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�8 ,, <br /> � � � _�_�_1J�j� ��j� t� ��� <br /> ----____.— - <br /> FROM � <br /> Filedfor record the...............................��..:...�....................................................._................................daz� of <br /> ....... .. .... . .:...................._..... ............................................................. ��� , , <br /> ....................... ....� <br /> .......... .... ..... .................��----.........---.................18.�...�i., at..........�........................................................o clock...... .......M. <br /> _....... ..�::�:� .� . .: .�... .. .... ..... ............. .... . <br /> ...... .. ...... . . . . <br /> � TO <br /> °....:..... ...�...... ... ... . ..................................................-°•---.......-°°--......-°°-- ........ <br /> .........:...... ........ .......................................�/�................................_............................ ' <br /> County Clerk. <br /> � , .............�....... ........ ... .............�.................... ......--��---............. ---......---......:....... <br /> ��l/.. — ..De ut <br /> �� � - A �J• <br /> .................... ...............�.''�,y"�v...........�vr:................................................ ; � <br /> --- __. _._._ -----.----- <br /> —`....__ __ ---- _ ---- � – <br /> � <br /> F°R� 3739. THE UNION PACIFI RAILV�IAY CC�MPAN�. <br /> UNION DIVISION-���r--- <br /> ............:.........._........................... <br /> �''.A�S7:...................................................... <br /> �n�atv ��Z ���en �� t�ie�e �"r�e�ent�: <br /> That the UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY CQMPANY, which is a Cor1�or°afio�z formed arad. existins br� tlae cnnsoLidatiorz of the Ka7zsas Pacifie Railwar� Comparcr�, <br /> the Denver Paeifie Railwa9 and Tele�'rapT2 Compafzz�, aTZd the Urcion Paeific RailroacL Compcc�z�, under the eorporate rzame and st�le of th.e UN/ON <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY GOMPANY, v� authorit� of an act of Consress, entitlecl, "./�r� aet to aid in the co7zst,ruction of a railroc�d and. tele�'raph Zir�e from the <br /> .Missouri River to th-e Pacific Ocean, a�2cl to secure to the Governmer�t the use of the sam� for Postal, Jllilitary, and oth,er ,�urposes," approvecl July <br /> ' ' ded to aT2r� become seized arcd ossessed o alL the reaL estate aiac� ro ert o <br /> 1, 186�, and aets amenclatory t�tereof, wla;ich saza Company has succee p f p X� � }' <br /> the sairL Constituent Cvmpccnies, wlzether rea.L, personaL, or mixed, anc'�, amons other thin�ss, of alL the Lancl �'ranted to saic'� U�iion Paeifie RaiLroad <br /> Company bz� the aforesaid acts of C"on�'ress, i�a aicl of the construc aon of i road not corcz•eyed way by said Corvapan�at the date of szcch eonsolidati.orZ, <br /> (to-wit, Jareuary �./�, 1880,> in consideration of the sum of.......Q�,n�?<?:i.. .................... ... .... . . `�` �.y�--d.-�._ ..... ._ ... ; <br /> - ---•••- ------- <br /> �,�,. -- ' .. <br /> ,� �.��� ����-��-.. - �- <br /> ...---�-��------�-�................................ . ...... ........... <br /> ...._.............. .....�---...---�-�---.__... .... ..... ..... �rs, to at,�ai� e recei t�f which is ereby eknowled�ed, <br /> doth hereby GR 4N7; B./1RG.,4L1V, SELL, ..4ND CONV�Y; unta�_,Q�.�. -..�. ...-���-!�-='�......:...........�------.....-�----��-----------........------��-- <br /> .............�------�-�---......----...----.....--�-�--.......---._...---�--....._...........................--���--��----...-�---��-�-----� -�--........._- -...... --�...--�----...--�-- ...---�--� -----... o ---------------.......-----�--....._...--------....--------------........------------ <br /> the folLowin�' described ReaL Estate, situate, lyin�% arcd beir�s in the County of.........................�.�......................._.................arod in the S�ate of Nebraska, arLC� <br /> described as follows, to-wit:-�-�....................................................�------ -�----.......----.......................---........--��---.............�- ............ � ..._.........�--��----�----...-�---�� �---------------�--......--�--------�•--�-��� <br /> ......................................................�----.....----�-� <br /> ........................................... ................. ...............:....... .......... .................. ........................... ............................................. ..........................................:............ ................................................................................................................................ <br /> �.................................��....����'.,� . .......... ...�...,��.......,�....�..�-�.. ......��--..==-.--.--.. ...�-��....:`r�........ .....................�...�,.......�.�............................................ <br /> .............. ........��............................................ ....... ................................................................................................................................---.......................................................... <br /> .................. <br /> .......................................... . .............. ..... <br /> ......................................���-�.���:::.�..�:.�..�..�...�1...................................................................................................... <br /> ..................................................................................... ............ .... <br /> -�........................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ <br /> ............................................................... ... ................... ..... ........... .................................................................................... ........... ....... ...... ........ . . ........ ......... ............ ......... ... ... ............ <br /> .....................................................w......................................................---..........................................---......................---- �---........................... .....--��-- �---........----. <br /> ............................................... . ....:.... .......... .. ... ...... ............................ } <br /> of Section. No. ......... ..... .........`...c�-��,,c:-� -��(.�...._....__.......... in Township ��''o. .�..�l..QJ_...._......_..... -- - ........_ ortTz of an�'e ''o.....�� .Q,1....G�J...�.�--...-----�- <br /> o the 6th Prinei ab JVIer' ian, eontainin�', aeeordiri�s tn. the Unitecl States survey thereof.----.������� ^ c.�.�?�L__ ...-�-- a– <br /> _�___.________._____________ __ � ..__. .. ..'_p._.__.. .11cres, more or less, veiiz�' the same pr mi es eontracted to be so d t ... ../.�'is..��� _� .....l.'���........... .. . ��r <br />, �1�rd 31���o� ��,7/• - �-- —.:!<�.-- •�----- — . .. ... , . �.... • ... <br /> � �,'�Q� z. �J�,�,.--- .�.:4�-��.p ----- (-�-= �- - �:- ��,�:rrs'.�=1--�------,��:�,�.i.�.�.�.�.d. _� <br /> ����.I�r,�E�R3 I G, HO + � , e sai AG'lfl����LW,4Y LO a �a�` or� e and here�bz� conveyed,(if anz� sueh there b hieh <br />' Zies withir� lines dT°awiz parallel with,and................�:��......_.........hundred feet o� each side distant from the center line of its road as now constructec�, <br />'I and ar�y�reater width wherz rzecessar� permanen�lr� to include a?L its cuts, emba�zkments, and ditches, anc� otlaer works necessary to secure ancl <br />, protect its mairc line. <br /> 2'his cor�veyance is also upon the conditioro that the sazd��'rantee herein,............_��..�..........................:......heirs, administrcctors and assi�sns shrzlL erect and. <br />� maintain a lawful fence beEween that portion, of the ,rore�nises herebz� eonvez�ed, adjoinir�� the road of said Company, (if an� such the�e be,) ancl the <br /> I road of said Com,vanz� u�on a lirce.................�Q.:�.:�-:....-..--...----...-hunr�red feet distant from the center line of sueh road, arr,c'� paralLel, therewith, in alL cases <br /> in which sucdo fence is requi�ed bz� law, or Ina� Ue required br� said Compan�. <br /> TO H.fl VE ..4ND TO HOLD the said �remises with aLl. the ri�'hts and appurterzar�ces thereunto belon�'ins unto the saic��'rantee, ..................................... <br />'� heirs afzcT, assisns forever, and the said�Srantor doth herebz� cover�ar�t witlz the saicl �'rantee, that a� tlae makin�' of this instrument it is well seized, <br />� < of'tl�e said premises ccs �f a�'ooa anc� ir�defeasible estate in e, and hath�'oo� rissht to selL and eonvez� the same, and that it will W:l�RI��1NT ar�d <br /> defend tlze title to said premises untn the said�'rar�tee,..........�.......-.-�...---heirs and assi�'ns foreve a�airast the law uL elaim of a7,L persoras whomsoevej°, <br />,� E.Y"CEPTING, HOWEVER, al,l taxes ancl assessments levied upon sui/d premises since_�.7:��._. ...-�---/.S.tll.��-----�-- !I <br /> j • ' �''/ e�,� , , ' �F��.:P?�:�... - --�.a�..vr.-sz� ---��----••-� ---... ':a-�:t:t.�3t�...9�<f..----�--.tL�.lLf�K�...........L�tebaeAeff87'fs, i <br />'' ' � ' • .'y..1..6!!Y-�-./'{2_.... _.1..8.'h.'.3..v-'v: �� .,LpC...�2_ .-_.h...-- --- -.'. ...`..�xai.Y.!��...�2...�j.�------....�.._.....---�-----•-°........---'...................�......---��---��--'�-�---.'........•_--•....__---------'• ' <br /> I' ihe Cit o�To�QnEa certa n Mor�tgaPe D ed of th t date,whi h d'�eda s�ecorded�n tke ffice of theiC uny1Clerk� ute a�nd deliv�y to ras H.McCormiConntyhin the�3 a e of Nebraska,Jwheren a:i'id <br /> 9 '�� <br /> Company conveyed to the said CyruR H.MeCormick and John Dut�;as 1 rustees,for the uses:und parposes therein inentioned,amova others the]ands heretnbefore described; Axv\'VaERras,the smid Cgrus H. <br /> McCormick did on 1be twenty-ei�;hth d�y of June,A.D.1873, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his p]ace as Trnstee under sa�id mortgage deed,which resign�tion was,ou'the fifteenth <br />� day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by the Uxiox PACrFIC ItAir.ROAD Co:KrArrY,by its Botird of Directors,�t a meeting thereof held ou that clay in the City of Boston aud Stnte of Dfassnchusetts; <br /> A1vD WaE�t�AS,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of F:aston,iu the Stnte of Massachusetts, was duly nominated by tha remaining Trustee,John Duff, as suecessor to said � <br /> s on the same da a roved b the BOATd OP D1T2CtOt8 OC bU0 6ald UNION PACIFIC ILAILEOAD COMPANY' AND WI�ERE:�B b such nomination and m roval <br /> rmick which vomination wa y, PP Y , , Y p <br /> rus H.McCo , p <br /> Cy , <br /> I� � derick L.Ames did u on his acce tance thereof, therea�lter become vested with the same estates, powers,rights, �nd interests,aud charged with the same duties and responaibilities,as if he had <br /> said i re , P P <br />' been one of the original Trustees na�med in and egecuting,�aid Mortga�e Deed; Axn WxExEas,said rema�ining Trustee did,by:�conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br />� day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston, veat the same in such new Trustee jointly with him,the said John Duff; ANn VVx�[tEas,the said John Du[�'did,on the foarteenth day of Febraary, <br /> A.D. 18?7, by��proper instrument ot��riting to tt�a�t effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mort�age Deed,which resignation wa�s,on the fonrteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,accepted by the <br /> U:�iox PeciFtc Ka�r.�toan ComrANY,by the Executice Committee of its Bo�rd of Dir.etors, at a meeting thereof held on tha�t day in the City of Boston,and State of 1Vlassachnsetts; Axn Wx�x,�AS, <br /> no nomination of'a successor to fill the vacancy,cnused by tl�e Tesignation of said John Duff, having been made, the s�id Prederick L. Ames became,and now ie,the eole'Prnstee; Axn WaES,�AS, the <br /> said Uxr ciFir. I�atLwAY CoMrnnY,witli sen��t�of ,�Ue�,r�s��fo t time being��r�nbetore named, has sold and conveyed,as above set forth, tbe Reai Estpte hereinbefore deseribed, <br /> unto the a�� ,or and in consideration of'the sum. ,`t�o it in hand pai by the sa �s�',"�°v�ich snid sum of money ha�s been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Company in his <br /> capacity as Trustee, or to said John Duffand said Frederick L. Aines,Trustees,or to said Cgrus H.McCormick�nd said John Duff, Trustees,for tbe uses nnd purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �oiu �'hrrefo�(e, Know al/ Men by these Presenis, that I, the�sa .Z�'re racic L��rr�.es, res i in Trustee in tJ2P. aforesazd JVlort�cs'ag'e Deed, in <br /> considerafion of the af'oresai,d, premises and paz�ment as�ore ai����, So paid�d Company to said trust fund, of which I am the <br /> remai ' �' ru tee, for the uses anc� ,�urposes aforesaid, do Jzereb�1tEJIIISE, R.ELE./1SE, ar�c� forever UIT-CL./�I✓K�nto the said_................................................. <br /> .. . .,_�,�,i................................................._..___..........._....._.........the ReaL .Estate described aforesaid, to be�eLcL b�the ' • free ar�d e.xempt from <br /> ...............��.�-��- <br /> aZL Ziens, incumbrances, and char�ses of said .Mort�sa�'e Deed,bu� subjec�, however, tn aLL t,he reservations ared conditior�s hereinbefore eontained. <br />'�4 �/tj �ifng�� �h�ren�; The saicl srantor, the UNION PACIfIG RAILWAY GOMPANY, hath j� ; � <br /> IN PItESE\C� OF • � ?� <br /> caused these presents to be seaLed with its corpoi°ate seal, a�d to be si�ned by its <br /> p/,�.President arcd Treasurer, ar�c� eountersi�'ned br� its Lanc� Commissioner ar�d its a <br /> �: � <br /> �luditor ancl the s 'c� Frederick L.�mes Trus has hereunto set his hand this r� � . <br /> , , <br /> ; V <br /> (.�..�.�'.��...�..�.�..�._�����'..................................... 'L7/L� �� ' <br /> �........ ...... . .��---........v...... ----�-�---...---...�---��-�--------.da�✓ �f�------........: ............-�---��-----�--�----------�--............q.D. 18��... : ' <br /> . ' � c . <br /> � � � .................._..':��,J........--°----...--°-- '- � � ' ° . <br /> � ^-/��� �� ------ ------��---....--�---�--.........�-�.....President. � I <br />�' . ........�..`Z�....v.I..........U.Y�(..�.................................. �jJ� ``� 0 �� �p y i <br /> YX k.��..J` �"'���u�. .. W - � : <br /> -------------- -�-��---�----... . ..E,.... ............. . . .-- - ._ ...-�---------.... Z'reasurer. � : : <br /> � j i <br />� ,.....--�---�--�..............._ �.�................-----....--�----..._....................:--......... Trustee. � ; : <br /> i- <br /> �tate vf ,�as�atf�ix�e##s, <br /> SS. <br /> COUNTV OF SUFFOLK. �c it �:emembere�, Tbat on tris..l�..l:�{�...: ....:..::�._ .�f.i ,...�'..........�............. ay ,�..„, ,.. .. A.D. 18.�'.:� <br /> �,� ........ .................................................. <br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said CounLy,tippeared the UNfON PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�IP Y, y��, its�PresideiY�,� �' its Treasurer, who are personally <br /> kno��n to me to be the identic�l persons wl�ose namee are subscribed to the foregoing instrument as� resident and Treasurer, and the�� an2l�ere acknowledged the execution and sealing of said <br /> Instrument to be their vohmtar,y act�und deed,and the voluntary act�nd deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise,personally appeared the abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trustee described in,and who executed the#'oregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me tt�at he egecuted the same as Trustee as aforesaid, and for the uses and purpoaes therein set <br /> forth,and that the egecution thereof was hie voluntary act and deed. o� <br /> �tt �itnQSS �tterQOf, I have here nto set my hand and official seal this..........................��h................:.............. <br /> .............................................................................. <br /> .............................................A.D. 15.�?�.. the Cit of Bost n in s id Count and State. <br /> � day of......................t���.U:�..... - .. , a Y � Y <br /> � �J • <br /> ......---�----------------�---��----. ._....----•---....,.---... ._.-.c%..��0:------..__...-----------._Notary Public. <br />�� <br /> .. ..,-, <br /> _..,..�._ __._ . _ _ _ __.__ __ .. <br />