, c�djoinirc�s the road of said Company,<if ccnz� such there be,) artd the <br />, t road of saicb Company upor� a line............:........�.................hundred feet distant from the center line of such road, an,d paraLLel, therewith, in alL eaaes <br /> I ! in whieh such fence is required b� Law, or may be required by said Company. �i <br /> � TO H,fl VE �qND TO HOLD the said premises with all. the ri�hts and appurtenances thereunto beLorasc�iris unto the said�'rarLfee, --�YwY------------------- <br />'I j heirs arcd assi�'ns forever, and the said�'rantor doth herebr� covenant with the said �'rantee, that af the makins of this irestrument it is weLL seized <br /> � of the said premises as of a �'oor.� and indefeasibLe estate i fee, and hath�'ood rissht to sell and eonve� the same, ar�d that it will W�IRR.f1NT arzcL <br /> t defend the titLe to said premises unto the said�'rantee,......�.....................heirs a�ad assi�'ns forev a�'ainst the lawfuL cL,aims of a7,L persons whomsoever. <br /> � E.X'CEPTING, HOW:EVER, alL taxes and assessments levied upon suid premises since.. !. ................a�.F�..`..`.`........l..�.�.�o.----------.........and.,e.�ue�'�i�ast�ny <br />� i el,a�Bna�s ar-inez�2�72Lnees�tecZor ue�nw�`bz, tjcrmti�h, o�ureder scr,�d..---------�----��-------------�----�--------... ...................................._.._.....------��s, <br /> yeeir+s, �' �,-or cer�r�"of�............................................��----��--�------��----........._.......-----�------------------------�-------------�-�---------�---�-----�--�--�- ---��- <br /> ---�-�----•---------------••----•--...••••--------....................--•-•-----•----...----._...................•••......--------•••- <br /> AND WHEREAS�8a1C1 UNION PACIFIO RAILROAD COMPANY(IIa�on the siateenth day of April, A.D. 1567,egecute a d�eJ5,�er to Cyrus H.MeCormick,of the City of New York,and John Daff, of ' <br /> ihe City of Boston,a certain Mortga�e Deed of that date,which deed is recorded 'an tbe oflice of the County Clerk of......... .. ..G.(!1�C................................................County,in the�tate of Nebraska, wherein said '' <br /> Company conveyed to the sa�id Cyrug H.McCormick and Tohn Dul�;tis Trustees,f'or the uses a�nd purpases therein mentioned,a�mone others the lands hereinbefore described; AND WHEa¢AS,the eaid Cyras H. <br /> MeCormick did an the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writine to that effect,reaigu his place as Trustee under amid mortgage deed,which resignation waa,on the 8fteenth <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by tlie Uxrox PACiFic RelILSOAD COMPANY,by its Bonrd of Directnr3,at a meeting thereof held ou that day in the City of Boston and State of Massachuaetts; <br /> I Axn WxExEAS,on the Sfteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'Laston,in the State of Massachusetts, was dul,y noniinated by the remaining Truatee,John Duff, as auceassor to said <br /> Cyrus H.bTqCormick,which nomination was,on the same day, approved hy the Board of DireCtors of the said UNION PACIFiC RAILROAD COMYANY� AND WHF.RE�1$�by such nomination and approv�l <br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof,thereaiter become vested with the eame eatates,powers,rights,and interests,and charged with the same duties and reaponaibilities,as if he had <br /> been one of the original Trustees named in a�nd egecuting,�aid Mortga�oe Deed; Axn WxExEas,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectuai for tlSat pnrpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> duy of October,A.D.1873, at the City of Boston, vest the same in such new'Prustee jointly with him,the said John Duff; Axn WxEUEns,the said John Duff did,on tbe fourteenth day of Februsry, <br /> A.D. lEs?7, by a proper instruruent o£writing to tbat effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,which resignation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877, tzccepted by the <br /> U�ON PACIFIC Iti'A1L120AD CO➢1PANY�Uy L$E EX0CIlt1C0 COR1TriittCB Of lES Loard of Dir:ctore, at a meeting thereof held on t6at day in the City of Boston,and State of Dqassachusetts� AND WHEB.EAB� <br /> no nomination of'a successor to fill the vacancy,caused by the resignatiou of said John Duff, having been made, the said Frederick L. Ames became,a�nd now is,the sole Trnstee; Axn Was$�AS, the <br /> s�id UxtoN PACiNtC RAILWAY COMPANY,with the consent of' the Trustees for the time being,hereinbefore nained, has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the Real Eatate hereinbefore described, <br /> nnto the said grantee,for and iv consideration of the aum a1'oresaid,to it in hand paid by tbe said grantee,�vhich said sum of money has been paid to sa�id Frederiek L,Ames,by said Company in his <br /> capacity as Trustee,or to said John Duff and said Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick nnd said John Duff, Trustees,for t•he uses nnd pnrposey in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> ,�o�v �'hrrefo�e, Know all Men by these Presents, that I, the said Fre�Zericic L. ✓lrnes, remainin�s Trustee in the aforesaid .Mort�'a�e Deed, in <br /> '' conside ctfior� of the af'oresaid, premises ar�cl pa�men6 as aforesaid of said sum, so paid b� said CorrZpany to said trust furcd, of V`�,�'e� h I� the <br /> rema' ir��' Trustee,for the uses anc�v purposes aforesaid, do hereby RE,MISE, RELF✓.��SE, and forever QUIT-CL�IJIT unto the said....��4��lr.t�_...:...�,..:.......•••-••• <br /> „��y�..��y�................................................................................................................the .ReaL Estate deseribecl aforesaic�, to be held by the saic��'rantee free and exempt from <br /> ..----...• -- <br /> all Ziens, incumbrar�ces, ancl char�'es of said JVlort�a�e D:ed,but subject, however, to aLL t,he reservations arod conditions 1Lereinbefore eontained. <br /> �/�j �rfttg�ts �h¢t'eo�, The said �'rantor, the UNION PAClFIG RAILWAY GOMPANY, hath `� ; ,� <br /> , I71T PRESE�CE OF causecl these presarzts to be sealecl wi6h its corporate seal, and to be si�ned bz� its � �� ` � <br /> President ar�d Treasurer, anc� eountersi�'necl by its Land Commissioner and its . � <br /> �luditor,arL the said Frederick L. .flmes, Trustee,has hereurcto set his hand this : ; 's ' <br /> 0 , � / . : . <br /> .................................................. ............................................................... . ..--�--................---........................d z� o _._.�!?i�i�r� � : <br /> ........................ ... ,f � -��----�--��--��-�------�--�-�--.........-•------.�1.D. 18:�f.�'...... . <br /> ;��� I W <br /> � �� _ <br /> ----...............�-----�!-.----....---.........-�----- -� -----------......................----........President. � : . <br /> ' .............�. .�./�'J2L.L.Q.......�.�✓t�......./..�. �f/� ' " � <br /> y � ;. <br /> U ..................... �!'� �...��'�2�Z�. °� '���" . <br /> ' � Treasurer. � : • <br /> � ............... ... .. . . . ....... ........ ............... . . ....-•-•••------.. . : , <br /> �, ,� � ` � <br /> �----��----...� - - ...-- -- �-,..-.......�.'/.�.��2�.................................. Trustee. �� �; <br /> ' ��- . <br />��� � �#a#e of ,11�a��a,�h��e##�, � <br /> ; ss. Q�� Q <br /> a COUNTV OF SUFFOLK. �e {t �ememE►ere�, That on this....�.�! of. .1 . .....�1r.'v!j <br /> ..............................................A.D. 18.��. ., <br /> � before me,a Notary Ynblic in tind for said County,appeared the UNIO?T PACIFIC R.AILWAY COYIPANY, by C. F. ADdMS, its President, and . A� Treasnrer, who are person�ily <br />' i kno«n to me to be the identical persons whose names are subscribed to tUe foregoing instrument as s�id President and Treasurer, tiud then and t re nowle ge the execntion and sealing of said <br /> � Instru�nent to Ue their coluntar,y�ct�tind deed,and the voluntary act tind deed of said Company. Aud on the same day,likewise, personally app ed' e-abov� named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> i me to Ue the Trustee described in,and who executed the foregoiug Instrumeut,and acknowledged before me that he executed the same as Trustee as�f'oresaid;�nd for the usea and pnrposea therein set <br /> � fortb,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act anfl deed. ., � <br /> � , �ln �itness, hcrpaf, I have bereunto set my hand and officinl seal this... . ..... '�k............................................................................................... <br /> day of..... .... . . . . ....:............................................ rr... � at the City ....BosEo ,in eaid County and State. <br />, ..A.D. 18�...... <br /> � ' G�� �� <br /> • yr,.,�`,. ' ;.� <br /> • Gy�rL�:'' - ..------�'�9--�-------------------------------------Notar PubLic. , <br /> � �,� � ............... �- --------.. . � <br /> � <br /> . <br /> � ! _ <br /> , k , <br /> � <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . � , <br /> - �. �_ ___ _____�.�.. <br />