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<br /> FROM a�� �/1
<br /> - . Filed for record the......................................d' :� � of
<br /> .....��?�����.....���-�.. ......-......._��...............1�.�.............._........._........ , ......._........ .... . .._....... ....... .....................................da
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<br /> _...................................................................TO......................................._..--...._...............
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<br /> FoRM-�i39:
<br />' UNION DIVISION-- .
<br /> �,��,�-�.. _ . �n��u �rZ ���er� �� ��Ze�e �"r��ent�: �..
<br /> ..........:..............._..........._....._
<br /> That the UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPA/'VY, whicTa is a CoNpor�atiofz fnrrrzecL anc7, e.xistiiz�' �� t,he cr�r�solidatior� of t1a,e Kansas Pacifie Railwa� Compare7�,
<br /> the Denver Pacific I�ailwa� anc� Tele�'raph Compar��, aszd the Urainn Par.ific Railroa�� CompanJ, under th,e corporate rz�me aiad st�le of th.e UN/ON
<br /> PAG/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, b� authoritz� of asa act of Con�'ress, eratitled, "�n aet to aid iT2 the corzstruction of a railroad and tele�'raph lir�e from the
<br /> .Missouri River to the Paci,fic Ocean, and to secure to the Gover�zment the use of the sam�: for �osta,l, JlliliEary, arcd other puf^poses," approved Julz�
<br /> 1, 186�, ai2c� acts amenda-torz� tltereof, zvla,iclL said, Com,roanz� has succeeded to anrl become sezzed and possessed of alL the reaL estate and property of
<br /> the saicl Co�stituent Coznp��cies, whethef° f^ea.d, ,�e�sonal, or mia;ed, czncL, amorzss other thinss, of aLl the La�zc�i �sranted to said UrLion Paeifie I�aiLroad
<br /> Companz� L� the aforesaid acts of Con�'ress, in aid of the constructio zts road not conr.�er ed awaz�bz�sai�l Companz�at the date of szcch consolidati•on,
<br /> (to-wit, Jar�uary �/.�, I880,) in eonsideration of tTze sum of_......_� .....-�- -��: �!��.�.. .. ....._.
<br /> p -° —° -- °---° -° -- - -- :... . :- �l— -°- - � -- tc.'.'°---
<br /> "'
<br /> �.r,cay dj - `.- �i(a.�:;�,..- „�{{4;�.� 7'�-�./f.
<br /> --- - . ..- ................. ..��----....... ......--............. - _...... ----- -.........--«... Dolla , to it paid�the�r�ei�t o �ihich is herebr� cknowLed�ed,
<br /> doth herel�z� GR./�N1; B�lI�G./lIA', SELL, �1JV'D CO.NVEY; unto_.�..�l�d- ---....C� ...__..:?.s�i:�..:.........�.,�L,.(�.:.................................................��---.............................._.......------.....----.....-�---........_.
<br /> -�---...---�--�-----.._........................---��----�---- .....__....---..._........- .............. - ---�---�---....._...._ -�-�--- ...--.-...._.........- - ----._�.��--...... .--��--�-----�----------.......---��--�-��-- -._---....-------�-��-----.._.-
<br /> _ .....
<br /> the followin�' deseribed .ReaZ Estate situate, lz�ir��s and beiras in the County of..........................,,�.�...........................:._........_.....................and in the State of Nebraska, and
<br /> describedas foLlows, to-wit:...... ....... .........f. .,-..-�- ---�-�---- --- -� - - -- .....--, -........--- --:� -....� --� -�- ...- �--..............--��------ �------.....------.......------�--....----�--......---------....------...------�--�----.................----�-�-
<br /> � ' _ .......:............ _.....
<br /> .. .
<br /> /, -
<br /> ................................................................................ . .......:...... ..� . ..... ....__......... ......� .. .......... .. .. ......................��.�.. . .. .��.���........................................................................................................... . .....
<br /> ,
<br /> .--.�� .....
<br /> -........................................................_.............................................................................. . ,
<br />'� .............................................................................................................:..............................................................................................................................................................................................:....................................................................._..................
<br /> .......................................................................................................... ............................................... ....... ... . . ... . ...............................................................................................------......---...-�----��-�-------....................---..
<br /> I ..................................................................... .... ......................:.............................................................. .................. ................................................... ............................................... .
<br /> I ............................................................... f . .... ... ... .. ......................_.........,...,.......,............................... ...... ...................�....�...........................................................................,...---�---..�........................... .--� �---....,.........................
<br /> j of Seetvon No...� .- l-� ,� ...-��--�.---�----.. in Townshi N'o�i2�__....1L..._-.....__---------------------- rtfi Ran e JI o.� � -
<br /> -.!'�?�'�'.._------ -- ---�-............ . p . ._ ^ ...�../..4............---....
<br />' o the 6th Pr�inci al J1leridian, contaznara�s accordin�' to the United States surver� thereof._. � � � �
<br /> . . �, � �j
<br /> f p ................. -----.....___------_.-------- -__..........-�---........---...
<br /> j -------------------------------------�-�--�-----�-------------------------.../�cres, ��yore or Zess, bein�' the sarne premases contrac�ed to be sold � - -.,C�. -; ---_..-c���!r .�r�n"o�............ ----• .......---......---..
<br /> bz� Contract No.�-�-��.�-.``.`�.-��-�-��=-�--�I.��(--(��.-�.2�,-�'a�erlc.l. - �- -.. _. .-.l'i.,tQ,t�7�!.�_ .�.,�1f. � ' .o�.. �,l=L� ���.d`:�(..�d--�
<br /> ('�i���W� a� L�i�°� a�..A..
<br />' R FSERVING, HOW'EVER, to the said UNION ACIFI R lL Y COMPANY, L that por io of the and herPb� conveyed,(if a z� sueTa tliere be) which'
<br /> lies withii2 lines drawn parallel with,and--------------��......-.-.------......hundred �'eet o.r� each side d.istant from the center Line of its road as now constructed,
<br />' arcd anz��'reater width when rLecessc�rz� perfnarcentlzJ to inelude a�L i�s cuts, embafzkments, ancL ditches, and other works necessary to seeure and
<br /> f, protect its main line. -
<br /> F This eonveyance is also uporc the condition that the said�'rar�tee hereir�,........� .. ...................................heirs, administrators and assi�'ns shalL ereet anc�
<br />� maintain a lawful fenee betweeri that portio� of the premises hereby convez�ed, adjoinins the road of said Companz�, (if any such the=�e be,J and the
<br />' road of said Cofnpany u,vorz a line--.---...:C�Y.t C...........................hundred feet �istant from the center lin.e of such roacl, a� paralle7, therewith, in alL cases
<br /> ' ir� whieh scceh fenee is required b� law, or ma� be requirecl br� said Com,tianz�. ,
<br /> TO S.l1VE .,4ND TO .FIOLD the said premises wityz all. the ri�'hts aizd appurtenances thereunto beLonsins urcto the said�'rantee,......�...................
<br /> heirs and assi�'ns forever, and the said�'rc�ntor cboth herebr� e venarct with tTie said �'rantee, that a� the makin�' of this instrument it is welL seized, .
<br />` of the said premises r�s of a soor� ancl iredefeasiUle estczte in ee, ancl hath�ood risazt to sell and eonveW the same, and that it wilL W�1RR✓1NT arcd
<br /> defend the title to sairZ ,�ren2ises unto tTie saicL�'ran.tee,................ ....................heirs and �ssi�'ns forev �sainst the lc�zvful claims of a7,L persons whomsoever,
<br /> E.�CEPTING, HOW'EVER, a7,L taxes and assessmelzts Ieviecl uporz saicl premises since..�. ..-....._l..yY...l..Sf.._�..�..... •
<br /> ......---�-�--�--...
<br /> claims or ineumbrances created or permitte� br�, throu�'h, or under said.........................�-�---•-�-----�-------_.............................-------- -----...................---•----..........----•-----`e,�---:........---••---.-•s�
<br /> . • .................................................................�----��---........--��----�--.....---�•----...----��------------.._..-----..........-----�-�-�-----....----.......--•--��---��-•-------••-••:---.........:.--...----...---..�.---...--•�---...---.....---�-------..._......._--------•-•- �
<br /> AND WHEREt1S,said U1vIO�PACir10 ILAtT.ROan Co:KrAxY did,on the sixteenth da�y of April, A.Dy1867,execute and de ' r to us Ii.McCormConnt thirn the�t e of Nebraska�,Jwheren anld I
<br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mort a re Deed of ihat date which deed is recorded in the office of the Count Cleri.of................. y
<br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.bIcCormick antl John Daff;�s rruatees,for the uses tind purposes therein Ynentioned,timon��otliers tl�e lands hereinbefore described; ANn WHEREns,tbe said Cyrus H.
<br /> MeCormick did an the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.18 r3, by a proper instrumeut of writing to that effeet,resign his place as Trustee uttder said mortgx�e deed,wI�ich resign$tion was,on the fifteenth
<br /> day of'October, A.D. 1873,accepted by the Uxrox PACrFic IttiiLlzoAn ConzPaNY,by its Board of Directora,�,t a� meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston avd State of Massachusetts;
<br /> ANn WxEltEae,on the fifteentb day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Arues,of F:aston,in the St�xte of Massachusetts, wus duly noniinated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as successor to said
<br /> Cyrus H.MeCormick,�>Hich uomination was,on the same d.iy, approved by the Board oF llirectors of the said Uxrox Pncit�ic Hair,xoAn CoMrAxY; ANn WarR�as,by such nomination and approval
<br /> said Frederick L.Axues did,upon his acceptance thereof, theretilter become vested with the same estates,powers, rights, avd interests,nnd charhed wit.h the same duties and responsibilities,a�s if l�e had
<br /> been oue of the original Trustees nauied in and egecuting,eaid hiort;a�e Deed; Axn�VFi�eras,said remaining Trustee dia,by ti conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth
<br /> day of October,A.A 18i3,at the City of L'c,ston, vest the same in sizch new Trustee joiutly with him,the sa,id John Duff; AxD`VH�[��ns,the said John Duii'did,ou the fourteeuth day of February,
<br /> A.D. 18?7, by ti proper instrumevt of�vriting to that eflect,resigu his place as Trustee under said Mort�n�ge Deed,which resigna�tion wa�s,on tbe fonrteenth day of February, A.D. 1877, accepted by the
<br /> U�7oN PaczFic I���7 xonn Comr�hY,by the�xecutive Committee of its Eoard of Dir.etore, yt a meeting thereof held on tha�t day in the City of $oston, and State of Massachusetts; ANn WxE�,Eas,
<br /> uo uomination of'a successor to fill the�acancy,cau�ed by the resignatiou of said John Duff, h�ving been made, tlie stiid I'rederick L. Ames becanie,and now is,the sole Trustee� AND W�E$EAB,the
<br /> s�id Uxio ac , .•Itair,wnY Co�ra�Y,wi,t}i_gt� ���Qf t��u,s,tees for the time bein�r�ei�ye�re n:�med, has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the Real Estate hereiubefore described,
<br /> unto the�'""" , r and in consic]er�tion q�i Yhe sai� r�", o i in hand pzid by tt�e� ,�ae,�vhich said sum of money has been p�id to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Compavy in Hie
<br /> capacity Crustee, �to said Johu Duff aud�aid Freder�ck I.. Aines,Trustees,or to s�id Cyrus H.McCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for the uses and purposes in said Mortgage Deed mEntioned.
<br /> �a�u �"Itrrefa�c, Know all Men by these Presenis, that I, the said Frer n icic L. .,Qrrzes, rernainins Trustee in tlie afos•esaid .Mor�t�a�e Deed, in
<br /> ����� ��
<br /> consideration of the afb��esaid; premises and pa�ment as aforesaicL of,��id. ,u�n�so par, b� said Co�p«n� to said trust funcL, of which I am tlae
<br /> rem ini�,�' Tr��ee„for the zcses and pur,r�oses aforesaicl, do herebz,�REJVIISE, RELL,/�5�, and forever UI'l-CL„ll •u72to the said...............................:..................
<br /> .....�.......���..,�fit..A�-----.....------.........................................----,----..--------------.-----.the ReaL Estate described aforesaid, to be�eLd by free and exempt from
<br /> aZl,/ 'e�tts, ir�cumbrafzces, an� char�'es of sr�id JYlort�aae Deed,but subjec�, however, to aLl t,he reservatiorzs anc� eor�ditiorzs hereinbefore cor�tained.
<br /> �/t( �ifirg�� �hgreo�; Tdie said �rantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath ; � : w
<br /> IN PRESE�CE OF � � ;zi
<br /> caused these preser�ts to be sealed wiEh its corporate seaL, anc�i to be si�ned by its � o : �
<br /> Fresident and Treasurer, and countersi�'ned Uy its La�zcl Commissioner and its a ' �`
<br /> �lu c li tor�a t e sai d Fre deric k L. �mes, Z�us t as hereusa to se t his har�d t h i s � � �
<br /> , ; v :
<br /> �.._............................ ......................................._...... � :
<br /> ..... ...::.... . �-......- -��: ....---. . ...... .............__..............da� �f-----.....--�-... ....................._._...----�-----�---------.-../1.D. 18.�...... : .
<br /> � ,. ;
<br /> ' , � . .
<br /> , ,
<br /> � / � ' � � , '1�� ` ��G�iii(!/,.0.--�•-----� ----...Presidertt. � � � �
<br /> ���� ----•----• •-----�- --••---�--��--- -•----� ---....---�• �
<br /> ��l,�t/��� .�. .-.�1_..._���jt,�a.��if."........................... . : .
<br /> y i
<br /> �� `��.=..�.��.'� � � : :
<br /> �-� ....... .. ... ........ . .. ....... .. .a..v.±:i.............---.. Treasurer. a . :
<br /> ......... . :
<br /> l�-�� / � i
<br /> --.........�/..�---......�....����!�:-!�........................................... Trustee. � ;
<br /> -�--- �'
<br /> �ta#e af ,i1�a��axh��e#t�,
<br /> Ss. �
<br /> — ..................aa9 0 ............ .�.. ......
<br /> GDUNTY OF SUFFOLK. �e �t �:.emem6er��, Tbat on thss.................................�,.....................:........ � ...;(........:.........'................A.D. 1s��.
<br /> , before me,s Notary Public in and for said County,appeared the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, by Ct F. ADaMS�its Prosident, :�nd . its Treasurer who are personally
<br /> knorcn to me to be the identictil persons whose namee are subacribed to the foreooing instrument�s s:iid President and Treas er, a,nd then :�nd there acknowle d the execution and sealing of said
<br /> Instrument to be their voluntar,y act tind deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Compaay. And ou the same day,likewise, personally�ppeared the abova amed FREDERICK L, AMES,known to
<br /> me to be the Trustee dercribed in,aud who executed the foreaoing InsCruinent,and aeknowledged before me that he executed the same as Trustee as aforesaid �nd for the uses and purposes therein set
<br /> fortb,and that the egecution thereof was I�is volunt2ry act and deed. �
<br /> �n �itri�8s '�t�ercaf, I l�ave hereunto set my hand and official seal this............................. .. . ...... .
<br /> ...........................................................................................
<br /> .......................................................A.D 18g. ....., at the it of Boston in said Connty and State.
<br /> day of.......................................... � y ,
<br /> �� �..�� ��
<br /> ............ ... ...�-----....... _..---��--- -----------------._..............----�---------�----Notarz� Public.
<br />