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'S'l.l . <br /> � <br /> � � ��j� ��j����� <br /> � ____�� � <br /> FROM � <br /> � Filed for record the..................._:.........:.....................�......�.�........................................._.......................:...:...dar�.of <br /> ................. ..............................�..°:........................ , - , /� <br /> ��...._ <br /> ................................ ��i1�1�� . .. . Y . . . . . � <br /> .. ... ... ..... ......................................................_18..��...1....:.., at..:..................°..�...... ...... - -_-.--......__..............o eloelc....l�.`......JVl: <br /> _................................................................_TO............................_..................................... <br /> ............................ ..\...........................- ...-°--............... ... ..... ..........--°-°°•---°°-.......... , <br /> � // . Couroty Clerk. <br /> ..............��.ti(�.!�:_........ ..............._a��......_................................ <br /> ..... ................................... ............ ................................................................... w,,,o( °� �-2tiv�r�` ..............................................................................................................-Deputy.�--..... <br /> F°R� 3'39. � THE UNION PACIFI RAILWAY CC�IVIPANY. <br /> �UNION D VISION--Z3�?`H��4: <br /> E�B�rarofi-No.....�..��...................... � �Ct�l�^.�:...................................................... <br /> narv ��en �r� ��ie�e �"r�e�er�t�: <br /> � <br /> That the UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAV GOMPANY, wTiich is a Cor•poratio�z forrned arzd e,xistires b� t•he cnrasolid�ztiorL of the Kar�sas Pacifie Railwa� CompanJ, <br /> the Denver Pacific Railwa� and Tele�raph Compatzz�, and the Ui2L0T2 Pacific Railroad Compar��, ur�der the corporate name and st�le o�' th.e UN/ON <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, v9 �uthoritz� of an act of Con�'ress, erztiticd, ".,4n act to aicl in the eonst,ruetion of a railroad and tele�raph bine from thc <br /> .Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, ar�d to seeure to the Goverrcment the use of the samn, for PostaL, �lliLibary, and oth,er,�urposes," approved JuLy <br />, 1, 186�, and acts amenda•tor� tjzereof, zvlaich sai2 G'ompany has succeeded to arc� become seized and possessed of aLL the reaL estate and pro,rerty of <br /> the said Constituer�t Cvmpa�aies, whether �°ea,L, ,�ersonaL, or mixecl, anc�i, amona other thin�'s, of�lL the land 5sranted to said Urcion Pacific Railroad <br /> Com,roan� b� the aforesaicl acts of Con�sress, in aid of the constr ction of zts road, not coni•ez�ed away by said Compan�at the date of such consolidati-orc, <br /> (to-wit, Jarzuarz,� �.1�, 1880,) ir� corLSideration of the sum of---- � -� --��-�---�--���........................��--�--••-- --���„;;;;y�`��-t�.;�-�,1J'��-r^;�'�����`7�'�`�•`�---................................ <br /> ._/...........................................�_,.. Do ars, to it fa'aid�e eeeipt of which is herebr� acicnowled�ed, <br /> Y <br /> ..--............ .............°- <br /> -° - ..........__----- - ---� ---- ------•-°----...---°--°•°......................_ <br /> doth herebzJ GR�4N1', B.l1RG�lI.N, SEI,L, �1JV7� CONVEY; urata ..,�iti..--..,a.a,,.�.......G'��.a.. � .....a��m�....----�...................�-----.......----�--..................---..................---........----��-------..............---.:.... <br /> ........���n....................v,����;�,-�'.------....:....-------....-----�--��-�----�---..........---._................------�-- <br /> ...--�--�--��--�-----�--�---��---��...............................��----.......-----�--............. -......_... -........---.......---��- �-�-���-�-.................... � - -� <br /> the followin� described ReaL Estate, situate, tz�irc�' and beir�� in the Courcty of.........:........_.....s0�...........:........_................_...._.................c�nd in the State of Nebraska, and <br /> described as follows, to-wit:........ ........... .. ---� � <br /> �--� -�-............................. ..........---....._..................................... ..............----------...-------. ....._..-----........---------...--��------....-�------- <br /> . . ... . . .... <br /> . . <br /> ti ........---/-�/-'-�•---�-------..... � �n _ �-/7 0 / Q - - �.�vT------•••----�............................. <br /> ...n................................................................ .......... <br /> ...�`!!�.....!..��......C�/�;C:.(�.�.....C.t.�..'!.�....C.��J�v.`cU....�.��..�i:c...../s��A:-�'�1...�.....uli�?�..��!!.!r!1!',:�ca..t....�i.n.�r4................. ...�ik.rt..'�.�.l�:?:!.....!.'�.................. <br /> . /� / / /, Q / <br /> !�,,........ ......�C�.k�/..`r�.'.......1�'1J�l�N�...��...�, .. ......,�.0�.....i/Y�GkLli.l�^:...�!�!.....�dr•.�!1.P."'..�r�t�.......,./..Y..Y.!....�...a�..G.`.:E:E:`�!G4.... ............................ . ....�.............. ........... .�.....Q.`.......... <br /> � / � ���,/,/ a(��.... � � ������..... �. � <br /> � �/J .�2A�-G� ... . .. ...Qq:SsG.S.....��.`.�!:?'4... . .. .:L <br />� _�d �Nl� �j1.�f'.'. o-� �C-�......u:�:!.l..w ....................................c��...�l�S:,...�..... /. ..�..........:............... L�/Q��N..W..F.u:.... ........�.... <br /> ...................... .:....�....... ..............�.... <br /> ..... <br /> ..... ' p� <br /> • - - ' U l � <br /> - c� .... . ....... .........5�.... .....l1. ............... <br /> ' - ...�.a..�s....��2.��,,.�.........�.�-�-7:�Y.�...... .. . . .� 8�/ <br /> ..... . . .�:.�-�' i . <br /> �...�. .. � �:. ................... �.�r.{........��:................ . . .; ....... ............. ....... .. . <br /> . <br /> ..G���.��� ���� �� ��� � � <br /> . ..... <br /> .. �.........�,.�: . ...........�.:�.....................,:e�:.....:...Y.�....�1.!!..... .: .,3...�.......�.-................................................ .......................---.................................................................................................................................. <br /> ..................................(.,1................................_...................L.................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> ...................................................................................................................................................................................�---...............................................................---.......... <br /> ........................................................................................................._............................. <br /> ofSee 'orc No. .........--��............... �-��--- ----��-- -.._............... -�- -...... i Township �N'o. ..._......_...__.....--_-... -�--- ....----- ...... --.No h of Ran�'e o._.........--� -.........._.......-----...-----................:.................. <br /> of the�th Prirccipal eridian, corctainir��', accord � to the Uni States survey t reof------------------------------.- --.---------.------....:......----- -......-------------........._...-------------------•--.__..._.---,--....:.....:.... <br /> _.__...•----------•---------�---------------------- ------�------------- .flcres, more or less, eir��' the'sa premises contra ed to be sold to...-•----�------....._._._...---•-••---. ........---...........-----•......-------......-•-----•••----�--•-••------........_ <br /> byCon ract No.---�.......................�----�---------------�----...---�---...................---. ted---.........-------...._....-----.,•---......._.....-----------�------�----.....-�------------...---�-�-------�----- .._................---�-��------ ---��--��----�--�--�--�----................---.........----..........---....-----.. <br /> R SERVING, H WEVER, to the said UN/ON AG/F/G RA/LWAY OMPaNY, alL tlza ortion of the la herPb� conv ed,(if anz� such t ere be) w ich <br /> • • • dred eet o� eac side d,istant ro the ceroter l' e o ats road as n cortstr ted <br /> Zies wi ar� lanes dra ,roaralLeL wath,and................................................. f' f }' � <br /> and a �'reater wid wher� rLecessary permarcen � to ircclude lL its cuts, emba kJnents, and di ches, and ot,h r works necessar to secur arcd <br /> I' protec its mairz line. <br /> T is conveyance a also upon the_cortdition th t the said�'r tee hereir�,................ ...................................._he rs, administ tors anc� assi�n'rzs hadL eree and <br /> maint 'rc a lawfuL fe e bebween that portion of t premises he by conveyed, ad� inin�s the roac� o said Compa y,(if any such th f e be,) an the <br /> �road o said Com,aany �oro a line............................................ ......hundred f et distant from e cercter lirce of ueh road, a ,cl paralle7, therew th, in alL ses <br />� in whi sueh fenee is equirec� bz� law, or maz� ve quirec� by sa d Companz�. Q , <br /> TO H�2VE �1ND TO HOLD the saicl prerrLises with all the ri¢hts and appurtenances thereunto beLor��'irz� unto �he said�'rantee, .....��'.................. <br /> heirs artd assi�'ns forever, and the saicl srantor doth hereby covenant witla the said �'rar�tee, that at the makins of this instrumerLt. it is well seized <br />', of'the said premises as of a�'oocd and irzdefeasible estate in ee and hhet��an a�i�'r2s forever�acairc.ect, he l wful claims of a1,1 perso�r�s whomsoeve� <br /> defend tlze title to said premises unto the said�'ran.tee,....----,�� -- - . _� � . ..-- ---. .. .$Y. . .. ari . . <br /> CEPT NG, HOWEVER, al,L taxes arad assessments levied upon suad prema es sance:�o.._...... ...'�. �.�?!_ 1................... .. d <br /> �,�� . �.��'�.k..-..�_.n..... ,.�..�..D���'.� '" �,-✓ <br /> ....... ..... <br />' � ineumbrances created•oi° , .r?��. .�,.. - �-� �'... . .............•--.............-----...,er ........, -------..�abeeeaae�e; <br /> , , <br /> ..............................................................................��-�---....---....---�----��----�--�------------._.....-�-�-----�--....------........_...........--------�---.....----------......--------..........--�-------.._....................�--�-----...........-�---------------•�- <br /> , , <br /> o ril A. . 1867 execute and delive s A.McCormick of h i f Ne rk n ob ff f <br /> AND WHEREAS,eaid Uxrox PncrFro Itnir.ROAn ConzPnrrY did,on the sixteentb da�y f Ap , D , �y�o Cgrp , t e C t o w Yo ,a d J n Dn ,o <br /> 9 <br />� ihe City of Boston,a certain Mortgage Deed of that clate,which deed is recorded�n the office of the Connty Clerl.of............................ .�(....�i:��:...........................Connty, in the State of Nebraska, wherein said <br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyru.a H.McCormick and John Dutl,zs Trustees,for the uses�und pnrposes therein mentioned,amonn others the la�nds hereinbefore described; Axn Wx��ttcns,the said Cyrus H. <br /> MeCormick did on ihe twenty-ei�hth day of June,A.D.1573,by a proper instrument of writing to that effec6,resigu his place as Trnstee under said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by the U*�iox PACIFIC RAir.itoAn CoMrAxY,by its Board of Direct�rs;at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and State of Massachusetts; <br />� Axn Wa��tFas,on the fifteevth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. A�es,of'r:aston,in the State of Massachusetts,was dul,y nomin�,ted by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as snceessor to eaid <br /> C�rus H.McCormick,wl�ich uomination was,on the same day, �upproved by the BOAY(�Of DiTECtOTB Of t$@ Bfll(I UNION PACIEIC RAII.ROAD CODiPANY� ANn WaFR�as,by such nomination and approval <br /> said�'rederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof,therea�iter become vested with the same estates,powera, rights,a�nd interesta,and charged with the same duties and responaibilities,as if be had <br /> I�i � ' a <br /> been one of the original Trustees named iu and esecuting,raid Mortgane Deed; ANn`VxrsEas,sa�id remainina Trustee did,by�conveyance,proper aud effectual for tfiat purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> I� da�y of October,A.b.1873,at the City of Boston, vest the sime in snch new Trustee jointly with him,the�a�id John Duff; AND W$EItEA9,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February, <br />' f1,D. 18'I7, by ti proper instrument of��c�riting to tUat effect,resign his place aa Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,which resigna�tion was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,aceepted by the <br /> I U:�ION PACrFlC RA�Lxoan ConzrnNY,by the F.xecutice Committee of its Board of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on thnt day in the City of Boston,and Sta�te of Massachusetts; Axn Wa�R�AS, <br /> l no nomination of'a successor to fill the��acancy,caused by the resignation of said John Duff,baving been made, the s:�id Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trnatee� 9.ND WHE$EAB� the <br /> S�id UNI P c t Rn[r.wAY CoNrFavY,witli the qps t o' the Trustees for the time being er 'n f e n_am�d, has sold and conveyed,as above set forth, tl�e Real Estate bereinbefore described, <br /> unto the a� , or ari in consideration oY the�fli ,to it in hand piid by the sai ��i°cTi`"said sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Compmny in Lis <br /> capncity as rust e,or to said Jolin Duff and snid Fr den�z L. Ames,Trnstees,or to said Cyrus H. cCor ick an3 said John Duff, Trustees,for tlie nses nnd pnrposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �vw �Itrrefolje, Know all Men by these Presenfs, that I, the said Fre�lericlg�L��s�remainins Trustee in tlae aforesaid .Mort�'a�se Deed, ire <br /> eonsider�tion of the af'oresai�, p�°emises an,cl �az�mn.nt as aforesaic� of said�su ,,�o paLd bz� said Compzr�z� to saic� trust fur�d, of whieh I am the <br /> i remai ' � Tr ste or t e uses ar�d pur,voses aforesaid, do Izerebz�RE.MISE, RELE✓�SE, and forever QUIT-C � .M unto the said_.............................:................... <br /> ��%�q........ . . .. ..�t�---...............-.----.......-------.--------.------------.......the ReaL Estate deseribed aforesaid, to be heLcL b ,� ' free ancl e.xempt from <br /> _................. . ....... .. <br /> t all Ziens, incumbr ces, an� cha.r�'es of said .Morts��e Deed,but subjecb, however, tn aLl t,he reservations and corzditior�s hereinbefore contained. <br />[ �/r� �ifn�g�� �ltgreo�; The said �'rantor, the UN/ON PAG/F/C RA/tWAY COMPANV, hath �� : � <br /> IN PItESE�CE or caused these presents to be seale.d with its corporate seal, ar�d to be si�tned by its o : a <br /> 4/.owPresident and Treasurer, arzc� countersi�'ned by its Land Commissioner and its �c � <br /> � .11r�itoT°,and the said Frederick L..flmes, Tr ee, has hereurato set his hand this ' <br /> ,�f r , � ' / '� <br /> ,f� � � : V <br /> �.�` . a�l�....�..1!�1.�v�,�2c.c��...................................... C� . --- -.-...,.:�?-. .��!!�:.-----.....--���----��---..._da o �r�'/(�'�- ........�.D. 18.��... ;, � <br /> ...........�.'............ ...--- - ..... ✓ f----.....- �--�..................°"�-�---�--•-�--_.. � . <br /> � !�� . U n/ � C� <br /> � � _.................�...-��..�%�-----�------�----...............1!/�:....Presiderct. � � : <br /> �f ��-r � � y � � <br /> ........................................... ..._....... .�-...._.......... ............. �� ��'- - ��=�;� � : <br /> ....--�-�� ..... ................... . .......�-�----,��,...----.............. Treasurer. � : � <br /> � ` <br /> � � <br /> -��-----�---�--�--••-��--�......��d----------------•---•-•-••---................... Trustee. c°, ; : <br /> ��- . <br /> �#ate of ,11�a��a�hix�et#�, � <br /> SS. � � �� � <br /> COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. �e tt �emem6ere�, Th�t on this........................���.�..('.�.�e.��.....� g.:.c!.`:`�?'.. .............:........................A.D. 18�.'.� <br /> . ....... <br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,�ppe�red the UNiON PACIFIC RAILWAY C01'IP�IY, by� its�esident, an . its Tre�surer, who are personaliy <br />' known to me to be the identical persons whose n�mes�re subacribed to the foregoing instrument�s s:iid,\�esident and Treasurer, tind then and there acknowledged the execution and sealing of said <br /> Instrument to betheir voluntar,y act and deed,and the voluutary act and deed of said Company. And on the sa�me day,Iikewise,personalIy appeared the above named FREDERICK L. AMES,known ta <br /> me to be the Trustee described in,nnd who executed the foregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he execnted the same as Trustee as afore aid, and for the ases and pnrposes therein set <br /> fortb,and that the executio hereof was his voluntary act and deed. �� <br /> �ln '�itncss '�h¢ s I hav bereunto set my hand and ofiicial seal this...................................... <br /> ............................................................................................................. <br /> . � -�p ; day of................................. ...^.....................................................------.A.D. 18g.�..,,a� the City of B ton,in said County and State. <br />� �" � � • <br /> ......-�............................ ..�!��u�Y.... ..:..f�..�-�d.--•---��---........._._.._._Notary Pubtic. <br /> � � � � � � - ����_ � •:;.: ,___. �;._ . ,`�:�.: <br />. , � _ �...__,.�� . <br />