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[J'4J � _ <br /> � ������ ������ � �� � <br /> ���� � � <br /> I _ =._FROM =_--'___..�__.�_— - i Q <br /> , O��z� <br /> d for record the...........................................1 ..�..... ..................--� ......................................da� of <br /> ........�................ <br /> .. .... ....... .... .......................................... . .............. . ................... � <br /> � � � ....................... . .......... ....................�--��--�----.....18..��....�; at.............................._...........................................o'elock........�.�........M: <br /> _.... .. .... .. ......... ...... .1�.... .... .... . .. .........�!..1......G".L.......�.................. <br /> To � ��/� <br /> .........................C!.!�.•�•�✓.. ...!�/l�1�...�!1/i�....................._....................--��---........... <br /> Courzty Clerk. <br /> ..:........ ...............................�..................... ............. ......................................... . ' <br /> .................................... . ...... ....................................... .. ..................................... <br /> . ..........................�. .. . ..........�.................................... Deputz�. <br /> F°R� ' 9. THE UNION PACIFIC RAILV�AY COMPA NY. <br /> �i UNION DIVISION-�NEBRASKA. <br /> Cor�tract No..1���.:��..(�.:............. Deed No.�..�.......�C.:.�...��...�.�.�.................. <br /> �n.azu �rr ���Qn �� ��re�e �"rQ�ent�: <br /> That the UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAV GOMPANV, which is a Cafpo�°aliaz formed and exist,ir�s b� tlze consolidation of the Ka�zsc�s Pacific Railwa� Compan�, <br /> the Denvef° Paeifie Railwa� ar2cL Tele�'raph Compai2y, and, the U12L0T2 Paeifie Railroacl Company, under the eorporate r�ame anc� st�le of th,e UN/ON <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAV GQMPANY, bJ c�zcthorit� of an aet of Conaress, erLtitlecl, "�rL aet to aic7, in the eonst,ruetion of a railroad ar�d tele�'raph line from the <br /> .Missouri �iver to the Paci,fic Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the sam� for Posta,L, ,MiliEccrr�, ared other,�urposes," approved July <br /> 1, 186�, arcd acts amenda•torz� tlzereof, zvhich said Companz� has succeeded to anrL beeome seized and possessed of alL the real estate and pro,rerty of <br /> the said Constituent Cvm,roanies, whether real, personal, or mixed, and, monss other thin�'s, of alL the land �ranted to sc�id Union Pacific RaiLroad <br /> Compan� b�� the aforesaid �zets of Consress, in aid of the eonstr tiorc o ts roa , not cor�t•e ed waz�by saicl�°mpany at the date of such eonsolidati.or�, <br /> Cto-wit, Jareuary �,1�, 1880,) in consideratiorc of the sum of-----.��G�............................. ....�.--_--.-.-------..---- - - ----------.`.�.')-�f• <br /> .................... ...�--�------...._...-- ---��- --..... n <br /> - - � - -�------...--�--------�--�-----��---....--� ................_....---... ............... .....---........ DoZl , to ' pa' , the receipt of whieh is hereby acknowled�ed, <br /> doth hereby GR�4N7; B.l�RG.f1I✓V, SELL, .f1JV'D CONV.EY'� LbT2t0-.._......../�!�........ ....�.....�.. ... .. . .......�......._.. <br /> -°°°................................................................°--°-°---°-......................----....---.... <br /> ............... o the Countz o � in the State o <br /> .......... . .. .�--��---�-�- - -- � -- --.....................:........---��---------......... f .� f-�---- -----........ ....---�-�- .....-�-�-,--,-...............---... f�-----------�-�--------------------�-----------......--------...-------------�----....._. <br /> �......................�-�--.. .-�-- -.. D� <br /> the foLLowi�z�' described Real Estate, situate, lyin�' anc� beins in the County of....__...........__... ......�-�t................................................_arod irL the State of Nebraska, and <br /> I <br /> ' t - it:----�--•--f- ...... _.._............... .•-----�---•, ••---�-- •-•---...---.....-•--•......-------------.....-----�� ---- ...._... -..._..........-�-�-------------------- •- �}� <br />�I descrabed as follows, o w .-------- <br /> - • ,�/ ��� � � �, � �� -�-------�- ----- �--��-,--{� �-j-,-�j-- � <br />,� ..................L.J.. .....�:::y��..u��Y....... . . ........ ...^....... .....�p��..�.,�'"�.cvK....... .........G�Lt.�[n:.........1�G.,C.S...���"f..:..C..............................................:................. <br /> ........................................................... <br /> . ...................... .............................................................�--_.........._........................................................................................................... <br />� ......................................................................................................................................................... ............. <br /> ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br />; ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................,........................................................................................................ <br />' ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ <br /> ........................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> .................................................................................�.............................................................................:........................----............................/.................n....p.,........... ............... <br /> of Section No...-.. --��- ............. .�---A��.k.-.--.........I........ - ....... an Townsha A o. ...._. L..d........................ ._No Iz o Ra e JI o....._... . ..............�........ ..... ...... ......_..........__ <br /> _ �.� . .p ` r �...- ...� � � '� �%I�-�- {1�' �'V.�-�` <br /> of the 6th Princinad JITer iar�, cor�tainir��', accordins t.n the United Strxtes surver� thereof.......... ....��......._...... .......�.�.�D�....:........._.....___.___._...__.__._..__ <br /> .................. .. <br /> _...••---------------------------�-- ---�-------�------------------------- .�leres, m,ore or less, . . , --• •��-•----•--------------�-•-�---................................... <br /> .....................�-�-�---------------�-----..... <br /> ���.............. .. <br /> ..---��----��---�--------�-��-----�............................:.....��c�'�8.,.�......---�-----..._.. -............-----...-----��-----�-------------------�-----------------------�--...----�- -._..................----=�----..._.....---�----.....-�------�--....--�-----------�-�--��-----�------------:_ <br />' R Z S.E.RVING, HOWEVER, to the said UN/ON�P 1C/F/C RA/LIN.aY COMPANY, alL that portior� of the Land herebr� conveyed,(if arLZ� sueh there be) which <br />' lies wit.hiiz lines drawn paraLleL with,and_..._._...........�i!�c�................:...hundred feet o.r� each side d,istant �rom the eenter li�ae of its road as now constructed, <br /> and anz��'reater width when rzecessarz� pernzanenEly to include a?L its cuts, embankments, and ditches, and ot,her worlcs rcecessary to secure and <br />� protect its mairz Zine. � <br /> This cor�veyance is also upon the condition that the said�'rantee hereir�,............ <br /> ...... ...:...........................heirs, administrators and assi�'rLS shalL erect and <br /> I maintairo a lawful fenee between that por�r� of the premises hereb� convez�ed, ad,joinin�' the road of said Com,�any,(if anJ sueh the��e �e,) ancl t,he <br /> ro�d of saicl Company upon a line_.........................:�.�c,...................hundred feet distant from the center line of sucTa road, an,c'� paralleL therewith, in all cases <br /> irL which such fer�ce is required by law, or rna� be required bz� said Compaizz�. . <br /> TO H.,4 VE �1ND TO HOLD the saicl premises with aLl. the ri�hts aTad appurter�ances thereunto beLon�'in� unto the said�'rantee,_. .._...................... <br /> heirs aiac'� assi�'ns forever, and the said�srantor doth Tzerebr� covenant with the said �'rantee, that at the makin�' of this instrument it is well seized, <br /> of'the srzid pretnises as of a�'ood and indefeasr'ble estate ir� �, and hath�'ood ri�'ht to selL ancl convez� the same, and that it wiLL W�IIiR,f1N1'and �'; <br /> clefend the title to said premises unto tFze sa d apsessmezz,ts Ievied u .or�esuid��emi�s �ino�rever a�ainst he�ctz�r,fu����ms of a7,L persons whomsoeveN, I <br /> .E�Y'C�PTING, HO W EVER, a7,L taxes p �� p �9 .o�>' <br /> ........--�-�--��-- j <br /> . . • <br /> , � <br /> ...------�.....................�------...-------•......................................._....,....----��----..-....... <br /> ........................�....................s�a6ct��eB�cctiss,,., <br />, ;:.: - • , <br />�:::, , v P .°-...--°......................................................°----•-°--..................---°°--...----.._..................--°----°°-°°------................------°-°-°------°-.....------•-°----...--°°---.......................................-°---°..........._._...�-----••°- <br /> ;„ AND WHEREAS,said Uxiox PACiFro Itnir.ROAn CoMrANY did,on the sixteenth d:�y of April, A.D. 1867,execute and del' r rus H.McCormick,of the City of New York,and JohnDuff, of <br /> k �,, the City of Boeton,a certain il�Iortga,�e Deed of that date,whicl�deed is recorded m the ofi'ice of the County Clerk of:...................}�..�.......��..�.................................Connty,iu the State of Nebraska, wherein said <br />� Company conveyed to the sa�d Cyrug H.McCormick and John Duff,as Trustees,for the uses�und parpoqes theretn mentioned,amon�others the lands hereinbefore described; AND WHERGAB�tlle Said Cyl'u8 H. <br />� McCormick did cn ihe twenty-eighth da�y of June,A.D.2873, by a proper instrument of writing to tliat effect,resign his place as Trustee under said mortgage deed,which resignntion was,on the fifteenth <br />`r day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by the UNiox P�crFrc 7tnir.ttoAn Conzrt�NY,by ite Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on tha�t day iu the City of Boslon and State of Massachusetts; <br />, AxD WHEx�AS,on tlie fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'l:aston,iu the State of DZassachusetts, was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as successor to said <br /> Cyrus H,McCormick,which uomination was,on the same day, approved by tlie Board of Director8 of the said UNION PACIN IC ILAILROAD COMPANY� AND WAERE:�f3�b�BUCh llOIriiI1Rt10II and approval <br /> �aid 1'recierick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof, tl�ereatter become veqted with the sa�me eatates, powers,rights,and interests,and charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if l�e had <br /> been one of tl�e original Trustees na�med in and executing,eaid Mortga�e Deed; Axv WxERFAS,said remaining Trustee did,Uy ti conveyance,proper and effectu�tl for that pnrpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.1873, at tl�e Cit,y oP Boston, vest the same in such new Trustee jointly with him,the said John Duff; AND WHE2EA8,b110 8a1C1 JOhri Dllff Clld,on the fourteenth day of February, <br />� A.D. 18?7, by a proper instrument oi writivg to tbat effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,which resignation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,aecepted by the <br /> U:�7ox P�crFrc KA�T.ztoan Conrra�Y,by the Executice Committee of its Board of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston,and State of Massaehusetts; Axn Wx�R�ns, <br /> no nomination of a successor to fill the vacancy,caiised by the resignation of said John Duff, h�tving been made, the s�id I'rederick L. Ames became,a�nd now is,the sole Trustee; Axn Ws�s,�as,the <br /> said UxioN PnciFtc Rnir.wAY Con2raxY,with ti�e conseut oF the Trusteea for the time being,hereinbefore named, has sold and conveyed,as above set forth, the Real Estate hereinbefore described, <br /> °�' unto the s�id grantee,ior and in consideration of'the sum aforesaid, to it in havd p�id by tbe said �rantee,�vhich said sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L,Ames,by said Company in his <br /> capacity as Trnstee, or to said John Duff and said Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to eaid Cyrus H.McCormicic and said John Duff, Trustees,for t�l�e uses and purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �vw �'hrrrf'o�e, Know al/ /Ylen by these Presenfs, that 7, the said Fre�lerielc L. �mes, reTnainirc�' Trustee in the aforesaid dYl'ort�'a�se Deed, in <br /> eo�zsider fior2 of the aforesaid, remises ancl payment as aforesaid of saicl sum, .so paid b� said Compar�y to said trust fur�d, of whieh I am the <br /> remai �' Tru ee fo e u s and urpose.s aforesaad, do hereb�RE,/YIISE, RELE.l1SE, and fnrever QUIT-C'L�LM ur�to the said_................................................. <br /> ........ .... .........�__�� _. ..... ..... .........___........._.._.._...............:......__.the ReaL Est te descra ed a oresaid, to be helc� by the said�srantee free anr� exem,ut from <br /> �-------�-�-- ��--- �--- <br /> a 'b f <br /> aZl Zier�s, i mbrances, and char�'es of said JI'lortsa�'e Deed,but subjecb, however, to aLL t,he reservatior2s arLd canditions hereinbefore �rttainecL. <br /> �/tj �rfng�t� �hgrco�', The said �srar�tor, the UNION PACIFIG RAILWAY COMPANV, hath i� : o <br /> IN PRES��ICE OF ` � � ` <br /> caused thes ,,��r,�esQ ts o be sealed with its corporate seaL, arcd to be siened by its : o <br /> Presiderct a�,�C��T reasurer, ar�d eountersi�ned by its Land Commissioner and its : c <br /> .gu di t r,�a d t he sa' .F re deric k L..f lmes, 1'rus t h s hereun to se t his han d t his ;� <br /> � � : : <br /> ........... ... ........... .......... ............................................... . <br /> .......... . . ......----�� --�� <br /> ................ . .... ............�-�--................._da�✓ �f--��--��----��--�---- .......--�-- ...............................�.D. 18.�:�... ; �l;� <br /> ' o ; <br /> � ��,/ : ;:\\ <br /> -- q�i?'rA----�------�....................................President. � `�\ • t <br /> --......�-"'-,�-..'""�`-..... . ; . <br /> , C%� -� . / <br /> . <br /> ... _G�����... .......... • <br /> .................. .r.�4�.. ..�.�....�(�l�!1�4.t��.�r�:Treasurer. � �Ca: � <br /> . ..... ........ .. ....................... ........ . <br />,, ' ,0�-a--Q (... <br /> : '• <br /> � � ,�,l � : . <br /> Z <br /> -------------��---✓�!'!'v�---.. . ..........�l��y�Q�---............---..........-----.. Trustee. c°, � . <br /> �#ate of ,11�a��athix�e##�, - <br /> SS. . <br /> COUNTY Of SUFFOLK. � �c �t �.cmemG�re�, Tb�t on this....... ............... .... ........����1.�� of........ . ..... : .. ..� n.n. is.8..'S� <br /> ...�.. . ._.. ............... <br /> �...... <br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,appeared the UNION PACIFIC Rt1ILW�1Y COYIPANY, by . . AA S, 'ts Presideut, and JAMES . HARRIS, ite�reasnrer, who are personall <br /> known to me to be the identical persovs whose namea are subscribed to the foregoin;instrument:�s said Preside aa�rea rer, a�nd theu and there ac owledged the execution and sealing of said <br /> Inatrumevt to be their�oluntar,y act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Compan,p. And on the same day,likewise, personally appeared the bova named FREDfRICK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trustee described in,nnd�vho executed the fore�oing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he egecuted the same�s Trustee as aforesaid, and for the ttses and purposes therein set <br /> forth,and that the e ution thereof was his voluntary act and deed. _ J� <br /> �n 9�itness �ry�r�enf I v hereu o set my hand and official seal this......... ................... <br /> . .......................... ............................................................................. <br /> day of.....................� ....... .............................................A.D, 18.��,at the City of B n,in said County and State. <br /> ,�-��--� '� � L / /� _ . <br /> .................�.J'./.Y.I�Y�t�f'f_._.�./...._..... ... . .------�----...------�----------'�----�---�_Notary Public. <br /> � 1 <br />