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�� V <br /> 4 <br /> � ��j�j� ��j����� <br /> __� <br /> FROM � <br /> � t , � Filed for record the.........��..................................:............ ................................................................dar� of <br /> � �- .............. <br /> . . ... ....::�..�.................. . <br /> . .:-�.r�......... . ��,............ , <br /> .. .:..�-�...�................ ..��--�-�-�--��-----��----�--......ZB..�,�'...��, t...........�.�...._....--� _... --�-�--...........................o cloek.... .......JVl: <br /> _........................................................................................................................................... �Ci� <br /> To <br /> _ ... .... ........... ................ ............................................................................�--...---........... <br /> � _ _ ' County Clerk. <br /> �-, ]` � , <br /> ........�. ......�!.2.?:.��.............. ..._�./��-'..�.��+.=:.... ........................ <br /> ................. ..... ---.......---•............................... .............................---........................... <br /> Deputz�. <br /> F°RM3'39. THE UNI�N PACIFIC RAILWAY C�MPANY. <br /> // UNION DIVISION--NEBRASKA. L/ <br /> '............ Deed No.�.....�/.......7"..`�._:�'G........ <br /> Contraet No��.�^�J..��.�f.. . <br /> ' �a�.aaJ �rr ��Ccn �� �t�e�e �re�ent�: <br /> That the UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY G'OMPANY, whicTz i,s a Co���oratiorz formec� arzcl existinSs b9 thc cnnsolidation of the Kansas Pacific RaiLway Compani�, <br /> the Denver Pacific Railwaz� and TeZesraph Companz�, ancl the Uriior� Pacifzc Railroad Companz�, under the corporate riame and st�Le of th.e UN/ON <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAV GOMPANY, b� authority of an act of Consress, erztitled, "./.�r� act to aicZ in the eonstructior� of a railroad and tede�'ra,�h line from the <br /> .Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, a�zd t,o secure to the Gove��nmer�t the use of the SCG7YLn, for Posta.L, Jl2ilitar9, ancl other purposes," approved July <br /> 1, 186�, and acts arnendator� thereof, which said Compaizz� Izas succeeded to ar�d become seized and pos�ressed of alL the real estate and pro,�ertz� of <br /> tyze said Coizstituent Cvmpanies, whethef• rea,l, personal, or mixed, anc'�, amoresd other thin�'s, of all the Land �sranted to said Union Paeifie Railroac� <br /> Companz� bJ the aforesaid acts of Con�'ress, in aid of the constr ction o�its roacl,not conLe ed away by said Corroparzy at the date of such eonsolidati•orc, <br /> Cto-wit, Janua�°y �.1, 1880,> ire coresideration of the sum of---��:�.....��f%�'-'1='�'L`•�'u�-G'....-�----���-��----�-�•-�-----�-�---•...................._.---�------...-�--•----...:------..............-------�-•-------.............---............_ <br /> .....-�......:...........�- -----��--..._.....--��- -��- - - - .....- -- .... <br /> ...........................................................................�A-.-..---......._... D lars, to it paid, the receip� of which is hereby acknowled�'ed, <br /> .. .. . .:�?%�-�(�..----�------�--�---......-�------------------� ---. .... .................. .----......._.........._....-�----.....---- <br /> doth herebz� GR✓�N1; B./�RG.f1I✓V, SELL, ./1ND CONVEY; unto-._......... ................................ . <br /> ...................................••---............._..----�----....--•--� ----.........................--.... <br /> ..........................of the Count�J�f------..... -......... ............_...--- -- ��---.................---- in the State of•-•--� -- - •--••- ���-..--�---�-•..------....-----••----�--- <br /> the folLowin�' described ReaL .Estate, situate, Zz�iro�% and beins in the County of................. .... .. .. . .. ..............................._.................arod i t State of Nebraska, and <br /> describedas foZlows, to-wit: ...�.......�...,.............�... .y...-----��----�� ----- --...---.................. .. -�- �- - -��---,-�..... ---� ...... ..... ...,.._... ........---�---.....------....-----. ..,./.........----..........-----........---.........-----....------......----��-----....................---...----�- <br /> ..............................................................._...����!ti(.:�:�.6.-ti.��/....�..���-!�►�.....: ..�.����..�.Y..U�.��.,�:�..�t.�,Pt��....(/�.`.�.�./.f.'.G�..`��.................................................................................................... <br />, ................................................................................ <br /> ................................................................................ ...... <br /> ............................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> I ...................................��---........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ...... <br /> ..............................................................................�----�---................................................................................................................................................... ..... <br /> .............................................. ....................................................................................................................................... <br /> ............................................................ ............. .............. ....... . <br />' ........ . ............................................................................:.........................................�......................---......................................................---............................................................................ ...�.......... <br />� ............................................... ...... I <br /> .. { ........... .............. an Townshi l . .... �/ .... ---.......... North o Rara e .h''o... . ��.�.....�..................... <br /> of Sectaon No.---� �f/��/.......f l��_...--... ' P � '��.�'� ,/ .... ......--- - -� 1'� � r�:�u!-�r..�.--. <br /> of the 6th .Princi�a7, JVleridian, containzris, accordin�' t.n the Unite States survez,� thereof............. (.�-,�. __ . <br /> r - • <br /> ' s �sau're�,�xe�ae��Qn'�rasstcd tts �-----......••••••-•---•..............•------........----•-•-•-•-•-•--••-•......_..................••-----• <br /> -------�------�----�--------------------------------�-------�----------�--....._..�cres, more or less, � ----�----.........-�-�-------..........-----�-��---......---�-----.......---...---.....--------.......--��--�--�------........._ <br />; b� Cb,�ra�fi—.�o...................----� - -- -............... cl`a��'�:............---........---...._........_.................---------..........._.........---------�------��--��---�---.......--...-�---�----...-----...-------.................------��---��--�--------....---��------...-�----�-�-�------�-- � <br /> �----�-�-----�--------------�----...... . . . <br /> R I SERVING, SOWEVER,to the said UN/ON�AG/F/G RA/LWAY COMPANV, alL that pnrtion of the Land hereby corzveyed,fif aror� such there be) which <br /> lies wit,hin lines drawn paralleL with,arLd................�-�-�.:....-----.-.----...--hundrec�feet o� eaeh side distarct from the eenter line of its road c�s rcow eonstrueted, <br /> and any�'reater width when necessary permanentlz� to include alL its euts, emb nkments, arad ditehes, and other works necessary to secure and <br /> proteet its mairL line. ` <br /> This conveyanee is also upon the cor�diti,or� that the said�'rantee herei�,.......... . ...................................heirs, admirListrators and assi�'res shall ereet and <br /> maintair� a lawfuL fence bebween that portiori of the premises hereby conveyed, adjoinir��' the roarL of saicL Company,(if araz� such the�e be,) anc� the <br />'; road of sairL Company upon a line_............(,�%:c�c�C......................hun�lred feet distant from the center line of such road, an,d parallel, therewith, in all eases <br /> in which suc�z fence is requif�ed 1�9 law, or maz� ve required b� said Company. �j � <br /> TO H,l�VE ..4ND TO HOLD the said premises wi��z all the rishts ancl appurtenances thereunto belon�'irzs unto the said�g'rantee, .�.�....................... <br /> nd assi ns orever ancl the said rantor doth hereby covenant with the s�zid �'rar�tee, that at the makin�' of this insbrument it is well seizecl <br /> e'rs a .� <br /> h a , <br /> �' f <br /> � <br /> nf'the said premises as of a sooa and in�,�efeas�ble estate �fee, anc� hath�'ood ri�'ht to seLL and corcvey the same, and that it will W:f1RR�1N7 arLd <br />' defend t�ze title to said 7�i°enzises unto the said�'ran•tee,.... ... ..........................heirs and assi�'res forev r a aans�th�wfuL cl ims of a7,L ,roersons whomsoever, <br />' E.X'C�PTING, HOW'EVEI�, a1,L ta.xes and assessments levied upon said p�°emises sinee...' .......... ...........�-.---... .....1.�.�.�...._.............c�,�ee,��t�ar�s��n� <br /> � �2� � - `� <br /> . / <br /> C ' " v , --°°-•---°°--°..............°•-°--°----....................................---�----...---......._...........,.------...-----...----.�11�,...--`-........--°...3'b66C.P�07°3� I <br /> ]L'C��`s;o�88i � . IIROAD CO:YIPANY C�l(� on the sixteenth day of April, A.D. 1867,egecute and deli to�Cy�s A.McCormick,of the City of New York,and John Dutt; of <br />' AND WHERE�id Uxrox PaciFZO 1Zn , � II <br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortga�e Deed of lhat date,which deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of....................... .�..� ....[,in the�tate of Nebraska, wherein said <br /> . Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and John DnfF,��s Trustees,for the uses vnd purposes therein mentioned,:�moug others the lands hereinbefore describsd; AND�VfIEItI�AS�the aaid Cyrns H. I <br /> McCormick did an the twent5-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign k�is place as Trustee under said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth I <br /> day of October, A.D.1873,accepted by tUe Uxiox P�crFic 3.tnir.itoav COMPANY,by its Board of Directnr3,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and State of Massachusetts; <br /> Axn WxFx�AS,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. ]873, I'rederick L. Ames,of r:aston,in the State of Massachusetts,was duly nouiinated by the remaining'Trustee,John Duff, as euccessor to said <br /> Cyrus H.McCormick,which uomination was,on the same day, approved by tlie BOard of Directors of the said UNION P�iCIFTC RAILROAD COIiPANY; Axv W�FREas,by sach nomination and $pproval i <br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,upon his auceptance thereof,tt�ereatter become vested with tke same estates,powers, rights,and interests,and charged with the same dutiea and responsibilities,as if he had <br /> been one of the original Trustees nacned in and exeeuting,�aid Mortgare Deed; ANn�'PxE�tCAS,snid rema�ining Trustee did,by a eonceyance,proper and effeetual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.1�73,at tl�e City of Bostou, vest the same in such new'Prustee jointly with him,the sa�icl John Duff; Axn Wa�sEns,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February, <br /> A.D. 1897, by a�proper instrument oi`vriting to that effect,resign his place:�s Trustee under said Mortnage Deed,which resignation wa�,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1g77,accepted by the <br /> Usioiv PACrFiC KA�r.xoAn CoainaNx,by the Eaecuti�e Committee of its Board of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston,and State of DTaasachusetts; AxD Wx�REAS, <br /> no nomivation of'a snccessor to fill the vacancy,caused by the resignatiov of said John Duff,ha�ving been made, the s�id Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustee; Axn WaEx�AS, the <br /> S1�id UNION PaclFio Rair.waY Conzraxy,with the cousent ol' the Trustees for the time being,hereinbef'ore named, has sold and conveyed, fls above set forth,tbe Real Estate hereinbefore described, <br /> unto the said grantee,ior and in consideration of'the sum aforesaid,to it in hand paid by the s�id �rantee,which said sum of money ha�s been paid to said Frederick L, Ames,by said Company in his <br /> capacity as Trustee,or to said Jahn Duff and said P'rederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and said Tohn Duff, Trustees,for the nses and purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �ow �'Iirrefo�e, Know al/ Men by these Presenis, that I, the said Fre�lef•icic L. .l.�mes, re�nainin�' Trustee ir� thn, aforesaid ,Mort�a�'e Deec�, in <br /> e nsideratiorz of th f'oresaid, prerrzises ancl paz�ment as aforesaid of said sum, so paid bz� said ComparLZ� to saic� trust fund, of whieh I�zm the <br /> r a'nin�s�uste , �t e uses and pzcrposes aforesaid,, da T�erebz�RE.MISF., .RELE.f1SE, and forever QUII'-CL./�I�1�unto the said.......:.......................................... <br /> ....--��--- -.... . . ..,.�.. - -- <br /> .........................................................................the ReaL Estate deseribecl aforesaid, to I�e held by the saicL�'raratee free arcd exempt from <br /> all l,iens, incumbr ces, a char�'es of said. Jllort�a�'e .Deed,but subjeef, however, to aLL t,he reservations arLd eonditions hereinbefore contained. <br /> �tj �ifn��� �'h�rea�', The said srantor, the UN/ON PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANV, hath j s . � <br /> IN PRESE�CE OF caused these presents to be sealerl with its corporate seal, and to be sidnecl by its l ; : a <br /> �: <br /> � Preside�xt arod Treasurer, arcc� eountersi�nec� by its Lanc� Commissioner arod its � ��i � <br /> ( %/� ./.� to��,ar�d the said Frederick L../�mes, Tru ee, has hereur�to set his hand this � ° v� <br /> � / <br /> ................................... ............:.................................... <br /> . .............�... - a� �f-• �`"� ----�1.D. Y8,�� <br /> . , ............. . .._...�----.......-------.......-�---...---.........../ ---�--.............. ............. .........................-- <br /> .. .... : : <br /> . ;__� , o <br /> �, � � : ; <br /> ��{ ..........--� ..............=-------__............. ....---...............---... x <br /> ...../. .......................:�G.!�....:..._.:.. .......-�............................... � .........................Treasurer� y <br /> _ � ' <br /> . <br /> . <br /> �� W <br /> ' <br /> . <br /> .. ... ...................°--........................... _.-----°°°•---... ...----°-........... 1., ' <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> ' x i <br /> . <br /> �. �. .. �� � � � : <br /> . . . . )���� -' " ... "" '......... ........"'... .. .' ••'--"'..,. ..........................._... . . i : <br /> _ ... Trustee � <br /> �tate af ,�a�saxhix�e##s, �� ,- <br /> SS. I/ ; <br /> COUNTY OF SUFFOLK.. _ �e {t �€emQmherp�, That on tUis .. ....................`� of ...,:....... .. ,....... A.D. 18� <br /> ..................................... <br /> before me,a Notary Pnblic in and for said County,tippeared the UiVION PACIFIC ItAILWAY COMPANY, by C. F. ADAMS, its Presideut, and . i s reasurer, who are personally <br /> known to me to be the ideutical pereous whose namea are sub�cribed to the foregoiug instrument tis s:iid President aud Treasurer, and the� ana there aeknowledged the execution and se�ling of said <br /> Instrument to be their voluntary act and deed,and the volunta�ry ac�and deed of said Compaay. And on tho same d�y,likewise, peraonally appeared the abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trustee descriUed in,and who executed the foreaoivg Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he egecuted the s�as Trustee as aforesaid, t�nd for the uses and purposes therein set <br /> � ' <br /> forth and tbat the execution thereof was his v�ol�un�{k�p�a�d d�ee��p�t, I have hereunto set my hand and oflicial seal this... ,.-�..�.�..zL:� <br /> .................................................................................................................. <br /> � f.�-s..�i...-�..�....................................................A.D. �8� t the Cit of Bost in sai C nt and State. <br /> ' day of........ .:�:: ............. �....., Y �;./ Y <br /> — ` <br /> .........-................. . .�-'��"=`-°----........---............... ..........- ---------- ----•-�--._...�.Notary .Public. <br />