� _ ____ __ - - �: _ _ � ^ � .
<br />' � �� . �� � � �
<br /> �
<br /> � ��J��� ��j�j����
<br /> _ __ . __._ _.___. —___._____.
<br /> - - ___ _ -------
<br /> FROM
<br /> ��.' ' ' , . ................................ Filed`for record the...................._'�..�..........;................................................ .........................................daz� of
<br /> .a.............. ... .... _....... ..................,:�� �
<br /> .......................�_..
<br /> � .._ _. ._
<br /> ..............................�---....---��----...............18..�1�..Y., at...........°��........-...................................................o'clock.......�...M.
<br /> _...................................................................TO...................................................................
<br /> �� �!t-��
<br /> . ................ ............................................................................�---��----�-��---��---. .. . ..
<br /> .....-----�---..
<br /> � f/..X.......... �15�� � ............... Couraty CLerk.
<br /> .......... .. . .................. ...............................................................
<br /> ��� ............... .. . .... ..... ..........................:.............. . .....................-�----....................
<br /> ............................................................................................................................................. Deputy.
<br /> ,
<br /> Contract No.... ...........c�.�..d.....�. /�
<br /> �� Deed No.�..�.�.�_y'
<br /> ...................
<br /> �r�.arv ��� ��iC�n �r� t�ie�e �"re�ent�:
<br /> That the UNItIN PAG/f/� RA/LWAY GOMPANY, which i,s a Coi�o�°a(io�z fnrmed arzcl existins b� t,he consolidation of the Ka�zsas Pacific RaiLwa� Companr�,
<br /> the Denver Pc�eifie Railwar� and Tele��'raph Com�ar�y, ai2d the Urziniz Paeifie Rr�il,roacL CornpanJ, uncl,er the eorporate r�ame and st�le of th.e UN/ON
<br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPRNY, by authoritz� of an act of Con�'r•ess, e�atiticd, ".flr� act to aicl in the corast.ruction af � railroac� ar�d telegraph line from th,e
<br /> .1�Iissouri River to the Pacifie Ocear�, and to secure to the Government tlze use of the sa�rt� for Posta.L, .MLLLEG.T'�, and oth,er purposes," approved July
<br /> 1, 186�, and acts amenda-torz� tlzereof, wliich sai2 Compafz� has succeeded to anrl, becorrze seize� and ,roossessed of alL the reaL estate ancl property of �
<br /> the saicl Constituent Cvmpani,es, whether rea.L, personad, or mixed, ar�d,, amon�' other thinss, of all the Land sarantecl to said ZI'raiora Pacifie Railroad
<br /> Companr� b� the aforesaid acts of C"ons�ess, in a,id of the constr��ion of ' s road, not coni•ez� d away b9 sai�Com�any at the date of sueh consolidati.on,
<br /> <to-wit, Januarz� �/.`, 1880,) in consideration of the suna of-�------.�'D..... .. ..........�Lr.t.�.:..-cw"��--�- - ..... ......-.�f.l..-..�-(��--------......-�----------------............:--------.._........._...-�---------..............----......---....._
<br /> •-•.................. ... ......�---�-----�- -- - .......... - -- - --- -•-•------�----�-��----.....................�- --..... �} -. Doll s, to it naid�the reeeipt of which is hereby acknowled�ed,
<br /> doth hereby GR./�Nl; B�1RG,.lI.N, S�I,L, �.1V'D CONVEY; wnta.....01.¢�._........... ...��,f'--'..�.......... ... ...�L......---�-��----��---....._.........----�--..........--------��---- -�-�--.......---�-�---......-----�--�--._....._........----..........._.
<br /> ......-----�...:.............�------�--�--��---�----�--�------�---...........-------��---.........................--��----�------�----...-----of the Count�o f¢�..�._.....d".t�..__.�-...... ..................... in the State of--.__----�����a.---........---...--------._.....-�--�--�---
<br /> the followin�s described Real Estate, situate, Zyin�' and beins in the Count� of.........................�G.t�.....:........................._..............._.and ir� the State of Nebraska, and
<br /> deseribedas follows, to-wit:----------� --........�....---�--..�................ ......... ... ........................................�� ��--..._..._............... � ��...----�--��----......... .------........----�--------........---�------............---�----------........--�---------........--�----�---
<br /> ..................................................:............................. ....c�-.�................�............... ........�,..��..r.r.�"...... ....�......�....................�J...................................................................................................---......................................
<br /> v
<br /> ..
<br /> _.........................................................................................................................�......: ..........................................................�......:...........................................---�--�----....._..--��---�---.........................................................................................................
<br /> �
<br /> ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................--��---......................................................................
<br /> .................:......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ..:...:................................ .. ....�......................................................_.............................................................................. ..............................................................--�-----------......................................................... ...............................---......--�---..........--�----........
<br /> o Sectior� No....... ..cri.i.c.......---- -- w� �- - - -. in Tnw�2shi,� ��1°0. �..,c�u.. -- �w..�ir..k.....�..�-�--��,`.�.....------
<br /> f . . . � ...- � - � �..��)......... - --... . �N' rth of Ran�se J1''o......
<br /> of the 6th Princi�al, eridian, conta�nins, accordinSs tn the United btcates surveJ �hereof..__........�_ .........�..b... ............................. ...........___._,__{..',_.___.____...........................
<br /> ---------------------------------..---------------------------- -. ....._...✓lcres, more or less, vein�' t�e_Isame ,rore ises contracted to be sold .Q.�cr.� . . - --.f.�-�.._.�1�!.�r�..........-.----------....------.--..-
<br /> Uz� Contract No...�.�..3..�..l2.---.P.,n�ye�.-----E---�--------�-----�--��............. dated........�f!1�.�...'.`}...-�_...�`...�.......�.g..�I--�--�--..�..---��-�--�-----�----- .......--------.......... --....--�--� ...�-...---.....----...---�-�------....-�--�----.......------�--------......:-----
<br /> .RF_SERVING, HOyV'EVER, to the said UN/ON PAG/F/C RA/LW�Y GOMP4NY, alL tha8 poNtion of the Land hereby eonveyed,(if anz� sueh tlzere beJ which
<br /> laes zvithin lines drawn pa�°alLel with,and.......................�t:?�c................hundred feet or� each side �7istant from the center Li�ze of its road as now eonstructed,
<br /> and anz��'reater width wherz neeessary permanenFl� to inelude a?L it,s euts, embccnlcrnents, and ditehes, and other works neeessar� to sesure ancl
<br /> proteet its main Zine. ,
<br /> This conveyance is also uporc the condition that the said�'rar�tee herein,....._�_...._............................heirs, admiraistt�ators and assis ns shalL erect and
<br /> maintairc a Lawful fenee betweer� that portiorz of the premises hereb� conveJed, ad,joinins the roacl of saic� Companz�,(if any srcch the�e be,) and the
<br /> road of said Companr� upon a line................(:i�........................hun�red feet distant from the center line of such road, an,d parallel, therewith, in all cases =
<br /> in whieh sueh fenee is required bz� law, or maz� be requirecZ bz� saicl Cam;roan�.
<br /> TO H✓lVE 44ND TO HOLD the said premises with all the ri�'hts aizd appurtenances thereunto belon�'ins unto the said srct�tee,........�................._
<br /> heirs a�zcl assi�sns forever, and the said srar�tor cloth hereb� eovenant with the said ssrantee, that ab the makins of this ir�strument it is weLL seized �
<br /> ot'the sc�id premises as nf a sooi� and ircdefeasibLe estccte iry fee, a^c� hath�ood ri�'ht to selL and eonver� the same, afzd that it wiZL W:fIRR.1NT and •
<br /> �efend the title to said premises urLto the said�'ran•tee,......��n.���...................hei�s anc'� assi�'ns forever a�'ainst th Lawful claims of aT,L persons whomsoever
<br /> .E�Y'CEPTING, HOtiVEVER, a1,L taxes and assessments levied upore suid reTnises sine _...1.'!�!..�... �...� /..��.(..............................and exe,�pt a�'ainst c�n�
<br /> claims or ineumbrances created or permitted by, throu�'h,, or under saifl.-----.��y. -.-- -- -.---�..........,���.�---------------------•.-------------.......-.--------_or...---.�.� ',�..----.successors,
<br /> heirs, or assi�ns, or a.n� of thPm............................................................................................ � . .
<br /> , � Y..........p....----�--�--..._..----'.. ..,---�................................�-9----�---..........................'.........-:�--�----9........................--��----........._....•_-.---_••-_-
<br /> 9ND WHEREAS said Uxrog�ncrFia ltnrr.ROan CoP7rAxY did on the sixteenth da of A ril, A.D918G7 execute an�i,�eliv�eA to C rus H.Mr,Gorm Countyhm the StaN�f York,and JoUn Duff,of �
<br /> tbe Cit of Boston a certain Mort a e Deed of'that date which deed is recorcled in the office of the Count Clerk of............� GLL�C, Nebraska, wherein aaid �
<br /> Company conveyed to the said Cy�rug H.MeCormick and John Duff,as Trustees,for the uses nnd purpose3 therein menttoned,�mon�others the lands hereinbefore described� AND PVftCRNA$�the said Cyrus H.
<br /> McCormick did Cn the tevents-eigl�th day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to tl�at effect,resign l�is pl�c,e as Trnstee under said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth �„ .�
<br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by tl�e UxioN PACiFiC RAir.uoAn CoMr 1NY,by its Board of Directnrs,at a� meeting thereof held on th�t dny in the City of Boston and St�nte of Massachnsetta; �?-
<br /> Axn WaEitEAS,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. ]873, Frederick L. �mes,of L�ston,in the State of Massachusetts,was dnl,y nomin:�ted by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as successor to said
<br /> C3 rns H.McCormick,which nomination was,on the same day, mpproved by tl�e I3�ard of Directors of tbe said Uxiox PACirrc KnILROAD COMPANY; Axn.WxF�tE�s,by attch nomination and approval '
<br /> sa,id 1�rederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof, tl�erea��ter become vested with the flame estates,powers, rinhts, tind interests,and charged with the same duties and responaibilities,as if he had
<br /> been one of tl�e original Trustees named iu and executing,�aid Nfortga�ne Deed; Axn W�t�R�as,s�id remaining Trnstee did,by�u conveya�nce,proper and effectutil for that purpose,dated on the twentieth
<br /> day of OctoUer,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston, vest the same in such new Trustee jointly with hirt�,the sa�id John Dnff; ANn�Va��tFas,the said John Duff did,on the fourteeuth day of Febrnary,
<br /> A.D. 1£i?7, by�proper instrument oi writiv�to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under snid Mortnage Deed,which resignation�vas,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,accepted by tbe
<br /> TT\ION PACIFIC K1ILROAD CObIPANY�by the ExeCnbive COrilnlitt00 Of]tS BOArd Of DiP.CtOi's, �t a meeting thereof held on tha�t day in the City of Boston,and Stt�te of D�assaehusetts; AND wHEBEAB�
<br /> no nomination ctf'a successor to fill ttie vacancy.cau�ed by the rerignation of said Tohn Duff,having been made, tl�e s:�id P'rederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trnstee; AND WAEREA$� the
<br /> said Uxiorr PnCiFir. Itnir.wAY CortPaxY,with the consent oF tUe Trustees for the time being,hereinbefore named, has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the Real Estate hereinbefore describec�,
<br /> uvto tbe said grantee,for�md in consideration of'the snm aforesaid, to it in h�nd paid by the a:�id grantee,�vhich s�id sum of money has been paidto said Frederick L.Ames,by sa�id Company in bis:
<br /> capacity as Trustee,or to said.John Duff and snid Frederick L. Awes,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and stiid John Duff, Trustees,for the nses and purposes in said Mortgage Deed nteqtioned.
<br /> ,�o1V �hcYefpl�e, Know a/l Iffen by these Presenis, thcct I, tlze said Fre�lerielc I,. ./.�rnes, ren2aitairas Trustee in tlze aforesair� Jllort�'a�'e Deed, in
<br /> eonsideration of the af'oNesaid, premises and par�ment a.s afoNesai� of said surn, so pai,� hr� saic� Corr�pr�n� to saicl trust furLC�, of whieh I am tfLe '",
<br /> remai 'n�' Trustee for the � es and purposes aforesaid, do IzereU�.REMISF., REI F.�4SF,, anrl forever UIT-CL�lI.M unto the said.........................................:.__.:... ,
<br /> , /� Q j
<br /> p�.,� ....,./�.r�t„�-.....p''!I,�,�.............:..............................................................the ReaL Estate descril�ed aforesaid, to ve held by the sai,cl�'rar�tee free arad exempt from �
<br /> all Ziens,�i�mbrances, and cha.r�'es of sair� .Mortsc�se Deed,bu� subject, however, tn ald t,lze reservrztioizs arzd conditions hereinbefore eontained. `,
<br /> �lr� �if�rg�tu �h�rcnf; The said �srarator, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAV COMPANY, hath �F : � '
<br /> IN PRESE�CF. OF causecL these prese�ts to be sealed with its corporate seaL, and to be si�ned by its � : o � .�
<br /> Presi den t are d 2reasurer, an d coun tersi�'ne d by i ts Lan d Commissioner ar�d i ts :a �
<br /> �Q� D �.�. .11udi,tor,and the said Frederick L..�2mes, 15�ustee, has hereunto set his hand this ? � � �
<br /> �%�l ........��!'�iYYtNI!�............................................... — �
<br /> .............................. ....._ -----...------....--��---.............da of--... ..._...:-- �---�--�--.....---��------...------•--......._.�1.D. 18.�.��1..... `\�:
<br /> ........................y..� . . o . : .;I
<br /> � �
<br /> ,�J � z � : :
<br /> - _.................. ......�.....'�!�'-...�. .......- --....-�---..........................Presadent. c� :
<br /> .:........,�..��z�...�......��-�:�.. ................... - � ��:_ : �
<br /> : . .
<br /> .......l,��rt��:'--....�..........4..�Y1�`q----•--•--�-•------------------ Treasurer. ti : � '
<br /> ,(1.�.�. � ;
<br /> �/..l.�I� Ol ����� Trustee. � � ���.:1 �
<br /> _..----�----- -...--� � ..._� .............�--�----.......-----..........._............. . ;
<br /> �#ate af ,11�assa�chix�e#t�, - �
<br /> SS.
<br /> � G�UNTY OF BUFFOLK. �SQ it �em�emtaereb, That on this..--.,.��.............................................................dny of.... ...... � i
<br /> �...................................................A.D. 18.lT.�... ;
<br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,�uppeared the U�7IO�T PACII'IC ILr1ILWAY COVIPANY, by C. F. ADAMS, its President, a�nd JAMES . HARRiS, its Treasurer, who are personally
<br /> known to me to be the identica�l persons whose names.ire sub,cribed to the forenoing instrnment as s�id President and Treasurer, and then �und there ac nowledged the execution aud sealing of said
<br /> Instrnment to betbeir voluntary act and deed,aud the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,like�vise, personally appea�red the above named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to
<br /> me to be the Trustee described in,and who executed the foregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he executed the same as Trustee as aforesaid, and for the uses and pnrposes therein set �
<br /> forth,and that the egecution thereof was his voluntary act aod deed. / � ��
<br /> �u �itn¢ss �herenf I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this..............l.�!.kL.irl1..
<br /> ........_........._.................. ..`
<br /> ...................
<br /> • ...........
<br /> day of.............................. �..........................................................A.D. 18��'f......,a�t th��y of Boeton,in s id County and State. s
<br /> I l �... ... -�- --- �•a���.Notary Pubtia
<br /> •---..:....--�-�-----��-----------------y--- - -�'��-- � +- � � .
<br /> �f
<br /> ;.;i
<br /> �„�,
<br /> L r�
<br />