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___ _____ _ _ _ _ . . <br /> '�4✓ <br /> �� ���J � ��� J � � � o _ <br /> ��� �—I�� ��J <br /> _ __ __ _ . <br /> FxoM Filed or reeord the........................:...................... <br /> ,�� � � f ................-:........................................................................dar� of <br /> /�,�Z7t rv �'��1�=� te�........����tiri.'.........�, � <br /> ....�i .'.......\............ ......... ..... � .......................... , <br /> ..__ ............��,........-�---��...............................18.�.�..., at...---...........................1........................................o'clock....�......M: <br /> _...:..............................................................�o................................................................... <br /> ��--��.......................� .. ..�.. ............................... ................................---.._..................... <br /> � � Cour�tz� Clerk. <br /> ............................�:...����:��............_....... ....................................... <br /> ........................................................................ ............................................................... <br /> ............................................................................................................................................. Deputy. <br /> --- --- - -- -- <br /> _�__ _. __ --- - �l� ��,P �� <br /> F°R� 3739. THE UNION PACIF C RAI WAY COMPANY. <br /> UNION DIVISION° . ,,�c�L � � <br /> Cor�tract No.................................................... �ettb-No....................................................... <br />� �rr.aau �ZZ ��i'Cen .�� ��Ze�e �"re�ea�t�: <br /> That tlZe UNiON PAC/F/G RA/LWAY COMPANY, whieh is a CoT°,voratiott fnf�mecl arzc� existins b� the eon,solidatiorz of the Ka�zsas Paeifie Railwc�y Compan�, <br /> the Denver Paeifie RaiLwa� afad TeZe�'raph Compaizr�, ancl tTze Union Paeifie RaiZroacL Compc�n7�, urcder the eorporate rLame and stz�Le of th.e UNION <br /> PAG/F/C RA/LWAV COMPANV, �� authoritJ of a�z act of Con�'ress, e�ztitled, "./�n act to aid in the construction of a railroad and tele�'raph line from the <br /> .Missouri River to the Paci,fcc Ocean, and to secz�re to the Government the use of the SCGTYLn, for Posta,L, �Tili�arz�, and other purposes," c�pproved Julr� <br /> 1, 186�, ancl aets amenda-tor� tlzereof, whieh sai� Company has sueeeeded to an� beeome seized and possessecL of alL the real estate�nd-property of <br />, the said Constituent Com,panies, whether rea.L, personaL, or mi.xed, and, amon�' other thin�'s, of alL the Land Saranted to said Unio� ZTacifie Railroad <br /> Companz� bz� the aforesaic� acts of Con;ress, ir� aid of the corestructiorc of its road,not conse�ed away by said Company at the date of such consolidati.on, <br /> (to-wit, J� ary � , 1880,) irc consideration of the sum of-----�---��----- ...---�----��--------�...............---........-------------- •--•- - <br /> - �, - ,-�--� <br />� ....--�-��----._....f���.��.c.�._..���z���.e�.�c-1��._T�.-��?�---------------�---..--......_..--..._.....................__.....----.......-- ---�-- ...�... Dollars,�t��a�d�th�r��t--o �h�h is h�reb�a�nowl�ed, <br /> doth hereby GR.f1N1; B�1RG.l�I✓V, SEI,L, .,4.1V'D CO.N'VEY', unto�..,��:,�-...�,-.�..-�.i-���-------�...............................................�-------._............-----�-----�---............. <br /> ......---------��---�-----.....-�.....................�-----�-----.............--�-�-----...._..............:.......--�-�---...----��--��-- .i�#'-------...._- -.........----.�...j_._ ..---�� --�-----........---....a�.�lae�-+�'t��e--ef--------------�-----------........--��-----....--�----��-------......-�-----------��-- <br />' the followins deseribed Reccl Esta e, situate, z�in and bein�in the Count7 0 �/... ..�d ire the State o Nebraska, and <br /> ;� �' , 9�/�f.................. f <br /> describedas follows, to-wit:------✓./�ei_...,����...�=�� .��.....�,�u.�.L...--.�.�-.r��---�����_.�..-�.......- � -_-........---�------------------�--.. ....._......................._..----------...............----�--...........----------..............----.... <br /> ................................................................................................ <br /> ..............................................................................................................................................:.........................�---�---......................................................................................................................... <br /> .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> I ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ...............��---............_........................................................................................................................................................................ .............................. .........................................................................................----............................................................... <br /> ................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................ <br />'� ............................................................................�..........................................................:......................................---........----........... .....�............. ............... .. <br /> . <br />� ................................ ..._� ._....... .... ........---............... <br />� o f b�ectiorc No. .-. °' -- . ��� ._ ��3 � _.._.. in Township A�''o. .._.. ��i� .�/�,l.... . .. .,North of.Rar��'e J►�o. ..��,n��.....�-r�.....1.._� .. .... <br /> of the 6th Princina�idian, containins, accordin tn the United States survez thereo �t.... ...— <br /> C � J f----------- ==- - - ,. .. . --��---------------•- •-•-•---.... <br /> . <br /> .... . ........... <br /> �--.......... , <br /> -----�------------------------�-�--��----...--- - �`., l ,p <br /> --------------------------- �lcres, more or less, beiia�' the same premases eontract,ed to be soL�to...............�...�i�%���.�..���..�.u..w.�.4...`.�.u�..----.. -�f <br />�' �Z/ .�io��a ct�N .....�.z �.�.'.-��-.�.._.�?:ir...,,��-�.�� _!�,�1 . .�--. �.�i -.:�.�.:.=F��.. .._f/ce�..�'...o.�drX�,��.,ti,.�k.ti_:..�.�.y!,F��`�..�..�.r�:`.Y`�.N?��RGCtvG.e[!!�uc.�.'�k{�..�?:!:��.�.�.:.4�l�,q.?:���,GG...C�[/c.�ik�.l.,�.o.�cK <br /> i ��� R I�`�V��O VL��R,to��e s`ai N%ON PAG/F/G RA/L WA�COMPANV, alL thab portaon of the Larcd her�bz� conveyed,(if anr� such there be)�which ' <br />' Zies withir� lines dT°awn parallel with,ancl.............� feet ore each side distant from the center line of its rorzd 2s rLOw eorestructed,, <br /> and arwa �'reater width wher� necessc�N� permanen�L� to ineLude a3L its cuts, embanlcrnents, and ditehes, anc� ot.her works necessary to secure and <br /> protect its mair� Zine. ' <br /> This conveyance is also upo�c the condition that the said�'rantee hereirz,----------------���.....�_.:...................:......:heirs, admirzistrators and assi�'ns shalL erect and <br /> maintain a lawfuL fenee beEween that pos•tion of the premises hereb� eoizve�e�?, adjoinin� the roac� of saic� Companz�,(if arcy sueh tTze�e be,) and the <br />'� road of saicl Compan� u�oro a Line_........�z.r.�..........................hundred feet distant from the center line of such road, and parallel, therewith, in aLL cases <br />' i� which sueh fence is requiNed bz� law, or maz� be required by saicL Cornpan�. , <br /> TO H./�VE .,2ND TO HOLD the said premises with all. the ricshts and appurtenances thereunto belon�'in� ur�to the said�'rantee, ....�u..�.................... <br /> heirs aiacl assi�'res forever, and the said�srantor doth herebr� covenant with the said srantee, that a6 tlze malcinss of this instrument it is wclL seizecl, <br /> of the said premises as of a�ooc� and ir�defeasible estate i�fee, and hath�'ood ri�'ht to seLL and convez� the same, anc� that it will W�IRR,/.LJV'7'a�d <br /> defencl the title to said premises unto the said�'rantee,......:. ��.....................heirs and assi�'ns forever a�mainst the lawfud cictims of al.l �ersons whomsoever. � <br />, E,X'CEPTING, HOWEVEI�, al,L taxe.s ancl assessments levied upor� scaid premises sinee_�.23.=c.��y..���1.u�..�.�._.���.1.T................... � � � <br /> . . • • <br /> i �` I <br /> - -------------�----�---.... ....---.. .... , <br />'',, ��ea�e, e�-�saa��ae, �� �cra���t�a�.� ....—.–.–..........-.��......�.._:._...:---��- �---��.................•-=----��---.....----..:..—:........_:..----•�-------•--� <br /> ......... ..... ................... --....................----........... ------..._.... <br />' AND WHERE�IS�8sid UNION PACIFIQ RAILItOAD COMPANY did�On thC Si%�Cerith d$y Of ApTil,A.D. 1867,execute a d 'ver to Cyrns H.McCormick,of the C�ty of New York,a�nd John Duff, o£ <br /> te <br />' the City of Boston,a certain Mortgage Deed of tbat date,which deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of:........... .�'.::: .:.....................................County,in the St�te of Nebrnska, w�erein said <br /> Company conveyed to the syid Cyruq H.McCormick aud John Dnff,as Trustees,for the uses tiud pnrposes therein meutioned,amon�others the lands hereinbefore deacribed; Axn�'VfirR�ns,the sai,CyruaH. <br /> McCormick did an ihe twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to thnt e�'ect,resi�u his place as Trnsfee under sa�id mortgage deed,which resign�ition was,ou the fifteenth <br /> day of'October, A.D. 1873,:tccepted by the Uxiox PACtFic RAiLROAD Cohtr�NY,by its Bonrd of Direct�rs,at a meeting thereof held on th�t day in�he City of Boslon and St1te of Mas'sachusetts; <br /> A�rn R'HExrAS,on the Sfteenth day of October, A.D. ]873, Frederick L. Ames,of'�:astou,in the State of Maseachusetts,was duly nomina,ted by the reuiaining Trustee,John Duff, �.g six�ceasor to said <br /> Cyrus H.McCormick,which nomination was,on the same dfly, tipproved by tbe BORrd Of Dii'2CtOT3 Of th0 eaid U�TION PACTFIC RAILROAD COMPANY; Axn War�REas,by auch nomina#.wn•.and appioval <br /> caid Frederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance themof,thereaiter become vested with the sa�me estates,powers,rights,and interests,and charged with the same duties and responstbil�Eie;t,as if he had <br /> heen one of the original Trustees named in and egecuting,�aid Mortgane Deed; Axn �VxEttEas,said rema�ining Trnstee did,by�,conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dat�d on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.1873,:�t the City of Boston, vest t ame in eu h� stee jointly with hiui,the sa�id John Duff; Axn W$F[t�AS.the said John Duff did,on the fourteep�h;day of February, <br /> A.D. 18?7, esigu his , , ,' <br /> . . . � � . . ' ��.��d!'�:4�nf R,eo.,�-=--� --� cf..+�..a T,r., a . ....._.' ._..-cx�...eas�� <br /> ��t�on��€'s e�c��*t� '>> + ' nr3���G�7 bv hP*P ' ^��T^'�°—�_.."ff, ' rthe s�id Prederick L. Amea becnme,�es�is,the sole Trnstee� AND WHE8.EA8� the <br /> said UNioN g���i t ,�tAtLwAY CoMrANY,with iha�� se t�of t r gg�o.r,xhe time being,h r 'n _fpr�named, has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the Real Estate hereinbefore described, <br /> unto tbe said ,�f2fr and in consideration of'the. r , i `Y�an�paid by tbe said °';`�5hich s:�id sum of money bas been paid to Eaid Frederiek L.Ames,by said Company in hia <br /> capacity as Trustee,or to said John Duff aud said Freder�ck L. Ames,Trustees,or to eaid Cyrus H.McCormick and said Tohn Duff, Trustees,for the uses and pnrposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �v2u �'hrtefvt�c, Know a// /Y,en by these Presenfs, that I, the sai � e�lP��'�,.�"�,m�e-,�s, �, e��inires Trustee in the aforesaid .Mort�'a�se Deed, in <br /> considerafiori of th-e af'oresaid, premises and payment as aforesa �saacl p--aid by said Comparcy to said trust fur�d, of whieh I am the <br />' remainin�' u tee for the uses arzd pur�oses aforesaid, c�o hereby EJVIISF, R.ELF,l�SE, arzd forever QUIT-CL,.QIJIT'u to t e said.................................................. <br /> , � �... ......__.......................................the .ReaL .Estate described a oresaid, to be heLd br� ' � free and exempt from <br />, �.��..._�'..>----- -----------------�--.....---...... f <br /> all Ziens, incumbrances, and char�ses of said Jllortsc�se Deed,bub subjecb, howeveN, tn aLl t,he reservatior�s arad eoraditions hereinbefore contained. <br /> ��.`/tj �rfng�su �hgrev/�; The said �'rantor, the UNION PACIFIG RAILWAY COMPANY, hath �� ; � <br /> I IN PR�SE�CE OF � caused these presents to be sealed with its eorporate seccl, and to be sisnecl by its ' o : � <br /> ��„ President ar�d Treasurer, and countersi�'rzed br� its Lanc� Commissiorcer and its a - � � <br /> � _ � e <br /> / � �luditor,arLd th�aid Frederick L..flmes, Trustee, has hereunto set his hand this ; � <br /> �� �" . � <br /> ............�//..�.�.///.L/l..�Ci....'.:�.......!�!! . .....✓L:-�'/,L.......................... � ` <br /> ��� •-�---� ----�............./..v.�...:.---��-------�---............----�-�-------da�J of._.............���:.�-...............----•-�----�1.D. 18..8.�.✓.. : : <br />� ,� , � o �: <br />� ,� ' , W : p� <br /> C�r��a T ut�:�.�................��o..✓..--------�-----�----�---...................`��....President. � : \� <br /> � y ��\i <br /> � � � - , �. '°. <br /> .................................................................................................................._ S v�w\ ...........----��?�/...G�U.... �/�20�.._......_. Treasurer. 2 ' <br /> ................. ........__........ <br /> . �/l,er.�i/� ��� � 0` ';, <br /> -----.....----�---�...............................��----�--.................-----�--...._....................--�--. Trustee. c°, � : <br /> �– <br /> �tate o#� ,1J�a�sach��e##�, . <br />;, . SS. . � <br /> GOUNTYOF SUFFOLK. �e �t �€emembcrc�, Th�t on this.......................�z��..�:u.....�.�!y.........,........d�of:.......... . ... ..... . ..........................................A.D. 18..$.�:- <br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,appeared the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COM$,¢��, by�, its^Presidenty �nd . its Tre�snrer, who are personally <br /> known to me to be the identicil persons whose names:Lre sub�cribed to the foregoing instrument as s.ii��1 resident and Treasurer, and theu and there acknowledged the execution and sealing of said <br /> Instruxnent to be their voluntar,y act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And ov the same day,likewise, personally appeared the above named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trastee described in,and who executed the foregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me tbat he executed the same as Tr�ustee as aforesaid, a�nd for the uses and purposea therein set <br /> fortli,and that the execution thereof was bis voluntary act and deed. • <br /> �tt �itti¢SS �t��ereaf, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this...........��...:.�...................................................................................................................... <br /> � day of..........���..:................................................................................A.D. 18.�.'..�..., at the City of Boston,in said County and State. <br /> 1,�Q�C�\, n ,�o �> <br /> ...---�--��..............��-�-----...�!���r:.---�'•..._1..:���._.�....�f.�_..._.......-----....�.Notary Publie. <br /> �- <br /> . <br /> . <br />