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�� <br /> `� ��'��� ��JC�� D �Do <br /> � ���� � <br /> _ _ __ _ ____ . _ _ <br /> _ ___ __ __�_______ ____ <br /> FROM � � ............ . <br /> � � , , Filed for reeord the..........._._.....��.._._�...........__ ......._................. .......... . . .....da� of <br /> ' � ......... <br /> vv�� UC � <br /> ................................................�.................................................. .............. <br /> ......_.. . ...................................� ----..........--- ........18.��......., at..(..j.� ._..o'eloek..--...��.....-JYl: <br /> ................................................_..................TO......_........................................................... X 1 <br /> �;%� <br /> °°--- ..........-- ...... ....................... _ ..... -.......... ....... <br /> � ._....° - °--°-� - <br /> ................................. Cour�tzJ CLerk. <br /> .............................................�:�.............' .....�G����— <br /> ...................... .......................................................... ........................................ <br /> . ..... ... <br /> ...... .... _... .... ...... .... ..... Deputy. <br /> __ _ __ __._� __��a __1.U.1��__��-- <br /> F°RM3739. THE UNION PACIFIC AILWA COMPANY. � <br /> UNION DIVISION--I�IYc,�`I�A�SF1�. <br /> Cl9�trs�c�.1V�.................................................. Re�cb.N�2....................................................... <br /> �n�a�u �Z� ���ert �� ��ie�e �1"re�ert��: <br /> That the UN/ON PAG/F/G RA/LWAY GOMPANV, wlzich is a Corporatio�z for•rrzed arzc7, c.xistir��' bJ t,he consolidation of the Kaf2s�cs Pacific Railway Compan�, <br /> the Denver Pacific IiaiLwaJ and Tele�!'ra�le Comp�T2y, and tlie Ufai,or� Pacific Railroacl Cotnparzr�, under the eor�orate r�ame an.d stJle of t,h.e UN/OrU <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, U� authoritz� of aTZ act of Con�'ress, esztitled, ".fln act to aid irz the corzst.ructiotz of a railrnad and tele�'ra,nh line from the <br /> .Missouri .RiveN to th.e Pacific Ocean, and to secz�re to the Gover�zment the use of the samn, for Posta,L, JtTilibccr�, and other purposes," appr�oved Julz� <br /> 1, 186�, and ucts amenda-torz� tlief�eof, wlaicl� sai� Compa�c� has succeeded to anr� become seized c�nd possessed of all the �•eaL estate aizd pro,rer•tr� of <br /> the said Coyzstitzcent Co�npanies, whether reaL, pef°so�2aL, or mi,xecl, and,, amorc�; other thinss, of alL the land aranted to saicl Union Pacifie Railroad <br /> Companz� by the rzforesaid acts of Cofz�'ress, iyz aid of the cons�t etio of '�s ro��d, not eor�i•er�ed awa�b�saicL Comparcz�at the/�ate of such eonsolidati.o , <br /> C -wit, Januar�y � , Z880,) in onsi eratior� of th sum of-----4'�... ... 2�`...���..�iz-.��.----.—..---..._�..�.� --- --.... (1� �.....� �_ <br /> � � .�?� � ..�!a--_.--'�o 1.�.�--�-G'-���-�--- ��-� ---- - --`�iYY . . �-r•- -----•-••---- <br /> , ,� ,� - a✓... ..�- <br /> °-- <br /> �' �� 'G�.�-°�--...,....����!.!.!l.x��....---.............. ... ..---......---- _...------....... Il�b�twrs, tB-L'�-�, the receipt o whaeh is hereby ackno led�'ed, <br /> �.�. .....�--���-:�. � y <br /> doth h�rebz; GR.�3NI; ��RG�I�V, S�LL,,C/[.N'D CONVEY', unto....:---�ivi�%z._.....z.1.°..�_ .�. . `--�---�--��--- �..................�-- -�--��-----------...---...-----�-�--.............................._......--- <br /> �-•-----------�----��.................................................... �- <br /> ...--...--......-............:...:...........�------..--,-_-a,t'Llz.e��o��e�'---�- ........._.. G'U. . . .,.. ....- ............_.......�`,a�t3a� 'S�e-�'---�------��--�----�---��---................. -...........----��-�-�--------��----- <br /> the followin� described ReaL Estate, sit ate, Z in� �c� vein,s irc the Countr� of....................�:.._..t'��..............................._................_arcd in the State of Nebraska, ancl <br /> deseribed as folLows, to-wit:--�-----��---...--�-��.......����-�?`.:..... ...�.�-.z�����.�..--- --...__.._ <br /> .....- - � ...........- �-��--....----�........ ......................................�--�-•--�----------._..-----------.......---�-----.........................._. <br /> j <br />� _................................................................... ................................................................. �---..........................................._................-- -...................................._..........---.....-�-------..................................................................................................................... <br />� <br />� ......................................�--...........�.............._..............._...._......_.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................---........................................................ <br /> k <br />� ............................................. ..................................................... ............._....._......_......._......_......._........._....._........._.............._...._......._..............._ - .............._...'......................................................---.........................::............................... . ....... <br /> ................... ............. .... ... , ...... ...........---....................... ....................................... ...... ...........��......................................................................................... . .... . . . . .. ...- --................... <br />' .. ......... ...... <br /> ...... ....... ....... � � � �-�-- ...... .. -- - <br /> .. ..... <br /> ....... ................... ........ <br />� of Section N ---.....--... . � -- . .. ....._.���`'- ...... -..._...._-� -..._ in Township No. -- __-...�. ....No th o Ran e J►'o.... .. . -------�/.../. � <br /> � �..-.-_-._...- � J� f �' <br /> of the 6th PrincipaL eridian, coyztaininss, accordin_ t.n t7ae U ited Strates survez� thereof �r�t .;.�.�v...v.r�r . oG. ------.- - --.-�� . �1...........-��`:... ... <br /> r . 'r-. _.." . _ ___.__..��. .......... ..... <br /> ----- ---------�------ ------�-�--- -��-- ---�-------- ---- - �'/ /� � � <br /> ---._.__,/�cres, mqre or less, . ., , . �;�P�-��'.. _� ���r�� ,�.��.,r?o-��C... �... -- �..j.�...-- . <br /> .... <br /> . <br /> ..... ... ......-� -�--�-�- -- �- <br />� �o'�tract No..��..�,�-�!� --_...��_.-!��.�.r�--�..'.'.'!..r.�..t:��uz..... dl�ec.�-........ �c,rr.�.c�G���.�..'.'..-"�_�C.. . .�.�:n�s-.�.l'/1�,19nM .._....,.,s„c,�''`�_ _. r.�.,4G„�?.���?u.r�!' �'`�� <br /> - ----- -- -- <br /> i �� 7� � • � ` --��-- �- --�• ---�---° -•-••• <br />� R tSERT�ING, HOWEVER, to the said UNION PAGIFIG RAl1W,4Y GOMPANY, aLL thab�ortiorL of the Lan herPby co v yed(i anz� such there be) which � <br />� lies withirz lines drawn ,vccrallel with,ar�d__.._....1�..�:................................huradred feet o� each side distarat from the eercter line of its road c�s now eonstrueted, <br /> and anr��'reater width when necessar� permafze��LJ to include a�l its cuts, embar�kments, a�d ditehes, and ot.her works neeessary to secure arcc� <br /> protect its rnair� line. Q • <br /> This conver�ance is also upon the eondition that the said�'rantee hereiro,.._.....:�!�.................................hcirs, administrators and assi�'res shaLL erect and <br /> maintair� a lawfuL fence bebween that portiorz of the premises herebz� conve�ed, adjoinin�' the road of saic� Company,(if an� such there be,) arid the <br />� road of said Company upon a line.............�:?:-!�.c.,.........................hundred feet distant from the eenter line of sueh roacl, an,d parallel, therewith, in all eases <br /> ir� which such fertce is requirerZ bz� law, or maz� be required bz� said CompaT2z,J. / , <br /> TO H.�2 VE .,1.N°D TO HOLD the said premises with all the ri�'hts asad appacrter�ances thereunto beLon�'ins urcto the saicL�'rantee,_.._..1'l�........:..........._ <br /> Ij heirs and assi�'ns forever, ancl the said�'ra�2tor doth hereby covenant with the said �'rantee, that at the makir�s of this instrument it is well seized, <br /> f of'tlze said ,rorem,ises as of a soocL ancl indefeas�ble estate i��fee, ancl hath�'ood rissht to selL and conve� the same, aizd that it wilL W:,4Z�R�N7'ared <br />' defend the title to said unto the said�sran,tee,....:��v.,:�......................heirs and assi�'r2s foreve�a�'air�st the LawfuL cLaims of aT,L persons whomsoever, <br /> E.X'CEPTING, HOtiV'.EVER, al,l taxes ar�d assessments levied upon suid premises since.......:�!�:r�-...�.'Y...../.b�1..5,...........:...........av�d e�c�zt �ast r <br /> ri c�' c»� <br />' ....................�----..........................----......,....---...-•-�----�---�--�---•------------.or ----.........-�-----..sicccessors, <br /> ���ox i>ac�a�r�lr,ra�ec�ss c�ecbte�l ok�,zr�•fie,it�ed b�r, tlC�or,n�'1�, o� uYad�x s�i�---------------------------------------- <br /> il�i�rs, dsr assn�fas, o�° a3a� o�tl�em---...- �................................................�--...._.._..---.....---.......----...---�----- �----�-----------............---.................----.....-•---��-�------•-----------------•......_........-----....----��---�............................-----�-------•--...._.._�---•------ <br />� AND WHEREAS,said UNiox PACiFre RAii,ROAn ConzrAxY did,on the sixteenth day of April, A.D. 1567,execute a�t el'v r to Cyrus H.McCormick,of the City of I�'ew York,a�nd John Duit; of <br />' the City of Boston,a�certaiu Mortgage Deed of that date,which deed is recorded m the office of the County Clerk of............�!�.t..�.-�...��.............................................County,io the State of Nebraska, wherein said <br /> Company couveyed to the said Cyrug H.McCormick and John Dut�,as Trustees,for the uses tind purpose.5 therein inentioned,amom�others t�e lands hereinbefore described; Axn��HEREas,the said Cyrus H. <br /> McCormick did cn the t�venty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrnment of writing to that effect,resign bis place as Trustee under sa�id mortgage deed,which resign�tiou was,on the fifteenth <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,nccepted by the Urriox PACtFic 1LAir xoAn CoMraNY,by its Eoard of Directnra,�t a meetin� thereof held on that d�ty in the City of Boston and State of Massachusetts; <br /> Axn\�x�itEAS,on the fifteenth day of'October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'L+'aston,in the State of Massachusetts, was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, zs suceessor to said <br />� Cyrus H.McCormick,which nomination was,on the same d�y, approved by tl�e Board of Directors�f the said UNrox Paciric Rnir.�toAn CoAtraxY; ANn WxF&Eas,by such nominatiou and approvai <br /> f said lirederick L.Ames did,npon his acceptance thereoY, theretiiter become vested witti the same es ates,powers,rights,and interests,nnd charged with the same duties and respousibilitiee,as if l�e had <br />� heen one of the original Trnstees named in aud executing,�aid 1VZortaa��e Deed; �Nn WH��tEAS,saia rem�inivg Trustee did,by�,conveya�nce,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.11.1873, at the Cit�y of I3oston, vest the sa�me in such new Trustee jointly with him,the sa�id Jofin Duff; Axn WaEaFAS,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February, <br />' A.D. 1877, by a proper instrument oi writing to tt�at effect,resign his place as Trustee undor said Mortnage Deed,which resignation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1g77,accepted by the <br /> U�TON PACrFtC 1ZA1LROAn CoNtrr�x�',by the F.xecntive Committee of its Poard of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on th�,t day in the City of Boston,and Sta�te of Massachusetts; AxD WxER�AS, <br />` no nomination of'a successor to fill ti�e vacane�,c�t�sed Uy tl�e resignatiov of said Jobn Dnff,baving been made, the sa,id Frederick L. Amea became,aud now is,tbe sole Trustee� AND WHEREAB� the <br /> said Uxio �ciric��n[LwnY CoMrnxY,with tbe ns nt�t� tt�ve4'ul'r}lst e�[ or the time beiu;, einbafpre nained, has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,tbe Real Estnte hereink�efore described, <br /> unto the sa�;fiY�d iv considerltion of the�ia��sa3d,to i�in nc`C�aid by the sai Ef��i�h s:�id sum of money btis been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Company in bis <br /> capacity as Trustee, or to said John Duff and said I'rederick L. Amea,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and stiid John Duff, Trustees,for the uses and purposes in sa�id Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �a1v ��t�1'efOtjC, Know all M,en by these Presenis, that I, the said Fi�erlericic .!1 e�,,�,�remai��' Trustee in tlze aforesaid Jllort�'agse Deed, ir� <br /> considerafion of the af"or°esaid, premises and paz�lnent as aforesaid of said s�m�paid�saacl Compar�y to said trust fund, of which I am tlae <br /> remainin. T tee for he uses an•d ;�ur�oses aforesaicl,, clo her�ebr�RE.MISE, RELI�ISE, arad forever UIT-CL�LM unto he saad.....................:............................ <br />' ��i���,L_....�.. .. �-------- ................��----�� ---....--......- ---� --....tlze ReaL Estate cleseribed aforesaid, to be�eld br�the saicL��free arcd exempt from <br /> .... ---•• -...---...�..... <br />�� aZL Zier�s, iricumbrances, n char�'es of said, .MoNt�asse .Deed,but subjecG, howeve�, to aLb t,he reservatio�2s ar�d conditions hereinbefore cor�tainecl. <br /> �1r� �rfn���t �h�rev�; TTze saic� �'rantor, t.1ie UNION PAGIFIC RAILWAV GOMPRNY, hath ;� : � <br /> IN PRESE�C� oF causer� these presents to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be si�ned bz� its o ,a <br /> Presi,d e n t an d Tr e a s u r e f°, a n c� eo un t er si�'n e d br� i ts Lan c� Commissioner an d i ts ` a <br /> �-yV���a/��� .Fluditor,�cL the saic� Frederick L..flmes, 1'rust,ee, has h reunto set his hand this : � , <br /> .....�...�........,.--.......�........ ......... .............................................. j --.........- .............�--............. ._............ .._. ._ ... .._......._.........._........... . . 1 ........... <br /> /U!�-:���....; -- .. da� of_ ....�..�.� ./�D 8� ` \" �1 <br /> ; , � � � . : <br /> ' <br /> __-....---�-•----�- ------ ...- -�---•-...� ����..--� --.......President. � C� ` <br /> ................ <br /> • �/� e�_�° - <br /> ...........,.. .../��............_................... ......_..�vl......(,1....:...�?��-��-------•--..... Treasurer. � <br /> ... .............. .. � : <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> � : <br /> �L�iC ...... .. ........ . . . . z : <br />� � ���� � �� ° s <br /> � _......---- -..... � -.......... . ..................•----------..._.. Trustee. � : <br /> ��— � : <br /> �tate o£ ,i�a��a�h�tse##�, <br /> ss. � , <br />° COUN7V OF SUFFOLK. �3e it �€ememtzere�, Th�t oa tb�s.... :..�,...�.'......�..............�..............,..........aayA;t�........... .i�"��:;:::�...................................A.D. 18�. <br />, before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,�ppeared the UNION PACIFIC RAILW�IY COMPANY, by . ADAMS, its Presideut, anc�° S, its Treasurer, who are personAlly <br /> knoHn to me to be the identical persons who�e names are suU�cribed to the foregoing instriiment:�s s.tiid President and Treasurer, a�nd tlieii :�na tbere acknowledged the execution and sealing of eaid <br /> Instrument to betheir voluntary�ct and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of eaid Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally appeared the above named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trustee described in,aud who executed the foreooivg Insf,rument,and acknowled�ed before me that he executed the same as Trustee as aforesaid, and for the uses and purposes therein set <br /> forth,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act aod deed. � �1� <br /> �n '�{tn�s3 [ x¢of� T have hereunto set my hand and official seal this.......................... ........................... <br /> ............................................................................................ <br /> � .............................A.D. 18 .�,�'...1.�.., at the City of oston,' said County and State. <br /> � day of............. .�............................................. , <br /> ; �' ....��� . <br /> ........................ ...............�--..... . _._�21t�....-�-------------._.........-------.._Notarz,� PubLie. <br /> �- Q <br /> F <br /> _ _____. _ _ _ _ _ ..---. <br /> _ <br /> — <br /> i <br />