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<br /> ��O �y
<br /> � � D�J�j � �4��j J � ��D o
<br /> � ��� ���� J.� J
<br /> _. _ _ _ _ _._. _�. _ _
<br /> _ _ , __ .._ _
<br /> FROM �
<br /> .................. Filed for record the.......................��.............................................................� ......_........... ...........daz� of
<br /> �:�//l ��- "� i� -
<br /> ........>i..........:'............................................................................................
<br /> /� ...... . ..... ................y.:Y.z�..----...--....---� ......._Z8..�./........., at.---�� ................................. ......._.......................o'cloek...........y.�....JV1:
<br /> ............................................................................................................................................ /
<br /> TO
<br /> ... -- � - ............._.....- .................. ..........._....-° -................-°--°° °---
<br /> / Cour�tz� Clerk.
<br />' ............../�.. .. ._....-z...._......_�l��....._.............:::._ ...._....._YG�—............._ — �
<br /> ... ... ........... ... ....... .......c��2�i�r���--..........................................
<br /> ............................................................................................................................................ Deputz�.
<br />' Corctract No'.'�.�..�..�.-.......�. � Deed No....._��l����....�..............
<br />'i �n.az� �rr ��en �� �1ze�e �"a�e�ent�:
<br /> That tTie UN/0/V PAC/F/G RA/LWAV CGMPANY, whiclz is a Co�°�voraliolz formecl and, exr,sti,�z�' b� t,he consolidatiorz of tl�,e Kaizsc�s Pacifie Railway Compara��,
<br /> the Denver Pacifce Railwar� af2d Tele�'ra7�h Compc�ny, aizcl the Uraina2 Pari,fic Rail-roar'� Com,p�ctzz�, under the corpoNate name ancL st�le of th,e UN/ON
<br /> PAC/F/G RA/LWAY GOMPANY, b?� ccuthoritJ of c�n. aet of Con�Ness, erztitled, "./lrz aet to a,icl irz the eo�astruetio7z of a railroacl and telessraph Zir�e from the
<br /> J6lissouri River to the Pacific Ocean, ancl to secur� to the Goverf�,ment the use of the sarn� for Postal, JllilitarzJ, ancl oth,er ,r�u.rposes," a,t�provecl July
<br /> 1, 186�, aracl r�ets amend,atory tjzereof, whieh said, Compaiz� has sueeeeded to anrl beeome scizecL cencl possessed of alL the reaL estate afad propertz� of
<br /> the said Constituent Cvm,roanies, wlzetTier r°ea,l, ,roerso�2aL, or mixed, and, amons other t,hin�'s, of all the land �'i°anted to said Ur�ion Pacifie railroac�
<br />' Com,�an� b� the aforesaid acts of Con�'ress, in aid of the constr �or�of its ° d,not cona•e ed ccwaz�bz�said C rrzpany at the date of such eonsolidati-on,
<br />� (to-wit, JarzuaT°z� �/,�, 1880,) isz consideration of the sum of---�v��:L=�i-�/!'t:�"�Gt�.�.r.�G..-.--�.--�T�----��---���U�..............._._....------ :.....::.......- ---...-----...............--�-----....._
<br />' ------------------------------__..............-----.........------------..---.�...�...... Do�r•s, to it �aid, the receipt of which is hei°ebr� acicnowled�'ed,
<br /> ----------.-... � -...
<br /> ----�-- � - - --- -.:......... ..........
<br />,' doth herebz� GR.,4N'l; B�RG./�I✓V, SELL, .�ND CONVEY; un -..?��.---........---' --....°�5��........................... ..........
<br /> f --- .� f--� ' --��--��----------�.......................�-�� -
<br /> ...................��---� ..._�--�--- --- ��-� -....--........................---•-��--��---....o e Cou tr o ..._ ---.����...._- : .....:............ irc the State of-----�--------._..�..�..�z..%ov���.....--•-�------•----�----..
<br /> ............................•�---..
<br /> �-
<br /> the foLLowin�' described ReaL Estate, ' ate� l in a beire -in the Countz o ��.��.:.............................................and 'n the Sta e o Nebras7ca, and
<br /> y �� �1 � � f. ... ........ j � y � � /�! � ,
<br /> zc..�l����.,�.�.�....... : ....... .::....��u.......�2�._.��..�._�ti�.�-�-...(---� --�' �---�'�`r.-.-��.------�-��Y`�h.---�-- - �`
<br /> described as fg�ows, to-wit:- �................�7G. � ---`� ..........._... ... �,���---•�":......
<br /> ' �" � �' ��.�.-. �(�.-'`��..'`9.'
<br /> .............�.u............rr.L✓.......... .��°.....G�:ut. ....... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> /
<br /> ...... ....................................................................�......................................................_..............._.................................... ............-� ................................._..........---...--��----�---.....
<br /> ..---�...............................................................................................................
<br /> .......................................................................................................................................................................................... ........... .........
<br /> ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ......
<br /> ....................................................................................................... � ..........................;................................... .....
<br /> ......... . ...........................�-.................................................................--��---...................:....---�•----.............-•--� -�-- ..................................---...---..........:..............
<br /> ........... ................. . ......�.. ...........I,:�.............................................................. ..... .
<br /> .... , .....
<br /> ... r
<br /> r
<br /> �
<br /> d (
<br /> • ' ' - _.__</...... - ._........--� .. ........... o dz n o . . ..../. ...---...�Y��,�.C`.-:.........--
<br /> of Sectzorc No................. . .... .....(..`�J_ ..... .... .... .. _... -. irc Townsha� �'4 0. ... � N f Ran�'e 11 . ����.../ ,,!
<br /> f. .� . � . �� . . .�.vZ��... .� ...�.....�. .�------U-��-......................�--.....:
<br /> o the 6th Princz. al .Meradian, containaris accordan tn the Unated States survez thereo �'�-� �r� ... .� �
<br /> � 9 f--- ---�--� --
<br /> -----------------------------..--. -�--- --.- --. ..- -- .fleres, more or less, bezf2�' tT�g same premase�ontraeted to be sold tcr ... . ... .. ----- --...:... ..,-.:-- -� ----.---------------. �
<br /> .. datec�.---�--- c� ... ./...-:....../..��...--- � ---- --�-•---- .:..... .....
<br /> b� Cor�tract No......��/�_--�--°---- �-�--... .......... ... ... ........ �'°,<.�Y�.. �... ..-- '•+�- � -----•
<br /> RhSERVING, HOWEVER, to the said UNID,N PACIFIG RAILWAV COMPANV, alL tha�portion of'the antl herPby conveyed,(if ar�z� such'Ehe�e be) whi.ch
<br /> lies within lines drawn paralled with,arcd.....................@�.t..................__hundred feet ora each side d.istant from the cer�ter line of its roac� as r�oz� constructed,
<br /> and anr��'reater width zvherz rzecessarz� permanenfLr� to inelude alL its euts, embankments, ar�cl ditches, and other works izecessary to secure arcd
<br /> protect its main line. Q�
<br /> This conveyance is also zcpon the eor�dition that the said�'rantee hereirc,...............`�!.?�a.�..........._............:heirs, administrators ancl assi�'ns sh�zLL ereet anc�
<br /> maintain a lawfud fence beEween that portiore of the premises herebz� conve�ed, ad,joinin� the road of said Companz�, (if any such the-e be,� �znd the
<br /> , , �..
<br /> road of saicl Companz� upon a lane.........................<.n�-.............hundred feet �istant fi°om the eenter line of sueh roc�d, an,c� paralleT, therewath, z#�.,�ll eases
<br /> iro which such fence is required b� law, or maz� be required bz� said Company. '
<br /> Z'O H./�VE �4ND TO HOLD the saicl prern,ises with all. the rights and appurtenanees tlzereunto beLoiz�'in�' unto the saic��S'rantee, ........�° .................
<br /> heirs aj2d assi�'ns forever, azzd the said srantor c�oth hereby cover�ant witlt tTie said �'rantee, that a6 the makiress of this instrument it is welL seized
<br />�I of'the said premises as of a�'oor� and i�defeasi.ble estate in�„aszcl hath�ood i°i�'ht �o sell and conver� the same, arcd that it will �'✓IRR✓1NT and
<br /> defetzd t7ze title to said prenzises unto the said�'rantee,._._.,......_.. �v...........:..heirs anc� assi�'ros forever �sair�st the la�ul claims of ul,L �ersons whomsoever.
<br /> E�Y'CEPTING, HOt�'EVER, al,L taxes anc� assessments Tevied upon sai premises.s�a�y�-... ........... �?� ......1.....-.:.1..���..................and e.xcnvt a�'ainst arzz�
<br /> ----
<br /> �lainws o� incumU��ar,�ces created or permitted b�, throu�'h, nr under said....... . . .. .. ..:..�Y..-.......��:�.���......................................_............_.or......:��......successors,
<br /> heirs, or assi�'TZS, or an� of tlz�m....................................................�--.......---....---��--�-�-�------..............-��---���--�-----------......._...----��--��---�---...........---�------------��---�---------........--�--�--.....--��------��----...----�----............._..._...-----�---.....---------------•--
<br /> I AND WHEREAS,said Uriiox PACiFra F{AiLROAn Co:�zrANY did,on the sisteenth day of Api�i3; A.D. 1867,execute an �,�e iv�er�/to Cyrus H.McCormick,of the City of New York,a�nd Jobn Duff, of
<br /> j the City of Boston,a certain Mortgage Deed of that date,whicb deed is recorded in the og'ice of the County Clerk of..........�c�.��.�.L:t�.........................................County,in the State of Nebraska, wherein said
<br /> r
<br /> f Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.bTcCormick�;nd John Duff,as Trustees,for the uses tind purposes therein mentioned,among others tl�e lands hereinbefore described; A17n FVx�RFAS,the said Cyrus H.
<br /> McCormick did on the twent�-eighth day of Jnne,A.D.1873, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign t�is place as Trustee uudersaid mortgage deed,which resign�tion was,on the fifteenth
<br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by tlie Uxiox PACiFiC RArr.xoAn ConralvY,b,y its Botird of Direct�es,at a meeting thereof held on that dny in the City of Boston and State of Massachusetts;
<br /> A1vn WHEttEAS,on the 8fteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'l:aston,in the State of Ma�ssachusetts,was dul,y nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duf£, as snccessor to said
<br /> Cy�rus H.McCormick,which nominntion was,on the same d��y, m��proved by the 13oard of Directors of the said Uxiox P.�CZFTC RnIT.�oAn Co:�1rAx�; Axv WxFxE:�s,by such nomination and approval
<br /> said 1�rederick L.Ames did,upon I�is acceptance thereof, thereaiter become vested with the same estates,powers,rights,and interests,and charged with the same duties aud responsibilities,as if he h�d i
<br /> been one of the original Trustees named in and execnting,�aid Mort�;a�e Deed; Axn`�xF�,�as,s�uid remaining Trustee did,by n conveyance,proper and ef�ectual for that pnrpose,dated on the twentieth
<br /> day of October,A.D.1873, at the City of Boston, vest the same in snch new'Prustee jointly with l�im,the said John Duff; Axn Wg�[tEns,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February,
<br /> 'n trnment oi���ritin to that effect resign his place as Trustee undor said i�Tortnage Deed,which resignation was,on the faurteenth day of Februarq, A.D. 1877,acce ted b the
<br /> A.D. 1877 b �u ro er i s g , P Y
<br /> , Y P P
<br /> Usiox PnciFic 1Zn�r.xoAn ComP,�!�Y,by the Txecutice Committee of its �oard of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston,and Sta�te of Massacbusetts; Axn Wx�Rrns,
<br /> no nom;nation ef'ti successor to fill the cacancy,cnused by the resignatiov of said John Dnff, liaving been made, the ��,id P'rederick L. Ames became,a�nd now is,the sole'Prustee; AND WxER�AS, the
<br /> said UNrov PACIFLO ItACr.w�Y Co:vir axY,with tlie co�iseut of tl�e Trnstees for the time being,hereinbet'ore na�med, h�s sold and conveyed, as above set forth,the Real Estate hereinbefore described,
<br /> unto tUe said�rantee,for and in considerntion of the snm�foresaid, to it in hand paid by tlie said gra�ntee,�vhieh s�id sum of inoney has been paid to s�uid Frederick L, Ames,by said Company in his
<br /> capacit9 as Trustee,or to said Jotm Duff and said Frederick L. Ames,Trtistees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and s�,id Tohn Duff, Trustees,for the uses�,nd purposea in said Mortgage Deed mentioned.
<br /> �otu �lt�rrfo�r, Know a!/ /Vlen by these Presonis, that I, the said Fre�lericic I. ./1mes, rerazaireirt�' Trustee ira tlze aforesaid JVlort�'aSCh'e Deecl, irz
<br /> considey°afiorz of the af'oresaid, premises and payinea�t as aforesai�� of sai� sum, sr� paicL b� said Comp�r�z� to said trust fun,d, of which I am the
<br />' i°emaananr� T zG• , fc�: #h0, ses and purposes aforesaic7,, do hereb� REJVIISE, .RELE./1SE, arad fnrever QUIT-CL./�IJIT unto the said................ ..... .....................
<br /> �,�/�/�j ��%.... .......... ... ... ....the ReaL .Estat,e cleseribe�' �tforesaid, to be heL� U�the saicl sraTZtee free ar�c� exem t rom
<br /> ......�.o ...: _.. � .-'C���,��-- .__ ,� ra P f
<br /> aZl lie�L�,;'incumbrarcces, ar�cl charSses of saz'c7, J�lort�a�'e Deecl,but suUject, however, to aLL t,he reservatioias and con�itions hereinbefore containecZ.
<br /> �, �/tj �'rfng�trt �'lt�ren f�; The said s Na-ntor, the UNIOM PACIFIC RAIL INAY COMPANY, hath ;� : w
<br /> IN PRESE�CE OF �czused tlzese presea2ts tr� be sealed with its corporate seal, arzd to be si�ned bz,/ its ; o ' a
<br /> PT°esiden,t arcd Ti°easure�^, and countersi�sned b� its Land Commissioner and its � 'a
<br /> ,� � .fluditor rzd the aid Fredericic L../�mes, Trzcs ee, has hereunto set his har�d this '� �
<br /> � � /�;' , .�
<br /> .
<br /> ........:::....�....✓..`Y,.�����c?-��............................. i C/�.��G��� `
<br /> ........... ... -- -....-�. ............ .. ------�-��---.........daJ �f----.... . .... ...........�..---------......------- �.D. Z8.�,�.. : :
<br /> W ' '
<br /> '�i�v E :
<br /> ............... ..... ....�----�--� �-�---��-�----�---�-��---����.----........President. � G
<br /> ,
<br /> � , . � �
<br /> �' : :
<br /> ..G�.�-�'%2�... �._ ':............................................... 1 : .
<br /> /R-�,�,C, .. .. --��.............. . ._.........�`!�.�.��---�--�-�-�------...---. Treasurer. � �
<br /> o ��:
<br /> � �' -........�./_?:�..�'.-�....._�......G;��?�,z/.--�....................... Trustee. � : ;
<br /> �#ate n£ ,iJ�a��a�h���et#�, -- -- �
<br /> SS. ,
<br /> GOUNTYOF SUFFOLK. �� it �cutem6ere�, Tn�t on this......,i���.............................._........................day of..............�.........:...:.....................................A.D. 18�..�....
<br /> before me,a Notary Public in a,nd for s�id Couvty,tippeared the UNION PACIFIC RQILW�.Y CODIPANY, by C. F. ADdMS, its President, and IAME G. HARRiS, its Treasurer, who are personally
<br /> kno«•n Lo me to be the identica�l persovs whose names are snU;erihed to the f'oregoing instrumr,nt:�s s.Lid President and Treasurer, a�nd then and there acknowledged the execution and sealing of said
<br /> Instrutnent to be their volnntar,y act a�nd dezd,and the volunta,ry act and deect of said Company. And on the same day,likewise, personatly appea�red the abova named FREDER(CK L AMES,known to
<br /> me to he the Trustee described in,�nd who executed the foregoing Instrument,and acknowled;ed before me that he execute�l the sa,me as Trustee as aforesaid, and for the nses and purposes therein set
<br /> forth,and that the execution thereof was l�is voluntary act a�nd deed.
<br /> �n �'stness �h��fl , I have bereunto set my b$nd and offici�l sea,l tbis.................................................................................................................................................
<br /> day of....................... ../.1!1�.......:..................-...........................-----.A.D. 1S��..., a,t the City f Boston,in said County and State.
<br /> . �} .
<br /> -�..................�------�------�------......._1'��-���----. ..-�------------�--....._.�Notarr� Publie.
<br /> � �
<br /> _..__ �.,�.. ��_ _ ___,_ ,__� __
<br /> .
<br />