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<br /> TO
<br /> � ...............................1................................................................. . . . . .
<br /> .� . . �.i;� --°----••-°----...°-.............
<br /> �j ���,,�� � Countr� Clerlp �
<br /> .......... ::...... . . .................... ................,.....Y........................,...
<br /> .....................................................................:..................................................................... Deputy.
<br /> ` __" ___ �--- — .
<br /> Fo$M 3739. �HE UNION PACIFIC AIL 2 MPA NY.
<br /> UNION DIVISION--IQEB�2,A�A.I<���'''�"'t-��`� , /
<br /> Contraet .No.................................................... Deed No...��#:..�.�.......�..�................._
<br /> �rt�v �Zr ��C�n �� ��te�e �"re�ent�:
<br /> That the UN/ON PAG/F/C RA/LWAV COMPANY, whieh is a Cor,�oraliora formr.d anr� existir�s b� tTze cor�solidation of the Kar�s�zs Paeifie RaiLway Compan��,
<br /> the Denver Paeifie .Pailwa� and Tele�'ra,vh Compan�, and tlze U�aioia Pacific RailroacZ Comp�cizJ, urcder the corporate name anc'� st�le of th.e UN/ON
<br /> PqC/F/C RAlLWAY COMPANV, I�z� authoritz� of arz act of Consr•ess, eratitLed, "�1r� act to aid in the cor2structio� of a railroad and tele�raph line from the
<br /> .Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, aiad to secure to the Governmenb the use of the sam� for Postal, Jl7iLitccrz,/, anc� other purposes," approved July
<br /> 1, 186�, and acts amendator� thereof, which said Companz� Tzas succeeded to anr� become seized and possessed of aLL the reaL estate and property of
<br /> tjae said Corestituent Cvm,vanies, whether reaL, peNSOnal, or mi,xed, and, amor��s other thin�'s, of alL the Land �'ranted to said Unior� Paeific Railroad
<br /> Companz� by the aforesaid acts of Con;ress, in aid of the constp,�tion of zts road, not cofzLe9ed c�wa bz�said Compan�at the date of suah consolidati-on,
<br /> <to-wit, JanuaJ�y �-¢, 1880,) ir� eonsideration of the sum of---..:�.... .................................................................--_---- . �__�� .�� ,-
<br /> .... .. -�- - �- -- - 'j��- -�f-
<br /> .......--�----�................� ---....._............ .rG.. - .........__._.....................- ..... -...-- �...,t�'... ..........,.._..__ .........____.. DoLLa s, it id,nthe reeeipt�of wl�ieh i h e�i,� aeknowled�se�,
<br /> - - � �`
<br /> do t h here by G R.,4 N 1; B./�R G�I�Y, S E L L, ./�.1 V'D C O N V E Y; un to.�!!!1!l�-...s��- - ._ ..c..��--�-�.. ..�......w...r...--�--...._.--�-�........................�--.....-�--�--....---��---...:...---........----.....----------...--------.....--- '
<br /> �
<br /> �-�-�................�--�--.....-�----......--�----�--...----�-�---��---....----.....---�---� -...............--...---------....----�-�--- �F ...- �--�� - ............... '
<br /> �#' e-�����---....... ..... � ' --------�---�-----�-----��.....................:...��--------.....-�----....-------
<br /> the followin�' deseribed Real Estate, situate, lz�irc�' and beiras in the County of.......%.......��.............................................................arcd ira the State of Nebraska, and
<br /> describedas follows, to-wit:.............��---...---................---.....---�-�------._. ..---..... �---.......................----......-----�----�-- .... - ......� - ...........-------�----�---� --------��------......--------...---------.._.,
<br /> --------------------------------------------�-------........----....
<br /> .......................................................................................... .............. . ................................................... ............................................... ..............,.....................
<br /> ....
<br /> < �...��:o......�`�'�,... �r.�. ,�;-� �.... Q ......... ........................... .......................
<br /> � . .. .,�.............. . . .......... ...... �!Q,...... .�. ..�..r.........�:fi.. ...... ..�.......�li�.:.............�.................
<br /> _..........................................................._. . .... ....� ........ ���L...�+-�0 .. ............ ......----.�f�,L�
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<br /> .........................................................../.l ....:�1..:l�.�..�r�a�v.... ...................�.EL.,%�-�.C....G.?-r- �h�x....... .��..,Pc� ..�c�....�.c....:�.�i.r.�-r�-�-.... aj7G�- — � . ��� .........�..._
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<br /> Iof the 6th Prinei�al .Meridian, containins, accordin�' t_n the UnitecL btates surver� thereof....................................................................................................__.________. .
<br />, .__..----...-�---...-�-�-----
<br />� --------------------------�-�----��----............---------�---------._..._.�lcres, more or Zess, beir�s the same premises eontracted to be solc� to -�� ........ ---��-�--��------�-�---��---.-.-- _--...--��---------.....---�---.....----�---......---�--...--�---...._
<br />'� by Co�ttract No.............................�--�----------�-----........_.._..._........................ datec�.- -----�� -._ - ........... ._...-----��----------�--........---�---�---......-- -..... �- ..................._..
<br /> �..................��----....................----- ----��----•-•-�-----......_..
<br /> R ZfS.ERVIJV'G, HOWEVER, to the said UN/ON PAG/F/G RA/LWAY COMPANY, all tlaat portio afzd hereby conveyed,(if anz� sueh there be) which
<br /> Zies withirc lines drawr� parallel with,ar�d....................................................hundred feet sa e distant from the cerzter line of its road as now eonstrueted,
<br /> ancl an��'reater width when necessar9 permanenELJ to incLzo �s cuts, embafzlcments, ar�d ditches, and otlaer works necessar� to secure arcd
<br /> protect its mairz line.
<br />, This conveyanee as also upon ation that the said�rantee herein,..........................._...._.......................hcirs, administrators and assi�'ns shall ereet and
<br /> maintain a lawfuL ween that portiorz of the premises hereby eonveyed, adjoinirzs the roac� of saicl Companz�,(if any sueh the�e be,) arzd the
<br /> roa ' om,�anz� u,�orz a line....................................................hundred feet-clistant from the center lirLe of such road, an,d paralLeL therewith, in alL cases
<br /> . . . � . . J
<br />' TD H✓1VE .,QND TO HOLD tlLe said premises with aLl. the riahts ancl ap,vurtenanees thereunto belonsiras unto the said�'rantee,.���:................_
<br /> heirs ajzd assi�'ras forever, and the said�'rarctor doth hereby covenant with the saicL �'f�ar�tee, that a� the makir�s of this instrument it is weLL seized
<br /> ot'the said premises as nf a�'ooc� anc� indefeas�ble estate i� fee, ancl hath�'ood ri�'ht to seLL and convey the same, ar�d that it wilL W✓lRR�1NT arLd ,
<br /> I,� defend the title to said premises unto the said�'rantce,..:��2.e�:...................heirs and assi�'ns foreve�rp��'aire� the lczwful claims of aT,L ersons whomsoever, ;
<br />,, ��pEPTING, HOW'E�al,l tax�t �d asses�ts levied upo�uid prem�se�C sz�yac�_...G.�z<,.:.,1...�h����..�.�... .�:,����. ��a,�o�t,.a�&a��se�rs ?
<br /> P� 2� ��
<br /> . . � ,/ � y "
<br />�I 9'LgbxS�-C1X' 6L.S�7�T2b'.,..Qr irn�f.b.am..l.Y..... _. ..����7l.!Ld�t:Sl.- °-- ° - -��''y[---- ---�-�?=---R.�R-��....(�.��� ----°---.._..----°........................•-----......---�°----.....-°-------�--------....-•------••••-----°--'
<br /> i �
<br /> AND WHBREAS,said Uxiox PaciFics I2niL AD COMPANY Clla�on the s' entb day of April, A.D�67,execute deliv to Cyras H.McCornuck,of the City of New York,tind John Duff, of
<br /> I the City of Boaton,a�cer#ain Mortga�e Deed of tLat clate,which deed ie recorde in the office of the County Clerk of....�/�t�...........................................CountY,in the 5tate of Nebraska wher�n said
<br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and Tohn DufT',as Trustees,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,a�mong others tl�e lands hereinbef'ore described; Axn Wa��EAS,the said C rus H. �
<br /> McCorxuick did en ihe twenty-eiahth day of June,A.D.1873, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resigu l�ie place as Trustee under sa�id mortgage deed,which resign�tiou was,on the fifteenth ,
<br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by ttie Uxrox PACiFic I�,ArLa,oAn Contr�NY,by its Board of Director�,at a meeting thereof held on th�,t day in the City of Boston and State of Massachnsetts;
<br /> AND WHEItEAB�ort the fifteeuth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Awes,of r:aston,iu the State of Massachnsetts, was cluly noaiina�te3 by the remaining Trustee,John Du�', as suecessor to said
<br /> Cyrus Ii.MeCormick,whieh nomination was,on the same day, approved hy the BOaPd Of D1PECtOT9 Of th0 BSId UNION PACI�IC I�AILROAD COMPANY� AND�'VHE$E:18�by sueh nomination &IICl approval i
<br /> sa�id Frederick L.Axues did,upon his a�eceptance thereof, therealter become vested with the same est�tes, powers, rights,aud interests,and charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if he had
<br /> been one of the original Trustees named in and egecuting,Eaid Mortga�e Deed; Axn WH�etEAS,said remaining TruStee ciid,Uy a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth
<br /> day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston, vest the same in such new Trustee jointly with him,the said John Duff; Axn WHt.�Ens,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February,
<br /> A.D. 18?7, by a�proper instrument oY writing to that effect,resigu his place as Trustee under said Mortnage Deed,which reaignation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1577,accepted by the '
<br /> U:vIOx PACIFic RA�LxoAn Comrnx�,by the Executive Committee of its Eoard of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on tha�t day in the City of Boston,and State of ➢'�assachusetts; ANn WAEB,EAS, '
<br /> no nominatio f'a successor to fill the vacancy,caused by tl�e resignatiov of said John Duff, having been made, the s�id Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trnstee� AND WHEB�EA$� the ,
<br /> said Uxrox iFC $ c�w��raxY,with the co eu Y tUe Tr��r the time being, r nbet • -�e�h�a�o�id and conveyed,as above set forth, the Real Estate hereinbefore described, `,
<br /> unto tbe sai afPd n deration of'tl�e sum to it in �u pnid by the sa�id ,t '7f�s.i of money has been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Company in his ;
<br /> capacity as Trus ee,or to said Jol�n Duff�ud said Freder' k . mes,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.Mc ormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for the nses and purposes in s�id Mortgage Deed mentioned. !
<br /> �nw �hrrrf,'a�e, Know a/1 Men by these Fresenis, that I, the said Frerlericlo L. r esZ remai ins Trustee ir� tlie aforesaid .Mort�'a�se Deed, in ;
<br /> r '
<br /> eonsiderafion of the af'oresaid, premises ar�d pa�ment as aforesaid of said su�;. saa Corroparcy to said trust fund, of which I am the
<br /> r,emainin, rustee, fg� ej�ses a�r�cl,�ur�oses aforesaid, do IzerebJ.RE./YIISE, RE ,.Q �, arzd forever QUIl'-CL.F1IJVl u o the said....................___............:.......__....
<br /> �-�.................... . .,
<br /> . .. - -C2.���-C�u�--------------------------...-----------------------------...........the I�eal Estate described aforesaid, to be held bz�t ' free and exempt from '�.
<br /> aZL Ziens, ine mbranees, and ehar�es of said .Mortsase Deecl,bub subjeeb, however, to all t,he reservatiores ar�cL eonditiores hereinbefore eon ainecl. j
<br /> �1tj �ifit��.� �'h�reaf; The said arantor, the UNIDN PAGIfIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath �� : o '
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF �� ;
<br /> caused these presents to be sealed witlz its corporate seaL, ancl to be si�ned by its : o ;
<br /> �zc�President arLd Treasurer, and countersi�'ned b� its Land Commissioner ar�d its :a ` � ]'
<br /> �� ' �' '��� I' �1 itor,aracl tyae said I+'ederick L.�Imes, 1'rustee, has hereunto set his hand this :� � �I
<br /> , :
<br /> C''L�"� ...�� � / � ' ;
<br /> ... ...............:�......a..........`..�..�..Y..�.,c.'............................ '
<br /> ........ .. �. ...................................�-�-----�--........---day of__..1..��v�:-�..�.r.-.:=..✓..--......--�----•-�----.�.D. 18.�.3... � : i
<br /> — � ��/'2 L�1.1:............��----................�:�.President. ? � �
<br /> :
<br /> / / A / -••........_-�s._/.�,1!i!!.:._1�....:... qi
<br /> .�C2:t:�:��.c�....��.....(�%i'�/G�... � 1 �
<br /> ... .......... ................... i/Je�
<br /> � �'� ;. ...... .--�-�--....--��.............l.`�(.....✓...��Z=u:�---.....---....... Treasurer. W : : �
<br /> �C � a ol. �`��� ,
<br /> .._.�,1..'��..---..�......4.'.�.�?:w�--------------�--�--................... Trustee. c°, � "`�
<br /> �#ate u�" ,�a$sachix�e##�, -
<br /> SS. �
<br /> GOUNTY OF SUFFOLK. �e it �€em�embere�, Tb�,t on th�s......?........... . . ..... ... � day of. ...i...... . ... . .... . .........................................A.D. 18r��.-. 1
<br /> � ���....:......�.............
<br /> before me,a Notary Public in�nd for said County,appeared the UtiIO:V Pt1CI1IC ILAILWAY CObfPANY, by S, its� re�ident, and . its reasurer, who are personally ;
<br /> kno«ro to me to be tbe identical persons whose na�mee are sub�cribed to the foreaoing instrnmevt as s�id President and Tre�surer, and theu and there �cknowledged the execution and sealing of eaid `?
<br /> Instrumevt to be their voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Compauy. And on the same day,likewise, personally appeared the abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to j
<br /> me to be the Trustee descri»ed in,and who executed the foreboing Instrument,and ackuowledged before me tha�t he egecuted the same ns Tru�ee as aforesaid, x�nd for the uaes and pnrposes therein set i
<br /> fortb,and tt�at the egecution thereof was his voluutary act and deed. ;
<br /> �//C
<br /> �n �itn¢SS ''�h �uf, I have bereunto set my hand and official seal this.............�,..............................................................................................---........................... '+
<br /> .................................................A.D. 18���:... t the Cit of� on in said ount and State. '
<br /> day of..........,......til/..J.'��c!t.y e � Y r Y
<br /> = � / •--.����_....•••• /
<br /> ..........�,:.._.. .. . ........ ..... ....��.1.......---...�.Notary Publie.
<br /> �
<br /> ,�
<br /> � :: �.,
<br /> �:- ' �,y
<br />