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<br />—_____ _—..__ _.�----- ------------- _ _ a .__ -- ----
<br /> ^-._ ___ _.___ __ _ __ ------ — —
<br /> - - --,__.—.__-__ .. _. _--—---
<br /> au err i ir nl � v --
<br /> FROM
<br /> �.:.. . .......... ................................. ....�..,................................
<br /> ................ .Filed for record the................................................................................._...........................................................a�ay of
<br /> .................:......... ..................................................18................, at.............................................................................o'cloek.........----..:.M:
<br /> _............................. ... ......................................................................................................
<br /> T � r
<br /> •.._ •°... ..................................... ................................................................................°--..........
<br /> ................:... .......���............. ..... ................�...��...................... ,
<br /> Cour�ty Clerk.
<br /> . �
<br /> ................................... .:.............................................�---.........................------.......-�----.........
<br /> �............................................................................................................................................ Deputy.
<br /> FoR:vi3739. �� UNION PACIFIC R.P�ILWAY C MPAN�.
<br /> �C'orctract No..............................................:... Deed No.....................................................
<br /> ' �n�au �rr en �� ��te�e �"r��ers�`�:
<br /> That tlze UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/L AY;COMPANY, zvhich is a Corpor•alio t fb��med ancL ex�sti-n� bJ t,Ize consolidc�tion of e If'ansas Paeifie RaiLway Com,vany,
<br /> the Denver Pacific IZaiZwar and .TeZe�'ra,�h Companr�, and t e Utziot2 Pacific Raili°oar.l CoTrzprtre�, under the eo orate roame arcd st�Le of th.e UN/ON
<br /> PAG/F/C RA/LWAV COMPANY, b authoritz� of aJZ act of Co��'ress, ratitled, "/ln act to aicl in the corastruction of a ra road and tele�raph line from the
<br /> .Missouri River to the Pa .fce Ocearz, and to secure to the G ernment the use of the samn, for Posta,L, .Militc�r9, a d other,rourposes," approved July
<br /> 1, 186�, and acts amerc •tory thereof, which said Com,�an has succeeded to anr� become seized and possessed of lL the real estate and pro,rerty of
<br /> �the said Co�stituent G4� panies, whether rea.L, ,�ersoraal, or� ixed, anc�, amon�' other tdaiross, of�lL the Lar�cl �rran ed to said UniorL Pacific RaiLroac$
<br /> Com,�any b� the afore�§ id acls of Con�'ress, in aid of thc co str i.on o its 3°oad, not conze�ed way by said Com,ti�� �at the date of szceh consolidati.on,
<br /> <ta-wit, Januar•y �/�, 1 80,) in consideratiore of the sum of - -�i�e.!'D....�.c�ucG__....owvr.(-----.-.�.-._,------(�-�--�-p-.- -�-----...
<br /> �....................................................-� -..........--.......--._.._.... .........-----...----------.................... ........ ......_.........{��-�- -................. �rs, to it paid, the reee pt of which is hereby aeknowled�ed,
<br /> doth hereby GR./.�N7; B./.�RG.lII✓1', SELL, ./�JV'D CONVEY', u o_...................IG�Gvr�v4� ....-.�--� -----�-���--....-�---��-��--�-------.... ---��-----------�---��-/--�'-.... ...-�---�-�-�-��--......-------��--�--........---......-----
<br /> ...-----•-------��-----�--------------�---.......---•-� --....--- --.....---...................--..............---��---....----��---�-of the un y of_---._....................--_ .��--..._.....-._...... in the St te of------..✓...1.....�.��.G.t..--��----•�--------....------••-•-------•-
<br /> the fol�owin�s deseri d Real Estate, situate, lz�in�s and beires a he County of...__................._��,�.........................__.. ..........._arcd in the State of Nebraska, and
<br /> deseribeclas follows, to-wit:...... . ..:::.................... ................�-�-- --�........._............. ............-�---.... --��-- .... . � ....---..._.....---...---............----. ...
<br /> ............:......................................... ........................��......�?�r�....f.1',e�.... ........ ....it�...? ...:��......��.��t`'.... ,,.���lti,�...........✓... ......�.�..'�...........................-�-----...-----�--------.:.--�---�-��--------......
<br /> ow�-. .... ......................................................
<br />. •
<br /> ......................................................:. ...............................................................
<br />� ........................................................... .................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................
<br /> ....................................._......---................. ....;'....................................................................................................
<br /> ........................ .................................................................:...............................................................................................................................
<br /> I, ........................................................................ ..................................
<br /> ............................................................................................................................. ......................................................................:....................................................................................
<br /> ...........................:...................... ..................:.......... ....................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ..................... ....................................................................................
<br /> ............................................ ......._,............. ....._.......... ................._.......................................................................... ... ...... ................................................_...........................................................-----................�........:..... ..............:........--�-•�--� --......
<br /> o Seetio7z No.......... .,�u.L,--..._... .,�J.............. -� �--. in Tozvr�ship ��►ro. . . �/.�l... ._..Nartla of.Ran�'e JI''o... :... ........ . �
<br /> f � _.. . . �'1�-�.c.-�-�-�1.. ..--------�'t.'�..`.-------
<br /> of the 6th Prinei�aL Jb eridian, eon anir��', aceordins�' to the United ,States surver �hereo �LY� ��{�
<br /> ra _ ..------�..............�-
<br /> J f-��---- � : ..---••. .............•--�• ---••�----.....•------••----- -----•-•-•----�--......---�---........
<br />� ---------------------------------.-------..--. -------.-----------._�lere more or less beins th same premi e contracted to be sold to.........:.......- ------. - . - .---.-- .. ....�.�...-.---------..
<br /> � . - - -
<br /> .
<br /> ---�................_...---.......-�--
<br /> by Contract No...�..�..... .._.7! . datecl,�_...... � � y 9 �--� -1� ��-�-----��- ---�-------�--- ---... --...._-.._....-...... ......... ...._....--��- -. ..---��-�---...---.........---�----�----......------�--�--------...----------
<br /> 9� ----�---�.---�---...-----� ................................ % ...�.._ �
<br /> R�SERVING, HOWEV�R, to he s�zid UN/O,v paeiFic R.�icW�AV GON1 , alL tlzat portion of the land zereb� eonve ed,(if anr� such there be) whieh
<br />, Zies within Lznes drawn �arallel w th,arccl....................................................hundr . f et ori each side distat2t from the center li� of its road as now eoizstructed,
<br /> and. an��'reater width zvher� ne ssar� permanerz�l� to ir�clucle a?L its e ts, embaTZlcrnents, ar�r� ditehes, ar�d ot r worlcs necessar�y to seeure and
<br /> protect its maira Zine.
<br /> This cortve9ance is also up the eonc�ition that thc said�'ran e here r�,..............................................._....._heirs, adminis ators and assi�'ns shalL ereet and
<br /> mai�ztain a lawful fence bebw n that portion of' the prerrzises here � conve ed, adjoifzin�' the roa� of saicL Comp y,(if arcy szcch the�e be,) and the
<br /> roacl of saic� Com,�an� u,uor� ine_...................................................hun�red fee �istant fi^om the center line of such i•oad, a ,d paral,Lel, therewith, in alL cases '
<br /> in u�hich such fence is requi d by Zazv, or may lie required b� said ompan . , '
<br /> TO H�1 VE .,4.N'D TO H LD the said 7�remises witla a11. the ri�'hts ad ppurtenances thereunto belonaira� un o the saicL�'rantee, ....�................_
<br /> heirs and assisjZS forever, a cl the said�'rantor doth hereb� covenant with s�zid srantee, that ab the makins of this instrument it is welL seized
<br /> of'the said preniises as nf a soor� ancl ir�defeasibLe estate ,fee, anc�i hath�'oo l ray t to seLL and eonver� the same, an that it will W:l1RR�INT arzd !
<br /> r� .
<br /> defenct the title to said >>�er� ises uroto the said�rantec,......... ..................... . f - --.. ..�... .---.�........�.��.......------......... ......f and e�j c,ept a�'ainst any
<br /> .. heirs and ass ns orever aarast the L w uL cla s o a7L ersons whomsoever ;
<br /> E.X'CEPTIJ4"G, HOWEV , al,l taxes and assessmefzts levied upon scc' 7�"ema sane 9. � '
<br /> claims or ineumUrances create r,tiertnitted U�, throu�'h, or under said..... .a.'/.�...... ................ ............�.�..................._....................................................or.�l.2.uv._........_successors,
<br /> heirs, or assi�'ns, or arc� of thPm.......... ............................................�---...-�---.....---...........-�-�--���--�--�-- ..... '
<br /> ---�.............. .......� �-��--.............._..-----...._......---�----�---�---...................------........---.........---��----...........-�-----...-�-�--�--�---�----...--
<br /> AND WHEREAS,said Uxiox PACrFro Itait�toAn !�trAxX did,on the sixteenth day of April, A.D. 1867 execnte and deliver to Cyrus A.McCormick,of the ty of New York,and John Dui�; of '
<br /> the City of Bostbn,a certaiv Mortga�;e Deed of that ciate,w ' h deed is recorded in the office of the County Cl k of............................................................................Connty, in e State of Nebraska, wherein said
<br /> Company couveyed to tl�e sa,id Cyrug H,bicCormick�nd John f�;as Trastees,for the uses tind parposes therei neutioned,among otl�ers the lands kereinbeFore daseribe ; AND WaES,�ns,the said Cyrns H. �
<br /> 1WIcCormick did en the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873, a proper instrninent of writin�to that effe ,resigu his pl�ce as Trnytee imder said mortgage deed,w ich resi�n�tion was,on the fifteenth
<br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by tUe tixiox PaciFic R r.�onn CaMrnxy,b,y its Board of Directo at a meetin� thereof held on that dny in the City of oston and State of Massachuaetts;
<br /> Axn Wtc�xNas,on the fifteenth d�y of October, A.D. 7573, F derick L. Ames,of i:aston,in the State o Massachusetts, was duly nominated bp the rema,iniog T ustee,Jolin Duff, as successor to said
<br /> Cyrns H.1VicCorm9ck,which uomination was,on the same da approved by the Board of Directors of the aid Urriox PaciHtc RAiLxoAn CoMYANY; Axn Wxr as,by such nomination and appmval
<br /> said Frederick L.Aaies did,upon his acceptavice thereof, th eatter become vested with the same estates, owers, ri�hYs,�nd interests,and charged with the same uties and responsibilities,as if be Lad i
<br /> heen one of the original Trustees na�med in and executing, id:VIortga�ge Deed; Axn Wti�it��ls,said rem 'ning Trustee did,bya conceyance,proper and effectuflt or that purpose,dated on the twentieth !
<br /> d'ay of OctoUer,A.D.1873, at tl�e City of Boston, ve�t t same in sach new'1'rustee jointty with him, e sa,id Johu Duff; Axn Wx�aFns,the said John Dn did,on tlie fonrteenth day of February, '
<br /> A.D. 1fi97, by a�proper instrument of vcriting io that e ct,resigu l�is placo as Trustee undor said 117ortna Deed,which resignat,ion was,on the fourteenth day f February, A.D. 1877,accepted by the
<br /> U�ION PACIFIC 1tAILR0�1D CoD9PANY,by the I:xOCUti Committee of its Board of Dir.ctors, at a meetin thereof held on that day in tbe City of Boston,and t�t0 Of A'�a9SaChQ9Ctt9� AND WHEBEAB�
<br /> no nomination of'a successor to fill the vncancy,can d by the resignatiov of said John Duff, having been ade, the a�id Frederick L. Ames became,and now s,the sole Trustee; AxD WH�xTAB,the
<br /> Ri1id UNiON PACIFIC ItnlLwt�Y ConzenxY,with e consent of tl�e Trustees for the time beiug,hereinbe re nacned, has sold and conveyed,as above set forti the Iteal Estate hereinbefore described, '
<br /> unto tbe said'�rantee,ior and ia consideration of't e sum aforesmid, to it in haud p�uid by the said grantee, •hich said sum of money has been paid to said Fr eriek L.Amea,by said Compang in bia
<br /> capacity as Trnstee, or to said Jobn Duff avd said rederick L. Ames,Truetees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormic aud s�uid John Duff, Trustees,for tLe uses nnd pnr ses in said Mortgage Deed mentioned.
<br /> �vw �'hrrejo�e, Know all ll�en by ese Presenfs, that I, the said Fre�lerielc L. �mes, reTnainind Trzcs�ee iro the a oresaid .Mort�:a�e Deed, in
<br /> consideratiorz of tlze af"oresaid, premi and pa�ment as aforesaid of said sum, so paid b� saic� Corrzparc� to said tru t furcd, of whieh I am the
<br /> ' remainin�' Trustee, fof• the uses and purpo aforesaid, do herebz�I�E,MISE, .RELE �, and forever QUIl'-CL./�I.M unto t e said_................................................ �
<br /> ...........................................................................................:....................................:.::::. ...................the Real Estate describe aforesaid, to be held b�the saicl�sra ee free and exempt from
<br /> all Ziens, irceumbranees, and ehar�'es of saicl Jllortsa� eed,but subjeeb, however, t all t,he reservations arad eonditions he eircbefore eorttained.
<br /> �i� �iftt�� �lt�reo�; The said �'rarzt r, the UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPAN hath ;� � o
<br /> IN PRESE\TCE OF ' � ; a
<br /> eausecl hese;vreserzts to be sealed ith its eorporate seaL, ccncL to be si�ne b y its : � ; � �
<br /> Presi rct and Treasurer, and cou tersi�'raec� by its Land Commissioner and its : �
<br /> . �lud' or,a�d the said Frederick L �mes, Z�ustee, has hereunto set his h nd this ;;
<br /> .:................................................................................................................. ........ ....---............----....----...........---......-----�-----...............day of_�....-----��----........----.........----...........----............--- ./�.D. 18.....---..... ': ; '
<br /> W ' '•
<br /> x ; :
<br /> _......................................................��----........_..---��---..........._.....---................President. � : ;
<br /> y : : :
<br /> .................................................................................................................... � CC : t .
<br /> �----�...................��----............................................---��---...------.......----...---.... Treasurer. � ; :
<br /> x � � °
<br /> a : : ,
<br /> " -� --...----�------•---...........................................�--........---.....-----.....-•-•-••_.......•••.. Trustee. � : '
<br /> s�-- �
<br /> �tate of ,�aasathu�et#�,
<br /> SS.
<br /> G6UNTVOF SUFFOLK. �e �t �cm�embere�, Tnat on this......................................................................................dAy of.........................................---......................................A.D. 16.........
<br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,appeared the U��TIO�T PACIFIC RAILWAY C012P:1�TY, by C. F. ADdMS, its Yresident, and JAMES G. HARRIS, its Traasurer, who are personaliy
<br /> known to me to be the identical persous whose namea are subscribad to tUe foreaoing instrumeut�s s�id President and Trea�siirer, �ud thea avd tbere acknowledged the execution and sealing of said
<br /> Instrumeut to be tUeir volunt.ary act and deed,and the volantary act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally appeared the abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to
<br /> me to be the Trustee described in,and who executed the foregoiug Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he executed the same as Trustee as aforea�id, s�nd for th� uses and pnrposes therein set
<br /> forth,and tbat the e%ecution thereof was bis voluntary act and deed.
<br /> �ie '�itncss �h�rcuf, I have hereunto set my hand und.official seai this..................................................................................................
<br /> ................................................. �
<br /> day of....................................................................................................A.D. 18............,at the City of Boeton,in said County and State. ,�..:
<br /> �
<br /> y ---------------..Notary .PubLic. , 's
<br />