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__ T <br /> �� <br />� _ _ , -. <br /> __ J J � _ _ � J , ✓ � <br /> � ���� ������� <br /> FROM � <br /> - /� � Fi �d for reeord the...........................................��....-..-.. ............................................................................daz� of <br /> ..............................�.v.a--�::.......(�........... ...............:.. ... ... ......�,�°............:.... <br /> �G� ' <br /> ........................ ..��.....---...----��----............._18...�C'..�......, at..._............_...--�-�- ...../.../...---...............................o cloek..... .�.�.%.....M: <br /> ..I...............................................................TO.................................................................. ...............�................................. ..............................-°-° °------...... ........ <br /> � ..... ................. <br /> ��( ��-y� County Clerk. <br /> ....''......................... ...................................................:....................................................� <br /> � <br /> ............................................................................................................................................. <br /> ...:......................................................................................................................................... Deputr�. <br /> . F�R� 3739. T�E U�TIO1� PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPA NY. <br /> UNION DIVISION--NEBRASKA. <br /> Corotraet No....... .....g..,. <br /> �� �..J........ Deed No.....��..���................ <br /> '�� �r��zu �rZ ���er� �r� ���e �"re��n��: <br /> T�at tlze UN/ON PAGlF/C RA/LWAV COMPANY, whicla is a Corpor�a!iorz forrned and ex�sti�zd bz� t,Izc cor�solidation of the Kansas Pacific RaiLway Companr�, <br /> t e Denver Pacifce I'iailwa� anc� TeZe�rap�t Company, ayad tl1 c U�aiosz Pacific R�ciLroar,l Compan��, under the corporate name ana' st�le of th,e UN/ON <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY GOMPRiUV, bz� authority of aJZ act of Con�'Ness, erctitlecl, "�ln c�ct to aid in the const.ruction of cc railroad and teLessraph line from the <br /> .11�issouri River to the Pacific Ocear�, and to secure to the Gavernment the use of the SCG772n, for Posta,l, .Midi�arJ, and other purposes," approved July <br /> 1, 186�, and aets amendatorJ thereof, w�eich said Comparc� has succeeded to an� become seize� and possessecl of all the real estate and propertz� of <br /> the said Cor�stituent Compa�zies, whether reaL, �ersonal, or mixed, anc'�, amonss other thin�ss, of aLL the Land �sranted to said Union Paeific .RaiLroad <br /> Campanr� b� the aforesaid aets of Consress, in aid of the construct'on of its road, not conz•er�ed away b�said Company at the date of such consoLidati•on, <br /> (to-wit, Januar� �-¢, 1880,) in consideration of the sum of--..-_--.---�,�l----,�t�.�:k���..rn�.�. _ .. _.......-.-�.2.�1��........................................................ . <br /> .........................�----...--�--.......---.......--- <br /> -...............- ......-----�-- -._........_ ......__...._........_ _.._--�--........_..........._...---� ............... .................--.. ...;... �-... ars to it,�aid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowled�'ed, <br /> doth hereby GR./�.N'I; B�lRG.,4I.N; SELL, �IND CO.N'VFY', unto...... �-� ..........�L�.ac<d-�-��-- �?1.:'��.................. -------�--�-�----------------�-�---------�----..._.......---�-----�-��-----._...--�------�-�-------....------_ <br /> .-�-----��----...-��--�--......----��--�---��---�-�--�--....-�-- ��- ...................... ........--��---��---.._.............of the Cour�tJ of..........:....._..........._���.cc.�:._..-�- .......... in the State of-------.....��'l�r..�lln�...._.....---------�---�-�----...------ <br /> the followin� described Real Estate, sitacate, lr�ing ancl beins in the Countr� of...._.......................Ot�.G:�......................._.................and in tJze State of JV'ebraska, and <br /> described as follows, to-wit:--�-----�-�-��...................... ........................ ........................... ... <br /> .. ................................��. .... ---� -- � <br /> ...................... . ,............... .. .. ....---�-� �--- ��---.......------......._.....-�---....------....-------...---------�--------....._.......---........------ <br /> _ .u,�� <br /> _ <br /> �-.. .. ,�-�- z�:..<�,,�:.-.... ..�-...���....�!�.�).......:.............................................................:. <br /> ...................................... ............... ......... ........._....:..................................._...� . <br /> .......................................................................................................................................... ............................. ......_.....:...................................................��......---��---�--.............................................................:......................................................... <br /> ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:...............................................................................................................................:................................... <br />, ...................................................................................................................................................................... :............................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ <br /> ................................................................................................ ....... .................... ......:.. ....... ............................. ........... ....... ............. ................. .... ................................................---..................................................................... <br /> ......: �f ..............:.................. .............. .................................:.....:................:...................... ...............:..................................................................................................:...........�--. ...... ... .--�--......: � <br /> . ....... <br /> ............................... . � _ <br />' of Sectiorz No.�11 ..:.....--�---�t�u.:v..��.--- �.�.......... ... .......... ift Townshz: 'IrO. r <br /> . . ....... <br /> _. . _ _ -- ._. .-. .. ... . ... .... r--..._�----��_.............:: <br /> �� .. ,� � .�!Yl. /0� North f R rase JI o.G.�^�-�-`....-����-�--�---� <br /> of the 6th Principad eridian, containins, aceordin�' to the United States survez� thereof..........�......-.....��0,�...5........................................___, ? <br /> --•-•-•-----•--�----............•--•----••-• <br /> -------------------�--...------------....--�-----�-----------�----�--�--__..�3cres, more or less, ' " s .. .---�---... ......... ......... . .------� <br /> ...................................................._ <br /> ........................��-----�-�--�---�-------------------.......---................. t�zt�r�-................-�--- - �-----........---...---��---------------------------...---------�------- ---�-----��---..............................-�--��-----.......----��-�----��- <br /> ----�...................�-�-------�-�-----......-----..... <br />, . .RT SERVLN'G, SOIVEVER,to the said UN/ON �/F/G RA/LWAV GOMPANV, alL that portion of the land herebz� conveyed(if any such ther� be) which <br /> lies withir� lines drawn paralZel with,and...................:�y!?�-..............hundred feet o.r� eac�z side distarat from the center Zine of its road as now eonstrueted, <br /> a�id anz� gsreater width when rzeeessar� pef•manerctlz� to inelude a?L its euts, embatalements, arcd clitehes, arcd other works neeessarr� to seeure and <br />,; protect its mairz line. ' <br /> 1'his conveyance is also upon the corcdition that the said�'rantee herein,.........................._...................._.......heirs, administrators and assi�sns shctLL ereet and <br /> maintairc a lawfuL fence between that port` n of the premises herebz� conveyed, ad.joir�ir��' the road of said Company, (if anz� sueTi th�re be,) and the <br /> road of said Com;vanz� zc,�or� a line...................�.................hundred feet distant from the center line of such road, an,d parallel, therewith, ira alL cases <br /> i' ira zvhieh sueh fenee is requirecl bz� law, or rraaz� be requirec� br� saicl Com,�anz�. <br /> TO H.fl VE �4ND TO HOLD the said premises with alL the ri�hts and appurtenanees thereunto beLo�sins unto the said�rant,ee, ----,���.............._ <br />; heirs and assi�'ns forever, and the saicl�'rantor doth herebr� co e�aant with the said �rantee, that ad the makins of this insErument it is weLL seized <br />! of the said ,-nremises as of a�'ooca and inclefeasible estate in f , anc� hath�'ood ri�'Iit to seLL and eonvez� the s�me, and that it will W�RR.f1.N1'arcd <br />! defend the title to said �remises unto the saicZ�'rantee,........... .... . .................heirs and assi�'ns forerl�r a�'airest�J�,E lawful claims of a7,L persons wTzomsoever <br /> E�Y'CEPTING; HOWEVEI�, al,L ta.xes an�l assessme=zts Ievied upor� scaid premises sinee:..�'1.'.1.�'�...�..-.1.�.��,__.__.C.c.�a,�,__.. . _ � �d,�,,�;.�.�..- ,p,e ' <br /> r� .., <br /> 9`tj,G.,.t/t��f�,tl'�.�.,ti..;d �,,�;�...,.:-1�, ����"�`3:;."",.��u,�-�-o-,o( �� �.:,N....,��=.�d..:u�<�:....�....a-�v.:u� a�d... ......d---. ..o�--�----��-------------sld��eeeess�'�- <br /> . ; <br /> D <br /> • , .............................�----��---.......-�--------........-----.......-�---.......----...-�-------.......-------�---------..............----�-----........------.......--------�-------.....------....--------.....-----.....---.....----......---�--...........--�----�----....._..--------------- <br />' ANA WHEREAS,8&ld UNION PACIFI6 FZAILROAD COMPANY Clid�Ori th0 SixtOenth day Of ApYil, A.D. 1867,execute and�v e�r,�9 Cyrus H.McCormick,of the City of New York,and Jobn Duff, of <br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortga�e Deed of ihat date,which deed is recorded in the oflice of the County Clerk of...............�,'`,L..(1....�i.L......................................Connty,in the State of Nabraska, wherein said <br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrus A.McCormick and John Duff,as Trustees,for the uses and purposes therein mentioved,a�mong others the Iauds hereinbefore described; ANn�HE$rAS,the said Cyrus H. <br /> MeCormick did on ihe tr�enty-eiahth day of June,A.D.1873, by a�proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trnstee under stiid mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth <br /> daySof Oc�ober, A.D.1873,:�ccepted by the Uxiox PnciFic R�iLROan CoMPaxY,by its Board of Directora,at a meetiug thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and State of Maesachnsetts; <br /> AND WHEREAB�on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'�:aston,in the State of Dlassachusetts, was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Dnff, as saccessor to said � <br /> Cyras 73.McCormick,wb�ch nomination was,on the same day, approved by tHe BOai'Cl Of D1PCCfOTB Of th0 8a1C1 UNION PACIRIC RAILROAD COMPANY� AND�'VHEILE�B�by such nomination and approval <br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,upon hie acceptance thereof, therealter become vested with the same estates,powers, rights,and interests,and charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if he had <br /> been one of the original Trustees named in and executing,�aid Mortgaoe Deed; Axn W�EREas,said remaiuing Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of Oetober,A.D.1873,nt the City of Boston,ve�t the same in such new Trustee jointty with hitu,the sa�id John Duff; Axn WxsttEas,the said John Duff did,on the fonrteenth day of February, <br /> A.D.18?7, by a proper instrument oi a�riting to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortrage Deed,which resignation wa,s,on the fourteenth day of February,A.D. 1877,accepted by the <br /> U:vtoir P�.ciFic l�ai�.�toan Conir�xY,by the Executive Committee of its Eoard of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boaton,and State of ➢�aesachusetts; Axn WasssAS, <br /> no nomination of a suceessor to fill the vacancy,caused by the resignation of said John Duff, having been made, the s:�id Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trnstee; Axn Wa�B,EAS,the ± <br /> e�id UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY',witli the consent oP the Trustees f'or the time being,hereinbefore named, has sold and conveyed, as above set fortli, the Real Estate hereinbefore desoribed, i <br /> ' Unt4 the said grantee,for and in consideration of the snm aforesaid,to it in li:�vd paid by the said grantee,�vhich said eum of money has been paid to said Frederick L.Ames,by said Company in his <br /> capacity as Trustee, or to said Jol�n Duff and said Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,oc to said Cyrus H.McCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for t•be uses:�nd purposes in said Mortgage Deed menbioned. <br /> �01U �Itrrefat(e, Knaw al/ Men by these Presenfs, that I, the saicl Fre�lerielc L. ✓lmes, remainires Trustee in the aforesaid JVlort�a�e Desd, ira ; <br /> eonsidercctioro of the af"oresaicl, premises and paz�ment as aforesaicl of said sum, so paid by said ComparLZ� to said trust fur�d, of whieh I am the ! <br /> remainin�' ' ste , for t �yc,,s es and purposes aforesaid, do Iiei•eb�RE.MISE, I�EI.E.fISE, arad forever UIT-CL,/�I.M unto the said..................................:.:............. <br /> --..-----�?:d....���.�v(.<.���-'!-�.-...--------.----- ---------------------------------------.the Real Estate cleserivecl a oresaid to be�elcZ b the saic� rar�tee ' <br /> �--�............................... .. -- f , � �' free and e.xempt from � <br /> all Ziens, incumbrances, and char�'es of saicL JVlort�'a�'e Deed,but subjee�, however, to aLL t.he reservatGores arod coraa'itions hereinbefore eontained. � <br /> �It( �rftt��3t� �hgt'e%; The said �'rantor, the UNION PACIFIG RAILWAY GOMPANY, hatTz ;� : w <br /> IN PRESE�CE OF caused these presef2ts to be sealed with i�s cor,vorate seaL, arzcl to be si�ned by its � : o ` a <br /> President and 2reasurer, and countersi�'nec� by its Land Commissioner and its :a ; <br /> .,Qud' or,and tT�e saic� I+'rederick L.✓Zmes, Z'rustee, has hereunto set his hand this ;� � � <br /> ���s� ..��-�...... .. . .............. - : � ; <br /> ..................................� -�---...-------�-��-------•----�-.�1.D. 18.��.----� : <br /> .,.u1:�......:Q�c�.-ho�.....................da� of_.... ; ; <br /> �-�........................��-�- <br /> �� � o : : ' <br /> W ; : <br /> /� ��� � / /� ---..............�- .---...---�-�--�--��... x �" : ; <br /> ........�Y.�GZ�u-v!'.'......�......!�t.J..IL�!�'�c�.:' ,�l-c-��- .... �i�'•,,-°--........-�.............................President. � <br /> ........................ n,� � �: : i <br /> i <br /> •...................... .o!�vHti.°.....N..��_��<�?------.._..---••----••----- Treasurer. � : : ! <br /> z . , <br /> ----�--�-�--•-----`�:'..�..,�.�.....���%UA Trustee. c°� �: : � <br /> �#ate of ,�a�saxh��e##�,. -- ; <br /> SS. , <br /> C(3UNTY OF SUFFOiK. �e -tt �em�mdere�, Tba,t on this...................i'�!rc�c'�u.'?�.c� of.............. ... : <br /> .............................................................A.D. 18.��. <br /> before me,a Notary Public in a�nd for said County,a�ppeared the UNIOV PACIFIC ILAILWAY CO�iPANY, Uy C. F. ADaMS, its President, and JAME . H RIS, its Treasurer, who are personall r <br /> known to n�e to be the identical persons whose namee are subscribed to the foreaoing instrnment as a iid President and Treasurer, and then tind there a knowiedged the execution and sealing of said <br /> Instrument to be their volunt.ary�ct and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally appeared t e abovz named.FREDERICK L. AM�S,laiown to <br /> me to be the Trustee described in,and who executed the foregoivg Instrument,and acknowledged before me tUat he egecuted the same as Truste as oresaid,and for the usea and purposes therein set <br /> forth,and that the ex f was his voluntary act and deed. <br /> �ln �itness �her�nf, I ve her nnto set my hand and official seal this.........................i.��.��� <br /> ................................................................................................ � <br /> �,� dt�y of..:....:.............................. . .. ....... ...�..................:...................A.D. 18(��...,at the City of Eoston,in said County and State. <br /> �•..............•�/'���-•--:�-`--C-•-•��;G�t-•2!!�c-r�/i. '' <br /> ...... .......�-------�----......_...._..._Notary Publie. � <br /> ...k,:.'.; <br /> � . . . . C�'.3t� <br />