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. �3� <br /> ��J�j � ��j J � � � 6 <br /> ��� ������J <br /> FROM � <br /> ' I+'iled or reeord the.............................. .. <br /> � �, , � , �� � �. ....... ........ ............... ....... ....................... ................ .. ....... � <br /> � �a of <br /> ............................................. ... .. .........:.��..�........::.............�:�-�-1........., ,� , <br /> ...............................Z.�:�i............................_Z8..9..1........., at.---.............�:..........................:..........................o'clock.........%�.x..�....M: <br /> ...............................\...`................ ............................................................................... � ....................... .-- �--�---....... -- -..--... - <br /> TO <br /> .�!V."�:�'.'�.................... / i •--............................�... .......... ....... ........... . .. ......--- ••-•-- <br /> /� � : �Countr� Clerk. � <br /> ...................�. ... . ✓.............. ..:..�.................................... <br /> ................................................................................................................Deputy......... <br /> Fo$:K 3739. �HE UNION PACIF'IC RAILWAY C�MPA NY.- . <br /> COJ2trCGCt ,7�0...�.J�.�d��.°...��............... UNION DIVISZON--NEBRASKA. Deed No..��`./�O.!:� <br /> ...r.....................� <br /> �na�� �rl ���en �� �t�ie�e �"r�e�ent�: . <br /> That tlae UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY GOMPANY, which is a Cor,�ora'iorz formcd and exis�ir�� bz� t,Ti.e cr�nsolidation of the Kaizsas Pacifie Railwa� Compan�, <br /> the Denver Pacific Railwa� and TeZesraph Compan�, atzc� the UFVin�z Pacific Raili°oacl Compan,�, ufzder the eorporate rcame and st�le of t.h,e UN/ON <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAV GQ�t9PANV, b� ccuthority of atz act of Co��'ress, eiztit.lecl, "..4� act to aid in the eoTZStruction of a raibroad and tele�raph lirae fr'om tlLe <br /> .tl�issouri River to the Pacific Ocear�, and to ser,ure to the Goverrz�nent the usc �f the SLL772n, for Po'staL, �11iliEary, an�d oth,er purposes," approved Julr� <br /> I, 186�, aric� acts ame�zda.tof�� tjtereof, zv72icIL said Companr� has succeeded to azz�l beco�nc seizecl and possessed of alL t.he real estatc and pro,�erty of <br /> the said Constitue�t Cvmpa�ies, whetlzer rea.L, pef°sonaL, or mi.zed, and, amora�s other tTzin�s, of all the Land �'ranted to said Union Pacific RaiLroad <br />' Company b9 the aforesaid �zcts of C`on�'�°ess, ir� aid of the construct-�i°n of i�s roacl, �zot conz•er�ecl awa.z�by saicL Compar��at th�date of such consolidati�on, <br /> (to-wit, Janzcary �,1, Z880,) i-n consideration of the sum of.............d?-«:�..._::�2�.:�,:?r...�iu......�: _ (�-�.v) ' <br /> ............................................��---�----�--...-•----�•----��---�-�-�•-•----......................---�-�---.....--�---....---........._ <br /> � ....................--.....-�-�-----�-��-- - �-..._.__ - __.- - •---...---............._...---.... ..................� -- ..................... ........_.�- �-� <br /> � ollars, to it paid, the receipt of which is herebr� acknowled�'ed, <br /> doth hereUzJ GR�4N7; B..1RG✓II.�V, SF.I,L, ✓1✓Y'D CONVEY', uizto_.. _.._..�'Z�i:�t-�,.�... l�ti��f.�z. -. ............. ... _ ...--_.----, <br /> ---------------��---��---.....-�---....--�---�---............ ........:........ ............. . .......:... ..--��---...............of the Countz�of--... ..... ,��,c'�� J .......... ...... in the State of. . _ .___ _....... ............ .-.-------...--�--......._ <br /> �`z' <br /> the followin�' described Real Estate, si te, l�irags nd beins in the Count�,of_........ .....��:C,�,...............:........_:........,_...�..,......... � in the St te of✓Y'ebraska, and <br /> � -----�-��-....... : <br /> . - �p <br /> � . �..�.,,��-- ------------,�1,,�__--.-....�.�..----�------...�------�-�------��------------�---...---.......---- <br /> deseribec�i �zs olZows, to-wat:.......................... .... . ...�� --��----.... .��v�'.......:2 c�,2-�- �_ �'1 w zx _ <br /> f . . ... --� � - -........ v,�.'h..- .....� .��`/ <br /> .................................................................................................................................................................. <br /> ..�..................................................... <br /> ................................................................................................................................................ <br /> _........................................................................................................................................................ .............................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ................................................................................................................................................... ..... <br /> , ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> ........................................................................................................:..............................................................................................................................................................:...............................................................................................:.................................. <br /> ........................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................. .........................................................................................................................................................�-• <br />, ......................................................... ............................. ........................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................:................................................................................... <br />' ........:....:......................- ..,,.�.....:................ ...................................._......................... . <br /> .. ..............:................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> of Sectio�z No._..._._<.r.rvz...:YS,......(?.......- - .........................._ ..._..... ira Towr2ship .,%!''o. __..(Q���s-�:,,�.....��..�. - � Nortlz o I�ar� e ✓l°o...�,�._.G.. .. <br /> � � �- ...- f �' �u............�Y.z�d`:........................ <br />'� of the 6th Princi�al .Me�°idian, containin�, aecordin�' tn. the United ,St�ztes surve� thereof_..............._..........:�'.�......L.h��_......._......_.......,.............._______..___.___._ ._.__._......................._... <br /> ---------------------------------��-----�--��----......------- --------------. �lcres, rr�ore or less, beifa�' the same premis� contraet,ed to be soLcl to ...--..........�...r..,�__...:�..---...�:�.:� .1�:.-----�--.................----------�-------.....------ <br /> . dated......-- �---:.... ...�......l..h:...- ...-!--�-7�-----� --�--...---�-----��-- .....-��---... � ..... -----��................_�........----�----��----��----........._.......---......--�-----...... <br /> by Contract No.....�.�._:Y.�i..�---�-----�---�--------------�----....................... � <br /> R FSERVING, HOWEVER, to the said UN/� PAG/F/G RA/L �AY COMPaNY, alL that �ortior� of the Land herPby eonvez�ed,(if anz� such there be) whieh <br /> Zies u�ithirc lines drawrc ,�aralleL witlz,and.............:..::'.'2:�..........................huradred feet orL eaeh side d,istant from the cercter Li�ze of its road as now constructed, ' <br /> and any�'reater width wher� necessary permanentl� to incLude a?L it,s euts, embanlcrnents, ancL ditches, and ot.her works necessar� to seeure arid <br /> protect its riiain Zirce. ,� <br /> This conveyance is also upon the condition that the said�'rarctee herein,................::'��:�..................._......hcirs, administrators and assi�'ros shaLl erect and <br /> maintain a lawful fence bebweerz that port�of the premises herebz� conve9ed, adjoinifzs the roac� of saic� Companr�,(if any such the��e be,) �nd t,he <br /> road of saic� Company u,z�oro a line....................................................hundred feet distant frosn the center line of such T�oacl, arr,d paralleT, therewitTt, in ald cases <br /> irc whieh such fence is requirec� bz� lazv, or ma� be required br� said CompaTar�. /� <br /> TO H./�VE .,4ND TO HOLD the said prerrcises with al.l. the ri�'hts and appurtenanees theNeunto belon�'irLS unto the said�'rantee,........�V�:�:�................... <br /> heirs aj2d assi�'ns forever, and the said�srantor doth heNebz� covercant with the said �'rantee, t,hat ab the makin�' of this ir�strument i� is weZL seized <br /> of'the sr�id premises as nf a sooii �znd indefeasibLe estate i� fee, and hath�'ood risht to selL and corcvez� the same, and that it will W:fIRR,f1NT'and <br /> d�fend tlze title to said prernises unto the said�sran.tee,......:.:�:,�.......................heirs and assi�'ns forever a�'airLSt the �wful claims of a7,L persoras whomsoever ! <br /> i E�Y'CEPTING, HOWEVER, al,l taxes arad assessments levied upore suid prem'ses since._�........ . .. ...../..a-:..-:........._1.g.2..6..`_...................and e.xe�t a�'ainst an� � <br /> elaims or ir�eumUranees ereated or permitted bz�, throu�a'h, or under saicL_---�-----�..............�:i�:�/.�..:!�,2............���� ..�c:....--��------..............._�------......-----.or.-----..�i.:�......sueeessors, <br />' 3'G <br /> ... <br />� heirs, or assi�'ns, or anz� of thPm...------�----�-�----��-------��----�..............-----�------...----�------------...-�-�---��------��----........-------............----.......--�-------��---�-��---��-�----...........--�-----...-�-----•.. . <br /> .......................................................�-----........__.....----------�-- <br /> AND WHEREAS�Sald UNION PACIFIO 1ZAILROAD COMPANY C1i(3�Ori th0 SixtCentll Hay Of Apiil, A.D. 1867,execute and�leliver to Cyrns H.McCormick,of the City of New York,�end John Daff, of <br /> the Cit o�Boston a certain Mort a e Deed of that date whicb deed is recorded in the office of the Count C1erk of........... r. .. ........:.............County,in the�tate of Nebraeka, wherein said <br /> Y � P' €," > . . <br /> Y f� <br /> Company conveyed to tl�e said Cyruq H.McCormick and John Duf�,as Trustees,for the uses�und purposes therein rnentioned,amoug others the lands hereinbefore described; Axn Wa�aFns,the said Cyras$. <br /> MeCormick did on 1he twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth <br /> day of October,A.D. 1873,nccepted by the Uxiox PACIFIC RAir,ltoAn CoMrnxY,by its Board of Directors,at a meetin� thereof held on tha,t day in the City of Boston and State of Massachuaetts; � <br /> AND WaE�t�AS,on the fifteenth d�y of October, A.D. ]873, Frederick L. Ames,of'Laston,in the State of Massaehusetts, was dul,y nominated by the remaining Trnstee,John Daff, as successor to s�id <br /> CSrns H.MeCormick,which nomination was,on the same dtiy, a�pproved by the BOatd OP D1t8CtOT8 Of th0 3ald UNION PACIFIC ILAILROAD COMPANY� Ax�War�REas,by such nomination and approval <br /> said,�'rederick L.Amea did,npon his acceptance thereof, t6ereatter become vested with the sa,me estates,powere, rights,and interests,and charned with the same duties and responsibilities,as if l�e bad <br /> been one of the original Trustees named in and egecuting,�aid Mortaa�e Deed; Axn`Va�REns,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.1�73, nt tl�e Cit�of Boston, vest the same in such new Trustee jointly with him,the said John Duff; ANn Wa�[tEAS,the said John Duff did,on the fonrteenth day of Febrnary, <br /> A.D. 18?7, hy a�proper instruruent oT'v�riting to that effect,resibn his place as Trustee under said Mortnage Deed,which resignation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877, aecepted by the <br /> Usiox PnciFic Ra�r�toan ConrraNY,Uy the Executice Committee of its Board of Dir.etore, a�t a meeting bhereof held on that day in the City of Boston,and State of ➢�assachusetts; Axn�VaEx�AS, <br /> no nom4nation of'a successor to fill the vacancy,cansed by tt�e resignation of said J.ohn Duff, having been made, tbe s�tid Frederick L. Ames became,flnd now is,the aole Trustee; AxD WHEREAS, the <br /> said Ulvrox PACIFiC RAir,wAY CoMPANY,with the consent oC the Trustees for tt�e time beina,hereinbefore named, has sold and conveyed, as above set forth, the Iteal Estate hereinbefore described, <br /> unto the said grantee,for and in consideration of'the sum aforesaid, to it in hand plid by the sa�id g�rantee,which eaid sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L,Ames,by said Compauy in his <br /> capacity as Trustee, or to said John Dnff and said Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and said Tohu Duff, Trustees,for the uses:�nd purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �ow �'here�'ot�e, Know a!l Men by these Presenfs, that I, the sazd Fre�lerielc L. .flmes, reinainins Trustee in the aforesaid JVlort�a�'e Deed, in <br /> consideratiorz of the af'oresaid, premises and ,roar�ment as aforesaicl of said sum, so pairl b� said Comp�zray to said trust fur�d, of which I am the <br /> remai in,�' Truste�f,or the uses ancl purposes aforesaid,, do hereb�RE,MISE, .RELF./�SE, and forever QUI!'-CL./�I,M unto the said.................................................. <br /> ................�1�i�L....l.... . .: _.�c,.............................-....-..................-.-...................-............the ReaL .Estate describe� aforesaid, to he heLd by the sairL�'rantee free and e.xempt from <br /> aZl liens, incumbran���anc� char�'es of sai<L JVlortsase Deed,but subjeet, however, to aLL t,he reservatior2s and eor�ditions hereinbefore eontained. <br /> �/tj �ifn�r�� �hgreof; The said �'ra�tor, the UNION PAGIFIC RAILWAV COMPANY, hath � � �� <br /> IN PRESE�TCE OI' :' � N: •� <br /> caused these preser�ts to be sealed with its corporate seaL, and to be si�ned by its : o a: � <br /> • Fresident and Treasurer, and eou�ztersi�'ned b� its Land Commissioner and its a �� @ <br /> �� �1 � �- � uditor,and the said .P'rederiek L..11mes, Tru tee, has hereunto set his hand this ��`� � <br /> ....... �� �.�..�:�......���.��-�-.�.. . ......................... .��-z-�..,�., '� �. � a: �:, <br /> ,�i �.�r•-.---� of_... �'-�€Y................................•---.._.f1.D. 18..�1 ._. �: _� <br /> ..... .. .... ............................�----... ............---�-� ...-- <br /> � � n .. <br /> � �., �) i : <br /> � o ` <br /> : . <br /> � <br /> . <br /> � .................�--.President. � � ' �; <br /> � � � �-�C� _....... ---�.�---------.z.� -�..�--�...................... <br /> �- � � � <br /> ���„�--�,�- ��G�- � <br /> .......................................................� ........................................................ .... . " � <br /> �'_� �:���.......:..��.......��/v?...�.:�z..................••••-. Treasurer. 2 <br /> �- C^1 ,/y ,� , �' �. <br /> .� � �� , : <br /> (,�_..---.��' �-�-��--......�.�.............��--�-�--°��'••------.......-----•.......... Trustee. v° '• �: <br /> �- �' <br /> �#a#e af ,�as�a�hu�et#�, <br /> SS. <br /> . ` � <br /> G6UNTYOF SUFFOLK. �e tt �#em�mber�e�, That on th�s... .� of.....���!�........,........................................A.D. i� <br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,appetired the UNIO:V PACIFIC I�AIL�V3Y CO PANY, by C. F. ADaMa, it3 President, :LUd JAMES G. HARRIS, its Treasurer, who are personally <br /> known to me to be the identical persons whose namea are subscribed to the foregoing instruruent a, s�id President and Treasurer, and theu a�nd there acknowledged the execution and sea�ling of said <br /> Instrument to be tl�eir voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of s�,id Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally a�ppeared the abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to Ue the Trustee deqcribed in,and who executed the fore;oing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he executed the sa e as Trustee as aforesaid, and for the nses a�nd purposes therein set - <br /> forth,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act a�nd deed. <br /> � _ $n �itncss '�herrn I have h eunto set my l�and 1nd official seal this... .. .. .�.............. <br /> ,_- ��r�.� ........................................................................................... <br /> � da�y of.................................... .............................................................A.D. 18 .�"�......, a the City of Boston,in said Coanty and State. <br /> /�� �/ / ` <br /> �_��,� ........................./...��y�C-._�.__. ..-------�--... ......-�---�----....-------------...-----_Notary PubLie. <br /> . . � .. . R . .'.. :...,'-. �.:..,`.,. <br />