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��i✓ <br /> � � ��� � �I �,1�1�uJ' �I�J/ � ��^`,l <br /> ���� �� �/ � J���J <br /> � FxOM <br /> Filedfor record the...................................................°�.r.....�1.......-........................................................:.............da,z� of <br /> . .......................... • <br /> .....��'........�...�.......... ......... .......... .... ........................................ � <br /> .............. ..... ..............................................�--.....18..q�� at.................. .......... .................... ...................o'elock.................M: <br /> ............................................ .............................................................::............................... <br /> , <br /> TO <br /> •----°... ..................... ......... ... .........................................°• °--..7.�.. ..........----....... <br /> o nt Clerk. <br /> ............C�....%.�..�....... ..�'e�..�.......�............................................ ..................... <br /> ...................................................................................... ................................................ <br /> ......... Deputy. <br /> _—:._:_-__-��_-_ -:-� _.. <br /> FoR!�i3739. T E NION PA FIC RAILV�'AY COMPANY. <br /> UNION DIVISION-�^az' 'crr n �t-�,�� <br /> �No..�.�..�..�........................... �'...................................................... <br /> �r�.a�r �ZZ ���Cen �� ��ie�e �"re�ent�: <br /> Thc�t the UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY CQMPANY,�whicJa is a Cor��oratio�z formsc� a�zd e�istins bz� the consolidatiorc of tlie Kansas Pacific RaiLwa� 6re�aa��, <br /> the Dercver Pcccific .Pailwa� and TeZe�'raph CompaTZy, and the U�aion Pacific Railroad Compan�, unr�er the corporate rzame and st�Le of th.e UN/ON <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY GOMPANY, by ccuthoritr� of an aet of Consress, e�ctitLed, "�lrz aet to aid in the eoizstruetion of a railroacl and tele�raph line from the <br /> .Missouri River to th.e Paci.fce Ocean, at2d to securc to the Government the use of the sarn� for PostaL, JlTilibarW, anc� other purposes," ap,roroved July <br /> 1, 186�, and acts a��2enda-tor� t3tereof, which sai�, Companz� has succeeded to anrl become seized and possessed of alL the reaL estate and property of <br /> the said CoT2stituent Cvmpanies, whether r°ea.l, ,roe�^so�aL, oN mi.xed, and, amon�' other thinss, of aLL the Larod ssran�ed to said Unior� Pacific Railrodd <br /> Com,roany b� the aforesaid acts of Con�'ress, irL aicl o f the eonstruction of zts road, not coroz•eyecL away b�said Company at the date of such consolidati.on, <br />' <to-wit, J uary �./�, 1880,> iTZ consideration of tlze sum of..-�----�..............�----............---...---........ - --�-. .....--••-----�-e�-. .f ..-•- . - - •- --.....•_-��---.........---..._ <br /> - -A ... ---- - � - �' , <br /> �c�,-�-------,�,-�-i�� <br />'� ....O�vt.L �-�......... ...:...... .......... ...'�- ��---.... ..-.... �---.......�..... ars, o a a"ia�- t/2e'�eceipt o whi��here y acknowled ed <br /> --•.............. ....... .. .... .........�....- ...... o Z <br /> . ... .... <br /> ............................ , <br />� � doth herebz� GR4N1; B.�I�G�lI.N, SELL, �1JV'D GONVEY', unto_. �-�-�.... ............��..... ----.... ..---------............---�----�---.......-------�-----..._.....:...-----------..:....... <br /> ---......-�---�-----��- �---���- - �-----�------------------�- ---------:......_... ------------�-�----.......--�-��----�----�-�---�----��-�---.....---�----.......------... <br /> . -----...---��---...... ---��--------------- <br /> the followin�' described Reab Estate, sitzcate, Zz�in�' and beins in the Count� of........................./.5���......--.-------_....-.-.------............and irL the State of Nebraska, and <br />' describec� as follows, to-wit:----�-- �-�............................... �-----........- --��---��---..........�........ ...-- -...--------� �-� -�--....... -�- ...................------�-�--- ----... ........_-----�----------........ ..---�--i-----:-�--�- -��.................. <br />� -�-�.........................................................................��:..'.?'�.,......�.'-..�..�-..-.....w�....�......��1..................���..-�o-�.r�z....�.�..Z.o................................:�.:-.�..���....,�.:..�..�.—ti........�-�.....�...... <br /> d�� <br /> --..... ................................................................................................................................... ................. .............�----............_....,............ .............,........ .......,................................................... <br /> _..._ . .............. .. . ............................................_ � <br /> ...... . ..... <br /> ..................................... . <br /> ......................... . ...,......C�ti��y...... .��.i.��-�..�.'..-�a...-. ..-�....-o�........... .. ..... . ...... ......f.....a..�.�`�r....�..�....---.......:......a��...�.... <br /> ..... .....0......................... . . . ........ .. ......... ........... <br /> ............ ................._....... .._..........................................................,..... ........ ................. ..._............................ ......... ............................. ................... ...�.. .......... ....... <br /> ............................. ................. .. <br /> %c�.. ........... .... .�%j�►... ..''.�.``.�...�............................. ..... ....����-�°-��f......---. .. ... ...�........_ <br /> ..........................................,a.r�c:-.. ��,�a�-�r�..�-.c,�( i!�:wK............................_........._._..�....._............�.................................................���u��...................................................��4��r��........... <br /> .........................._....................._............... ........................... ... .. _. <br /> .................... <br /> .............. ........... ............................................................................................. <br /> .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................- <br /> �-�'eet�e�-�o <br /> �ezrrrcahi7.r-�A�'o .A�� <br /> ...._.......... ' . . .._ ...._._.___ -............ . .�- -�---� . . <br /> . .................. �� �-- � -� - - .................. ... � ... .._............... <br />' . . . , ,age�-*� p�, veiTZ�' the same remises contr� °'��y� .. _ .............................•--.....-�-----..._-------------•-----•----------..............------ <br /> -�---•' --- -- ------------_ <br /> --------------------------------�---- .-. -.-...--------------------.-- , . n . .. .......--•--.... <br />' by Contract No...�.�`.�.�.�.,�-<<d--��.......................................... �e6e�..�-!.^.-��....__...__.............-- ----�� -------- ----�--....�-rr...'----��-----�-�� -------- ......f�r.-.�..._..�`..�1,..�--- :...-..:------�---_-..............._.-----......--��----�-----........---�----� <br />� I SERVING, HOWEV , to the said, UN/ N P F/G RA/LW.AY COMPANY, al Izat portion of the l,and her,b� eonveyed,(if an, eh there be) which <br /> lies zait ' lines drawr� parall L avilh,r�r�d................................ ..................hundred feet ora ch side d,istant from the c ter Zine of its road s now construeted, <br /> c�nd ar�y ater width when eessccrr� �ermanerctl� t incLude a3L its cuts, emb Tzkments, and ditehes, an other works neeess y to secure and <br /> protect its m ire line. <br /> This eon anee is also upor� t eotidition that the sa'cl�'rantee hereirz,............................ .......... , aclmirz trators arad assisres sh L ereet and <br /> ................ eirs <br />'� mair�tairc a law l fenee beEween tha ortion of the premise ereb� eor�veyed, adjoir�in he roacl of said Compa ,(if aiz� sueh there b , ancl the <br /> i road of said Comp nJ u,�on a line_.................. ...............................hundred distarct from the ce�ter ine of such roac�, an, aralLeT, therewith, in cases <br /> in which such fence "s requii°ed b� law, or � be requirec� by sai mpan�. 0�� <br /> TO H,l�VE .,4ND TO HOLD the said premises with alL t e rishts and appurtenances thereunto belon�'in�' unto �he saic��srar�tee,...--.-��-�/.............. <br /> heirs aizcl assi�'ns forever, and the said�srantor doth hereb� venant witlz the saicl �srantee, that ab the malcin�v� of this instrument it is well seized, <br /> of'the saicl ,�remises as of a�'ooa and indefea,sible estate in ee, ar�d hath�'ood riSsht to selL ancl conver� the same, and that it will W�f1I�R�2NT arzd <br /> defend the title to sair.� prenzi-ses uizto the said�'rantee,...............:. ....................heirs ancl assi�'ns forev�a�a�inst the lc�w uL elaims of a7,L,,ye�rs soeve� <br /> + .ER a1,L t xes an sess ' evied upor� s ' mises since...�..�:�.�Q.... .... <br /> i E�Y'C�PTING, HOW'EV , � .. ���!�.e8 (..���°° <br /> - <br /> -- �-�--�------- ---. -� -.-:. <br /> Ee�-er ineumbrances created or„ , , said. ......:..--�----�-��---................. .....�':r:.........�. ...........----....� ..... . .............................._ �..............-----�-• � <br />� <br /> �--•-��.......................................................................... ..........��---.......... . .--------�--................ .--•--........................_...........----.._......--•----....---..................._......................-�---�---�-----•-•-------�_._._._..._ <br /> AND WHEREAS,said Urriox PnciFre RAir,ROan ConzrAxY did,on the sixteenth day of April, A.D. iS67,execute and d }iy'er��yrtta H.MeCormick,of the City of New York,�nd Jobn Duff, of <br /> tbe City of Boston,a certain Mortga�e Deed of that date,wbich deed is recorded in the office of the County C1erk of....................�'��f?�S�S.�............................r..Connty, in the State of Nebcaska, wherein said <br /> Company conveyed to tl�e said Cyrug H.McCormick and John Duff,as Trtiqtees,for the nses�und purpoqes therein mentioned,a�mong others tl�e lands hereinbefore described; Ar7n WHEx,�AS,tbe said Cyrus H. <br /> McCormick did on Ihe twenty-eigl�th day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect;resi�u liis place as Trustee under s�id mortgage deed,which resign�tion was,on the fifteenth <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by tt�e UxioN PACrFic RnzL�toAn CO!KPANY,by its Bo:�rd of Direct�ra,at a meetin� thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and State of Massachusetts; <br /> AND WHEItEA9�Ori tll2 fiftCenth d�ty Of OctobOr� A.D. 1873, Frederiek L. Ames,of Laston,in the State of Maseachugetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Tohn Duff, as successor to said <br /> Cyrus H.McCormick,wbich noinination was,on the same day, approved by the Board of Directors of the said Uxiox PeCZrrc RarL�oan CoMrnxY; ANn WxE$ras,by such nomination and approval <br /> said r'rederick L.Ames did,npon his acceptance thereof,tt�ereaiter become vested with the same est�,tes, powere, righte,�nd interests,�and charged with the same daties and responsibilities,as if he had <br /> been one of the original Trustees named in and executing,�aid Mortgage Deed; ANn Wx�ttEas,said remaining Trustee did,by m conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.1873,nt the City of Boston,vest the same in such new'Crnstee�ointly with him,the said John Duff; AND W$EELEAB,b110 S&1(1 TOIIri Dllff Clll�,on the fourteenth day of February, <br /> A.D. 18�7, by ti proper instrumevt oi�vriting to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortnage Deed,which resignation wa�s,on the fonrteenth day of February,A.D. 1877, accepted by the <br /> U�ioN PACiFic Ra�r.xoAn Comre�Y,by the Execative Committee of its Board of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston, and State of Massachnsetts; AxD Wx�REAS, <br /> I no nomin 'ou of'a ccessor to fill the vacanc,y,cnuse by tl�e reaignation oE'said John Duff, vin bee ade,the said Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the soie Trustee� ANA WHEREA9� the <br />� sa�id Uxi��F,�Qo�;���.}Y�;Y Conzr�xY,wit� t�h co s nt ' t "rus r the time be' for named, ha�bld and conveyed;as �bove set fortL,the Real Eetate hereinbefore described, <br />' uuto tbe sai , or an�i�fconsideratian o ia � , an aicl by the a�i , �said sum of money has been paid to eaid Frederick L.Ames,by said Company in his <br /> I capacity as 7�rustee, or to sa�id John Duff aud said Fredenck L. Ames,Trustee�,or to said Cyrus H.�IcCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for tbe uses nnd purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �aw �'hctefa�c, Knaw a!l Men by fhese Presenis, that I, the,�s d re�ZerieTc L. �1 e , r r iTZan�' Trustee in the aforesaid JVlort�a�se Deed, in. <br /> coizsideration of the af'oresaid, �remises an� ,roaz�ment as afo�sa� o saa `�u� ai by saad Corropany said trust fur�d, of which I am the <br /> r� . .. .�!?._�...�.....�sf���[<c^�p--...p-------------�-------------------�._.......the ReaL Estate�described af and forever QUIT-C IJ{T urcto the said...---------•--.-•---,-.-.--•--................... <br /> remainarz T ste o the uses anc� ur oses a oresaid do hereb REJVIISE RELF,.2SEoresaid, to be heLd by _ ' free arcd �xempt from <br /> all liens, ir�cumbrances, an� eha.r�'es of said J{7ort�'a�'e Deed,but subjec�, however, to al& t,he reservations hereinbefore corctained. <br />� �l�( �rtn��� �h�rea�; The said �'rantor�, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAV COMPANY, hath �� ; w.. <br /> IN PRESE�CE oF caused these�resents to be seaLed with its eor,vorate seaL, and to be si�necl b y its ! o : � <br /> : � : Q <br /> . 7l".�[,President and Treasurer, ar�c� countersi�'ned by its Land Commissioner and its ; � <br /> r` �ludito�°,and the ic� Frederick L..�mes, 7�ustee, has hereunto set his ha�td this ;� : <br /> : : <br /> ���� �. � ....--��.�............................ <br /> ....................... ...------day of.............-�-- -. .........- --�----�--..............�...----.�1.D. ZS$,.�..... ; � <br /> r .:. W i i <br /> ............................�-----------�---�------------ -----.....................��.�President. � : ; <br /> e y"` � : <br /> ................................................................................................................... �.;- . ' ' <br /> ��,a.� ..-----....-�---.. .---��-----��..... ............. ........... ..... ......... .... ................. Treasurer. � � ; : <br /> ��� � � � � <br /> ----...-----�------��-----------------------------�`�:.........----...--�--..............--��------....----........ Trustee. c°� : � <br /> �#ate af ,il�as�achix�et#�, � <br /> SS. y� <br /> COUNTY OF SUFfOLK. �� it �em�m6ere�, Tt,at on this........................1 .,........ . �. .. day o ......... .... .... ................:...........................A.D. 18 <br /> .,�.�.�.�...,....... .. $-�.. <br /> before me,a Notary Publie in and for eaid County,appeared tl�e UNION PACIFIC RAILW�IY COiVIP�i Y, by , its�President, tind�� , i Tre�surer, who are personally <br /> known to me to be the identictil persons whose names are snbscribed to the foregoing instrument tis s.�i � resident and Treasnrer, �nd then �nd there acknowledg the execution and sealing of said <br /> Instrument to be their voluntar,y act�nd deed,and the volunta�ry act and deed of said Company. And o the same day,likewiae, personally appear d the above named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trastee described in,and who executed the foregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me tha�t he executed the same as Truetee}y,�tlforesaid, and for the uses and pnrposes therein set <br /> forth,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act and deed. ,��'1� <br /> �lu `�itness '� r¢af, I l�ave herennto set my band and official seal this............................��I...�....................................................................................................... <br /> da9 of........✓...�..W... ....... ...................................................................A.A. lS.p�......,at the City of Bo ton,in said County and State. <br /> ���"""' � � ` <br /> .................�---------�------- .. . ...1��.. - --- ......... --- -�• -- -----._..........__...Notary Public. <br />