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<br /> _.
<br /> t;l#
<br /> ��J�j � ��j , J , � � o V
<br /> � ��� ���� J.��J
<br /> FROM ' �
<br /> . ��✓�n.v�rv�. � ` • �G� (p� Filed for reeord the.......�.�......'................... .................................................................................................da,z� of
<br /> ....................................... ................ ................. ............ `�.�..
<br /> ...... ........�......
<br /> .��.Cn/..�........:....:.........:.:....................... .._18-�� _., at.---.....��........................._.... �---�-�-�-------�--..........o'eZock....�....:.11�:
<br /> .....TO....
<br /> � � � ••.........................................�......._......................... ... .........--- - -
<br /> °---°.......................°----....
<br /> ........... ..��L.'1�.....�...............l�.�r��,�v�n� U'^-.......................... County CLerk.
<br /> .................................................��---......................................................-...Deputy..........
<br /> Contraet No.e.�.�..�.....�','...�..... Deed No....�...�...r�-�::..�....�..............
<br /> �n.aaa� �Zl ���ea� �� trie�� �"re�ent�:
<br /> That the UN/ON PAC/F/� RA/LWAY COMPAMY, whiclL is a Corj>or•a�iota fornzed arzd existins b9 th-e eor�soLidation of the Kansas Pacifie Railwa� Companz�,
<br /> the DenUer Pacifae Railwa� aszd TeZe�'raph Companz�, aazd thc Ul2LOT2 Pacific Rail3°oad Comp�n�, urcder the corporate r�ame and st�le of th,e UN/ON
<br /> PAG/F/C RA/LWAY GOMPANY, bz� c�uthoritz� of atz act of Con,sress, erztitled, ".f1n act to aid ir� the cor�structior� of a railroad and tele�'raph line from the
<br /> .Missouri River to th-e Pacific Ocean, and to secure to the Govertz.ment the use of the sam� for Postal, ✓l2ilit�rr�, and other purposes," approved July
<br /> 1, 186�, and aets amenda,torz� tjzereof, which said Company has succeeded to ancl Lecome seized and possessed of aLL the reaL estate and property of
<br /> the said Constituent Cvmpanies, whether rea.l, �eNSOnal, or mi.xed,, and, amorzs other tFzin�'s, of alL the larcd �'ranted to said Unioro Pacifie RailroacL
<br /> Com,roanz� b� the aforesaid acts of Con;ress, in aid of the constructior�of its road, not cona�e�ed away bz�said Company at the date of such consolidati.ori,
<br /> <to-wit, Jarcuary /,�, 188 ,) irc eoresideratioro of the sum of..................................................................................-.---_----.
<br /> ......................�------...-�---------............----��-----�---.......----- ----.................-------.....--��--�---�--.....-�-�--�-
<br /> �-------�-------�-----------------------�-�.►!�!'D.. . �.fiLY.4(�.�-- •-�-�--�J.-�---........---...- --.......... ............ ...---...... ..- --��---. D llars, to it,roaid, the receipt of whieh is herebz� aeknowled�sed,
<br /> doth herebz� GR�1NI; B✓�RG./1I✓Y; SELL, ./�.N'D CONV.EY', unto-... .- � -. ..... ........� -....�L�A•�v�...--�--.......__.....--�---�---......---------------�� --- /
<br /> ...--•---�-�.......... ...............•---�---��--��---......._........-•--��--•-....................................---�--�----........of the Countz�of----�-- ...._.... .. - ._...- � - --.._._.....--- in the State of---���-�1cn.:._...----�.-----._...--•----------
<br /> --- �
<br /> the olLowin described Real Estate, situate l� in and beins in the Count o ............��......................................................and in the State o Nebraska, arad
<br /> f �' , �1 � �J f.... ........... f
<br /> described as folLows, to-wit:---�- --... . . .... ... .. ... . ------. ..-----------------........--------------...----�----..............
<br /> ..........................�...�......��..... ...�........ ���. .� .�.�.�. .......... .�. .- .....--..---�.------ .--- ...---- �--�-.-..�.�----.
<br /> : ................................................. � .� �............ ��......... .......��,�-.(�1......... .A..........�........................................................................
<br /> _................................................................................................................................................�...................................
<br /> . ....................................................................... .......................................-.---.......................................................................................
<br /> .................................................................................................................................................................... ..............................................................................................................................................................��----............................................................
<br /> ........................................................................................................................................................................... .................................... .........................................................................................:.........................................................................................
<br /> .......................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ............................................................................................................................... ... .. ............................. ................. .. ............. .. ......................... .. ........................................................................................................................................
<br /> ..................................... . ..:........................�.................... ...`.........................................................................__. _..................................................---.............................._...........................................�.... ............ . ... ..
<br /> • �� r � .....
<br /> o Sectaorc No. ... �........ .-.... . � .................. in Township J10. . . orth o .Ran e Ji°o.... ..l.N... 1
<br /> . ...... .--
<br /> .
<br /> ............. ...
<br /> f -- -------�---..... .�..)... ..����� - ....................._� f � .....- �- ��--- - -�---
<br /> of the 6th PrirLCi�al .M id n, cor�tair�ir��', aceordin�s tn, the Unitecl b ates survez� thereof......................:� . (��J �} �������
<br /> ... ....-•-•-•---...--•-•-•-----------•-•-•-•----•.........................
<br /> .........................�-�-----�--=----��-----------------------------------_.fleres, more or less, b+�a�z�s.th�3'�rrae p3��e� ce��ka�t�c�to`����......... ----...------...---------......----...--��--�--�--........-�-�----��-----.....--------..........-----�--......-�-�---
<br /> D� Co'►���e.-----�---�---�-�--��----��-----�--�---- ---------------��----........... .. �..-�- --...---.... .....................--�-----��-----�-----�------�-----��------��-----...-� --------... -.......--��----...----- ---....----.....---------......-�--��----................--��-------......:
<br /> ---��----
<br /> R FSERVING, HOWEVER, to the said UN/0 PAC/F/G RA/LWAY COMPANV, alL that portion of the Land herPby conveyed,(if anz� such there be) which
<br /> Zies zvithin lines drawn pa�•alleL wit�z,and.............�.........................hundred feet orc each side distant from the center li�ze of its road as now construetec�,
<br /> artd an��'reater width when nec�ssary permanentLJ to ifzeLude a?L it,s euts, embaJZlcrnents, ancl ditehes, and other worlcs neeessar� to seeure and
<br /> proteet its mairc line. �
<br /> This conveyance is also upon the corodition that the said�'rantee herein,.........�.................................heirs, administrators and assis�res sh�Ll ereet and
<br /> maintai� c� lawful fenee between that �ortiorL of the premises hei°ebJ eor�vez�ed, ad,jaifzing the road of saic� Company,(if ariy sueh there be,) arcd the
<br /> road of said Com,-nanz,� upon a line..................�Y�!�11.�....................hz�radred feet distarct from the eenter I,ine of sueh road, an,c� paralLel, therewith, irc alL ec�ses
<br /> in which sueh fe�cce is required b� law, or may be requirec� b� saicl Compan�.
<br /> TO H�VE .,4JV'D TO HOLD the said ,�remises with al.l, the 7°i6hts arcd appurtercances thereunto beLon�in�' unto the said�'rantee, ...._.......�.__..........
<br /> heii°s ancl assisns fof•ever, and the said�rccntor doth herebr� eoveTZarzt with tJie saicL �'rantee, that ab the makirc� nf this irestrument it is welL seized
<br /> of the said premises as nf a�'ooc� anc� irc�lefeasible estate irc�ee�, ancl hath�%ood risht to selL and conve� the same, arcd that it wilL W:�RR�N_'L'ancl
<br /> def'end the title to said ,�reniises urzto the said�ran.tee,........._.�1.1..............heirs ancl assi�'ns forever a�'aina•t the L wfu�Zaims of al,L persons whomsoeve��,
<br /> E.X'CEPTING, HO tiV.EVEI�, al,l taxes and assessmer�ts Ievied uporo suid pi°emises since..........:.........y.Cl��..7.._.........../..��7.:��...... '
<br /> . . . .
<br /> , � ................--- ��-----...--�---�--.................:...............-�--�- ----.......----.........---��----��--------�-----..,..a.r_.----� ....---......-aaeceessc��
<br /> � , � �----��............................................................�------��----......................---��-�---�--....-----..................._...._..---............-�----•--•---��---��---------.....----•----....-------...--------••---�....-----................---�--------.....----------.._... ,
<br /> AND WHEREAS,said Uxiorr Pacirro Rair.ROaD Co:KPaNY did,on the sixteenth day of April, A.D. 186'7,execute�d��ldiQver to Cyrns H.MeCormick,of the City of New York,and John Duff, of ';
<br /> the City of Boaton,a certaiu Mortga�e Deed of that date,which deed is recorded in the office of the Couniy Clerk of.......a/l��.v��l>............................................Couoty,in the State of Nebrsaska, wherein eaid
<br />' Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and John Du�',a�s Trustees,for tUe nses tind parposes therein mentioned,atimong others tUe lands hereinbefore described; A1QD WHEE6A8�th6 8&id C91'U3 H.
<br /> McCormick did on the twenty-eiahtl�day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign liia piace as Truetee under s�id mortg��ge deed,which resign�tion was,on the fifteenth
<br /> day of Oetober, A.D. 1873,accepted by tlie UxioN PaciFic I3Air.ttonv Conzrn�vY,by ite Bonrd of Directors,:�t a meeting thereof held on tha�t day in the City of Boston ancl State of Massachnsetts; j
<br /> Axn WaEtt�AS,on the fifteentb day of OctoUer, A.D. ]873, Frederick L. Ames,of'l:astou,in the State of'Massa�chusetts, was duly nomin�ted by the remaining Trnstee,John Du�', t�s aucceesor to said
<br /> Cy rus H.MeCormick,which nomination was,on tUe same day, appYOVOd hy thC BO�T'd OF DLTOCtOTB Of tll0 Sa1C1 jJNION PACI[�'IC li.AILROAD C."OMPANY� AND wFIERE:�a�by such nominatiou AriCl approval
<br /> said Trederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof,therealter become vested witt� tl�e same estates,powers, rights,aud iuterests,and charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if he had
<br />' been one of the original Tru9tees named in a�nd egecuting,eaid Mortga�e Deed; Axn WxEx�as,said rem�ining Trustee did,Uy a conveyance,proper and effectnal for that purpose,dated on the twentieth '
<br /> day of October,A.D.1873,at tiie City of Boston, vest the same in snch new Trustee jointly with him,the s�tiid John vuff; Axv Wxt��tEns,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February, ,'
<br /> A.D. 1897, I�y�proper instrument oP ariting to that effect,resign his plrtce as Trustee under said DZortnage Deed,which resignation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,accepted by the
<br /> U:viox PaciFic Hn�rxonn Con7F>nNY,by the�xecutive Committee of its Board of Dir ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston,an&State of H�assachusetts; Axn WxsR�ns, i
<br /> no nomination of'a successor to fill tlie vacancy,cnused by tlie resignatiov of said John Duff, htiving been inade, the fitiid Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trnstee; Axn Wa�EEAS, the
<br /> said Urrzorr PaciNtC Itnir.WAY COMYANY,Witl1 the consent oF tlie Trustees for the time bein;,hereinbetore na.med, lias sold and conveyed,as above set fortb, the Real Estate hereiubefore deseribed,
<br /> uvto the said grnntee,for and in consideration of'tl�e siun aforesaid,to it in hand paid by the eaid �rantee,�vhich s:eid sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L, Ames,by said Comp�up in hie j
<br /> capacity ae Trnstee,or to said Jobn Duff and said Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for the uses:�nd purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. i
<br /> ,�QUr �'ltrrefaa�c, Know a1/ �'t'en by these Presenis, that I, the said Fre�lericic L. J1mes, remainins Trustee in tlzr, aforesaid JVI'ort�'a�'e Deed, in '
<br /> coiasiderafiorz of the af'oresaid, premises a�d payment as aforesaid of sair� sum, .so paid b� said Compar�y to said trust furcc'�, of wlzieh I am the �
<br /> r ain' Tr st4�, for�h.e uses and �rourposes aforesaid, do hereb� RE.MtSE, RELI'�1SE, ar�d forevcr UIT-CL./lI✓1'1 ur�to the said................................................_
<br /> ...�.�.�n�._��.�..�.�..^..:.�.....J...��'�`.:.`.��n'`..-�................................._........._......_...__._...._..the ReaL E'state cleseribed aforesaid, to be�eLd by the sairL�'rantee free ancl e.xempt from I
<br /> aZl Zier�s, incumbrances, an� char�'es of saicL .MortSa�'e Deed,but subjec�, howeuer, tn aLl t,I2e reservatiores arod eonditions hereinbefore ntained� ;�
<br /> �/r� �ifng�� �h�renf; T�ze said _srantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAJLWAY COMPANY, hath j� ; w i
<br /> IN PRESENCP OF : �
<br /> caused these res�t�to be sealed with its corporate seaL, and to be si�sned by its :� : Q ;
<br /> Pr�esident an�j� 'reasurer, anc� eountersi�'nec� b� its Lanc'� Commissior�er and its : a j
<br /> I� � udito�°,and�h said Frederick L. �lmes, 2�ustee, s hereunto set his hand this ; � ; �
<br /> at/1/J � _ � :
<br /> ...............�.............,............ ................�!�?".`!.`�........................... f
<br /> , �{ . .
<br /> :
<br /> � �!!�? ...-�--��---.....�„�:N�.........................�-----. ......daz� of_.....�.°Y.Y..�................... � • ` 1
<br /> -�'�",l'"\ ...---....-----....�.D. 18..�F...-�--- : °
<br /> ? � :
<br /> �- �, � . : , ;
<br /> � ...............�---.....�...... .-�--------�---...............-----��-----................................. President. �
<br /> ........:..... .....:��-.�.... ..L.... .�.����. ............... c��� _ �,.,,� / , ..... W �: �
<br /> �a.w� � .. ..�/.1�Y.v�.:�...1."�... .. .............................W�!d�Il�Gw�fi. Treasurer. � :
<br /> `��''�SC�' � � �
<br /> --.. . ..e�..��....C�-�-....�1��......................�---�----................ Trustee. c°, � U�-�
<br /> �#ate of ,�as�acl���e##�,
<br /> SS.
<br /> CaUN7Y OF SUffOLK. �Q it �ememHere�, Tn�t on tn;s...��..v..�..�.`..'.�..... .. � day of.......1N`, ....... ..............`.... . A.D. i8..p..�.
<br /> C.�.................:.......................... �..................
<br /> before me,a Notary Pubiic in and for said County,appeared the UNIOV PACIFIC ILAILW�Y COYIP�NY, by S, �ts President, a�nd JAMES G.�RlS,�asurer, who are personally
<br /> kno��n to me to be tUe identieal persons who�e na,mee are sub�cribed to the foregoina instrument as s�id President r si er, a�nd then and there aekno dged tl� execution and sealing of said
<br /> Instrument to be their voluntarp act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same da ,likewise, personally appea�red the abovz named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to
<br /> me to ba the Trustee described in,and who executed the foregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he executed the same ns Trnstee as a resaid, und for the nses and pnrposes therein set
<br /> fortb,and that the eention thereof was his voluntary act and deed.
<br /> �u �it�css �h�renf, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this.......��(.14F.3M�'�
<br /> ..... .............................................................................................................
<br /> � day of....� . . ..... ... ............................................................A.D. 18.�.9...., at the City of Boeton, n said Connty and State. �,yY
<br /> � � G�M�� � � p� � � ,�
<br /> •�----��--��-----�--(Y•- • ----.._...._._.._.....�••......_ ../.u1t��...5!�......-----•..............._.Notar� Pw�ZiZ�r�, ,-,
<br /> :�; - . ,.
<br /> � � � �
<br /> u �
<br /> r
<br /> ��.�.:�%.: ,
<br />