<br /> �6
<br /> � �j�j� ��J�����
<br /> � �
<br /> FROM ^ �
<br /> ,y� � , , ,-) ,� .Filed for record the............................................................l...J�......................................................................._day of' ,
<br /> .�un�u�.. � ���-��... '..{:l��r,c�;t..../��..�.......................... ,�
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<br /> - County Cberk.
<br /> ..............................�����.......�..... �.....................................................
<br /> - - ....................................................... ...................................................................................
<br /> ...............................................................:............................................................................. Deputz�.
<br /> , UNION DIVISIQN--NEBRASKA. /��'/� � _
<br /> ContraetNo...�.��..�.�.J�-....... Deed No.....................................................
<br /> �n.aZU �ZZ ���ert �� t�te�e �"re�ent�:
<br /> That the UN/ON PRG/F/L' RAILWAY COMPANV, avhich is a Corpoi°atiorz formed arrd existzns by the consolidation of the Itansas Pacific Railwaz� Companz�,
<br /> the Denver Paeifie RailwaJ and Tele�'raph Companz�, and the Ur�iore Pacific Railroad Compan�, under the corporate riame and st�le of th.e UN/ON
<br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, by ccuthoritz� of an aet of Con�ress, entitled, ".flr� ccet to aid in the eonst,ruetion of a railroad and tele�sraph dine from the
<br /> JVlissouri River to the Pacific Ocea�, and to seeure to the Governmerot the use of the samn, for Posta.L, .Mili�ary, anc�i other purposes;' approved Ju�z!
<br /> 1, 186�, ancl acts amenda-torz� tltereof, which said Companz� has szticceeded to and become seized aT2d possessed of adL the real estate and propertz� of
<br /> the said Constituent Companzes, whether reaL, pe3�sonal, or mixed, and, amon�' other thinss, of aLL the Land �'ranted to said Union Pacifie .Railroad
<br /> Companz�by the aforesaid acts of Congress, in aic�of the eonstruetion of its road, not conceyed awa�b�said Company at the date of sueh eonsolidati•on,
<br /> (to-wit, Jc�uar�r� �/�, 1880,) ire con ideratiora of the surrz of---��----..............................................._..........---��-------...----...--��-- .._.. ---�-�-------�---��------------._.:.-------�-�-��--�-��----�----...........--��---.......---��-------�---------......----------
<br /> / ` /�
<br /> — D 't ' t o er b a nowled ed
<br /> ._✓,LUO�..�sm��.er��..C1tir.�P�....z�.- -(:`<7.�_.!-�6...�-...-�........ .....---....--�� ....................--........ .... ......... o Lars, to z paid, the recezp f which is h e z� ek � ,
<br /> -------------�---.. . � ���....���.
<br /> dothhereUz� GR.,qN7; B�1RG./�I�1, SELL, ./�ND CONVEI'', unto----...--- -........................... -- --�--........._......----....._....._.........---...........---��----..........................--��-�------........---�---------......-�-------
<br /> ---------------�-•---�-�--....------....--�--��--��-�-�----�--- � � � �--�- o the Count o �c.z�- .... ---..............--•- irc the State o �'r�........_..�--------------....----��----••-
<br /> ............ .. ......._._....................----------- -- f � f.----��---...._..... - f_......_.(...�.....-�:��
<br /> --.... ._
<br /> the followin�' described ReaL Estate, situate, lyin�' and beins ir� the County of.....___........_........:�.......:.........._........_._..........................__and in the State of Nebraska, and
<br /> deseribedas follows, to-wit:............ ... ..,.......... ........---- ---. . ._. ..........--......................---....-- -----. ...__...._. ...--� � ........- -....:...-�--�----�---��----......... ._.... ......�..... ... �
<br /> ,/ �....,����.�.�.. .���. .:. .....i�....,��ti�.....P��� �w�.. (......... .,, <�'... ............................................... ..............
<br /> -�----------------------------------�---.......--------._...............---�--....
<br /> ............... ...... .. .. ...... ... . ... . . . .f�' � . ......��.. , ...... ......
<br /> ................................................... ............. ............... .... ............. ........................ ..�...................... ... ...................-. ....... .......................�..............--..-----.........._........................................................................................._.................
<br /> ..................................................................... ......................................................... ....... ....... ............ ...... ....... ................. .................. ..................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ..................................................... ......... ..... ....... ..... ..... ....... ....... ...... ..... . ............................. .... .. ....... ...... ............................ ... ......................................... ...................................................................................................:......
<br /> ......................................................................................................... ..... . .. .... . ......... ................. ........ ........ ......... ....................... ...... ...........................................................................................................................................---.....
<br /> ................. . .... .... .... ..... .... ... . .... .. . .. .... .. .......... ......... ....... .... . . .. .. ......... .. .................. . . .. ................................... ........................................... ....................................
<br /> . .......................... ...:. ..........,�,. ............ ..................................................................----...----..---.-.--..---,�...... .......... ................ . ...
<br /> . ...... ...... ........... .....,�-�.... . . _� ................................
<br /> .. .. ,.. .
<br /> r ......_...
<br /> of Sectior� No..._.....�. ..�r.�P.�/.--�-�.�...�............ .... in Township �N'o. _.......__.�,�r�/_......�10---� � ..�.....North of.Ran�se J10.....���tl....��!.�.......u/�-..............-
<br /> , ����' �. . �o
<br /> of the 6th Princapab eradian, con ana�t�, accord' �' to the United States surveJ thereo�.,._.... ..�......� /......_...............................................__
<br /> _.:.--------••-----...--�--��---...----��-�----------- �----------------------�(cres, more or less,. ' � --••--�-................_..........................---....................----�--�----------...........•-•-•---..
<br /> � . --��--��.......... ..........�...�---....---�---...---............. ..................-------------....------....------��-�-------.............-----�---��------..........----�-�----....................---.......----................----------�-----....._........---�-----�
<br /> .......................................�-----��-�----�� -
<br /> R Z{SERT!'ING, HOWEVER,to the said UN/ON PAG/F/C RA/LWAY COMPaNY, alL that portion of the Land herebz� convez�ed(if anr� such there be) which
<br /> Lies avithin lines drawn parallel wityz,and.................�r...n,/....----..--------...hundred feet or� each side distant from the center li�ze of its roacl as now eon,structed,
<br /> and any�'reater width when raecessary permanenblr� to inedude aTL its cuts, embaT2lcments, ancl ditches, ancL other works necessar� to secure and
<br />'., protect its mair� line.
<br /> This conveyanee is also upon the condition that the said�'rar�tee hereir�,................��----...-------.--......._heirs, administrators and assi�'ns shalL ereet and
<br /> maintain a lawfuL fence &eEween that portion of the premises herebzJ cor�veyed, adjoinin�s the roac� of said Company,(if any such there be,) and the
<br /> road of said Company u�on a line...............6:.n..:e�............:..........hundred feet distant from the eenter line of such road, an,d paralLeZ therewith, in alL eases
<br /> in which such fence is required bz� law, ar ma� be required br� said Company.
<br /> TO g..2 VE �1ND TO HOLD the said premises with aLL thQ ri�shts and appurtenanees thereunto beLon�'ins unto the said�'rantee �...............:
<br /> heirs and assi�'res forever, and the said�'rantor cloth herebr� eovenant with the saicl �rantee; that a6 the makir��' of this irestrumer�t it.is welL seize�,
<br /> of'the said premises as of a sooi� ancl indefeas�ble estate i fee, anc� hath�oocl ri�%ht to sell and eonvey the same, and that it will W;l1RR�NZ'and�
<br /> defend the title to said �remises unto tTae said�'rantee,.-----.��------------------heirs and assi�'res forever �:ainst t�ie lawfuL elaims of a7,L persuns whomsoever.
<br /> E.X'C�PTING, HOWEVER, al,L taxes and assessments Ievied upor� suid premises since__..d� .....�r��....���.�...............
<br /> ed���na�� ' , � -�------------------------------�--•--•--......._............��..............-----��---�---....-----------•-�-•--•�--•�--•-----------••-----..or.----�--..............:..successors,
<br /> . .. .......................................................••----•--......----.......------.......-•------�-----------.......-�----�-------......................_............................---............-�-------...--�-----------•-----.......---.................................•-••••��--_••----
<br /> ....
<br /> AND WHEREAS,3ald UNION PACIFIC 1ZAILROAD COMPANY did�Ori th0 6ixtC0nth flay Of Ap1'll� A.D. 1867,execute an��1 eliA,�r�to Cyrne H.McCormick,of the City of New York,�nd John Duff, of
<br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortga�e Deed of that date,which deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of:.............C.��/...........................................Connty,in the State of Nebraska, wherein said
<br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.McCormick aud John Duff,as Trustees,for the uses mnd purposea thereiu mentioned,a�moug others the lands hereinbefore described; ANn Wx�RSAS,the said Cyrns H.
<br /> McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under eaid mortguge deed,whieh resignation was,on the fifteenth
<br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by tLe Uxiox PnciFic RAILROAD COMPANY,by its Bo�rd of Directr�rs,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and State of Massaehusetts;
<br /> AxD WxEitEns,on tbe fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of Laston,in the State of Massachusetts,was duly nominited by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as snec�sor to said
<br /> Cyrus H.McCormick,which nomivation was,on the same d�y, approved by the BOard OF Di1'CCt01'S Of th0 B�ld UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY� AND WHF&E:18�by such nomination and $pproval
<br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof, thereaiter become vested with the same eatates,powers,rights,and interests,and charged with the sama duties and responsibilities,as if be had
<br /> been one of the original Trustees nawed in$nd eaecnting,�aid Mortgaae Deed; AND WHERL�ABr said remainittg Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that�'purpose,dated on the twentieth
<br /> t n vest the same in such new Trustee jointly with him,the sa�iel John Duff; Axn WgErEas,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth d$ of February,
<br /> da of October A.D.1873, at the City of Bos o , Y
<br /> A�D. 1fi97, by a proper instrurvevt oi writing{o that effect,resign bis place as Trustee under eaid Mortnage Deed,which reaignation was,on the fourteenth day of Febeuary, A.D. 1g77,accepted by the
<br /> Uxiox P�cr�tc lln�Txoan ConrraxY,by the I:gecntive Committee of its Board of Dir,ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston,and State of 11�assachusetts; Axn Wa�a�AS,
<br /> no nomination of a successor to fill the vacancy,caused by tbe resignation of said John Duff,having been made,the said Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustee; AND WHE$EAS�the
<br /> said Urriox PnclFic RniLwAY CoMPaNY,with the consent oY tl�e Trustees for the time being,hereinbefore named, has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the Real Estate hereinbefore described,
<br /> unto tUe said grantee,for and in consideration of'tLe sum aforesaid, to it in hnnd p�id by the said grantee,�vhich said sum of money has been paid to said Frederick�. Ames,by said Compauy;in his
<br /> capacity as Trustee,or to said John Duff and said Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus A.McCormick and smid John Duff, Trustees,for the uses and purposes iq said Mortgage Deed mentioned.
<br /> �01U ��1f1'Cfpi(C, Know a!I Men by these Presenis, that I, the said Fre�leric7c L. ✓lmes, remainin� Trustee in the ccfaresaid .M'ort�'a�e Deed, i.n
<br /> consideralion of tlie af'oresaid, premises-and payment as aforesaid of said sum, so paid b� said CorrLpany to said trust fund, of whieh I am the '
<br /> remainin�' Trust e� or t�?�uses and purposes aforesaid, do he�eb�RE.MISE, R�LE,/.�SE, ancL forever UIT-CL�I.IYl unto the said__................................................
<br /> },� . ................................................................................the Real Estate deseribed aforesaid, to be�eLd bz�the saicl�rantee free arcd e.xempt from
<br /> ........................---.:...........����e.�./---.-L!'li��
<br /> all liens, irccumbrances, and e ar�'es of said JVlort�'a�'e DeecL,but subjec�, however, to aLl t,he reservations arod coraditions hereinbefo�e contained.
<br /> �/tj �rtngrs� �h�reo�; The said �'rantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath i� : �
<br />', IN PR�SEVCE OF caused these presents to.,be sealed wibh its corporate seaL, anc� to be si�ned by its � j : � ` �
<br />'� President arcd Treasurer, aru� countersi�%ned by its Land Commissioner and its a
<br /> ./�uditof°,and the said Frederick L.�mes, Z�ustee,has hereurcto set his hand this :� '
<br /> ��/-....,,,��. . 2�;�— ` `
<br /> .................. . .� . . . ......................................................... ����/i.--------�------.....--�-��--��---------...da�J �f'-�----�----..........4!�G . - --.................._....---..../�.D. IB���---- •
<br /> .... ---�-.-=�.-----�� - - ' �
<br /> a � :
<br /> - . :
<br /> �� . z `
<br /> _...._....�.����'.Ti.�.�2��2�.-..-�---.....-�..............................Presadent. c� : :
<br />� �' �t...z'�.x.:� " � c�",�' y
<br /> , ,� ri „ � � � , �
<br />� ���.� . ...................�............... ..................... � �: .
<br /> ........... �e,� ���---�...�.�.�.�i..�rr..�1-------------------....------�--...... Treasurer. z �
<br /> .......... . .... �
<br /> / � / � ' s'
<br /> -��---�--._�!.11,.��... ..�.�.............��'7.��/--�---�----��.....................:. Trustee. c°� � :
<br /> �#a#e Qf ,1J�a��ach��e##�, -- ' � ,
<br /> SS.
<br /> � ' �.......................:................
<br /> GOUNTY OF SUFFOLK. �c �t 3�..ememdcr��, That on th�s............,n�2. . .�...-r.�r... .. day of............�,rn.r�..................................................d.D. 18S...cY
<br /> before me,a Notary Pubiic in and for said County,:�ppeared the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, by C. F. ADAMS, its Prosident, and IAMES G. HARRIS, its Treasure,r, who are per�onally
<br /> known to me to be the identical persous�vhose namea.ire subscribed to the foreaoing instrument as said President and Treasurer, and theu aud there acknowledged the execution and aealing of said
<br /> Instrument to be tUeir voluvtary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally appeared the abovo named FREDERICK L. AMES,knawn to
<br /> me to be the Trusr,ee described in,and who executed the foregoivg Instrument,a�nd acknowledged before me that he egecuted the same as Trustee as aforesaid, trond for the nses and purposes therein set
<br /> ,'� forth;and that the egecution thereof was his voluntary act and deed. �
<br /> � � _,._ �ln '�itriESS �t1C���f, I have hereunto set my}�and and official seal this.............,�!�....................
<br /> .....................................................................................................
<br /> day of......................G��.�xcJ...................................._...�.................;...A.D. 16.�.�i.....,at the City of Bostan,in said Countyand State.
<br /> �� � /�' � .
<br /> ` ........................�------.......�k..�.J....�11.------�.�t�'....��.s�..._._...-------�------Notary Publie.
<br /> .
<br />� _., . --•-- - �u,�.:� ,�: _...�._..:W...r _ _
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