� .
<br /> �,�
<br />;
<br /> y ��J�j� ��j�����
<br /> i FROM
<br />' Filed for reeord the............�.......��.................................................................................................................daz� of
<br />' .....(.?-(n-u..�,.i.........�..c�::.�:��.....��-.a,�e.x>-:�.�......C...cr:.................
<br /> .................�°�.....a�-�-�ti..�.......-----...........18..9:.3...., at................................/.................---.......................o'eloek.......�.....M:
<br /> 4 ....................................................................TO.............. r
<br /> ..................................................... � o►.,...-
<br />, °-°............ ..... ..........`:..-..rS!.:..�,(�V✓Vl.............,---...---..........----...-°-°°--............
<br />', c� �- v-�
<br /> County CLerk.
<br /> ..............`.�.:�-.�.�.,......✓...............................�.................................................... _ ,
<br /> ....... .. ..... ........ ..............r�..c/t��!i.`...�!�................--�--.........................
<br /> ............................................................................................................................................. Deput�.
<br /> ._.___ _ . �.: �
<br /> `3 6 1 � __ _`CZ�w�n,-u:�i1— � •�v,,�,�� a,,,,, 93
<br />' � �................................................... Q'►.�,e,t�.��No...J.....�.:_..Fl.'._�,.._�.......
<br /> �naiv �rZ ���en �� t�ie�e �"re�ent�: . . �
<br /> That the UN/ON PAG/F/G RA/LWAY GOMPANY, whieh is a Corpo�•a�iori fo>>med ancl, exLStin� bJ tkze consoLidatiore of the Kansas Paeifie Railwa� Companr�,
<br /> Ithe Denver Paeifie I�ai.lwa9 ancl Tele�'r°aph Com�anz�, and the Uniof2 Paeific Railroad Companz�, under the corporate name and st�Le of th.e UN/ON
<br /> PAG/F/C RA/L6�VAY GQMPANY, U� authoritz� of an act of Corz�ress, entitled, "�lrz act to aicl in the construetion of a railroad and tele�'raph lir�e from the
<br /> .Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, arcd to secure to the GovernmerLt the use of the safn� for PostaL, J►IiliEary, arcd other purposes," approved Julz�
<br /> 1, 186�, arcd acts ameredatorz� tjtereof, which said Companz� hczs succeeded to and become seized and possessed of alL the real estate and pro,�erty of
<br /> the said Corzstituent Companies, zvhether reaL, pe�°sonal, or mixed, artd, amor2�' other thinss, of�ll the land �'ranted to said Union Pacific Railroad
<br /> Companz� b� the uforesaid acts of Consress, ir� aid of the construetion of its road, not conaeyed away bz�said Company at the date of such consolidati.on,
<br /> (to-wit, Januarz� �/f, I880,) in corasid�ation of the sum of.............---,;;�-y:...---��- - -•-•-----•-��----�--�--------�--......---�-----��----�--•-•---------.....-••---------....._
<br /> �,,,�,s�'.;�"Vd:�.��.e..���.��.�_�..��� ��:�;.�,:�.a
<br /> � ,.�,�,,�„`�,� �,,,,,.,�_�__�..._____.�.b_.�.o._J..............................::...._........._.........._..:......... Dollars, to it paid;8��f.ie receipt of which is hereby aeknowLed�'ed,
<br /> ............ .... ��- ---- --
<br /> doth hereby GR�1N7; B�RG.l�I.N; SE�L, .,4ND CO.VVEY; unto�: Rp^-e�....�.:e..w�:�-•--.�=-cr�?:�,c.�--�---...----��--�---�-�.....................�-�----------.........--�-��----�--...............:.-�------.........--------.......... ..
<br />� �--�--��----�-�---��---�----��----�---.....-....................................��----...---�-----�-....---s�'t��ta�t�J�-�----��---... ......... ....... .. . ..----��--��---....---.�n�ka�te^,��---�--------�-----------�--....-�------...-------�------------------.....-------._
<br /> �---••----�---�-----�•---...._ ... .
<br /> the foLlowin�' described Real Estate, situate, lz�in�' ancL beind in the County of.................�/�:.....a.-e-e,�......................................_and in the State of Nebraska, and
<br /> deseribed as follows, to-wit:-----��................ .........................��-----...--�----��--�� --....................------��------....-�---��----� --...........- ....._....__.........-�--�- . ..
<br /> ....... ... .............................................�------.._....... ........ ...
<br /> ...:................................................................_✓.�-.<.r...._fv�:.�2��..`�c.�-.�-Q.�.....�..�-�-..C1!��,...,�'...C�-�.11-....�..a�....�......................................................................................................................................
<br /> �
<br /> ..�................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................��---...........,...__..._.�..................-------............................--��---�--..............-�-�---.......................
<br /> .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................�....................................................... ....
<br />, ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> .................................................... ............................ .............................................................................. ..................�.:.........................................................................................................E.Jts.,.c.,,.................. ..---......... ........
<br /> .
<br /> ....... ......... ....--
<br /> � . . • ' ,.�A<>...._.. ._....).... ............................... or r ° � .. . .
<br /> of Sectaon No. ---._.....CL.�,�:�,..._�j._.7.J.................................. ar� Townshap No. ---.. �! . N th of.Ka L�'e Jl o.... ...... ..........---�1�..�.�....:1�:4.�/..lr.-:........._._
<br /> f- ---------------------------------�-------.-------.-------------..._�eres, mo e or less, bei the sa�me premises contracted to be sold�.�.ln.,�.�:��...�.c�...s�.,.,�,...`�`?.. " ...C�
<br /> o the 6th Prinea al JVleridian, contaanzn , accordirz to the Unatec� States surve thereo �. lr...Q.I................ .. �J �
<br /> LR to the said UNION PA��--RAILWAY GO�P�Ny aLZ tJ atrpo tior� of the Lan herPby corc�eyed(if an/�su�ch t e e beI whic `
<br /> by Co�ntraet�No,�..�.,�..�'..:�4...`t...�[-...�:...�r... °��---��--- �^�^�°'^� ��•- j b
<br />� R Z�SER VING, �IO W EV ,
<br /> lies within lines drawn pa�•allel with,and..................�-..-----..-...--��--hundred feet or� eaeh side d,istant from the eenter li�ae of its roacl c�s now eonstrueted,
<br /> and arzy�sreater width wher� r�ecessarz� permanenElz� to inelu de a�L its cuts, em baTZ kments, a�c l ditc hes, an d otyLer works necessary to secure anc'�
<br /> I,� protect its maira line, p �
<br /> 1'his convezJance is also upon the condition that the said�rantee herein,...........-�n�.............................heirs, administrators ar�d assa�'ras shaLL �reet ar�d
<br />� maintain a laavful fence beEueen that por•tion of the premises hereb.zJ corive�ed, adjoinin�' the road of said Company, (if anz� such ther•e be,) anc� the
<br />' rvad of said Company u�on a line_...............w�e-......................hundred feet distant from the center line of such road, an,c� parallel, therewith, in alL cases
<br />� irc avhich sueh fer�ce is required b9 Zaw, or mar� be requirecl by said Company.
<br /> YG
<br /> f TO H.g VE .,4ND TO HOLD the said premises with all the ri�'hts and appurtenances thereunto beLondins unto the sazd�rantee,...:.�t.�,G..................
<br /> heirs and assi�ns forever, anc� the said�ran�or doth hereby eovenant with the saicL �'rantee, that at the mrzkire�' of this irastrument it is weLl seized
<br /> of the said premises as of a�'ooa arcd indefeasible estate in eeo and hath�'ood ri�'ht to sell and convey the same, and that it will W:/IRR�NZ'ar�d
<br />; defend the titLe to said premises unto tlze said�'rantee,.............�....-..........heirs arcd assi�'ns forever a�ainst the lccwful claims of a7,L persons whomsoever.
<br />� E,X'CEPTING, HOWEVER, alL taxes arad assessments Ievied upor� sccid premises sinee...............�.�.....7..._.`T.................._...............................ta�d e,�s�e,�t ca��st� �
<br />�
<br /> e,�a.ims oar i�e�m�zces exe�ed�p���ed b��;tk�e�h, e�z�er acta�..-•-------------------------�---��----•----..._._._.......--��-----.......--��----•---...-•-..................................................'�.--��----��----..........�tse8��, I
<br /> � k�s, e�-�esa�x�s,� c�rz�J o�thr�_-�.....................................�---�---•�--�-•-��---•-�------...------....--�--•�----...--------------------....--------��-------...........--••-----••---....--------------•------------------�---..................................:.�......----�--•�---.......................:....._-----•-•---
<br />: � AND WHEREA5,said UNrox PnczFro ItAir.ROnn CuMYANY did,on the sixteenth day of April, A.D. 1867,execute and de)iver to Cyras A.112eCormick,of the City of New York,tind Jahn.;paff,of -
<br /> the City of Boston,a certaiu Mortga�e Deed of tlia�t date,which deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of....................✓.l..�-..Ga..�,�2_...............................County,in the�tate of Nebraska; W}�erein a:�id
<br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.MeCormick and John Duft;�,s:Trustees,for the uses�und purposes thereiu mentioned,among othere the lands hereinbefore described; Axn WaERrAS,the said Cyrns H.
<br /> McCormick did on the twenty-eightl�day of June,A.D.1873, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trusiee under said mortgage deed,which reaign�tion was,o�the fi�teenth
<br /> day of October, A.D.1873,:�ccepted by tl�e Urriox PnciFic Rnir.xonv COMPANY,by its Bonrd of Directnrs,at�a meeting thereof held on tha�t day in the City of Boeion and Sts�te of Massachuaettx;
<br /> ANn Wxr]tEAS,on tho$fteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, rrederick L. Ames,of'�:aston,in the State of Massachusetts, was dnly nomintited by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, ae auceessor to said
<br />� Cyrus H.MeCormick,which uomination was,on the saxrie day, approved hy the �oard Of Directors Of th2 3aid UNION PACIFIC RAtLROAD COMPANY� Az�n WaFxEas,by such nominatir�n and �pproval
<br />� said Frederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance therenf,thereafter become vest�d with the same estates, powera,rights,and interests,and�charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if l�e$ad
<br /> been oue of the oriainal Trustees na�med in and executing,�aid Mortgage Deed; ANn�rKEas,said rema�ining Trustee did,by a cpnveyance,proper and effeetual for"that purpoae,dated on the twantfeth
<br /> day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston, ve3t tfie same in euch new Trustee jointly with hiw,tho said John Duff; AND tiVHEREAB,the S&id Johri DUff did,on the fourteenth day of Fe�irnary,
<br /> A.D. 1877, by a�proper instrument of writing to tl�at effect,resign his place as Trustee under sa�id NTortnage Deed,which resign�tion was,on the fourteenth day of February,A.D. 1877, aceepted by the
<br /> U�rox PnciFic RAiLxoAn ComrAxY,by the Executive Committee of its Board of Dir,ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boeton, and State of :Ylassachusetts; Axn Wa�a.EAS,
<br />' no noinination cf'a successor to fill tl�e vacancy,caused by the resisnation of said John Duff,having been made,the said Frederick L, Ames bect�me,and now ia,the sole Trustee� AND WHE&.EAB�the
<br /> said U�rox��,P��,,,� RniLwAY�ConzrnxY,wit�l,} th conse t�of�' the�r�tees for the tixne bei�her��o�e named, has sold and conveyed,t�s above set fortfi, the 1?ea1 Estate hereinbefore described,
<br /> unto the s`ai�"' ,9Yor and in consideration o1�tY�i`e sam ,niesaa ,c�o it in°'�and paid by the sai e, vhich said sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L.Ames,by said Compaxfy in his
<br /> capacity as Trustee, or to said Jobn Duff and said Frederick L. Aines,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and sa�id John Duff, Trustees,for tl�e uses ind purposes in said Mortgage Deed irientioned.
<br /> ,�our �'hrr%'a�e, Know all li?en by these Presenis, that I, the said Fre�lericl L, ✓lmes��e c��an TrusEee in the aforesaid JVlort�a�'e Deed; in
<br /> eonsideratiorc of the afbresaid, premises and ,roaz�rnent as aforesaid of sr�id�m, �o paid ��aid�pczrar� to said trust fund, of whieh I am the
<br /> .
<br /> remainin,�' Tr�unstee, for the uses ancl purposes aforesaad, do hereby RE,MISE, RELE S.E, and forever QUI'l-CL��unto the said..:...............................................
<br /> ",f��,�,�, � . ��,�...��_ _____________________________________________...__......._....................the Real Estate described aforesaid, to be held by eca'a�,' �e8 free and exempt from
<br /> all Ziens, ineumbranees, and ehar�es of said JVlort�a�'e Deec�,but subjeeb, however, to alL t,he reservatiores arcd eoncLitions hereinbefore aontained.
<br /> �/t( �ifng�s�t �h�rea�; The said �'rantor, the UNION PAGIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath �� � o
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF ''� ' '�
<br />; caused these preser�ts to be sealed with its corporate sec�l, and to be si�ned by its �,� �
<br /> President and Treasurer, ancl countersi�'r�ed by its Land Commissioner and its � • � �
<br /> .fluditor,and the saic� Frederiek L..F�mes, Trustee, has hereunto aet his hartd this • ;
<br />, ...�'`Y. ✓1 ..... a.���:U:���'...................... -�---------�------.............._da o �-�-�1:-..---..__.........f1.D. Y8._g..&..
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> � f.................................. .
<br /> ...:. ..........�-......��. . . ... .. � .
<br /> c� W ;
<br />� �c�n.Q�,...�7' •..�s�a...�.�,:� .........................President. �
<br />,.
<br /> _............ .
<br /> .... .... ... .. . : :
<br /> .��L:��.:��-��....�._....�.�.....-n:..a-�:-.................... ��.�.�.. y �� �
<br /> o... �r-� _ � :
<br /> a.�, ... .�..f.�..� . . ....��!1..�..�......,,.�...G��-.�.n...►R��..r..... Treasurer. ti � •
<br /> � C'.
<br /> . ,
<br /> .. Z , ;.
<br /> � ;
<br /> -�------......�1±:�-.�....a.`�.°.....r......�n��.�v.,�.................................. TrzcBtee. c°, �: �`-�:
<br /> �#ate o� ,i�a��a�hu�e##s, � "
<br /> SS.
<br /> �3�e it �€em�m8ar¢�, That on t.his........... ........ . ....................day of .. n�s�4.-u..................................A.D. lS...��f?.
<br /> GOUNTY OF SUFFOLK. ..... . ...................:........... . . . ... . ...
<br /> before me a Notar Public in and for said Count a eared the UNION PACIFiC RAILWAY CO� PANY, by F ADAMS,,,�n'ts President, and�-FA�,-.lIA�,s Treasurer who are
<br /> 9 9� PA , personally
<br />� known to�me to be tbe identical persons whose na�Ynes are subscribed to the foregoing instrument as s.tiid President and Treasitier, and theu and there acknowledged the execution and sealing of said
<br /> Instrument to be their volnntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same d�y,likewise, peraonally appeared the above named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to
<br /> me to be the Trustee deacribed in,and who executed the foregoing Instrument,a�nd acknowledged before me thab he executed the same as Trustee as aforesaid, and for the nses and purpoaee therein set
<br /> deed.
<br />; �4n �itttpss �herenf, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this....�. . .. . .. '. ..............................................................:.
<br /> forth and that the execution thereof was his voluntar act an
<br /> � ..................................
<br /> F da of.......� ................................................A.D. 18�b...�...,at the.City of Boston,in said County and State.
<br /> y ....... ......... .. .. .
<br /> 4 � ;:., C �...`x-�h'• G . � �`��^�- a^^'.�-- ........�-.�,�..._....�c....°�-.�.----�----��----------------•---�----�----._Notary Public.
<br /> �.
<br /> F
<br /> _ �
<br />� _ I
<br /> __- --- ---�_..:��:_..,..�__�. __, .:.:; .�.,__,.
<br />