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<br /> (�$$ � �
<br /> ✓ J J � � J J � � �
<br /> ���� �����D�
<br /> FROM
<br /> . �,l� � /j� ,�� Filed for reeord the.............................................................�....r�..................,........................................daz� of
<br /> ��?��.!�:.....C../.�.G��G.c�.......C../..G.: .......(Q.Q::....................... Q
<br /> ............. . .... � �
<br /> � .._..�.....�.r.:�.a� ...............:...................18..��...�...., at.................... ............... ..---... .........................o'cloek........�..�......M:
<br /> ....................................................................TO................................................................... �
<br /> .......----�.................. ..........�........................ ...... . ... .........---...............----...---..
<br /> �� �3� County Clerk.
<br /> ......................... ........��?�l%%�......L. . .:�.�...........................................
<br /> ....................................................................................................................:........................
<br /> ..................................................................
<br /> ...........................
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> Cor�tract No.....�.�..0....�f..�......
<br /> Deed .N'o..�c�..-�'�.....1�.............
<br /> �nazv ��Z ���ert �� t�te�e �"r�e�ent�:
<br /> That the UN/ON PACiF/G RA/LWAY COMPANY, whiclz is a Corporatiorz formed alzd existin�' bz� the eonsolidation of the Kar�sc�s Paciftc Railway, Companz�,
<br /> the Denver Pacific .I�ailwa� and Telessraph Companr�, and the U)2L032 Pacific Railroad Com,var��, under the corporate rzame and st�le of th.e UN/ON
<br /> PAG/F/C RA/LWAV GOMPANY, b� authoritz� of an act of Con�'ress, erititded, "�n act to aid in the const,ruction of a railroad and tele�'raph line from the
<br /> .Missouri I�iver to the Pacific Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the sarnn, for PostaL, �112ilibccry, and other purposes," approved July
<br /> 1, 186�, ancl acts amencla-torz� thereof, which said Company has suceeeded to and beeorr2e seized a�cd possessed of all the reaL estate and pro,rerty of
<br /> the said Constituent Compaszies, whether reaL, personal, or mixec�, and, amon�' other thirc�s, of aLl the Land �'rarcted to said Uniorc Pacifce .Railroad
<br /> Company bz� the aforesaid acts of Con�'ress, in aid of the construction of zts/road, no��i•er�ed away by said Com,pan�at the date of sueh eonsolidati.on,
<br /> (to-wit, Jarcuaiy �,ly, Z880,) irz consideratiora o the surrz o ---------------------------------------L�.7.�.- --- ---�f.l.Y:,��.��......!G�/,f2�-.--,��G�i%G��---���-...--_--....� ..
<br /> f f - - �- �---���.......--�-----...._
<br /> �--��-----��--�-�--�--...---�................ .... .-... --.- �/�
<br /> .... ..................................................................................... .. ............... DoLLar , to it pai , the reeeapt whach as hereby aeTcnowled�'ecl,
<br /> dothhereby GR„4N7; B.FIRG.RI✓V°, SELL, �1N.D CO.N'VEY', unta.----... .... ........ ....... .........../�----�--�p.----... ...--..�---- -�----............_ ..._.....-----�---...........---..�.......p.. ..---.......-�------.......----�--................:..
<br /> ....-----••.........................�-•----...--�--....--��-----•�---- ....---.......---.._........................--•----•--------•�---._of the Count�of-•----��----� -.........�9.`._G�._.�E�/�.... ---..in the State of--........----..a�G�"��t....,.-•----•-•-•-------•-•-----
<br /> the followiny described Real Estate, situate, lz�in� anc� bein�' ir� the County of._............:..................,.:1...��..:....:...........................__and ir�the State of Nebraska, and
<br /> deseribedas follows, to-wit:-�- -�----��...............--.. ....----��----...-----...--- -.....--..............--�--........- -��---- -...----...---.......... ...... -._..---............-----�--�-��----�---. ........---��------------...........--------..........-----.......--------...-------..._................-�---....._
<br /> .....................................................................�`'..��..._...,'�.�...�..�......�-�r�....��.�.�a�.....�!�.�......y..L.�-�.......�.c.a�....�`��....�.. ...,'L..�..�`..<�G...r1.'.;�........................:...........................
<br /> ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ..............................................................:...............:.......................................................................................................
<br /> ......................................
<br /> ;
<br /> ............................................ ............................................................................... �
<br /> .................................................................................... ..............................................................................�-�--��----�--................................................�.................
<br /> ........................---............... ......._....._.._..._....�..................................................................... �.
<br /> of Section No............. --� ._���.....--..-�_�5� ..._ �-- - -_.... in TownsTai� ..'�o. ......._�o�tp✓xv_.._���..................No�z f.Rari�e JI''o..- �� -..,.7-Qirc--�1.�,�...��.P.........-----......._._
<br />� of the 6th Princi>>�zb JVleridian, containins, accordirz t� the United States survez thereo .��� ,3-.- ----�t.?�----g`l:�__........--•................
<br /> I �' � f......--�-��-------��----��..............�--�- -� ------._........(.. 9,� ,� ',
<br /> --------�-------�--------------�..............- ---------------------....�lcres, �r�r,r.g-rx�_Zess,-
<br /> ' ................ .................�-�---��---..........---.......--�----�--...........-----�--....................------...._
<br /> ga • � ......... .. .._... ---�--�----�--� --�--� �--� ... ortio t e l T2 •, v " n� c there be which
<br /> •.............. ........--�-��-�-----��---- �---� -
<br /> ... . ....--- � - P f �J �J f .
<br /> �------------�-----�---�-�-----�-�---�----....-�� - �--- -� .......................... .....�--��----�----....--�--�----��---........................---�-�----��-----......
<br />' R Z+SERVING, HOWEVER, to the said UN/ON PAG/F/G RA/LW.AY COMPANV, alL that n o h a cL 1ze��b eon e ed(a a � su h )
<br /> Ilies within lines drawn paralLeL avith,afzd..............(��::-.------.-----------hundred feet o.r� each sade d.astant from the eenter lane of ats road ccs now constructed, �i
<br /> and ar���'reater widtla w�zer� nzcessary pern2anently to inelude adL its cuts, embankmer�ts, ar�d clitches, anc� other works neeessary to secure and
<br /> protect its main Zine. '
<br /> This conve ance is also upon the condition that the said�rantee herein,...................._�.......................heirs, administrwtors and assi�'ns shall erect and I�
<br /> �
<br /> mairctain a lawful fenee betweefz that portion of the premises hereby eonveyed, ad'joinir��' the roac� of said Compan�, (if any such the�e be,) and the
<br /> road of said Companz� u,�on a line_..................�l�..rt��-..---.....�--..hundred feet distant frorn the ce�iter line of such roacl, an,d parallel, therewith, in alL cases
<br /> ir� which such fence is required b� law, or maJ be reqzcired br� saic� Compan�. p ,
<br /> TO 5.�2 VE .,4ND TO HOLD the saic� premises with aLl. the ri�'hts and appurter�ances thereunto beLar�Birc�s'unto the said�S'rarotee,......:.T..��..................
<br /> heirs and assi�'ns forever, ancL the said�'rantor doth hereby eovenant witlz the said �'rantee, that ab the makin� of this ir�strument it is welL seizecl,
<br /> of the sczid premises as of a soocL and indefeasible estate in f : tcnd hath�ood riSsht to sell and eonvey the same, and that it wiLl W�II�R�N1'ancl
<br /> defend the title to said prenzises uroto the said�'i�antee,...............�.--.-...--..---yLeirs ancl assi�'ns forever a�ainst the lawfr�jL elaims of a7,L persons whomsoever,
<br /> E�X'CEPTING, HOWEVEI�, a7,L taxes and assessments Ievied uporz sccid premises since....................:.��...2.�...:�..���.�:......._... � '
<br /> ' e�.. s�eeeeee�s-
<br /> ' ��.... ........................�---�--�------------._.......... ..............----.... ,
<br /> , ,
<br /> ..........................��-----�--------��-----��----.......................
<br /> • • ......................................................-��-�---�-�----.............-------�----��-----�-----��-----------�------�--�------.......--------.....------�--�--��----.....-�----------�---------.........------�------�-----��---.._...........--�--.........--�-----�--�--...._...._�----------..
<br /> .4ND WHEREAS�8ald UNION PACIFI6 I�AILROAD COMPANY CTld�on the sigteenth day of ApriI, A.D. 1867,execute and deliver o us H.MeCormzek,of the City of New York,a�nd John Duff,of
<br /> the City of Boston,a certain 1VIortga�e Deed of that date,whicb deed is recorded xn the office of the County Clerk of.............................:<'�`.�....���.. ..............................Conuty,in the�tate of Nebrask�, wherein said
<br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrns H.MeCormick and John Duff,as Trustees,for tiie uses�nd purposes therein inentioned,amona others the lande hereinbefore described; ANn FVAER�AS,the said Cyrns H.
<br /> McCormick did un the twenty-ei;hth day of June,A.D.187.',,by a proper instrument of writing to that et�'ect,resigu his place as Trnstee under said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth
<br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by t�e Uxfox PACtFic RAZL�tonn COMPANY,by its Board of Directrir�,at a meeting thereof held on that d1y in the City of Bosion and State of,Massaehusetts;
<br /> AND WHEILEAB�on the fifteentb da.y of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames;of�aston,in the State of Massachusetts,was duty nomin�.ted by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as sneeessor.to eaid
<br /> Cy�rus H.McCormick,which uoinination was,on the same day, approved by the Board of Directors Of the said UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY; AND WHF,RE 16,by such nomination and apprOVal
<br /> said 1 rederick L.Ames did,npon his aceeptance thereof, therealter become vested with the same estates,powers,rights, and ioterests,and charged wtth the same duties and responsibilities,as if he had
<br /> heen one of the original Trustees na�med in and egecuting,�aid Mortgage Deed; Axn WaE�tEns,said remainin;Trustee did,l�ya conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth
<br /> day of OctoUer,A.D.1873, at the City of Boston, vest the s�tne in such new'Prustee jointly with him,the sa�id John Duff; Axv Wa�[tFAS,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February,
<br /> A.D. 1877, by a�proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,which resignution was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877, accepted by the
<br /> U.�iox PnciFic KA�iaoAn ContrnNY,by the�xecutive Committee of its Board of Dir.ctors, at a meetiug thereof held on tha�t day in the City oF Boston,und State of Massachusetts; Axn Wx�REAS,
<br /> no nomination of a successor to fill the vacancy,caused by the resignation of said John Duff, ha,ving been made, the st�id Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustea; Axv Wa�7��AS,the
<br /> stiid Uxiox PnciN ir. RniLwaY Contraxy,with the consent of the Trustees for the time being,hereinbefore named, has sold and conyeyed,as above set forth,tbe Real Estate hereinbefore described,
<br /> imto tbe said grantee,ior and in consideration of'tlie sum aforesaid, to it in band paid by the said grantee,�vhich sa�id sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L, Ames,by said Comp$ny in his
<br /> capacity as Trustee,or to said John Duff and eaid Frederick L. Atnes,Trnstees,or to said Cyrus H.MeCormick and said John Duff, Trusteea,for t�he uses:�nd purposea in said Mort�age Deed mentioned.
<br /> �aW �IL�Pef01(e, Know a!l Men by these Presenis, that I, the said F�•e�ericic L. .flmes, remainins Trustee in tlze afo�•esaid .Mort�sa�e Deed, in
<br /> consideration of tlze af'or•esar'd, premises anc'� paymer�t as aforesaid of said sum, so ,�aid b� said Corro;t�any to said trust fund, of which I am the
<br /> remainiri�s Trustee, for th�j�ses and rposes aforesaic7,, do herebr� RE,MISE, RELE.FISE, and forever QUIT-CL./�I.M unto the said..................................................
<br /> u�` - - _--�--���---------------------�-�----....----.the ReaL Estate deseribec� aforesaid, to be held br�the saic��'rantee free and e.xempt from
<br /> �--�-�.....................................��----......_...... ---�--
<br /> aZl liens, incumbranees, anc� ar�ses of said .Mo�t�'as6e Deed,but subjee�, however, to aLL t,he reservations ar�d conditions hereinbefore contained.
<br /> �Itj �itng�� �hgrea�", Tyze said �'rant.or, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, 3�ath �F : �
<br /> IN PRESE�CE oF causecl these preserets to be sealed with its corporate seaL, arcd to be si�snecl by its : � �
<br /> President and Treasurer, and eountersi�snec� by its Lanc� Commissioner and its �
<br /> �luditor, nd the said .Frederick L../Imes, 1�ustee,/h///as hereunto set his hand this � �
<br /> �...��.....����.�� . ... ............ �//�/' :
<br /> � .................:�-P.1..�1.'l�.Gl��..-----..........----.............----da�J of_................/--/-//./...�7!f'�----........_...............f1.D. Z8.�'.l�.... : �
<br /> .................. . 4..... v �
<br /> � /� W .
<br /> , _.......................�....�....C�.G�i.�?�?.7'�......................-�-�---.President. � e.;: ;
<br /> ..........����.......�..���:�.:..�............... �. y � .
<br /> . QC i
<br /> � � �
<br /> ..................... .....R�.r..r,�.......�.....�G.t�t./1�1,.d..'.---.......... Treasurer. z
<br /> � , ' .
<br /> --- ----------�--�-�--�------�.�l.��...Rl.r...�--.��%..Y.Y..?�.............---....----.. Trustee. c°� � �:
<br /> �-- �
<br /> �#ate o� ,�a��a�h�se##s,
<br /> SS. n �
<br /> COUNTV Of SUFFOLK. �e it �em�m6ere�, Tn�,t on this..........�/...��............ ....�.. . ..... day of.................... .... ...................................:..................A.D. 18.s�cF
<br /> . . ........
<br /> Notar Public in and for said County,appea�red the UNdON PACIFIC RAILWAY COiVIPANY, by C. . ADJKM , its President, and JAMES G. HARRIS, its Trea�surer, who are personally
<br /> before me,a y
<br /> kno�n to we to be the identical persons whose na�mee are subscribed to the foregomg instrument as said President and Treasurer, a,nd theu and there $cknowledged the execution and sealing of said
<br /> Instrument to be their volnntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,like�vise, personally appeared the abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to
<br /> me to Ue the Trustee described in,and who executed the fore�oing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he egeeuted the same as Trustee as aforesaid, a,nd for the uses and purposes therein set
<br /> forth,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act and deed.
<br /> -���-- �n �itacss �h�rcnf, have hereunto set my hand and official seal this...........:.....�if.�.. .. .... ........... ..... ,.....
<br /> ........................
<br /> day of.............:..........� .. ............ . . ...................................A.D. 18:��.,at the Citq of Boston, said ountyand State.
<br /> ,�e�- �� c� .
<br /> �.................�--........�����Y?�......a.0./.:.....��?`:�.---------..Notary Publie.
<br />�
<br />