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• �� <br /> _ <br /> � _�--�_`"�__.1J�j� ��j����� � � <br /> � <br /> _ ---�—�_=— _---,,�_- ___=_ _."—_Y.��___ <br />; --__�_—__�___-_ --__ -- <br />� FROM <br />`, . . , � <br /> Filed for record the........................./_�....�....:::...�:�:..-.:.....................................................................................dar� of <br />: ...............�it�v�u.'.U.!:......�� ......................... .::i�.�............................ � <br />, � ���.,�..., � , ' � <br /> ....... .......... ..... ........---.........----��----......_18.�.�...... at.... ..- ....... .._.... ...�-----�--...--��---�---�---........o clock.. .��.......M. <br /> _...................................................................TO................................................................... �r <br /> /� �....................................... ........ .. ............ ...............................�----��--�-�----......---�---�- <br /> � <br /> �.✓�..��.G��� J�!":�,� - Courety CLerk. <br />, � <br /> ........ <br /> ..... <br /> ... ..... ...... ........ ......... ......... ....... ....... ....... � _/ __ _ Deputy. <br /> ._,�__. _ ___. . _ Gi/1/i Ul.-- <br />� F°R,� 3739. THE UNION PACIFI RAILWAY CC�MPANY. <br />, � a . . UNIOI�T DIVIS �-- �. <br /> �No.......�.��...........�J ................................................... <br /> naiv �Zl� en t�te�e re�ent�: <br /> � �� � � <br /> That thc UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, which is a Cor,vor•afiorz forrned, a�zd existins b� t,lze consolidation of the Kans�s Pacific RaiLway Campanz�, <br /> the Denver P�cifie RailwaJ and Tele�'raph Companz�, and the UEZinTZ Pacific RaiLT°oa!� Com,pc�nf, urader the corporate name and st�Ze of th.e UN/ON <br /> PAC/F/C RAILWAV COMPANY, by authoritr� of an act of Con�'ress, erztitled, "..4n act to aid in thc eonst,ructiorL of a rai7road and teLesraph line from thc <br /> .Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the sana� for Postal, .MiLiEarJ, ancL other purposes," approved July <br /> 1, 186�, and acts amendatorz� thereof, which said Companz� has succeeded to ar�� vecome seized and possessed of aLL the real estate and property of <br /> the saicl Constituerct Companies, whether reaL, peNSOnaL, or mi.xed, anc�, amon�' other thinss, of�Ll the land �si•anted to saicl Union Paeifce RaiLroad <br /> Companr� by the aforesaid acts of Con�'ress, in aid of the constructio zts roacL,�ot conL�eyed uway bz�said Compar�z�at the date of such consolidati.on, <br /> tto-wit, January �,1, 1880,J ir� consideration of the sum of.....................��..�... .................__....._...._... r� /� ' / - <br /> �c/fju:zt��--�i--�v- �--� ,:t�--��j�- �fa:�t-�-,G�-;vf a�n��-*-�-��-�a-�/� <br />� ..------�----��--------��--�-----�-�--- � - --�--�� -- .............. � -- � ---......-----.........------�--�---�---.....- ........--................. -... ...- -........�...... Doll rs, to it paid�h; . • a.. <br /> // . �a��� �z�h��f¢-kaxeb�-c�eT���wdec?�e�3, <br />! <br /> doth herebz� GR�4N7; B.f1RG.f1I✓V', SELL, �ND CONVEY; unto_.�r._...,J.�.v�..............�d..�/..t-c��1'....,���rn/...........-�----....--�-��---�---�---.....----�-�-�---.............................-----...-�--�--.......---........---...._. <br />! ......-�----�.................. ...----.. ....... . ----------.....---�-------�---��--�-------�---.......------------------��-----�----..._ <br /> ......... .. . ......�--...... . . ..--�----�---.................-�-...........---�--��--�--.... <br /> � f---............. ...... �--- - ...---...- ---................. ' <br /> the followin�' described Real Estate situate, lz�in�' nd eins irL the Countz� of..............................��.�.�........_.........._...__.........�..._and irt the State of Nebraska, nd <br /> descri,�,ec� as folLows, to-wit:..._--�...... ........�........... ..- ----- -�----- -�-��--.y. .....--------��-�---...... ...�..-� �„n�-�-- ---.C����-�----.....�2J..----�-��!'`,w-"-�i�---,l.�l-i-r.u!n:-----�-...----.....�.... ..- ----..... <br /> �`�. `?�-- ��.�....�_�( �� <� � � -- 7> <br />, ,� _ <br /> ...�.....,✓��......a�d �= `�i �. <br /> ,.. � a-u�........ ........_A--��.......�.............. ................. ,4�" �-�-a�lt'u......�o....:Q-.�:d... ...�. a-u. �� �/ <br /> .. ..�1..... ...... .. � . . .... . ......._................. . ........ ..... . . �.....-.....................................�:�:�-..�.�r............................ <br /> .. ...... <br />, _ - � _ . <br /> ..�:E:.,..K!�y...... ..... .... ... .�.d......���...�i<c�r�.d.�-.d.....:........d��^.-�.... .....�.c�.:.... ................ ......�.r...- -.....�d..... ... . `�....,���!-�.. .. ............................. <br />'. �y�,� ...... . -----.._ ..�........�� <br /> �"' ..�: . � _ <br />�' _.!�.2l.:kv�.Y...�d.. .. .. ...-.....�.�..,,Q..�...1..�.1.��.�....... .d,�..�1.-....71./.�.....rY.... .. .....°..........�i'a-��..7�Ii1..... .......�.....✓�!.................. ..... ............. �... ...... .... �...�°.:� ...............�...... ...�.'-.�r... - <br />, ` ......�........ .. ........ r�..... <br /> . <br /> ......21,�.....,�i..i.-��--..�:.... ..�.��........�.�.�r.�-�-Y�,k�-t...,�1........�.................:�,�=a,���--�............... � � �.. ............---..r....... ....... ... ...... ...... ............... <br /> ... <br /> .. �.�...........................�. .................�...... .1�.�'-�-�. �'� - <br /> ..... <br /> ..... <br /> ..................................................................................................� ........._.._......................_.....................:............_................................................._..........._.._.............._......................................................................................................................................... <br /> .......................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................��-�----��-�---------.....:..---..............::......................---............................... <br /> ����- ................................. . . <br /> ...----�--...-----��................--- � -.. . � . ...__._._.... _ ...._...._......__..... -........ ...... <br /> . . . . <br /> . . L , --��..............��-�-�-�--�----��-�--��---...----....---._......-----.....---.......---.......-----------------------....___..---..............----��-� <br /> . . ...._..---°�----------°-.......................'-� -..........-------°-°°°---.....----.......-°-----°-----......._ <br /> _.....__...:--•---------......°--°--°°---°°------�--------------_•••--. v v <br /> bz� Contraet o.----•---......-�-� -...--�-�--•-----------------------•-�----...---................... date .......-- ��---� -....... �- <br /> ...---�� .....................��-•-- --........-----��---�-�-- ---�-� ---..... --�- ......................_..........---.........-�---�-�--�-�--....._-.--..,....--- ------••--��------.••-_ <br /> R F'S.E ING, HOWEVER,to the said UNlON PA F/G RA/LWaY GOMP�NY, adL tTzat ortiorz of the land herebz� conveyed,(if a � such there be) uhieh <br /> Zies within ines drawn paralLeL wi�Ta,ared...................................................hundrer� feet or� eac sicle d,istant from the eer�ter Line of its ad czs now constructed, <br /> and arcy�' ater width wherz rzeeessar� permanen ly to inelude a?L it,s euts, em rcicrnents, and ditehes, and ot,her wor neeessar� to seeure and <br /> protect its air� line. <br /> This onvez�ance is also upon the corzdition at thc said�'rantee heNein,_.... ..............................................heirs, administrators nd assi�r�s shaLl erect and ' <br /> maintai a lawfuL fence between that portion the premises hereb� cor�veJe adjoinins the rorzd of said Compaizz�,(i any such the�e be,) and the <br />` road of aid Company u�or� a line............................. .....................hundred feet distant f m the eenter Line of suela j°oacl, an,c� p ralLeT, therezoit.h, in alL cases <br />` in wh', such fence is required b� law, or ma� be reryuired br� said Compa�cy. , <br />, Z'O H✓1 VE �4ND TO HOLD tTie said premises zvith aLl. the rishts and apJ�urtenances thereunto beLon�'ins unto the said�'rantee, ..�..---..._........... <br />:: <br /> heirs asicl assi�'r�s forever, and the saic��'rantor doth hereby covercant witTz the said �'rantee, that ab the malcins of this ins6rument i.t i.s weZZ seized <br />� of'the said premises as of a sooa and indefeasibLe estate i fee, and hath�oo� ri�'ht to selL and convez� the same, and that it wiLL W�I RR✓�NZ'�r�d <br />+; defend the title to saicl ,�remises unto the said�rantee,.......................................heirs and assi�'ns forever �ainst�e lc�wf L cLaims of a�L persons whomsoever <br /> f E�G�`�EPTING, HOWEV.ER, a7,L_ta es ass ssm�nts 7evied upon suid T°e ises since_�........��.1�. . .. _ ..:�x.���s.�4..`gand ' � <br /> _ , , <br /> ........ <br /> -er anczcmbrances created or saad....L.��-f���� . .. ....-----�-�-�---�--------�...._.........---��---��, <br />�'�or'`a�sns, ..............�---........--��-----..............._._.......:........_......_.....---...---��-------...----�----------------........----�-...--�-----�-��---..........-•-----�--------�-------•----•--...........---...-----..............----��---...---.....-•---------•-•-•-----••-------._.----- <br /> AN�WHEREAS,said UNroN PaciFra Itnrr.ROnn G�MrAxY did,on the sixteenth day of April, A.D. 1867,execute and de iye�r �o0 Cyrns H.MeCormick,of the City of New York,�nd John Duff, of <br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortga�e Deed of,ihat date,which deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of...................�d..C�L�.....................................Connty,in the kitate of Nebruaka, wherein said <br /> Company conveyed to the said CyruR H.McCormick and John Duti',as Trustees,for the uses tind purposes tharein mentioned,��nona others tl�e lands hereinbefore described; ANV�'VHEBEAS,the said Cyrae H. <br /> A��cCormick did cn ihe twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resian l�is place as Trnstee under said mortga�e deed,which resignntion was,on the fifteenth <br /> d�y of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by the Uxiox P�ciFic Rnu,ROAV CoMrnxY,b,y its Bonrd of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and State of Massaehnsetts; <br /> ANn WHE�tras,on the Sfteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'Laston,iu the State of Massachuset�g,wa.s duly noniiu:�ted by the remaining Trustee,John Dnff, as saccessor to said <br /> i Cyrus H.McCormick,which nomination was,on the same day, approved by tbe P,oard of Directors of the said UxtoN PACirtc RAir.xoAn CoMrANY; Axn WxFRE:�s,by such nomination and approval <br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof,tlierealter become vested with the same estates,powers, rights,�vd interests,and charged with tbe same dutiea and reaponsibilitiea,ae if he had <br /> been one of the original Trustees named in and egecuting,�aid Mortgage Deed; Axn WxE�tEas,said remaining Trustee did,by�u couveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.1873, �it the City of Boston, vest the same in such new'rrustee jointly with him,the s:�id John Duff; ANn�Vat�[t�as,the s�id John Duff did,on the fonrteenth day of February, <br /> A.D. 1877, by ti proper instrument of�vriting to tUat effect,resign his plaee us Trustee nnder said Mortga�e Deed,which resigna�tion wis,on the fourteenth day of Febrnary, A.D. 18'77,accepted by the <br /> U�rox PaciFtc ltn�r.�tonn CoairnxY,by the Execntive Committee of its Board of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that da�y in the City ot' Boston,And Sta�te of 1klassachusetts; Axn Wx�s�ns, <br /> no nomination of n successor to fill the vacancy.caused by t}ie resignation of said John Duff,havingbeen made, the s�,id Frederick L. Ames became,a�nd now is,the sole'Prnstee� AND WHEB.EAB� tha <br /> said U�ro�r.,Pnr�FF AY COMPANY�with the co s �t t--,t�qe"�i.stees for the time bein h rei }��r nan�etl, has sold avd conveyec�,as above set forth, the Re�l Estate hereinbefore deseribed, <br /> uvto t1S�'sai�';,gw� , or an in consideration of the so� ,to it m hand paid by the �abes,zv icTi�s:�id sum of money has been paid to�tuid Frederick L. Ames,by said Company in hia <br /> capacity as�'ruatee,or to sa d John Auff and said Fred ick L, mes,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H. cCormiclz and said John Duff, Trastees,for the uses�nd purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> ,�v1v ��ttrCfqlje, Know a!! Men by these Presents, that I, the said Fre�ln.ricTc .jK .flrrzes, remainin� Trusbee in the aforesaid JV�ort�'a�'e Deed, ire <br /> ,�clia.�ly a-¢��-u.°'�° <br /> co�isiderafion of the af'oresaid, premises arccl payment as �zforesai� of said�sum, so paad b� said Comprznz� to said trust furac�, of which I am tjae <br /> i remai�in�s�Tru�s�ee, ;�For the us s and purposes aforesaicl, do hereb�RE.MISE, REL�SE, and forever QUIT-�.fILM unto the said.................................................. <br />: .............��,.�a�:�r./1.�....���.?�sl......... -�--.------.---....------.----.--.-----------------------------------......the Real Estate clescribe� aforesaid, to be heLd by�t;�ae-se�-.�'n�zratee free ar�c� e.xempt from <br /> aZL Ziens, irccumbranees, anrl har�ses of said JVlort�a�'e D�ed,but subjee�, however, to aLd t,he reservatior�s a�d coraditions hereinbefore contained. <br />' �i� �ifn��� �h�reo�', The said 6rantor, the UNION PACIFIG RAILWAY GOMPRNY, lzath j-� ; � <br /> IN PRESEVCE OF � : a <br /> v causecl tlaese presents to be sealed with its corporate seaL, arid to be si�r�ed by its ; o �.� a <br /> '�'resident and TNe�zsurer, and countersi�sned vy its Land Commissioner and its : � �� <br /> „ f� / `n � � uditor,and the said Frederick L. �lmes, Trust e, has hereunto set his hand this :� <br />.' ..�..�..-J..��1.1.....�ls�..........�......�...................................... ' ��� ���1 � � <br /> . ................. ....�cZ�f"`�`_-----�--�-----....--��-----�----..._dai o .......:�-----...----�--.......--�-----•------.l�.D. 18.��.... � ` <br /> ���L� (/ /.� f�--�--- � . <br /> ----�----.... <br /> ., • � <br /> � . <br />, °w �� : <br /> 7�� _....... .--•--4����--- <br /> , �/, ' ..........................�------......�.�:�:..._.President. � <br />; � � `%/�G,d:-'�%�-= <br /> .............. ..........................._...� ���y . <br /> .............G`'�......... � ae ; <br /> _ i � <br />� .............�� I�---����.��ar�v�.�__......-�------��----. Treasurer. � : : <br /> � j : � <br /> � Trustee. � ` <br /> ti _.�-_........�'.�../..ud........ ..L�:�....---�................................................. <br /> . : <br />; �#ate nf ,�J�as�a�l��se##�, <br />; ss. � r� <br /> GOUNTY OF SUFFOLK. �e it �Eempm6er¢�, That on tbss...............���b��.....�................a�y of............... .............�..����ta;riaf.......A.D. 1s..�� <br />' before me,a Notary Public' ,appe�red the UNIOJT P�ICIFIC ItAILWAY COVIP„�,,�7Y, by�IIFS, its,�President, �nd S�it Treasurer, who are personally <br />! kno��n to me to be the identica�l persons whose namea are subscribed to the foregotng instrument a�s s�i�'President and Treasurer, �nd then tind there knowledged the execution and sealing of sa9d <br /> Instrument to be their voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of s:�id Company. And on the same day,likewise,.personally appeared e afiova named FREpERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trustee described in,a,nd�vho executed the foregoing Instrument,aud acknowledged before me tha�t he egecuted the same as Trustee as aforesaid, and for the uses and purposes therein set <br />; forth,and that the e ' �hereof was bis voluntary act and deed. ,y!c✓ <br />' °? �n �itn�ss � reOf, I have hereuuto set my hand and official seal this........�.......�........................................................................................................................ <br /> i . ... <br /> i - ' day of............... . . .............................................................................A.D. 18�:.`�.., at the City o Boston,in said Connty and State. <br />�; �-e_a-� �� � ��� . <br /> ..............�-�-�--------...��!!J.!�..---:_'_�:.---._..��,a..---�--��-----�-----------------------Notary Publie. <br /> 3 <br /> , , <br /> ;: ; <br />�! _ _ ___ ..------ : <br />