T.....-'----`-- .__. . . . _ _._. .. . .. . _ .. . ._ __. :__ _ _ . _... . ... . . _ . . .. . .. . - . . �. .
<br />" � . . �. � � . . . . �S'��;. .r
<br /> J J J J V �
<br /> ���� �����D�
<br /> FROM
<br /> G�.
<br /> , � � .Filed for record the.............._............................ ./....�{....`.-..........................................................................dai� of
<br /> .........�z�.�,��.....rr°. . . �....I.'���............. .G...G.�................
<br /> a�� � ....... ............. ....1.,��-------........-..-------.._18.9..�_.., at.---................................. ....... ...........................dcloek.....a:....J�:
<br /> _...................................................................TO:.........................................:........................ �r
<br /> ..................................... ............... ............................ . . ...�-��---.......-----�---�---..........
<br /> C`ourotz� Clerk. ;
<br /> .........�,���,�..�.,.....z�-.-._��.......................................
<br /> ...........................................................................................................�-��----�--.......................
<br /> ............................................................................................................................................. � Z?eputy.
<br /> �-= G�� ---<�iyu-y=��
<br /> ��f✓��� UNION DIVISION-- .
<br /> �No..........,�...1/../....0...1....... �'e'ez�.jV`o.......................................................
<br /> �nazu �r� ��en �� ��ie�e �"r�e�ent�: ';
<br /> That the UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, which is a Cor•por�c�!io�a forrr�n,d ar�d existir�� bz� t,Tze consolidatiorc of the Kansas Pacif�c Railway Companz�, �
<br /> the Denver Pacific Railwa� and TeZe�'raph Companz�, afzcl the Ufziot2 Pacific RaiZroar.L Com,p�n,J, under the corporate name and st�Le of th,e UN/ON
<br /> PAG/f/C RA/LWAY GOMPANY, L� authoritr� of a�z act of Cona'ress, eeztitled, ".gn act to aid in the const,ruction of a railroad arcd teLe�'ra,nh line from the I
<br /> .Missouri River to tTi.e Pacific Ocean, ancl to secure ta the Goverriment tlie use of the SCL772n, for Post�;d, .Mili�ccry, and other purposes," approued Judy
<br /> 1, 186�, and acts amenda-tor� tlzereof, wJzich saia CompaT2� �tas succeeded to and become seize� and possessed of all the reaL estate �znd property of '
<br /> the said Corastituent Cvmpanies, whether rea.L, personaL, or mia;ecl, ar�d, amor��' other tlainss, of all the lar�d �'ranted to said ZTnion Pacifie Railroad
<br /> Companz� b� tyr,e aforesaid acts of Con;ress, in aicL of the construction of its road,not eonz•e�ed away by said Com;roany at the date of such eonsolidativn,
<br /> <to-wit, January �./�, Z880,) in consideration of the surrL of............ .�.. .. �.......---. -- . . .---.�u;�,,°�1. _ � �....caG..�-a�..�...r.i.�-..... .- -� - - -....:..........
<br /> . . ....
<br /> . � �. _ �.c�G��.s /��� �..
<br /> .....c�.ic:��,,,,,�;�u__.,�._�-°_.�. _. °�._. __�,... .... . . ... ... ../o�c�C--�.�...�:..r1�tc�.<.. ....(ic�u,.�.Q.... , , the reeeipt of whieh is hereby aekno led�ed,
<br /> doth herebz� G.R.gN7; B�1R�I✓V; SEL�.N�CONVEY; unto�.✓.Y.G.�.u..���....�`�-.��..,�_...... .. .�r..�-�-c�--------------�---------------.........:....................
<br /> `-P,p .. ................�----------...........-�-----.._
<br /> . Y
<br /> ........................�----��-�---...-------�-�-----�--.......---...... -...........---------�------......... _--��-� ............._..........�- .........-- -- -_....-- ----...------�---�•----------------- ------...--------.......------............_.._
<br /> --------------------��---�--• • --�-
<br /> the followin�' describec� Reab Estate, situate, dyirc�s and bein6 ir� tTie County of..................�r�..-.��................................................._and in the State of.Nebraska, and
<br /> described as folLows, to-wit:-----�------------...--��- �............................... .�----...................................--�------��----��--�---....:...................- --.......
<br /> ............................ ............�-----...............--�-------.......----------------..........--�--•-----...-�---------..............
<br /> .........................................................................................�..�...a':�...�.,..u..-.....���s�c.�.,..C�1....�...CY..w...�.-,,.,�a.,.�.�C,..:�..`�,.�-..�Q.:..�a-.S..o.�....�.�'l.?�.�sz�,.�.:..........:.................................
<br /> .............................................................................................................................................................................�.��.1...................................... ...........................
<br /> ... •-----�........................................................................................................................
<br /> ...--�.....:......................................................�!..:YC,e�..�:c��.1....s.4.:feZ���'..... . . .. .... .. ......�.�r(Mi..�.,<.�/'!�....�1-a:.��:..�/j..t`s�.................................................................................,. .
<br /> ...........................
<br /> f/
<br /> ........................................•'--...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ �
<br />� .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................."---...........---..............
<br /> of b'eetion No...--=' . . _.. . .. .�.�,u...�.�-7�.................._. in Township .11''0. .._ /��__l�a.�_......... ...Nort1L of.Ran�'e ✓1°0.....�.e�-s.,.�.�1..u.-----G.Y..Y...�?�-....._�-�---
<br /> of the 6th Prineipa��idian, eor�tazrea�ts, aecordin�' tn the Unatec� ,Jtates survez� thereof....Ur..��u_�...��...-�..-s:.u�_....lJ.�.n.�s.2ci....ca.�.o.L____6_°.!1_.a.�.-v--------------------------
<br /> .........:........................__.__../�cres, more or Zess��n�' the same premises contraeted to be sold � .. ...n'S�u..�l.�..��,.,....?�a.s:�,..:6?�.�,:�...C< _
<br /> ........................................ �-
<br /> U �i07Lt�,Ct�,��.;^?�._26G���r�,..��.A..�.t ./7/..Y..�/.j �t�._Griv�L?'?:�:s/1-�_^^c�:�..�..�.:�1�A.—.Q.!7!:G..3.•.:eotR:c...nl1.-:<�'.�u .2..�. ... � .. G.:�k:../...4`�i.3..+�sr-� •
<br /> �.R FSERVIN�;_S�EVER,to th�� UNION PAGIfIG RAILW-�Y COMPANY, alL tlzat ,�ortion of the l,an e°reb�nveyed,(if a z� such th e e) which
<br /> Zies withi�z lines drawrL paralleL with,and.:..............��.u......................hundred feet or� each side ��istant from the center line of its road czs now oonstrueted,
<br />, �z�d anz reater width wher� r�eeessary permanentL� to ineLude a3L its ezots, embar�l:Jnents, ancl ditches, arcd other tvorks necessary to secure and
<br /> 9 �
<br />� proteet its mair� Zine.
<br /> j This conveyance is also upon the condition that the said�'ra�tee herein,..............��,...................._.heirs, admir�istratoi°s and assi�sns shalL erect anc�
<br /> I maintain a lawfub fence bebween that portiorz of the premises lzerebr� convc�e�l, ad,joinia�s the road of said Company,(if anz� such the��e be,) and the
<br /> road of saicl Company u�ora a line................c:,n,�.�.......................hunclred feet distant from the eenter lif2e of sueh roac'�, an,c� parallel, �Tzerewith, in aLL eases
<br /> in which such fence is required by Zaw, or ma� be requirec� br� said Com,�an�.
<br /> TO H�1 VE ..4ND TO SOLD the said premises with aLl the rishts arad appurtena�ces thereunto belon�'ins unto the said�'rantee, _...... ...�..�..��..............
<br /> heirs afzd assi�'fas forever, and the said�'rantor doth hereby covenant with the said �'rantee, that a� the makir��' of this instrument it is weZL seized
<br /> of the said pren2ises as of a soocL ancl ind,efeasible estate i�a fee, anc� hath�'ood ri�'ht to selL and eonve9 the same, arad that it wilL W:f1RR�IN7'and
<br /> defend tlze titde to saicZ �re�nises unto the said �srantee,........-:�.%o�..............heirs anc� assi�'ns forever a�'ainst tyie lcewfuL eLaims of�I.L�erso�whomsoever,
<br /> E.X'CEPTING, HOWEVE.l�, a1,L taxes and assessments levied upon suid premises sinee.�!�u...�.�x��.�:..w.....�.�rP�-.�:..
<br /> . . •
<br /> ---------- -----�----..........----�-----.....---..�x.---.............---....stt�:s,
<br /> � , ....----��-� ..............�-�-��-�--��-----................................._.........
<br /> -
<br />, .k�ezxs,.er� c�8sa�'ias�_;�n.......................... . . .. .
<br /> ........................��-�---....._....---�---...--��--�----...-----.........._...-----------...--��----.......--------.................---....----- ....-�-------�--....._....---......... .............. . ...._. .-�-----. .....-------------
<br /> AND WHEREAS,said Uxiox PnciFto Rair,ROnn Con2raNY did,on the sixteenth d�y of April, A.D. 1867,execute and deliver to Cyrns H.MeCormick,of tbe City of New York,and John Dnff, of
<br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortgage Deed of ihat date,which deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of...........................✓..�tz..C.I.J........_.....•._..•...•.....Connty,iu the State of Nebraskm, wherein said
<br /> Company conveyed to the sa�id Cyru.a H.McCormtck and John Duff',tis Tru,tees,for the uses and purposes therein mentioued,:urnona others the lauds hereinbefore described; Axn Wa�$�ae,the said Cyrus H.
<br /> i 11ZcCormick did en the twevty-ei;;hth da�y of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of�vriting to that effect,resigu his place as Trustee under s�tid mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth
<br /> day of'October, A.D. 1873,accepted by the Urrrox PaCiFic ItniLxoav ConzPaxY,by its Board of Direct�r3,at a meeting thereof held on tl�at day in the City of Boston and State of Massachnaetta;
<br /> Axn WxE�t�AS,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'liaston,in the State of Massachusetts, was dul,y nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as successor to said
<br /> Cyrus H.MeCormick,which uomination�vas,on the same day, approved hy the L'oard of Directors of the said Uxrox Pacrric I�nir.ROAD COMPANY� AxD WxExEas,by such nomination and approval
<br /> said t'rederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof,thereatter becoine vested with the same estates,powers,rights,and interests,and charged with the same duties and resgonsibilitiea,as if he had
<br /> Ibeen one of the ori�inai Trustees na�med in�,nd executing,eaid NTortga�oe Deed; Axn`Viir+.ttcns,said remaining Trustee dia,by:u conveyance,proper and effectufll for that purpose,dated on the twentieth
<br /> day of October,A.D.1573,at the City of Boston, veat the same in such new'Crnstee joiutly with hini,the s�irl John Duff; Axn tiVaL2�AS,t1�e said John Duff did,on the fuurteenth day of Febrnary,
<br /> A.D. 1897, by:�proper instrutvent oi�vriting to tU�t effect,resi�n his place as Trustee under sa�id Mortgage Deed,which resigna,tion was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,accepted by the
<br /> Usiox Paci�sc 1Znii.xoAn Con�rnhY,by the Executi��e Committee of its Board of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on thtit day in the City of Boston,and Sta�te of 11�assachusetts; Axn Wx�s,�as,
<br /> no nomination ef'a successor to fill the cacancy.raused by tlie resiguation of said John Duff, h�ving been made, the stiid Frederick L. Amea became,and now is,the xole'Prastee; AND WHERBAB� the
<br /> e et for h tbe Real Estate hereinbefore d ribed
<br /> 'r st for the time beiv ereinbef ined has sold and conve ed as abov s t
<br /> waY ConsrnxY witli�y ,c nsei t e 7 es g, e�u , y , , �G ,
<br /> B�I d U N P A C I I ��A�,L � �
<br /> unto the s a"c C�e�, o i r a and in covsi deration o f t�i snm , to i t m �an d pai d by t he sai�g�,w T i i�s ai d su m o f m o n e y h a s b e e n p a i d t o s a i d F r e d e r i c k L. A m e s,b y s a i d C o m p a n y i n h i s
<br /> cap�city as Trnstee,or to said John Duff aud said Frederick L. Aines,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and said John Dnff, Trustees,for the uses�nd purposea in said Mortgage Deed mentioned.
<br /> ,�p1U �/tlt'efpl�e, Knaw al/ Iblen by these Presenfs, that I, the said Fo�re eri�cic�����...m�c�.�es.,�.ar,emaAinin�' Trustee ir� the aforesaid ,Mort�s��e Deed, ir�
<br /> eonsicleralion of the af'oresaid, pi°emises anc� payment c�s aforesaid 6�air�sum,7st5 paid h� said Comp%zny to sai� trust fund, of wycieh I am the
<br /> remainin� Trustee, for the uses ancl �urposes aforesaicl, do hereb�RE.MISE, RELF.,l.1SE, and forever UIT-CL�I.hI unto the said...:.............................................
<br /> •-- --..��2��,�11--,�_�...�---_--... ------------------------_----------------......--.--.---...._the Real Estc�te deseribe� aforesaid, to I�e�eLcL br�,� t.ee free arad exempt from
<br /> all Zier�s, incumbrances, an� ch r�'es of said ,Mort�a�'e Dee�l,but subject, however, to all t,he reservatior�s and conclitiores hereinbefore contained.
<br /> �rj �ifn��� �h�rrv�; The said �ra.rztor, the UNION PAGIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath � � .
<br /> causecl these preserots to be sealed wiE1z its corporate seaL, and to be si�ned bz� its � ; Q
<br /> P�•esident arod Treasurer, and cour�tersi�ned br� its Land Commissioner arcd its ; �
<br /> .fluditoN,and the saic� Frederick L../.�mes, Trustee, has hereunto set his hand this , �
<br /> ,.........G�.....�..... .�<.............. .. .................................................. --�----�----�---...-�----------_da�1 of_...------��---��.2��c� -----------�----------.l�.D. 18...P..6_ � `
<br /> -�---------- ------ ------ - -- - - .. . ...� �
<br /> 0� � �� ` W � .
<br /> �-C�[�vL r-✓�-e] _�..�..V..1l�eQ.1L�{�!�J _.. - i
<br /> --.�..---L��1...... .. ,�......_.President. � : :
<br /> .
<br /> ............. . . .. .. ..........:-c�..,........�'.u..�-.c�,...c�.�..................-�--- �-�,e_� � ' :
<br /> ............. .. . .. ....�...,........�.-�. . .. . . ...:....-•--�--. Treasurer. � '
<br /> a �
<br /> ���1.�-c�1...�°...........�.�..�.n.�. ..a� Z`rustee. c°� �
<br /> ---------------- ---•--•--- --� -.........•--.............. ; :
<br /> ��--
<br /> �#ate o� ,�agsaxh�se##�, . �
<br /> SS. �
<br /> COUNTVOF SUFFOLK. �3� it �emem6ere�, Th�t on this......................°L .....`"_:............ .. ......................day of........... . . ...�...............................................A.D. 16.�:�.
<br /> before me,a Notury Public in and for said County,appeared the UNLON PACIFIC ItAILWAY COVIPANY, by�^ ADAM�ts President, a,nd� . its Treasurer, who are personally'
<br /> known to me to be tbe identical persons whose namee are subscribed to the foreaoinb instrument as s�id F'resident and Treas rer, and then a�nd tbere acknowled�ed the execution and sealing of said
<br /> Instrument to be their voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on tha same day,likewise, personally appeared the abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to
<br /> me to be the Trustee described in,and who executed the foregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he executed the same as Trustee as aforesaid, and for the uses and pnrposes therein set
<br /> forth,and that the execution thereof was bis voluntary act and deed. t.Q,,
<br /> ��> �n �itncss '�hereaf, I have hereunto set mp hand and official seal thie............................0�,..9..�.'...................................................................................................
<br /> day of........................� / .........................................:.............A.D. 18..�...6.., at the City of Boston,in said Connty and State.
<br /> ............. o.,,,�.....�.�1..�__.�-.c�.n�nn.�,.................----.._..----�------------•--------_Notary Pubtic.
<br />