<br /> ��
<br /> .
<br /> ��j�J� ��J����� ✓
<br /> IFROM � J
<br /> � � � Filed or re�ord the....... .... ....
<br /> � #' ..�.... . .......................... .........................................................daz� of
<br /> - .
<br /> .....................�1v,�,,�,-v.Q. .. ..... . . . . . ...::�.�...........................
<br /> �� ........................ .. .. �.J. . �---..............:..---.....18...�,........, at..............................�....... ...._...... .. -..............o'eloek...Q,...----.M:
<br /> _........................................................:.................................................................................. ����1a� �
<br /> (� �o �.............................�c..................-�� ... .._.............--��--��---�--.............---�---�----�----��---- �
<br /> 1nn� �p ,� I, '............. County CLerk. �
<br /> ......................:...��4.:I.V.�.�/�A�O�V�!................,.................................................. �
<br /> ......................................................................................................................•--.........._......... �
<br /> ............................................................................................................................................ �� Deputy. {
<br /> ; F°���`. THE UNIO1� PA WAY COMPANY. �
<br /> � � .' UNION DIVISION-- . ��'Y�al
<br /> � �'or�.t�a..— _............ Deed^No........I..C?..b....l..��.......:......._ 1,
<br /> ! _ �n.a�u �rZ ���en �r� t�e�e �"r���rr��:
<br /> ! That the UNION PAC/F/C RAILWAV COMPANV, which is a Cor,vora.'ioiz foT•med, arad, exi,stin�' br� tlee consolidation of the Kansas Paeific Railway Compara��,
<br /> E the Denver Pacifie Railwaz� and Tele�sraph ComJ�atzy, and the UninJZ Pacific RaiZf•oacl Com,panJ, under the corporate name and st�le of th.e UN/ON '
<br /> ` PAG/F/C RA/LWAY GOMPANV, b� authority of an act of Cons�'re.ss, erztitled, ".11rz aet to aid in the eorzst,ructiora of a raiLroad and tele�raph line from the ;
<br /> � J�'issouri River to the Pacific Ocear�, and to secure to the Govert2ment the use of the sam� for Posta.L, JlliliEccrz�, and ot,her purposes," c�pproved July 1
<br /> I1, 186�, and aets amenda•torz� tlzercof, wlaich sai�z Compan� has succeeded to anrl become seized and possessed of alL the real estate and, property of
<br /> I the said Constituent Cvmpanies, whether reaL, personaL, or maxed, and, amon�' other thin�s, of alL the Land �'ranted to said Union Pczcifie RaiLroad ,"'
<br /> i Company b� the aforesaid acts of Consress, irL aid of the constructiorz of its road, not cor�i�e�ed away by said Compar�y at the date of such coitsolidc�ti�on, ;
<br /> ' <to-wit, JarLUary �/f, Z880,) irz onsideratiorL of the surrt of---.....--�.. ..............��----.............. �''�11�f r� p_ Y-�t.:...�p..�- - �---��----....----��-�----------�-----•--...---------..._.._ �
<br /> C` x q � �,xaw-•o�-"M1 y���I-- -t�,��f�Vv�l`�y nM xVw-� �iX�Ytt�
<br /> .........................�-----�--........-- ..............��GY�1ty���J��!'��J�kR�,_�....5�� ..............................�.p...............---......._......... ...---.. Dolla�s,.��o/�ipt� a�d^the recei,vt of�hich is hereby acknowled�ed, �
<br /> doth hereby GR..3Nl; B�F1ZiG�ILN, SELL, .l�ND CO�EY; unto�...l�.r..l�A1u�.._.._..._.............���--��----- .�(t..'I.Y.N�.Q�f!1............_..............----......------......---��---........--�------...._.....- ;
<br /> � --------�......................�---�-�--�-� �---..................................._ %
<br /> � �----��-•--•-�................-----.................------�--.......-�---...----.......................................-----------.......-.-o�e�Ge�---......................_..........--�- __...����.Q.�� a e e
<br /> ithe followin; described ReaL Estate, situate, Zz�in�s and bein� in the County of..........---.--....._..�1�1WV.v.Y..........................�--..................._and in the State of Nebraska, and
<br /> describedas foLLows, to-wit:_..-�--�--�-----��---...--��.................................... ....... ..............................�--.....----...-------...---........_......... - ��---...--------��--------��--- �----------�-----------------------------�----...-�----------------.....--------------�-�--._..
<br /> ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ................................................................................... .�.^....,...�... ..........,.�I..........�......j......�--.................. ���...�.����` ......................................................................................................._.......................---�................................................................................
<br /> ' .........--��......................................................................�..�.�1��`ilt�!�„Q,�,J�1`f......�.Al'��UL!\kl!/.............:............................................................................................................................--��--��---......................................................................
<br /> � .................................................................................................................................................................................:..........:........:...............................................................................................................................................:.....................................................
<br /> �
<br /> � ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................
<br /> i
<br /> � ...................:........................................................................................................................................................................................................................._.............................................................................................................................................................
<br /> I ..... .. . .......................�: ...... :..... .:.......:........_..........................---.............:.......:................................................ .. .................... ..................---..................:.................................................:......... . ........................
<br /> ....... ...... {,, (� a-�� , {�
<br />'r � of Seetaon No.....-�--�--�- � ��- �-�----`�--���--�--...._........................... in Township �l''o. ......... ..�._\1��..... .... ..........._.. .No h of.Ra �'e ✓�''oa_.-- .1�.NV-.\���----...YY�T.-��---�.---.............._.
<br /> .
<br /> � of the 6th .Prineipal r�dian, containira�', accordi ,to he United.,5tates s r t r o .. �MJ.��Nv1MYN�..,L�ru��y...
<br />� � ....................�------------.....------------------...-----�------��-----.�lcres, more or less, , � . . .� .9 �..�i`�A���3��..k�.........
<br /> . .. ' -
<br /> ��r�-�io..�`�O�lo.rn�-.a�sxn�8.�r�..��.� 3 ��1�,1.6$D,.�i.�l. � � ^ma�9.�.. �
<br /> , - :.w�,�a�A.r.�iark..�nt�n. �n�. --------�..................................��----------�---�-�------._.._
<br /> ( RTSERVING, HOWEVER, to the sa� U� PAGIfIC RAlLW:4Y COMPqN , aLL th�t portiorz of tlze Lan hereb� eonveyed.(if anz/ sueh there be) which
<br />, ( Zies within lines drawn paralLeL with,and..................D:�f1�/............_........__..hundred feet ort each side d,istarct from the center Line of its roc�d as raow construeted,
<br /> and anr��rec�ter width wherz neeessar� ,roerrrianentl� to include a3l its cuts, embatzkrnents, and ditehes, and o�her works necessary to seeure and
<br /> protect its mairc Zine. •
<br /> This conveyance is also upon the eondition that the said�rantee herein,........_......�...............................heirs, admin£strators and assi�sns e7zaLL erect Qnd
<br /> � maintairi a lawful fence be�weer� that portion of the,roremises herebz� conUez�ec�, adjoinins the road of saicL Company,(if anz� sueh th,e�e be,) and the
<br /> iroad of said Company upor� a line..................u:y�t/.........................hundred feet distant from the center liroe of such road, an,d parall�l, therewith, in all ca,ses
<br /> � irc which sueh fence is requirec� by law, or maz� be r�equired by said Companz�. .
<br /> TO H./�VE 4ND TO HOLD the said premises with aLl. the ri�'hts and appurtenar�ees thereunto beLot2�'in� urcto tke said g'rant,ee,_....._�.�M�Ar..................._
<br />'�� � heirs and assi�'r�s forever, and the said�Srantor doth hereby eover�ant with the said �srarLtee, that ab tTie makin� of this inatrument it is we�L seized
<br />� � of'the said premises as of a�oocl arcd indefeasible estate i f.ee, anc� hath�'ood ri�'ht to selL and eonvey the same, and that it wiLl WJIRR�NT cznd
<br /> defend the �itle to said prern,ises unto the said�'rantee,.........�....................heirs and assi�'ns fore er a ainst he lccwfuL claims of al,L persons whomsoever,
<br /> � E.X'CEPTING, .lT�'OWEV.E.R, al,L ta.xes and assessments levied upor� said premises since�.�..c�,. . .... ..�..{0....1.$.Qa�....... ca�ai�s
<br /> . . • •
<br /> � , , e ----•-••-�-----•-------------------••------•--•--.........................�.....�.....--------••--------._._....._......or--..............•••.... ra,
<br /> �
<br /> , • • � . -----�•----.....--�---•...............••---�-----��---------...---�---............_.....--•-•--------•--•--....-•-•--•--•-----...--�-----...................-•-------••--•-•------......---••---•--------------,...........--••--•---------------•---------------•--.................••••.....------------••-- �
<br /> ! AND WHEREAS�8�1(1 UNION PACIFIO RAILROAD COMPANY flid�Ori th0 Si%t88llt�1 da�Of ApTll� A.D. 1867,execnte and deliver to Cyrus H.McCormick,of the City of New York,�tnd John Daff, of
<br /> Ii ihe City of Boston,a certaan Mortgage Deed of that date,�vhich deed is recorded�n the oflice of the County Clerk of............................................................................Coiinty,�u the:�tate of Nebras�a, wherein said
<br /> I Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.McCorrnick and John Duff,ae rrustees,for the usas rynd purposes therein mentioued,amonn others ttie lands hereinUefore described; Axn WaEaEAS,the said Cqrus H.
<br />` 14IeCormick did an the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth
<br />� , dap of October, A.D. 1873,accepted b�the Uxrox PACIFIC R�iLxonn ConzPaxY,by its Board of Director3,at a meeting thereof held on tha�t day in the City af Boston and St$te of Massachnsette;
<br /> Axn WaEK�AS,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of' �aston,in the State of Massachusetts, was duly nominated by the remaining Truatee,John Dnff, as s�cce�sor to said
<br />' Cyrus H.MeCormick,which nomination was,on the same day, a�pproved by the Board of DireCtorB Of the 8aid UNION PACIFIC I�AILROAD COMPANY; AND WHFRE�S,by 9uCll namination and appiOVal
<br />', � said Frederick L.Ames did,upon his aeceptance thereof, thereatter become vested with the snme estates,powers, rights,a�ud interests,and charged with the same duties and responsibilitiea,as if he had
<br />� I been one of the original Trustees named in and egecuting,eaid Mortga�oe Deed; Axn`'VxESEas,said remaining Trustee did,Uy a couveyance,proper and effectuai for that purpose,dated on the twentieth
<br /> Iday of October,A.D.1873, at the City of Boston, vest the same in such new Trustee jointly with him,the sa�id Johu Duff; Axn Wx�ttEas,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of Febraary,
<br /> A.D.1877, hy a�proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortnage Deed,which resigna�tion was,on the fourteenth day of Febrnary, A.D. 1877,accepted by tbe
<br /> � U\ION PACIFIC ILA]L$OAD COMPANY�U9 L�10 E%OClib1VC C01riIri1ttQ0 Of 7tS Board of Dir.etors, at a meeting thereof held on th�t day in tUe City of Boston, and State of 1Vdussachusetts; Axn WHEREAB,
<br /> no nomination of'a succeGsor to fill tl�e vacancy,cflueed by tl�e resignation of said John Duff, hmvin been made, the E�id Frederick L. Amea became,and now is,the sole Trustee; Axn WH�SEAB,the
<br /> said Uxro � Rnir.waY CoMraxY with t co eu t es for tlie time bei 'nbefore nained has sold and conve ed as above set fortl� the Real Estate hereinbefore deseribed
<br /> � � �����'�'����� � Y > > >
<br /> uuto the sa ,for and in consideration of'the , �nd paid by the a i ' ,�vhich said sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L, Amea,by said Company in his
<br /> cApacity as Tr stee,or to said John Duff aud said Frederick L. Aines,Trustees,or to said Cyrus .�IcCormick and s�id John Duff, Trustees,for the nses:�nd purposes in eaid Mortg�ge Deed mentiened.
<br /> �0211 �lirtcfol(c, Know a!l Men 6y these Presents, that I, the said Fre�' icc L_. �.$rn s, mainins Trustee in the aforesaid Jl2ort�'a�'e Deed, irc
<br /> � coTasideratior� of the af'oresaicl, ,vremises anc� payment as aforesai�j���"�'um'.so�a�i�aic� Comparay to said trus� fund, of which I am the
<br /> I remainin�' Trustee, fo thg�� es and purposes aforesaid,, do hereUz�RE,MISE, RELE./�SE, and forever QUI1'-CL./Il�unto the said..................................................
<br /> � . ..................... '� the Re�zl Estate describe saicl, to be hel ree and exem t rom
<br /> I --� - -- -- ---..,VY. . -.-----��--- -��--�----�-�-------------------------------��-----... d afore d b t
<br /> �........................... . . . � f P f
<br /> aZL Ziens, incumbrance , and eharses of sai,d JVlort�a�'e D_ed,bub subjec�, however, tn aLL t,he reservatior�s arcd cor�ditions hereir�before cntttained.
<br /> M �i� �itng�� �h�rro�', The sccid �'rar�tor, the U1V✓ON PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath �� �
<br /> IN PRESE�ICE OF , '� y;� ;
<br /> causecl these p�eser�ts to be sealed wiEh its corporate seaL, and to be si�ned by its , , o
<br /> President ancl Tre�zsurer, arad eour�tersi�'necl bz� its La:zc� Commissioroer and its .; �
<br /> ✓ludit�r,ar�c�the said Fredericic L..flmes, Trustee, has hereunto set his hand this ` ; �
<br /> 4��/ �� 9 �
<br /> /( ..�"1.,....�.l���!����................. ..... ................. �-----...---....�:1�1�� ...-------...---------------�---......_da o ��---....----�-----�-�--......_._......�1.D. 18.�.�..... �i�
<br /> ............... � . . .. . , '
<br /> . ..... � f---�-�---��---...-- - -
<br /> � � � .
<br /> Q p x #
<br /> ---........�1 1(�,�---_.e��''.�-����---��---�('�....-----�...........................President. � '
<br /> ��..�..�i������..................................... , �o�rA�t � U `�
<br /> ............... . �{ �
<br /> �'�'• �� .---....... �..�...�.G��..........--��...............-...--••------•--... Treasurer. ? � ��
<br /> �
<br /> , -�---...---�.�:-..�....��!'.(�(1p1�........................................�---------._._............. Trustee. c°� � �,.
<br /> _�_ 3
<br /> ' �#ate af ,�a��a�h���t#�,
<br /> � SS.
<br /> , ; CaUNTV OF SUFFOLK. �e it �Qrn�mGere�, Tnat an th,S......................�'. �. . . ...................................aay . . ......................................A.n. ie.4�.,
<br /> before me,a Notary Public in tind for said County,appeared the UNIO:V P�ICIFIC RAILWt1Y COVIPANY, by�G;t���MS its President, a�nd�...... , its Tre�snrer, who are personall
<br /> I �
<br /> � known to me to be the identical persons whose namee are subscriUed to the foreooing instrument as s�id Yresident and Treas er, ind then and�here acknowledged the execation and sealing of said
<br /> Instrumevt to be their volnntar,y act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of eaid Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally appeared the abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to
<br /> � me to be the Trastee described in,avd who execnted the foregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he executed the same�Trastee t�s aforesaid, and for the uses and pnrposes therein set
<br /> ' forth,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act aod deed.
<br /> i �n ��tng$� �hpr�e �f, I b ve ere nto set my hand and official seal this......:.........�. . . . ...
<br /> ; day of.........................�.IIJ�'�.�i��n�(.�............................................A.D. 18�.�Ji�.....,at the City of Boston,in said County and State.
<br /> ; - � -,(
<br /> . ,
<br /> I' � S�A�►... . .. . - -----------------------------------------�.Notary Public.
<br /> --��---��-----��-------�---.......---- -
<br /> � v,
<br /> ,
<br /> _
<br /> _ ___ _�.
<br />