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<br /> =�_;-FROM �-'—�___-_-_�__ - �
<br /> ) , ' .Filed f r record the...........................................�..1...........!.........................:...................................................daz� of
<br /> � �:�v-�........��:.. . �- (� . �.�............................ �
<br /> ................ .... ...,�. .........
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<br /> _..................................................................TO............. ,
<br /> �� .............:... ........... ................ ........................................ °---......---..._...:........-.-.-._
<br /> _ / Cour�tz� Clerk.
<br /> ...�:�r��_
<br /> ............. .. .,�'::�1..�°................ .........._......................................
<br /> ................................................�--..........................................................................................
<br /> .........................................................................................................................................
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> - --__ ___ _ __ _– ---..--
<br /> �� –
<br /> _ _..._ -- --_, �__—�
<br /> �
<br /> Fo$M �
<br /> UNION DIVISION--Fi�����r.
<br /> L�'k�^.11�e:................................................... .�Ae'�b:...................................._................
<br /> �naxv �ZZ ���en �� f�te�e �"re�ent�:
<br /> That the UN/ON PAG/f/C RA/LWAY COMPANV, whicTz is a Corpo�°alio�z forrned and existin�s U� the consolidation of the Ka�zsas Pacifie Railwa� Compan�,
<br /> the Denver Pceeifie Railwa� anc� Tele�'raph Com,va3zy, ancl the Ur�ion Paeifie .Z�czilroacl Comparzy, ur�cler the eorporate rzame anc� stJle of t,h,e UN/ON
<br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, U� �uthorit� of an act of Consress, e�ztitLed, ".,4ra act to aid ir� the construction of a railroacl arccL teLe�'raph Line from the
<br /> JVlissouri River to the Pacific Ocean, and to secure to the Goverr�ment the use of the sam� for Postal, .�'lilitari�, and other purposes," approvecL July
<br /> 1, 186�, and acts amenda,torz� tlzereof, which said Comparcy has succeeded to anr� become seized and possessed of alL the reaL estate arcd pro,�erty of
<br /> the said Cof2stituent Companies, whether rea.L, personaL, or mixed, and, amon�' other thir��'s, of�zlL the land �'ranted to said Union Pacific Railroad
<br /> Companz� bz� the aforesaid aets of Con;ress, ira aid o f the eonstrue orc of i road, not eor�sez�ed awar�by srzid Co pariz�at the date of sueh eorosoLir�c�ti.or�,
<br /> f f �-� ���"-oG'.�°(---�^�'°P..---� --�- ----�-- -. . .- -�-�---- �°� `�°-�.e.�......:.:-�-� �---�-_.....................��-�-�-----
<br /> (to-wit, Januarz� �/.�, Z880,) ir� consideratior� o the sum o ....... ...... .......... ........ , o- -- � --••-- _ �.��,���_`.����0.
<br /> ......-�--�-�---�-----�----��-----�-��-----�---... ...--
<br /> .. - -� -- � .................�----�-��--��----.............-�-� -.....................�........��.....,�Udl lL�, t i �t reeei of whi�h is herebz� ai�knowle �'ed,
<br /> dothherebz� GR�JV'2; B..1RG�lI✓1', SELL, .f1ND CONVEY; unto-.----��-- ----� ..... .............�-��------��--�-�---.....----�----.......--��-�---....------�-�----�-�----........--- -. ..............---..........._..................._................----
<br /> �--�.... .................��--- -�---�-�--...._.... ....................-----�------�------ - _..............................-- -�--�----��---�----/--��----......._�--�-- � -------------� - - ----�� ----- --......... . ...------.....-----...,
<br /> ----...----�--�-�-----�---��---....... --. � � �-- --....
<br /> the followin�' described ReaL Estate, situate, lyin�' and beir�s in the County of.......................,.�.�...Y..�..........................._.................and in the State of Nebraska, and
<br />,; described as follows, to-wit:.--�-�-(-d�- �-- �-�-------- -------�-�--�-- --.............. ._ -- .... .. ..........-----.......------............---........---------.....---......--------... ._............. .
<br /> .. ... ......
<br /> ................................................................... .......�.1.r..�....`��:��.����.:�r..... ...�. _ ......: .. . ..... .. . ..... ..... ................................................ .........................................................................
<br /> --..................
<br /> ; ,�
<br />�r ..........................................................................:....................................................................................................
<br /> ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> . ......................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> .......................................................................................................... ............................................
<br /> ......
<br />� ...................................................................................................................... .
<br /> .......................................... ............................ .. ...
<br /> . .........................................�...........................................:.....................................................................---.............. ................�.................. ................----.........._
<br /> ..........................................�!... . __............... .... .. ... ... ... .................---.................. /�
<br /> of Sectiorz No... ................... in Townshi JV'o.�.�y .....---N rtJz o Raro e o...C1..�!�:..!..?;�.........�..�. '.�'.------......... ,
<br /> �/.. ........... �L.3.�.._....-�------.................. P � ......._._._....................----�� f � �
<br /> of the 6th Priraei al .Meridiara, containin�, accordin tn the Unated States surve thereo
<br /> ' ����N,e(� �... .. _.. _..l.�l.c,,!:!:�.-��.•-•-•'f!sa................. .....
<br /> �s z� f---------------- --- - - --- -•--•---.. .....
<br /> ---------------------------------- -flcres, more or less, vein�' the same remises eontr�ted to be sold to;:�---�1.�.�....._....... -------..�...`Z���.._�..P�«.�...�...;.�.
<br /> : ...o�..--�------��-- � -- -
<br /> � -
<br /> ��r";'y---- / � �---!.�..–....� - ----------------- ---�'ti..��(P.,..1.�.7.� ---- �^�'-�,�.�1. ` ..��....,a. .�....�l.r,�:.--Un�-
<br /> �Contra p.N'o.-�'�.�-...�..G.-.�.��•----.�,<�:a:s�........................ ���z��^-.C�°!-. . .. - -.
<br /> I R L'SER VING, AO WE VER,to the said /ON ,°AG/f/G RA/L WA Y COMPANY, �hat�rtior� of th Le��a d herPbz� o �er�ed,(if��' such there be) zvT�ich
<br /> • .._.hundred eet on each side d,istant rom the center li�ze o ats road as now construeted,
<br /> lies withir� lines c�rawn parallel waLh,and. . .-.,:-.. >;..-s..--•�---- f f }' �
<br /> and arz��'reater width wherz r�ecessar� permanentLr� to incLude a�l its cuts, embarckments, arad ditehes, and other worTcs necessary to secure and
<br />; protect its main line. �
<br /> This conveyance is also uporL the eonditior� that the said�'rantee hereirc,........... ...........................................Tzeirs, admirListrators and assi�'ns shall erect arzd
<br /> maintaire a lawfuL fence betzveerc that por ion of the premises hereby coraveyed, adjoinin�' the road of said Company,(if any such the�e be,) and the
<br /> road of said Companz� u�on a line...............��...............---...._hundred feet distant from the center line of such road, an,d paralLeT, therewith, in ll eases
<br /> in which sueh fence is required br� law, or ma� be required br� said Companz�. ,
<br /> TO H,/�VE .f1ND TO HOLD the said premises with all the ri�'hts a�2d appurtenanees thereunto belon�'irz� unto the sccid�'rarctee, .:........................:.........
<br /> heirs and assi�'ns forever, and the said�rantor doth herebr� eovercant with the said �'rantee, that a6 the makinsd of this instrument it is weLl seized,
<br /> of'the said premises as of a�'ooi� and irzdefeasible estate i fee, anc'� hath�'ood ri�'ht to seLL anc� eonvez� the same, and that it wilL W:gRR✓INT arid'
<br />, defend tlae title to said premises unto the saicZ�:rantee,...... ..............................heirs and assi�ns forevgr a�ainst the lawful cLaims of aT,l persons whomsoever.
<br /> E.X'CEPTING, HO�'EVER, al,L taxes and assessments Zevied zcpon suid premises since�f�.!,3..-a�!/�........��y ��.P.�_.....(.�.7..�:...... '
<br />'',, ' ' y, ' � � .-••--°...................•_.•-°-°-------.........................U...�-°°---.4. .............._
<br /> � ...-----°°------•_ "8�._—.....-----'°---°�Eb69�9N8;
<br /> ' ...._...°.............................................'°--,°--...........,._...---.....................---.....------------°°------°---...-°-----...---'--.........._.........---------°°---......._°--°°.................--°----•--.................°-'°-............._......._._._._..•-_
<br /> AND WHE$EAS,said UNtoN PACiFio Rair.ROAV ConzrAxY did,on the siateenth day of April, A.D. 1867,execute andc�ver Cyrns H.MeCormick,of the City of Ne�v York,aud John Duff, of
<br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortga�e Deed of that date,which deed is recorded in the ofiice of the County Clerk ot:................X!.Y..................................................County, in the State of Nebraska,wherein said
<br />� Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.McCormick a�nd John Duft,�,s Trustees,for the uses mnd purposes therein tnentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore described; Axn WaER�AS,tbe said Cyrus H:
<br /> McCormick did on il�e twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a�proper instrument of writing to that e.ffect,resign his place as Trustee under said mortg:age deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth
<br /> day of October, A.D.1873,accepted by tl�e UNiox PACrFic ]2niLROAn ConzPAxY,by its Bourd of Directnrs,at a meeting thereof held on tliat day iu the City of Boston and State of Massachusetts;
<br /> Axn WxEttEAS,on tke fif'teznth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of�aston,in the State of Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as euccessor to said
<br /> Cyrns H.McCormick, which nomination was,on the same day, a�pproved by tHe Board of DireCtors Of the said UNION PACII�IC RAILROAll COMPANY; ANn WHr.Hr;�s,by such nomination and approval
<br /> said!'rederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof, therea�iter become vested with the same eatates,powers, rights,and inEeresfs,anci charged with the same dutiea and responsibilities,as if he had
<br /> been one of the original Trustees na�med iu and execnting,eaid Morta�u�e Deed; Axn`VxERLAS,said remaining Trnetee did,by ti conveyt�nce,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on tho twentieth
<br /> day of October,A.D.1673, at t�he City of Boston, vest the s�ume in euch new'Crustee jointly with him,the sa�id John Duff; ANV Wa�[tEAS.tlie said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February,
<br /> A.D.1877, by a proper instrument ot writing io that effecty resign his place as Trustee under said Morthage Deed,which resignation was,on the fourteenth day of Februa,ry, A.D. 1877,accepted by the
<br /> Dir.ctors a�t a meetin thereof held on th da in the it of Boston and State f Massachu etts• Ax W a
<br /> m i t t e e o f i t s E o a r d o f a t C o s D H E&E s
<br /> iti�•e Coni > ,
<br /> U ti i o N P a c i F i c R a�r.s o a n C v m r n x r,l,y t h e E x e e i g Y Y , a
<br /> no nomination of'a anccessor to�li the vacancy,cansed by the resigoafion of said John Du1f, having been made, tbe said Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustee; AND WH�$EAB, the
<br /> said Uxrorr��P��ci R�iL�vnY CoMPnNY,�vith t��n�e i -0F Lh,e��'r�s�e_e,s gor�time being�rlA��ore natned, has sold and conveyed, tus above set forth,the Real Estate hereinbefore deseribed,
<br /> unto tUe sa i�"'"' ,90 avd iv consideration of'�he sn�n ,"�a'�it m'Yiand pai by the sai ,�vhich said aum of money has been paid to eaid Frederick L. Ames,by said Company in hi�.
<br /> capacity as Trustee,or to said John Duff and said Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for tbe uses:�nd pnrposes in aaid Mortgage Deed mentioned.'
<br /> I ,�u1U �{trre,fprc, Knaw a// Men by these Presenis, that I, the . a�',d Fre�lera�c,�c _L. ./�m s��rn�oina s Trustee in thn, aforesaid .Mart�'a�e Deed, in
<br /> considef°ation of the af'oresaid, premises and paz�ment as afo�esazd o saad^�,s�aid b��z�'�ompar�y to saicl trust fund, of which I am the
<br />�E remainin�' Trus ee, for the uses ancl pusposes aforesaid, do laerebz�REJVIISE, RELF,f1SE, and forever UIT-CI��QIJ{T unto the said....:....::...:.:...:...:.........................
<br />� ��..� . Q , „ . , .
<br /> ..----�-�-�..................................... .
<br /> �,-�_..______________________..._......._......_..._...........................the ReaL Estate described aforesaLd, to be held b� free arid e,xe�pt from
<br /> I alL liens, irccumbraT2ces, and char�'es of said .Mortsa�'e Deed,but subject, howeveT°, to aLL t,he reserv�ztiorzs ar� corcditions hereinbefore eoratained.
<br /> �/tj �rfng�t� �hgreo�; The said �'rantnr, the UNION PACIFIG RAILWAY GOMPANY, hath ;� : w
<br /> IN PRESE�CF. OF caused these presents to be seale�l with its eorporate seal, and to be si�necL by its o : a
<br /> Pr•esider�t and Treasurer, an d countersi�'rce d by its Lar�c� Commissioner an d its ; � ' �
<br /> . ,fluditor,ar�d thn, saic� Frederiek L..gmes, Trustee, has hereunto set his hancL this :�
<br /> � ,/ �� . :
<br /> . .�/L ,.��� .-� -- ... .. ...-�----��-� "�-� f---�.........................�................................._..........�.D. 18.$..��:.. ; :
<br /> .�.........�.�..:'.^.��...�....1�...,�!................�_...................................... �r----�-----�--.....-----��--------......---.da o
<br /> ° '
<br /> - : `
<br /> �.-�.�....�..._....o.....................�----�---......... �/� ; :
<br /> ��.�r -......�:..President. �
<br /> �,1�. ..--------------------------------------
<br /> 0 � �' oye `
<br /> ................................................................................................................. �j�� ,,/ '_ ���� , ;
<br /> ,¢.c�.�- ...........�.�......... :...��'!.....tdl...!.G�2:��.-�------.....-�--�------.. Treasurer. � ; .
<br /> �:
<br /> � : -:
<br /> , �.......-----�� --�--.....�:..��....................................._...--�--. Trustee. c°� ; �. °
<br /> ��-�-C�`t' ' �
<br /> �#ate af ,�a��a�h��e#t�, SS.
<br /> _ �
<br /> GOUNTY OF SUFFOLK. �e it �ememi�ere�, That on tb,s..................................._ ...�'.�.. . ... -...............aa of..
<br /> s .. .............�....................................n.n. is�,'�
<br /> �^~....N.... �. ........�.�...� ,,...
<br /> before me,a Notary PubIic in and for said County,appeared tiie UNION PACIFiC ItAILWAY COMPANY, by � , its raaident, and its Treasnrr,r, who are personaily
<br /> knot�n to me to be the identic�l persons whose n�mea are sub>cribed to the foregoing instrument as s.tiid Fresident and Treasurer, and then and there acknowledged the execution and sealing of said
<br /> Instrument to be their voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally appeared the above named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to
<br /> me to be the Trustee described in,�nd who executed the foregoing Instrument,�nd acknowledged before me that he egecuted the sanie�s Trustee as aforesaid, and for the uses and pnrposes therein set
<br /> fortU,and tbat the egec t' hereof was his voluntary act and deed. f�,(-
<br /> �&n �itttpss �i��renf, have here to set my hand and official sea•1 this........................................`.......................................................................................
<br /> .................
<br /> � p da�y of............................... ..........................................:......................A.D. 18��•, t the City of-Boston,i said County and State.
<br /> ��` �j/� .
<br /> ................................ .�b.....�,��.`:.Y.-�Q�f!l.Ld......_.._....--�---�--------..e:Notary Public.
<br />� _ ._..��..__:
<br />