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��,,� <br /> � D����� ����J��D� <br /> FROM � <br /> �- �/ � �� � � i � Filed for record the......................._........../..................................................... daz� of <br />� -..... ...........��!'!�t.:c.n�....::..:: .. r�-tl......`....... ...................,............................ ........................................_........... <br /> � . <br /> ; ,...,�..........................��--�---.............---�---..._18..��.., at..................... ..........��!....................---......d elock.....-.-.........M: <br /> _.................................................................. ........................................... ................ ..-�---..........�. .................... .....................C(�t��.. -�---�--��----- � --........ <br /> ..... ...... . ` <br /> TO <br /> �f� / .. .... ... ---°---...... <br /> County Clerk. <br />! ........... ...... <br /> .Ch.�:�..�.ti.............d.?�.�:�.u�.az.c-............._............................ <br /> ............................................................................................................................................. <br />� ...........:................................................................................................................................. Deputr�. <br /> F°RM3739. THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. <br />� �a UNION DIVISION--NEBRASKA. // <br />� Contract No...Fl�..�...��...`f......." > . Deed No%t...�0�........... <br /> � �naiv ��l ��en �� t�e�e �"re�eazt�: <br />� That the UN/ON FACIF/G RA/LWAY GOMPA�IV, whicl� is a Cor/�oi°atio:z forrnecl arzd e.xist.ins b� t,he cnnsolidation of the KarLS�cs Pacifie Railway Compan�, <br />� the Denver I'acific I�ailwa� ancl TeZe�raph CompaTay, and the U�inr� Pacific RaiZroacl Company, under the corporate and st�le of th.e UNION <br />� ' PAC/F/G RA/LWAV COMPANV, bz� ccuthoNit� of a�a act of Co��'ress, e�2titled, "fln act to aid, ir� the constructior� of a railroac� and tele�sraph line from the <br /> .Missouri River to th,e Pacific Ocea�z, and to secure to the Government the use of the SLL772n, for Posta,L, �IILZL�CG7'�, ccTZC� other purposes," approved Julz� <br /> 1, 186�, and acts amenda-torz� t�zereof, which said Comnazay h�s sucr,eeded to anrl become seized c�nd, possessed of aLL the reaL estate aizd propertz� of <br /> the saicl Gonstituent CvmpaTZies, whet,her rea.L, ,�ef°sonaL, or mixed, and, amon,s other thin�'s, of alL the Land sranted to said Uniorc Pacific Railroad <br /> Com anz� �ir� the aforesaid aets of Con,�ress, in ai,d o f the construction of its road, not eor�i�e�ed away by said Com�ccn�at the date of sueh eonsolidati.on, <br />! <to- it, r�uar� �/y, 1880,) '� consideratiora of the um o ------�•...............�-----�-�---�--....---........_....----�� ��-------�--------•----�--��---��---�----�---�-------��--�--•---------------- - --�-------�-----�----------...--��------�-��------------....__.._.............---- <br />� . .�,C..���r-�c�U.G.� �",,�- - -� -..........................��4�D�................... . ...--...........--- ---...---.�... D llars, to it paid, the receipt of which is hereby aeknowled�'ed,, <br /> . ......----�--- <br /> doth hereby GR.fl NZ; B�R .f1I✓Y, SELL, ,fl NI� CONVEY', unto-.----�2f.�L�!.�G.�.. - � ------------------a.:!��--��---........--�-----...........:----..................�.- �-- ...... _ ..........................------------- <br /> . ..�..c.... <br /> •------... - -- �----�---....-----�-�--...---�................_...---...--��----�---�--�---._......of the Count�nf-----.....�Zr�� - �-....--• the State of-----�1...��Gii..------...-----.............-------------- <br /> �---------•--�---�--••------.. .------ -- <br /> the followin�' described Rcal Estate, sitiaate; Zz�in�' and beins irc the County of.......... ... ..:�:.._......................_........................:........,and in the State of Nebraska, and <br />' deseribed as follows, to-wit:---�-�-� --��......................� �---�----.... --- .....----................................................----...................._ y .......----�--------------- -- <br /> ...... ..---... -- -- <br /> .............................................................................L!... ......�'...,r�":�.. .. ....... ....,.t�.�.�....�'�.,.�.�.�.......��...�.r...��....�/f''..�...�1.......�.....�..�.....��.�`.�...........:....�. .Q'J.�.�.eofi ,�.�.,���y.✓.1.'�'.J <br /> .................................................. ...............................................................�.....°��..............................................:........................................................................................... 1 <br /> ......................�.. ........................................�................................... <br /> ........................................................................................................................................................................ .......... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> .................................................. ........... . ...... .................. .............. .......... ..................................... .......... . .. .. .. ... ...... .............................................................. ........................................................................................................... <br /> ......�...........:..................................................................... ............. ..... . ..... .................................. ... ..... ..... ........ ................................. <br /> . ...... ..........F.......... ..........................................._....................................................................r............'.......:................... ...........................................................................---.......r.-°..... ... <br /> ..... ............. •� <br /> Of S�BCtLOJ2 .NO..! \:ll./Q<1'-_ -.--�:�/-�;C'C'�n-....(.. .� - 7J . �.....�j+r�.. ,�1.... �........��6F�(..................... <br />, � . __. ara Towrashi �10. ....�„n.�.t-...... ._... . .. ..... ....... ....... ortlt of Ran�'e ✓10 � .................�..-........� <br /> � � � � � ... ....� �.� <br />, of the 6th Prznci�ab JVIe idian, conta,an ris, accordin�' tn. the Ur�ited tates surveJ ereof._. ��,.�. ..�........ ... �.�.�__________________,_..,,.,___;__...,,,,________,_.. <br /> . ....� <br />` -----------------.---------...---..---.. -.---.- . ------.- ----......._�.../lcres, more or less, bein�' the same premi�s eont et,ed to be sold to.-.-- ,�r/J --------. ......... :............_ <br /> - - <br /> bCor�tract No,J---........ ^ .-�-�-�----...--��--��---� -..... ......... dated_�,�. -. .,��t�---- , .. ..../-�,��--��---�---��-�--------...---------�-�---. ......_...................---......_...--�-�--..........---.............................--��------�----------------._.�.. <br /> � � -J`..--��� �.�. - <br />� R 1�SE.RVING, HOWEVER, to t�e saic� UN/ON PAG/F/G R�/�WAY COMP�NV, alL that portiof2 of the �nd hereby conveyed,(if anz� such tlzere be) which <br />'' lies withira lines drawn parallel with,ar�d............................��t....c.,......hurzdre�feet oiz each side distarzt from the center lir�e of its road �s reow constructecl, <br /> and arz��'reater zvidth wherz raecessar� permanenfL� to inelude a3L its cuts, embanlcrnents, arcd ditehes, anc� ot,her worlcs necessarr� to seeure and <br /> j protect its maire Zine. � � � <br />; This eonveyance is also upof2 the eorLditiorc that the said�'ra�tee hereir�,....._..:...�.........................heirs, c�dmirZistrators and assi�'res shaLl, ereet. and, <br />� maintain a lawfuL fence f�ebweer� that portio of the premises herebz� conve�ed, adjoinir��' the road of said Compar�z�,(if arcy such the�e be,) arcd the <br /> r <br /> roac�' of saicL ComparLZ� u,r�or� a line_......................... ....... ...............hundred feet distant fi^om the center line of such road, an,d purallel, therewith, ir� alL cases <br />' �... ir� wlzich such fence is required b� law, or may I�e requirecZ Ur� sai.d Compan�. <br />� TO H�VE �4ND TO HOLD the said premises with all. the ria'hts and appurtenances thereunto beLonsins unto the said�'rantee,.......✓..��_-..__.._ <br /> heirs asacb assi�'r�s forever, anc� the saicl�srantor doth herebr� eovenant with the saic� �'rantee, that a� the makins nf this instrument it is weLL seized <br />` I of'the said preinises as of a soor� �ncl indefeasible estate ' fee, ancl hath�'ood risht to sedL ancl eonver� the srzme, a�d that it wilL W:/IRR�NT and <br />' ' defend �he tiEle to said premisns unto the said�'rantee,...�.�:�....................heirs and assi�'ns forever a�'ainst the laav,�'ul elaims of u7,L persons whomsoever. <br /> E�'CEPTLN'G, HOT�V'EVE.I�, a7.L taxes and assessments levied upon s "d premise,a�sir�ce.....�?iv..+��x �?°. � �L.. _(.. 1.�. ..8..-...:.....and ex e,pt a�ceinst anny <br /> ... . .......... ... ....... ... <br /> elaims or inezcmbranees ereated or peNmitted b9, throush, or uTader said..... ..,<4.A,{t.s.....0���(��................................._...____......_..____.____..___...._........_._or......... ..........szceeessors, <br /> heirs, or assi�'i2s, or anz� of thPm.-�......................................................................�-�---..................-----�--..........-------------��--��--��-----�---�------...---� -��-----.............--��-�-------------....--�-�---............---------.........................-�-�----��-----....._......._-------�- <br /> AND WHEREAS,said Uxiox Pncirio Iinrr.�tonn CoMPaxy did,on the sixteenth day of A ril A.D. 1867,execute and�ive,r�to Cyrus H.MeCormick,of the City of New York,a,nd John Daff, of <br />'r tbe City of Boston,a�certain Mortgage Deed of Lbat date,wbich deed is recorded itt tbe office of t County Clerk oi:...............l„�(. .G�r. ... ................................Connty,io the State of Nebraska�, wherein said <br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrua H.McCormick and John Duff,�,s Trustees,far the uses a�nd purposes therein mentioned,amon�others the lands hereivbefore described; A�n WaE�t�ns,the said Cyras H. <br /> McCormick did cn the tcventy-eighth day of Jnne,A.D.1873, by a proper instrument af writing to thzt effect,resign Liy place as Trnstee under a�id mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth <br /> day of October,A.D. 1873,nccepted by tl�e Uxiox Pnoiric RAir.itoAn ConiraxY,by its Board of Directora,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and State of Massachusetts; <br /> AxD WF[EIt�AS,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames;of'�;aston,in the State of Massachusetts, was duly nominated by the remaining Truatee,John Duf�, as successor to said � <br /> t� - C'yTU9 H.1VICCOTI111Ck�WI11C11 llOTYll7l�f10ri Wa3�Ori Y.11O S&m0 tlay, approved by the BOAT'd Of DiT�CYOT3 OC t110 9a1C1 UNION PACIN'IC RAILROAD COMPANY� AND WHERE�S�b9 BUCU ri0II1121itt10II �1113 approval <br /> eaid 1'rederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof, thereatter become vested with tbe same estates,powers, rights,and interests,and charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if he had <br /> been one of the original Trustees namecl in and executing,�aid nZortba�>e Deed; ANn Wx�s�as,saicl remaining Trustee did,bya,couveyance,proper and effectual ror that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.1873,ut the City of Boston, vest the sa�me in such new Trustee�ointly with him,the sa�id John Duff; ANn Wgr[tEas,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of Febrnary, <br />� A.D. 18?7, by a proper instrumevt oi a•riting to that eft'ect,resign his place as Trustee under sa�id Mortnage Deed,which reaign�,tion wa�s,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877, accepted by the <br /> U�.rox PnciFic 1LA�i.r,oln Con7rarY,by the I;xecutive Committee of its Board of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on th�t day in the City of Boston,and State of Massachusetts; ANn wxER�as, <br /> vo nomination af'a successor to fi11 the�acancy,cau�ed Uy tlie resignatiov of said John Duff,having Ueen made, the s�,id Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustee� AND WHEEEA5� the <br /> said Uxiorr PACiF[c Rair.wni CoMraxY,with the consent of the Trustees for the time being,hereinbef'ore named, has sold and conveyed, as above set forth,the Real Eetate hereinbefore described, <br /> unto tbe said grantee,for und in consideration of'the stun aforesa�id,to it in haud paid by the said grantee,��hich said sum of money hae been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Company in his <br /> capacity as Trustee, or to said John Duff and said I'redericlz L. Au�es,Trustees,or to said Cyrns H.McCormick and e�id John Duff, Trustees,for tbe uses and purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br />` �ntv �hrrrfo�r, Knaw al/ ,M•en by these Presenis, that I, the said Fre�lericic L. ,,5(mes, resrzainins Trustee iri tlze aforesaid ,Mort�'a�'e Deed, irL <br /> eoraside�°atiorz of the af'oresaicl, premises anc� pa�rr2en,t as aforesaid of sair� sum, ,so.paid b� said Company to said trust fund, of whieh I am the <br />' remainir� Trustee for t e uses �cnr.Z purposes aforesaid, do hereb�REJVIISE, RELE.,ISE, and foreveT� QUIT-CL.f1I.M unto the said_..................:.............................. <br />` �o�y��_r,t_..._.�._vu�,.Q:,,�,n..,�................_..._.........._._._..........the Rea,L Estate describe� aforesaid, to be held br�the said�'rantee free arid e.xempt from <br />� ....----��---��----�-� �----�............. <br /> all Ziens, incumbranees, arcd char�'es of said ,Mortsa�'e Deed,but subjec�, however, to aLL t,he reservations and corcditions hereir�before corctained. <br /> �/tj �ifn��tn �h�rea�; The said �s�antor, the UNION PAGIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath �� � � <br /> IN PRESEVCE OF caused these presents to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be si�ned bz� its � ; � ; � <br /> Pi•esident and Treasurer, and cou�tersi�'nec� y its Lancl Comrnissioner afzd its ; a <br /> ,!� itor,arod t said Frederick L,,/Imes, Tru ee, has hereunto set his hand this ; � '• <br /> � �t : : <br /> , - ���Z'��,c,��-- � ' <br />'' ............... ....... ................. ..��'°..................-................................. .�., .. ... ..............--�---�---� ----.....................................da o ......---�--� ......_../.1.D. 18t��... : � <br /> y f........ . .... .�C�%,-�-,�rC,✓......... <br /> � ]� W v : � ; <br /> : . <br /> �.—..1..:...... ..-�--�......................... .President. � • • <br />; ...... .... ......�.: .��..........�,�-�-�................. ��- ---.......... ............. �� <br /> .. -�................�-..---......... . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> � � . <br />, �-�-� -�---..-.�.. ... .................. : <br /> �,c,.�.e_ .......----- � --. . .. . ... .. .. ............ Treasurer. ti <br />� _.. � <br /> / � <br /> ��..c�........ ............................. Trustee. � � C�: <br /> e �tate �f ,�a��achix�e##�, <br /> SS. � )�� <br /> GOUNTYOF SUFfOIK. �e it �ememtaere�, Tn�t on tnss...._ .. .... .. .......... ... ........................................a�y of.....1!.�1��....................................................A.n. is.....��.. <br /> before me,a Nofary Pubiic in and for said County,a�ppeared the UNION PACIFIC 1�AILWAY CO� ANY, hy C. F. ADAMS, its President, and JAMES G. HARRIS, its Tre$snrer, who are personall <br /> kno�cn to me to be the identical persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument tis s d Presicient and Treasurer, a�nd theu and there acknowIedged the execution and seaIing of said <br /> Instrument to be their voluntary act and deed,and the volnntary act�nd deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally appeared the above named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trustee described in,1nd who executed the foregoiug Instrument,and acknowledged before me tbat he eaecuted the same as Trustee as aforesaid, and for the uses and pnrposes therein set <br /> forth,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act and deed. 79- <br /> _�\ �u '�itttess tlpr�o�f I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this.... .�?'z2/.LC.I.!.n�. <br /> ...................................................................................................... <br /> ' day of..............�...................................................................A.D. 18�...�'�......, at e City of Boston,in said Coanty and State. <br /> ,�-�-`-, � <br /> ����Q �----�--�--...----�----.�`�-=1���...°�....�i.��'!���.....................Notary Pacblie. <br />� ���'�-�J-� <br /> � <br />