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<br />� � ' � _� Fi for record the....._.................._..................�.- ............................._....................................................._daz� of
<br /> 1
<br />,� �-��.__....::.._:::..�?-�_.. �:�-e............................�<....
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<br />; , .-................... ..........�-:�...---�-�--........---18.�.1........, at............../..--�-�- ....... ..................................dcloek......�...�.......M.
<br /> _................................................ ......................................................................................
<br /> �- To ��
<br /> • � •-�...: ..................... .............. ...........i. ........ ..... .................... --..........---
<br /> ' , 7 � ` � • Countz,� CLerk.
<br /> _ � �i vl�z � ,1�2i.� ..... ............
<br /> ..-..... .......�. ::�. .... ...... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ...
<br /> .........................................................................................�---................................................
<br /> ............-=......_........................................... Deputy.
<br /> �.........................................................................
<br /> ----------__ _ _ ----___---^ _
<br /> � —__. ___. _ _ --- ---- --
<br /> _ .� i o
<br /> F°R,� 3739. . 'I'HE UNION PACIFIC. RAIL AY COMPAN�'. �
<br /> Co7L�sO�er.................................................. IINION DIVISION-- I�6�-o�i2.................:......:....:.........................
<br /> . �na�zr �rr ���en �i� t�te�e �"re�e�tt�: .
<br /> That the UN/ON PAG/F/L' RAILb11AY COMPANY;"which is a Cor,voratio�z fo�°rned and existin�' bz� the consolidation of the Ka�2sas Pacific Railwc�y Compar��,
<br /> the Denver Pacific I�ailwa� ar�d TeZe�'raph Conapany, and tlze Ufzinra Pacific Rnil,3•oad Compan�, under the corporate rcame ancl st�Le of th.e UN/ON
<br /> PAG/f/C RA/LWAV GOMPANV, bJ authorit� of a.n act of Con�'ress, e�ztitled, ".fln act to aid in the eonst,rz�ction of a railroad and teLe�sraph line from the
<br /> .Missouri .River to the Pacific Ocean, an-d to secure to the Gouernment the use of the sccmr, for Posta,L, .Milibary, and other purposes," approved Julz�
<br /> 1, 186�, and uets amenda•torz� tjzereof, whieh saia' Companz� hczs sueeeeded to anrl beeome seizecl ared possessec� of all t,3ze real estate and pro,rerty of
<br /> the said Const,ituent Companies, whether rea.L, personal, or mixed, and, amor��' other thin�s, of aLL the land �'ranted to saicl Uniore Paeifie Railroad
<br /> Compar�z� by th-e aforesaid aets of Cor��'ress, in aicl,of the eons�uetio�ts roc�d,not eonl•eyed czwaJ by sazd Company at the date of sueh eonsoLidati.on,
<br /> , �J �f, tion o the 'sunz o ..._��v�-.::..---...---.-t.�l��%L�.......-�------�----------��---�-�----�---...--- ��---� ' . .
<br /> .. . f f - ----- - .
<br /> fto-wat Januaz° � Z880,) ira corzsr.dera ���12;---• - ----��--;� ����- ���,,., ��i-�--•
<br /> • ' - -- - -- ------
<br /> ....----- ��........................ �-�- -...... ... -. ----- - /
<br /> ........--��.:..................................... ��--� ........_..... .:....--_-�:��---��a D�?lars, to it�ai ^the receipt o wh�h is h e�'y acknowle ed, .
<br /> do t h here b G R.,4 N 7' B./�R G�g I i 1 S E L L .,4 N D C O.N V E Y', u n t o_...:............ �'���� �c.
<br /> .-.-����L.�.--......--�--°:-...-�----�� ��- � -------��................ .........�--..... ...--- --.... .........-------......................_ "
<br /> � ' �' ' ' /
<br /> ..... . .- ---��----...--- --��---�........................--�-.........---�--......--�----.....o�t'��6'ex��-a1��---.....-- -............ --....-. - : - -..................i -------------�---------- �-�----�---.....-�----��----•-�------..._..----......
<br /> ..... ---�-- .... ......
<br />, .--......---�-�---��------- �
<br /> the followin�' described Real Estate 'tuat lz�in�' nd beins i the��/�ourc y of.........._... ........ .Q..�. :..............._....................._................_ar�d in the State of Nebraska, arcd .
<br /> deseribed as follows, to-wit------------------�i.�_...---.��---.��:c.��......�'.�....�.1�..� ...�r...�-..�..r.�.�e-¢�.. ��-
<br /> .................... ' v' �
<br /> % :f..........:...............................................:.:.....................................................................................................�---.....................:.....................................................
<br /> ............................................................................................................................ � ......;
<br /> .........................................:.............................................................................................................:................................................ .
<br /> ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ....... . y
<br /> .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .
<br /> ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ .
<br /> ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
<br /> ..............
<br /> � ........................................ . .............................................................:....---..............................`'
<br /> ......... ...................... . .. ..................---.....
<br /> .. . . ..
<br />�� ..........................................��iY2............................7....................................... :
<br /> .... . .. ...................... ' '
<br /> o f Sectior� No. �.'................-....--�---------���`--1-......_................._....._.. irz Township .,N'o. --- _. ........ r/./1.............-�-------���----North f R n�'e JI''o..-`��v..--..�.v�............�..�..���........::.--=-----...-----
<br /> of the 6th Princinal, .Meridian, conta-inins, accordin� tn the United States survey thereof................................. . _. .
<br /> . ... ......-r-------- - -------._....__.._._._...---__�---•-��-�-�---------....----....
<br /> __________________________________.__._____..___..._......._.....__....._.__.__. .l�cres, more or Zess, bein�' the same rem�ise's contracted to be so d to......... rn._�..... ��;r:�.�-�.GC.. -� �
<br /> bz� Contract No..��h-G�. �.,-�G ..--`�,.��.".2_�.�_. ...... c�ed_�.f.�t....-�-�..�.-.�..:�i�..-�:.. . G��l",,���7.�,�. . ... �c�- ..�.:.�..����:o�.�/'...�r�°�����../.�_���'.'��
<br /> ---.. .... .---•-�-�---••-----
<br /> R ESERVING, HOWEVER, to the said UNION PACIFIG RAILWaY COMPAN��lL�hab portion f the larc h reby cor vez�ed,(if any sueh there be) whicZo
<br /> F lies within lines drawr� paralleL with,�zrad..............�!-�----..-----....-----...-.-hundred feet o.►� each side d.istant from the center line of its road as now eonstrueted,
<br />� and anr��'reater width zvher� r�eeessarz� permanentl� to inelude a�L its euts, embankments, ancl ditehes, arccl other works neeessary to seeure and
<br /> protect its mairz line. �
<br />' This conver�ance is also u,roon the condition that the said�'rantee hereir�,............�....................................heirs, administrators and assi�'ns shall erect ancl
<br /> maintair� a lawful fenee between that portiorz of tl2e premises hereby eonve�ecl, adjoir�ins the roacL of said Company,(if arcy sueh the:e be,) and the
<br /> road of said Companz� upore a line....................tr..��:.................hundred feet distant frorn the center lirie of such road, and parallel. therewith, in all cases
<br /> in u�hich sueh fenee is required by law, or may be required by said Company. ,
<br /> TO H�VE J1ND TO HOLD the said premises zvith aLl. the ri�'hts afzd appurter�anees thereunto beLoresins unto the saic��'rantee, ............ . .................._
<br /> heirs and assi�'ns forever, anc� the said�S'rantor dotdi herevy covenant with the said �sraretee, that ab the malciro�' of this instrument it is welL seized, �
<br /> of the sa.id premises as of a�'ooa and indefeaslfile estrzte in e,e, and hath�'ood ri�sht to selL and eonvez� the same, and that it wall W�I�R�NZ ancL
<br /> clefeszd the title to said ,�reinises unto the said�'rantee,.......................................heirs anc� assi�'ns forever �'ainst the�lawful elaims of a1,L persons whomsoevet°, I',
<br /> E�'CEPTING, HOW'EVEI�, a7,L taxes and assessments levaed upor� suad premases sance...���v..7.'..----�-------------1.�.7..�.........-----.........a�ac8-e.xsse�s'fr-�g�z�ro�
<br /> c�caim�ar-i�ae�����ases a��v�e�sl t�p�rrDri�fe�l b�, �8�0� nr zerccd�sa�.....---�..................�---��;-----.....---.....----.....�..---..................--� ----......:.......---�---��----�---------�-�------....�'............----��----..stlscses�er•�,
<br />,�
<br /> ,
<br /> htszi�, o�-as'��a.s,�r' �2�-of tF»err�.................��---.............._.......................-�-�---�-��---�--�--�--��--��----��----.........------�---.....----��--�-----..............................-----��--------�------��---�-----�--.._........----�----��--------�------�---...............----------��---�--......---------_...--- I
<br /> AND WHEREAS,said UNrox Pncirro Rnzr.ROnD ConzrAxY did,on the sigteenth da�y of Aprit, A.D. 1867,execute and deli er Cyrus H.MeCormick,of the City of New York,a�nd Jobn Duff,of
<br /> ihe City of Soston,a certain iVlortga�;e Deed of that date,which deed is recorded�n the office of the Cpunty C1erk of......................���t�i......................................ConntYe in the State af Nebraska, wherein said
<br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and Jolm DuE�;:�s Trustees,for the uses ind purposes therein mentioned,a�mong others the lands hereinbefore described; ANn\VHC�t�AS,tbe said�yrus H.
<br /> MeCormick did�n the twenty-eiahth day of Jnne,A.D.1873, by a proper instru�nent of writing to tliat effect,resign his place as Trnstee under sa�id mortgage deed,wbich resign�tiou was,on the fifteenth
<br /> day of October, A.D. 18i3,accepted by the Uxiox P�crFic RAir.ROAn COMPAiJY,by its Bo:�rd of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boeton and State of Massachusetts;
<br /> Axn�VfiEttEAS,ou the fifteenth day uf OctoUer, A.11. 1873, Frede:ick L. Ames,of l:aston,in the State of Massaehusetts,wa,s duly namioated Uy the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as suceessor to said
<br />� � C'yTU9 FI.MCC07711iCk�Wh1Ch llOmill�ti0ri waS,Ori thC SaTnO d�ty, approved by the BOard OP 1�ITCCtOTB Of Lh0 83id UNION PACIF7C RAILROAD COMPANY� ANll WHF.REP.6�by such nomination &Dd approv�ul ,
<br />'j said 1'rederick L.Ames did,upou his aeceptance thereof, thereatter become vested with tlie same estates,powers, rights,a�nd interests,tind charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if be had
<br /> been one of the originaT Trustees named in and egecuting,�aid Mortga�e Deed; Axn`VaF[tEns,said rema�ining Trustee did,Uy ti conveyance,proper and effectual for that pnrpose,dated on the twentieth
<br />'� day of October,A.D.1873, :�t the City oi Boston, vest the same in such new Trustee jointly with him,the said John Duff; AND�VHF,REAB,th0 8&iCl J011ri Dllff d1H,on the fourteenth day of February, I�
<br /> I A.D.1897, by ry proper instrument ot writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortga�e Deed,which resigoation was,on the fourteenth da�y of February, A.�. 1877,accepted by the
<br />� Us7oN PacrFrc Hn�r.�toAn ComrnrY,by the Executive Committee of its Board of Dir,ctors, a�t a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston,and State of 1VIassachusetts; Axn Wx�B�ns,
<br /> no nomination r,f'ti successor to fill the�ac�ncy,canseci by tl�e resignation of said John Duff,baving been made, the sa�id Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole'Prustee; AND WaEEEes, the
<br /> i xiox ao Fir,�,�j�� � a�CoNZPaxY,�' h t e con en ,,,� e Trustees for the time being, erein ore named, has solct.and�conve�ed,�s a�bove set forth,the Real Estate hereinbefore described,
<br /> s�,d U 7� .,,�,,., o�.�
<br /> �•
<br /> tbe said a� �4hich snid aum bf`fnGne"fias'`be�?"iV`a°fd'to eaid Frederick L. Ames b said Com an in his
<br />� unto the said��,`1b4'�4�n consideration o�s�n���e�esaa��l��G°it in havd paid by �. � Y 3�P � Y B Y I
<br />� capacity as Trastee,or to aid,7ohn Duff�nd sai�Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.NlcCorm ck and said John Du�', Trustees,for t�be uses and purposes in a�id Mortgage Deed mentioned.
<br /> �viU �ltrl'efvt(e, Know all Men by these Presenfs, that I, the sai �e�lery Ic �L.��r��rernai�zin�' Trustee in the aforesaicL .Mort�'a�e Deed, in
<br />'� consideration of the af'oresaid, premises ancl paz�ment as afores�'t� �a��i�um ,so paa�'`b� saic� Conzpar�y to said trust fund, of which I am the
<br />'' rem 'nin �'r e, fo�he uses and purposes aforesai�l, do hereU� RE.MI�`E, REL�,SE, arzd foreve�° Q UIT-CI.�IJlT un�said--�----�-------���----�--�-----��-�-----�-��----�
<br />� : ����2��9�' ___.._____.__..............:.....................................................the ReaL .�state described a oresaid, to ve held b the ' e ree and exem t om
<br /> .. . . . f � �� f � fr
<br /> all liens, incumbrj� ces, ar�cl cTiccr�ses of said Jllortsase Deed,bub subjecb, however, to aLL t,he reservations ar�d conditions hereir�before contained.
<br /> �/r� �ifn�s� �hgreo�; The said �'rantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANV, hath � `;
<br /> ��
<br /> IN PRESE�CE oF caused these presents to be seaLe� wi�h its cor,vorate seal, arod to be si�ned by its �;� � a
<br /> 1'resi.dent and 1'reasurer, and eountersi�'ned by its Lanc� Commissioner ccnd its < a
<br />' ( i � c��(;� � .�� ,/1 itor,ar�d the said l+rederick L.J1mes, Truste , has hereurcto set his hand this ; �
<br /> �� � _
<br />� � �.��j����-'G'l. .................... .................. . ....z. --- da� �f------........... ......................--- � ��
<br />, .... ..... . t �"--L��".�:.----:..-�-�---.....--�...................... ..2�........ .......f1.D. 18...... .
<br /> / , •
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<br /> ... . --� � � .. o .
<br /> �
<br /> D � � ) . �
<br />� � _, � �, , i �'�C � - ' x � ' � '
<br /> ,, '�'�O�„�,c,'" _......................_----------.......--------•---�------•----•--...�./.......,,J�x:.......Presaderot. � S:
<br /> � e��P ��tx
<br /> ,/� ti : �
<br /> � � �............................ � a � ; :
<br /> ............::....:................... ...........
<br /> ........1./..��.... .... .....�Y�L.. Treasurer. � • :
<br /> i � :�,�— , �.�'�.�;�-- ..�'./../1............ . ---...---�---._..-----------.... � : ;
<br />��� � � � � ��
<br /> —9� --��................ ..�.............-..----..--......��...................._....,....: �ustee. � : �,;
<br /> i : —
<br />; �#ate a#� ,�a��achu�e##�, SS. �J�
<br />; .
<br />'! COUN7Y Of SUFFOLK. �c it �em�mGere�, Tn�t on tb;g��... . ...........................................day of.....C.�! ... . . A.D. 18�..
<br /> ,,,,.p.. .. .......................................
<br /> y�ADAMS , `�''
<br /> i before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,appeared the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, b Q�'its President a�nd -R�S, its Treasurer, who are personally
<br /> i kno�n to me to be the identica�l persons whose namee are subscribed to tne foregoin,g instrument as s.Lid President and Treasurer, �nd then and tUere acknowledged the execution and sealing of said
<br /> i Instrument to be their voluntar,y act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,like�vise, personallg appeared the abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to
<br /> me to be the Trustee described in,and who execnted the foregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he execnted the same as Trustee as aforesaid, and for the uaes and purposes therein set
<br /> f forth,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act and deed. , ` -�
<br /> k
<br />; �ln �itrigss '�hp�►S�pf, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this..1.%�l.!I ........ ................................................................................................................
<br />; — '/ . .
<br /> i / day of.................�..`��....................................................................A.D. 18 ..I�..Y...�, at the City of B ton,in said County and State.
<br /> f / //' � • •
<br />' .......--��.............- a�v�Q--......-- -,�-----u%...V...���.....-•------........------..�.Notary Publac.
<br />� �
<br />