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�� ����� �������� <br /> _.___� <br /> FROM �i <br /> � , Filed for reeord the..........�..�.................................................................................�--...................................da� of <br /> ................................ .............. .....� ..�����..�..........�,.................... <br /> .........���................................................._18..��...�3....., at.---..................1.....:..-��--- -........---..................o'eloek.....(...�.......JVl: <br /> _........................................................................................................................................... <br /> TO <br /> � - ^ ................................. ...5..---............ .-- °---.... .... .. .. .......---°•--°-°-°...----..... <br /> County Clerk. <br /> , � GG�z�,�� <br /> i <br /> ......... ....l..Y.....................................�....... <br /> .................. .................................................. <br /> ............................................................................................................................................. <br /> • Deputr�. <br /> -----_ _-= __=--- �:__ _ —:---- <br /> Fosnz 3739. N P C I F I C R A W Y CO M PA � � � �� � <br /> THE UNIO . <br /> UNION DIVISION- . <br /> ContractNo................................................... Deed No........................:............................. <br /> �naiv �ZZ ���ert �� t�te�e �"r�e�ent�: <br /> That the UN/Ory PAG/F/C RA/LWAV COMPANY, whieh is a Cor�or�ztiora forfned a�zcl existins b� the eonsolidatior� of the Kansas Paeifie Railwccy Compan;�, <br /> the Denver Pacifie Rai,lwa� arzd Tele�'f�ccph Companz�, and the Ui2LDTL Pacifie Rail,roarl Com,�any, under the corporate name and st�Le of th,e UN/ON <br /> PAG/F/C RA/LWAV GOU9PANY, vy authoritz� of arz act of CorzSsress, er�titled, "./�n act to aicL irc the construction of a railroad and teLearaph lirce from the <br /> ,Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, an�l to secure to the Goverrcment the use of the samn, for Posta,L, �{Tilitccry, and other purposes," approved Julr� <br /> 1, 186�, anrl aets amenda,torz� thereof, which said Companz� has succeeded to and become seized and possessed of aLL the reaL estate and property of <br /> the said Constituent Cvmpanies, whether reaL, personaL, or mixed, and, amon�s other thirc�s, of�zlL the Land �'rarcted to said Uniorc Paeifie Railroad <br /> i; Com�any b� the aforesaid acts of Con;ress, in aid of the constructi of'z ro��cor�z�eyed�bz�said Com anz�at he d e of such e s idati.on, <br /> � .�'.�. ... .t?..�_.��......... .... ...�...........�ilr.------..�. ...... <br /> (to-wit, Jan ar� �/f, 1880,) ir� onsideration o t.e su �of�..----�--•--I�/---..�..-- - - - •... .. . .......�'-��..� . �. ��"' ��._ <br /> � ....... <br /> �-----�-----.... �� <br /> .._..�..��---- .........�t(��'-�...����� . ....��.v..,�'....�"..�.�-.� ...-------..._. -�--��-�--.... DD�,��;�Ee-,L�-p ' ; the reeeapt of hieh is hereby aeknowled�ed, <br /> doth�ebz,y, C=R 4N�����,4I✓V, SELL,,./�ND (;O VEY', unto---- . _ 2[....�.J.�!� ..--�G.��l-�-----�!/�- ----- ...............................................�-��-----...--�-�-----..........-----�--......_..._ <br /> �,����iL.l�--...- <br /> .�-� �<-'. ..,.:.r.z:. .:.�::. .. ;, .,..v_: :.... ,.1 .:_: :...... ......... dyt'1�h1���o�c�t�-e�_..----.......... ...... ....... . ... ...... ----��---.... a�-�ae�tl»#re`o�---------------........--------•-�--...-----•----�--------.__....••••-------........ <br /> . / <br /> �� Y ` <br /> Itla� followin�' des�be�l Real Estate, situate, 7��irc�' ar�d beiris in the County of... . .. .�...........................................................and in the State of Nebraska, and d <br /> deseribec� as follows, to-wit:--. -•.. ........�..A.............��--�Y�-----•-��---.... ------...-� ----� -•-------------.........--------•.......-----•-•---•--------.......................-- <br /> � .................................. ..�lr�'.C.��../.1..���.. .�tL.�.... ...�.K..G�!Ll�K�.... . .......H ....4.... . .......G. `� L.�..r�lr.k. ......... . .. ............................................... . ...................... ... . ... <br /> .. <br /> � <br /> s � 7 <br /> ............................... . iy�� <br /> ....... <br /> ...... ... <br /> ........�.................... .......f��... ...... ......... ..."'... ......... ......'.. ��"...... .................. ...:...................................."'.............."""'........................ <br />��, .................................................................................... . � <br />�� ....................................... <br /> ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................."'.........-""-'........_.......................................'•""'.............................................................y� <br /> � <br /> ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................,............................................................................................................ � <br /> V� <br /> .................................................................................. <br /> ..................... ................!...................................................................................................... ...............:..................................................................................-"""....."'................... .... .....................................................'-'...... � <br /> "......................................� . . a� <br /> ' y�� . ._�:�._(..�.Y..�.c.�.... -...._ irc Township .h''o. .�..GVUi....(�.O- North of I�anse J1'"o.......�1�.lr.r..z�c,.--.-�/..-/--� �Yy.�+-1 <br /> of Sectaon No. - .- -- �.- � - � - .... . . � <br /> of the 6 Prinei�al .Me i iar� containirz�' accordin tn the Ur�ited States surve thereo U <br /> , �, .� � f-----�...................�------...---......�......�1l-.........---�----�-t---��---... ,� <br /> .._..:.._.,.���I �G-�:�l.----- '-.rleres re or less, bearz�' the same pre ases eontraeted to be sold to ..�..�.�!�..r,l.�.l...�-...�.�.r�. �o.---.-�.._- - ------ -•-- --.--'�--�!---._ <br /> (3b - ` �/.�<G.,�.�.--�-�--- --��-- -�'�---y.��<�-�,�t�-.l�'o:�'?��---�--9'�-�.f��%r.��,�c��t-.�.-3=�°��-- -- a'�.r�,�-�„�,�. �..,...�..�r �,r�.,�....�. .... '�l a� ....... <br /> R ZrSE VING, SO WEV l��o t7�e said UN/ON PAG/F/G RA/LWA V COMPANV, alL that portion o��a�2d herebz��eonveyed(���?1 such�here be) whzch <br /> Zies zvithirz lines drawn paralleL witlz,and_.........c.�...........................hundred feet orc each side distant �rom the center line of its road as r�ow constructed, <br /> and arcy�'reater wicZth w�ien r�eeessar� pei°;Fnunerctly to inelude c�ll its euts, embar�kments, and ditehes, ancl other works necessary to seeure and <br /> protect its maire line. ' <br /> This convez�anee is also upo� the corcditior� tlzat the saicl�'rar�tee herein,....... . .... ....................................heirs, administrators and assi�'ns shalL erect and <br /> maintain a lawfuL fence be�ween tTiat �ortior� of the premises hereb� convez�ed, adjoinin�' the road of saic� Company,(if any such the�°e be,) and the <br /> i�oad of said Comparz� u,�orz a line---�..........................hundred feet dastant from tlze eenter line of such road, a�d ,tiarallel, therewith, i�z alL cases <br /> in which such fence is required b� law, or may be required bz� saic� Company. <br /> TO H,/�V.E .,4ND TO HOLD the said(rorernises with all. the ri�hts and appurtenances thereunto belonsins unto the said�'rantee,_................._...__....._..._ <br /> heirs atzr� assi�'ns forever, and the said srantor doth hei^eby eoveJ2ant witlL tlze said �'rarctee, that a� the makins of this irestrumefzt it is well seize� � <br />'� of the said prenzises as of a�'ooi� and zr�clefeasibLe estatn in fee, and hat�z�sood Ni�'ht to selL and eonver� the same, and that it wilL W:/�I�R�NT ar�cl <br /> defend the titLe to said prernises unto the said�raTZ�ee .. . ..............................heirs atzd:ussi�'ns forever � inst he lawfuL elaims of a7,L persons whomsoever, <br /> E.X'CEPTING, ��OWEVER, al,L taxes and assessments levied upon suid premises since..,�� � - ......Gl.r�... .. <br /> ..�... ' <br /> • • zc � , ----�--�...............�----��------�--------................... ... ......----....:...----...---- ------�----��-�---�--!$.,.7.........o�=----...---...-----..�s7a;cee�er�,- I <br /> � • � y. • ....................................�--.......---....-----��-----...-------........---.......----��--�--.........-------------........-�---��----�--...----��- --------�---------��-�---------------�--............,....---�-�-�---�-�----��-----------�-��--�-�--.........................---�--_...�..----- <br /> AND WHEREA5,said Urrtox PncrFto FLAir.ROAn CoMrAxY did,on the siateenth day of Aprii, A.D. 1867,execute a el'v r to Cyrus H.MeCormick,of the City of New York,a�nd John Duff, of <br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortga�;e Deed of i,hat date,which deed is recorded in the office of the Countq Clerk of...:...... .. .�............................................Conntq,in the State of Nebraska, wherein saici <br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and Johu Duff,as 1 ru�tees,for the uses tind purposes therein ineutioned,amon�others ti�e 7ands hereinbefore described; Axn WaES�as,the said Cyrus H. <br /> II McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resigu l�is place as Trustee under said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth <br /> da.y of October, A.D. 1873,nccepted by the Uxzox PACrFic RniL$onD ContPnxY,by it9 Bonrd of Directora,at a meeting thereoY held on that day in the City of Boston aud Stflte of Massachuaetts; <br />� ANn WxEttEAS,on the fifteenth day of October, A.11. 1873, I rederick L. Ames,of'Laston,in the State of Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Juhn Duff, as successor to s$id <br /> I Cyrus H.McCormick,which nomination wAS,on the s�ume dav, a�pproved by the BOard OF DiTCCYOT9 OP Y,IlO S&id UNION PACINSC RAILROAD COMPANY; AND WHFRE:�s,by auch nomination and approval <br /> said r'rederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof,there�iter become vested with the same estates,powers,rights,and interests,and cliarged with the same duties and responsibilities,ae if he had <br /> been one of the original Trustees named in and executing,�nid Mortgage Deed; Axn`Vx�sEas,sai3 remaining Trustee did,by a conceyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of Octot�er,A.D.1873, at the City of Boston,ve�t the same in such new Trustee jointly with him,the sa�id John Duff; Axn WxESEAS,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth dag of February, <br /> IA.D. 18?7, by a proper ivstrunzent oi writing io tbat effect,resign l�is place as Trustee updar said Mortgage Deed,which resignation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,accepted by the <br />� U�ioN PACiFic RA�t.xoan ConsraxY,by the Executive Committee of its Boterd of Dir,ctora, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston,and State of N�assachusetts; Axn WasB�as, <br /> no nomination of'a successor to fill tl�e vac�lncy,c�nsed Uy tl�e resignatiov of said John Duff, having been made, the s�id Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustee; Axn Wx�x�AS,the <br /> said Uxiorr PAO�Rnii..w�Y o Y,with the sen F tlie ' ust e` fgy the time being,herein re na•me�]��s��lc�.and conveyed,as above set forth,the Real Esta,te hereinbefore described, <br /> unto the said i�dg"a`fY8 id o i eration of the�i , L�`'�aid by the said g��c`Fi'Os.i3 �of money has been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Company in his <br /> capacity ae Trustee, r to said John Duff and said Fre e��C L. Auies,Trustees,or to said Cyrus Ii.McCorm k and sa�id John Duff, Trustees,for the uses:�nd purposes in said Mortgage Deed anentioned. <br /> �ow �'hrrefp�e, Know all Men by these Presenis, that I, the saic� Frederie7c ?���einai�aGan,g,�Trustee in the aforesaid JVlort�'a�e D�ed, irz <br /> . . <<- <br />', coizsideration of the af'oresaicl, prenzises and �ar�rnen� as aforesaad of saa uPry s paa �aa � Oonzpar�z� to said trust f'und, of whieh I am the <br /> I rem ' in� Tr t for the uses and purposes aforesaid., do hereby RE.MISE, EL�SE, and forever QUIl'-CL.f1IJ1T u Q the said.................................................. <br />' Q`���,��. _ ..... . ...................................................the Real Estate described aforesaid, to be heLd bJ tl�e ' ee fr and exem t rom <br /> �-- --. . . �r,,n.....-- - • - �-----.....�-----�----�-----�- ---- ee p f' <br /> al liens, incumbrances, and char�es of said JVlortssase Deed,but subjecb, however, to alL t,he reservataons ar�d eonditions hereinbefore contained. <br /> �/ii �itn�ut� �h�reaf�; The said srantor, the UNION PAGIFIC RAILWAV COMPANY, hath �� ; � <br /> IIN PRESEVCE OF caused these nresei2ts to be sealed with its corporate seal, arccl to be si�ned bz� its ; � ; Q <br /> I ` � �President and 1�easurer, and countersi�%'ned by its Lanc� Commissiorcer and its ; � <br /> i � ,fluditor,and the said Frederiek L. ,flmes, Trustee, has hereunto set his harcd this ; �°, <br /> ...����'� ��.�� � � � . � <br /> . . . .................................x. ................ ��----..........._........-�---.......--��----��----..................da�J �f--................ ............-------...................._...........�.D. 18��?'.--� ` � <br />' ' r � , : : <br />� _................ ....Y......���...W...�............. .................................I��.� President. � : <br /> h ` �' <br /> .......:....................:....................................................................................... . <br /> � i i <br /> ........ ..........��----.............. ..........�.�.-�.���---.............. Treasurer. ti : <br /> � � � / j <br /> � O � <br /> --.....-----��---- - . ..._. Li�Z�u/�i............................... Trustee. c, : .: <br /> �7�C..... .�.... .... . <br /> �#ate of ,�a��a�c ixse##s, - � � <br /> h SS. / � <br /> COUNTV OF SUFFOLK. �e it �em�mbere�, Tn�t on this............�1........� .a. ...�....��........d�y of....�� . ............��e�suL..................A.D. 1��..ti.�. <br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,a�ppe�,red the UNiON PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, by t`'�'�kB�r�S,.it�Prestdent, and-�AM��B����� its Treasnrar, who are personaAy <br /> known to me to be the identical persons whose name�are suUscribed to tbe foregoiug instrument as sai�esident and Treasure , a�nd then and there acknowledged the execution and aealing of said <br /> Instrument to be tHeir voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And b�the same day,likewise, personally appeared the above named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to Ue the Trustee described in,aud who executed the foregoiug Instrument,and acknowledged before me tha�t he executed the same as Trustee as aforesaid, z�nd for the uses and purposes therein set <br /> fortl�,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act a�nd deed. � <br /> �Rn ��tet�ss � �uf, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this........��.................................:.................................:............................................................... <br /> day of...........G�'l..................................................................................A.D.18d..s3....,at the ty of B ton,in said Countyand State. <br /> � � G9�G�� <br /> ....;.. .�%�?�.l,o......-�-'�----�--................................'�---------......_...---------........------..Notary PubLic. <br />