<br /> ��j�j� ��j�����
<br /> -- ,�-n
<br /> FROM
<br /> � � . � Filed for record the..................................................�:�..��...................--�--..................................daz� of
<br /> ...............��!�+�.....�.../.� . .... . ...liC./........ ... ... ...:.....�0............... �o
<br /> ..........................%%�-dti�......................_18.q.�...., at.---....................�.............................................o'elock......�...M.
<br /> .................................................................... ....................................................................... �
<br /> TO
<br /> •-°--°......................�........................................................-°°---.....°---........-----°°°--°°--....---•
<br /> N County CLerk.
<br /> � ;}
<br /> �
<br /> ........................................................:.....r,�..:..�-„��,..:�... ........................................
<br /> (� ............................................................................................................................�----....:_......
<br /> ��, �....a/.-���./N/ ........ Deputy.
<br /> ----- ______ -----. _.._ ._
<br /> Fox!�I�:
<br /> j�-�2qi UNION DIVISION- .
<br />� � No........�.1�.../..�f............. �eetl 31�e.......................................................
<br /> �n.azv �Zr ���en �� t�ie�e �"re�ent�:
<br /> That the UN/ON PAC/FIC RA/LWAY GOMPANV, which is a Corporatiora formed ar�c� existins bJ the cnnsolidation of the Kansas Pacifie Railway Compan��,
<br /> the Denver Paeifie Railwa� anc� Tele�'raph CompaT2�, aTZd the Uninrz Paeifie Railroac� Corrz,nanr�, urcder the eorporate r�ame anr.l st�le of th.e UN/ON
<br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANV, b� c�uthoritz� of an act of Cor��'�ess, e�titLed, ",llr� act to aicL ir� the consbruction of a raiLroad and tele�'raph lirce from the
<br /> .Missouri River to the Paci,fcc Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the samr, fbr Posta,L, .MiliEary, ancZ other purposes," approved July
<br /> 1, 186�, an.d aets amenda-torz� tjzereof, wlzieh saici Com�anz� has sueeeeded to aa�cl, beeome seized ancl possessed of alL the reaL estate and property of
<br /> the said Co�zstituent Companies, whether reaL, personal, or mixed, and, amorLsa other thin�ss, of alL the Land �'ranted to saicl Uniore Pacific Railroad
<br />! Compan� �iy the aforesaid acts of Con�'ress, in aid of�he construetion of its ro�izot cn�ed away b�saipc��Compan�at the date o sueh eorLSOlidati�on,
<br /> tto-wi , Januar � Z880) irc cor� 'der tion of the sum of---••-�---...--....----��-�....................�o.�.--�- -- - .lf'!!�l�P.�L'l_.�`.�..v..�:f�...�P�'.,1�..a.G.�l..� .. .:...�i�77�P.� .�.�...�.a9��Z�
<br /> � �
<br /> .__. ..j�-�- -�-�- ---- -�-Jil�.,�i�?<.i�.�i�g'i�-Qi . .._.��.a�__�..2.a�........ ....... ..... -� - �- -...._............. , the receipt of which i, hereby aelcnowled�'ed,
<br /> � � -- -- � . .
<br /> doth hereb�o2Cy�'./�Nl; B,.1RG.h(I�V, S�LL, .f1.1V'D CONVEY; urito---�.e�R�dr--� -- ......_..�.✓..�:'�Qi.....�.�.�..-.-cz�-?�w--�---�-�-------------------�---�-�---�-��-----.............----......................_............_...----........-----
<br /> ----------------�-�-----�---��----��----.............---....--��---........---��----��---............................---�--........--------�- _................- �- ........---�- -.._..............._...........�...�-j---�- -------�-------�------�---.....---�----....--��----�----...._....-�-�--�-�--....-------
<br />, the followin�' described ReaL Estate, situate, lz�in�s and beiros in the County of.................................�/.�.................._:..................._and in the State of Nebraska, and
<br />' described as foLlows, to-wit:---....--�........................�---....---- ��-----......----�----..............--��---.........---�--....-�----�---...---...----��-.......-- --....---.............-�--------.._.....- ----...._....---�-----........._..._.
<br /> ---�--�....................�--..........------._......._.................----..
<br /> ................ .. ............................................................. . ............. ............ . . ........... .. . .... . .--.......... ........P!S.../........................-------............_......_...................----..................:.......-----.......................................................
<br /> .....................................................................................................
<br /> .........�:...�....:���.......� ... ...........�..��.....:���..� ...........���. ���................. ...................................... .
<br />� ................................................. ....... ..... .................................. .................................................................... .......... _. ....................................................................._..............................................._.......................................:...........................
<br /> ....................................................................................................... ....... .... .............................�...... ................ ........... ........ ..................--.. --......................................................................................................._................................. ..... .
<br /> ................ ... ... ..... ... . . .. _.... _.. .. ... .. _.. .. . . _.. . .. . ....... ....... .... ... .... .... y
<br />, ............................. ..........^. �.... .... .
<br /> _ ...................... ........................................................... .........D. ................................................................................................................ ..... ......:..................................................._.
<br /> of b'eetiora No. .....C�l..u/....... ......��-�.-..�.2.5� ...._.._--� ... in Townshi,p Jlro. .......P.�.r.+/P�f?��._(../2�. - ... ........_Nortlz f R e J1''o.....�z. . .fn'!�..�/..1.�.:-.��/�........---
<br /> o the 6th Princi�al .M ridian, containina, accordir�� tn. the United States survey thereof_................................ .� . ...........��o./...:..
<br /> f �. .
<br /> _..__..................... ..........�� --� ---� ----- ---� -------.�lcres, morg or Zess, beiJZ the same ,ror mises co tract,ed to be sold fie .. . �. �i1-� � .-- � �-�-----��--���
<br /> b Contraet,No.- �----. ..�.�..2.�' <f,3 z(o e�ce�i�.t.�2.d:��.f��tx�.�e.� ... . .. .._. . ..�i�,l.6.dPa�..,:' .�U��y��� ........ .. ..... ,n.a�c.d-c.arr� ---A�-------�
<br />� z� � -� -�'�(...----�--3......... .. ... .. . �- � ----.�........... tY��
<br /> i �'�" 1 R to the said UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMP��aLL th t portaon of the Land herPby onveyed,(af anz/ such there be) whach
<br /> ����`�'�`G�"��`� ,
<br /> lies withi�z lines drawn paralleL with,and....................�_................hundred feet ora each side distant from the center Li�ze of its road �s now corestrueted,
<br /> ar�d any�'reater width wher� riecessar� permar�c�fl� to include a?L it,s cuts, emUaia7crnents, and ditches, anc� ot,her works rcecessary to secure and
<br /> protect its main line. D��
<br /> This conve�ance is also upon the coreditio� that the said�rantee hereir�,..................:72�.........._........._....heirs, administrators and assi�'ns shalL erect and
<br /> maintaire a lawfuL fence be�ween that portiorz of the premises herebz� convez�ecl, ad.joinina the road of said Company, (if any sueh the�e be,) and the
<br /> road of said Com,roanz� upon a line........................lL�.�.n..<�i............hun�red feet distant from the center line of sueh road, an,c� paralleT, therewith, irz aLL cases
<br /> in which such fence is required by Zaw, or ma� be required bz� said Company. Q ,
<br /> TD H.l�VE .,4ND TO HOLD the said ,nremises with all. the rights arzd appurtenances thereunto beLonsin� unto the said�'rantee, .........._Yl�t�....
<br /> heirs and assi�'ns forever, and the saicl�'rantor doth hereby eovenar�t with the saic� �srantee, that at the makins of this instrument it is welL seized,
<br />', of'the said premise.s as of a�'ooa and indefeasibLe estate irc fe , and hath�'ood riaht to selL and convez� the same, anc� that it will W:f1RR�JV'T arid
<br />, defend the title to saic� prernises ureto the said�'rantce,....................... .......:.......heirs and assi�'ns forev a�'ainst the lawfuL c ai�y s of u7,L ,ersoras w orn oever, '
<br /> E�Y'CEPTING, HOWEVER, a7,L taxes arcd assessmerzts Zeviecl upon suid p�°emises sinee��'c.�.�e�c�i���.A�:..✓.�.....
<br /> . s���,
<br /> • ------------------
<br /> • ..................�------�----��------��---------.........................---...-----�---.___....-�------�----��--------�---------�--��----..._e�.- --�-
<br />' ' �---�-��..................................................�-��----...----........---�-�-��-�--------........-----�---------.....-�--�---�---------�--............._.........._.................---..................----.................................................-----...............--�-------------
<br /> IAND WHEREA5,said Uxiox PaciFio Itnrr.ROAn Co:titrAxy did,on the siateenth da�y of April, A.D. 18�7,execute and delive o C,p�ue H.McCormick,of the City of New York,and John Daff, of
<br />, tbe City of Boston,a certain Mortga�e Deed of that date,which deed is recorded in the office of the Countq Clerk of...........................�.�G..[.�..........................County,in the State of Nebraska, wherein aaid
<br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyruq H.McCormick a�nd John�ntt;as rru9tees,for the uses tind purposes therein mentioued,among obhers the lands hereinbefore described; AxD�HER�ns,the said Cyrus H.
<br /> McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873, by a proper instrument of writing to thnt effect,resign l�is place as Trnetee under said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth
<br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,nccepted by the Uxiox PACIFiC ]ZAir.xoAV CO:YIPANY,by its Board of Direct�rs,�t a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and St�e of Massaehnsetts;
<br /> ANn WFiExEAS,on tl�e fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'�aston,in the State of Massachusetts, was dul,y nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Da �as successor to said
<br /> Cyrus H.McCormick,which uomin�tion was,on the same day, :LpprOVCd by tkle BO1rd Of DiiOCtOi9 Of th0 eald UNION PACIFIC I�AILEOAD COMPANY� Axn WaFRE�s,by sueh n�ination and appmval
<br /> said r'rederick L.Ames did,upon l�is�cceptance thereof,tl�ereatter become vested with the same eatates,powers,rights,and interests,and charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if he bad
<br /> been one of the original Trustees named in and egecuting,�aid Mortgane Deed; ANn WHES�AS,said remaining Trustee did,Uy�conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth
<br />� day of October,A.D.1873,at tl�e City of Boston, vesC the same in sach ne�v'rrustee jointly with him,the siid John Duff; Axn�'ParsEas,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February,
<br /> A.D. 18?7, Uy a�proper instrument oi writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortnage Deed,which resignation was,on the fourteenth day of Februarp,A.D. 1877,accepted by tha
<br /> Usrorr PaciFic Ra�r.soav ContrnxY,by the F.xecuti�e Committee of its Board of Dir.etors, a,t a meeting thereof held on thatday in tha City of Boston,and State of 14�aesachusetts; Axn Wa�$�ns,
<br /> no nomination of'a successor to fill the cncancy,caused by the resignation of said John Duff, having been made, the atiid �rederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trnstee; AxD Wa�REAS, the
<br /> II sa�id Ux�ox AcYNic� ir.wAY CoMraxy,witli the con�sent f t e"r�s�}�e��for the time being,t�ereinb o e n�med, has sold and conveyed,as above set forth, the Real Estate hereinbefore described,
<br /> I unto the said �i nd in consideration of'the sum�esau'��t in�`i�ind ptiid by the sa�id ��ic'(i said sum of money has been paid to eaid Frederick L. Ame�,by s�id Company in his
<br /> capacity as Trustee, or to said John Duff and said Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.MeCormick and sa�id John Duff, Trustees,for tbe uses�nd purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned.
<br />� �p1u �/trt'Cfpl(e, Know al/ Men by these Presenis, that I, the said Frerlericic,�.�b�`�2n°�ss Trustee ir� thn afo�•esaid JVfort�'a�'e Deecl, in
<br /> coTZSideration of the af'of•esaid, premises and payment as aforesaid of scoid�sum^.so paa y saa Company to said trust fund, of whieTz I am tJze
<br /> remainan. Tr stec, or t e ses and purposes aforesaid, do hereby RE.MISF,, RELE./�SE, ancl foreve� QUIT-CL�lI,M ,j2to the said..._..........._..................:.............
<br /> . � ..-�-�..�`. � �,�.�,ql,�-----------------------------------------------------------------the ReaL Estate clescribed aforesaid, to be held bz�tTa.e-aar���� free arcd e.xempt from
<br /> aZL Ziens, incumbWances, and char�'es of saic� JVlort�sa�'e Deed,bu5 subjeet, however, to aLL t,he reservatior�s cznd conditions hereinbefore contained.
<br /> �/t( �rfngt�� �hgrea/�, The said �'rantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY GOMPANY, hath ;.� �
<br /> I IN PRESE�Tc� oF caused these resents to be seaLecl with its cor orate seal, and to be si ned b its :' o
<br /> l� A � �J
<br />� � : �
<br /> President and Treasurer, and countersi�'ned by its Land Commissioner arcd its ; �
<br /> .11uditor,and the sai I+'rederick L.�1mes, Trustee, has hereunto set his hand this ' �
<br /> .
<br /> �j�j /� . •
<br /> /...�l��l./.........v.(..:.......�����.-................. ..:......�.e..r./. .. . ----. ......-----��-----..............da o .._......------.... . .1�........................---...../1.D. 18.�'.Lz.� r�
<br />�
<br /> ................ ��.- � f ��G�� � �
<br /> - G�/11 � Q _..............................�:....Li?�����t...-----��-�----�--..........°1��:�..President. � . ' �
<br />� �i���Z�k�.......!�.Y.....:.....�i9�w•".'..'v.......... lf/O � / y . .
<br /> / �p � ,
<br /> .......................... . � �� �✓�`.......... .......�c---+�,�d!�'�i.:?:q'i......._. Treasurer. 2 :
<br /> � ��C��'
<br /> ..�i..�...�.......�....���........: .. Trustee. � � ��1.
<br /> �#ate of ,iJ�assach�set#s, �
<br /> SS.
<br /> COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. �3e �t �r.memder�e�, That on tb;s............................ ..:.. ........ . ..:....................:..day of..... .. . .. Y ...............................A.D. ��6..'e1."
<br /> .�.. ..� .. . .. .....
<br /> before me a Notar Public in and for said Count a� eared the UvION PACIFIC RAILWAY C01'I�� by . its res�Ci ent, tind . tt.....reasurer who are ersonall
<br /> , 9 Y• pp �► � P Y
<br /> known to me to be the identical persons whose namee are subscribed to the foregoing instrument ns s.Li ,� resident and Treasurer, and then and th e aeknowledaed e execution and ae$ling of said
<br /> Instrument to be tbeir voluntar,y act�nd deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Compans. And on the same day,likewise, personally appet�red the abova nam d FREDERICK L. AMES,known to
<br /> me to be the Trustee described in,�nd who executed the foregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he egecuted the same as Trustee as aforeBaid, and for the nses and pnrpoaea therein set
<br /> forth,and that the execntion thereof was t�is voluntary act and deed. / �
<br /> �ltt �itncss �ttcrcnf I have hereunto set my h�nd and official seal this...................................�..............................
<br /> ...........................................................................
<br />' day of........................ ..��i.Y.II.,G.!/.................................................A.D. IS.�x7.l.,at the City of Boston,in said County and State.
<br /> � _ Q �p .
<br /> .�iGtit/. .................................... . ...�1?..'t�0...---.-J----.���%I!,�f-s.------�.Notary Pubtie.
<br />